The Ranch – Chapter 3 (Jessica) [MF][Rough Passion]

I bounced in my seat as my old blazer rattled down the gravel road that led back to the ranch. It was nearly two in the morning, and the road was pitch black. Had I not made this drive close to a thousand times, it would have been a bit spooky.

My father’s ranch was technically in the small town of Brighten, but if you wanted to have any fun, you had to venture the next town over to Danton. I had gone to meet a few of my friends at a silly theme club named Rockin’ Rodeo. Large dance floor, loud country music, pool tables, that sort of place. The crowd was a mix of college students who went to Danton Community and a few middle-aged locals. I liked the vibe. Plus, it didn’t hurt that the doorman and bartender would sneak some vodka into our club sodas.

The plan was to spend the night with my best friend Crystal, but after an evening of hearing about their big plans when they left for college in the fall, I didn’t have the heart for it. Everyone seemed in such a hurry to leave Brighten. I loved the little town, for the most part, anyway. My main problem was that I was craving something else, but I wasn’t sure what it was. Adventure maybe?

The sparse trees were left in the dust of my Blazer as I reached the clearing of the ranch. I saw the bunkhouse ahead to my right. Corey’s old Dodge wasn’t out front, which meant he probably went into town for a few beers. When he did, he usually stayed out all night and just got a room at the motel which was within walking distance from the single bar in Brighten. I wondered if Jack had gone with him.

I slowed as I passed the bunkhouse. The faint glow from the old television inside shone through the edges of closed blinds. I thought of Jack, sitting alone inside, and my body tingled at the thought of having the place to ourselves. I hadn’t seen much of him since our riding lesson. My father had kept both of us plenty busy. No doubt by design.

I killed the lights on the Blazer and slowed to a crawl, parking on the opposite side of my parent’s house. I stepped carefully down from the driver seat onto the dusty ground. I was glad I had chosen boots instead of heels, even though they didn’t quite match my red dress.

As I approached the bunkhouse, I heard voices from the television inside but nothing else. I wondered if Jack was asleep. I knocked softly and then heard footsteps moving across the wooden floorboards inside. I stepped back and smoothed my dress which barely covered the middle of my thigh.

When Jack opened the door, he looked surprised to see me. He was wearing shorts and a white v-neck that hugged his muscular chest. His arms looked as though they might pop the seams of his shirt at any moment. “Oh, hey. I thought you were Corey,” said Jack.

“I was hoping for a better compliment than that,” I said, playfully frowning. “Can I come in?” Jack peered around the door frame into the darkness as though he was waiting for an ambush. “I’ll take that as a yes.” I stepped inside, brushing past him as I entered.

“You really aren’t going to make this easy on me, are you?” asked Jack as he quickly closed the door behind us.

“Nope,” I said with a smile as I sat on the couch. “I’m used to getting what I want.” On the small, battered coffee table sat a bottle of whiskey with a small glass with a finger’s worth of the gold, pungent liquid remaining inside. “It looks like quite the party you’re having.”

Jack laughed and shook his head, running his fingers through his shaggy brown hair. He had a couple of days worth of stubble on his face, and it made him look like a rogue from some cheap romance novel. “What do you want, Jess?” he asked.

I smiled back at him, “Can’t I just stop by to say hi every now and then?”

“You? Never.”

I shrugged my shoulders and leaned forward, giving him a glimpse of what lay beneath the low-cut red dress, and picked up his glass. I took a small sip, leaving my red lipstick on the rim of the glass. The liquor was strong, but I did my best not to gag in front of him. “Since you aren’t going to make things easy on me, I guess I should return the favor.”

“That sounds like a deal,” I said with a sly grin.

“Stand up,” commanded Jack. All sweetness and hesitation had vanished from his voice. It wasn’t a request. It was a direct order and one that I complied with before I even had a chance to think. Jack slid around me and took his seat back on the couch. “Turn around.”

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I wasn’t used to being talked to so harshly by a man that wasn’t my father. I turned as directed, facing the television. “Does your father know you go out dressed like that?” asked Jack. I shook my head. I was going to give a better explanation, but I felt his hands on my thighs, squeezing them as they traveled higher and higher. I bit my lip, savoring his touch.

Jack’s hands reached my slender hips, and then I felt his firm hand land against my ass, a loud smack filling the room. I yelped quietly, a bit shocked, and turned my head to see if he was going for another one. “Did I tell you to turn around?” he asked.

“No,” I said in a whisper, my head snapping back around towards the television.

“Do you like being told what to do?”

“I like it when you tell me,” I said in a hushed voice. I couldn’t have spoken louder if I had wanted to.

“Get on your knees.”

I obeyed, sinking until my knees came to rest on the hardwood floor. I could feel Jack standing behind me, and then he walked around into view. He looked so powerful, and at that moment, I wanted nothing more than to please him. “Open your mouth,” he said. I wanted to look up into his brown eyes, but I resisted. I parted my lips and held my mouth open for him. I could see the bulge of his beautiful cock already growing, and it excited me in ways I didn’t think were possible.

Jack gently put his hand on the top of my head, taking a fist full of my blonde hair before sliding two fingers into my mouth. I didn’t move. “Good girl,” he said. The praise only encouraged me to earn more. “I want you to remember, Jessica, I tried to play the nice guy.” Jack slid his shorts down, freeing his thick member. I yearned to taste him, and I got my wish.

His cock filled my mouth, and he slowly pushed to the back of my throat. I started to gag, but he only went further. My lips wrapped around him as his grip on my hair tightened. A brief moment of hesitation gripped me. He thrust harder and harder into my mouth, and I held on to his thighs for support. I could taste his lust on my lips, and it drove me wild. I wanted more. “Do you trust me?” he asked.

I couldn’t speak but nodded my head yes. I had only known him for a short time, but it was true. I did trust him. When I was around him, I felt safe and secure, even from this most vulnerable position.

“Good,” he replied with a growl. His strong hand let go of my hair but was soon wrapped around my neck as he pushed me backward. I shrieked as I fell, but Jack caught me before I hit the floor. My head was resting against the seat cushion of the couch as I laid back, his cock once again in my mouth. He thrust hard. I felt my eyes begin to water and could feel the sticky wetness of my makeup running down my cheeks. Still, I wanted to please him, so I let him have me. I wanted him to use my body to release any anger or frustration he had built up inside.

Jack pulled his cock from my mouth and lifted me onto the couch. My face felt hot from the pressure he was applying to my neck, but I didn’t struggle. In one decisive motion, he slid the hem of my dress up and used his free hand to rip my panties off. The elastic snapped, leaving a welt against my skin, but I didn’t cry out.

After that, he was inside me. I hadn’t realized how wet I was until his cock slid into my dripping hole. I moaned with pleasure, and instinctively my thighs gripped him tight. Jack didn’t make love to me. He fucked me. He fucked me so hard the couch was banging the wall of the bunkhouse. My toes curled inside my boots as an orgasm ripped through my body. Never before had I felt so alive.

Jack didn’t slow down. His powerful torso flexed as he made his long, deep thrusts. I felt my eyes rolling back, and then I finally heard him grunt, releasing his satisfaction inside me. A bead of sweat dripped off his forehead and landed on my chest. His grip on my neck loosened and then fell away. My entire body shuddered as he kissed me gently on my forehead.

“I’m sorry,” he said softly, nuzzling my neck.

I wrapped my arms around his strong shoulders and kissed his cheek. “Don’t be.”
