“Miss Haley” Ep. 4

Note: [Series Start](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/12980w0/i_m22_received_a_special_graduation_present_from/) | [Last Episode](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/12fq5pm/miss_haley_ep_3/)


I wiped my mouth walking across the yard. I couldn’t taste my jizz, but the sight of it covering my former teacher’s bare chest was enough. The proof was in the pudding: I had crossed a point of no return. The hill had plateaued. All that was left was a downfall.

My parents watched me walk back in like I was a visitor. They looked at me like they “already knew”. I tried to play it cool as I walked by them, but they asked me where I had run off to.

I told them I went to go work on my manuscript, but they revealed to me that my car was still in the driveway. I stammered as I told them that Miss Haley was staying next door and helping me.

I’m a shit liar. The look my parents gave me showed me that without saying it.

“By yourself, with just her over there?” were the words that came out of my dad’s mouth.

I croaked out a yes, explained again that she was critiquing my novel, and took to the stairs whistling as if that made it even less suspicious. I thought I was in the clear until my stepmom called up the stairs.

“You just be careful over there. I know you two are adults, it’s just…just be careful. Her marriage to her husband isn’t the best.”

I fought against every ounce of my being to not defend myself against their low-key accusations. The truth was they were right. It needed to stop. For my own sake, for Miss Haley’s reputation. For both of our sanity’s sake. It all needed to stop.

The affair between my old teacher and I took a turn for the absurd as the summer dwindled. It became obvious it wasn’t some star-crossed romance built on love and respect. It was this odd connection between two adults who confessed their problems and then sexually pleased the other.

As our texting continued, it became more prevalent that Miss Haley’s unhappiness didn’t just end with her husband. She layered her texts with venting rants about my old school and how “unfair and disconnected” the administration was. Although she skipped over the details, her rants were always angry and vitriolic. Miss Haley never outright threatened violence, but something must’ve happened at school that pissed her off. She kept emphasizing to me that things “just weren’t the same” when I went there.

Then there were the random texts and even calls she would give me at all hours of the night. One time she called me up at three in the morning, asking if I had just called her. I groggily told her no and hung up before she could tempt me to come over. Another time, she texted me unexpectedly with a simple “Did you hear that?” I told my old teacher that I had no idea what she was talking about, and she never responded. Miss Haley then came back later that night with a full-page rant about her husband, revealing him to not just be a horrible spouse, but a cruel person who gets off by ridiculing and bullying his students.

Later on, Miss Haley texted me one afternoon, telling me she was alone over at her parent’s house again. I second guessed, then went against my intuition, and revealed to her that I was alone too.

No more than a minute later, she rang my doorbell twice.

Next thing I knew my old teacher was sitting me back down on the couch. Her hand grabbed my shaft with the same tightness as before and sucked it off with so much pressure I thought she was going to swallow it. Then before I popped, she stood up and nuzzled up closely next to me.

My left arm wrapped around her waist, and she propped her leg over my knee. The side of my face cradled into her breasts as she stroked my throbbing erection. I was expecting another deep-throat swallow, but Miss Haley stroked my load out across my stomach and chest instead. She continued to grip my shaft tightly in the aftermath. I laid my head back and breathed deeply as she giggled and softly pecked my neck with kisses.

We then exchanged another departing kiss, and she fled back for next door. I stood there dumbfounded in the doorway, watching her flee, as globs of semen ran down from the band t-shirt I wore.

Her ranting texts returned later that night. They centered back on her husband. How Mr. Guthrie was an asshole and how he pushed her into marrying him. A few texts later, Miss Haley changed the subject to snide gossip and goofy flirtations. It was all so sporadic and random that I struggled to keep up, let alone play along with it all.

It was a side of my old teacher that I never recognized. I always knew her as a mature and down-to-earth person; someone who was a coach and a mentor when it came to my studies and writing.

This wasn’t the same person.

It was some adult child who talked shit about her stupid students and sent me dirty talk responses when I tried to keep our conversations on books and college. Miss Haley had the personality of a vain high school mean girl, and it left me conflicted. I kept asking myself if she was always like this, or if something happened to her. Something she wasn’t telling.

A week later, I came home one afternoon from the gym. My parents were gone for the day, and I heard the knocking of fingers tapping on a glass window. I looked over from my house to Haley’s next door and found my old teacher waving toward me from her bedroom above.

Miss Haley wore a baggy gray t-shirt hanging just over her knees. She greeted me by rolling up her shirt, teasing me with a titty drop. But as the bulging underside of her cleavage began to weigh over her hands, she pulled her shirt back down and finger-waved me to come over.

I looked at her empty driveway and the closed garage door. It was a weekday afternoon, just after lunch. Our neighborhood street was dead; everyone was either at work or at school.

When I glanced back up, Miss Haley had disappeared from the window. Then I grew excited. The voice of reason told me to ignore it, just go inside, and lay low for the last few weeks. That all went out the window when I walked into her parent’s living room.

I was between my old teacher’s thighs thirty seconds after that, rolling up her shirt, and pushing my face between her breasts again. I didn’t know what the fuck was with me. Temptation and seduction are spells, and I was under Miss Haley’s (or I was just being a horn ball perverted idiot, so just make up your own assumptions here).

Her bare legs wrapped around my waist as my lips kissed and sucked hastily over her breasts. I had managed to pull aside her wet panties and bring my shorts down to my knees. Miss Haley spoke soft dirty words in my ear. She kept telling me how much of a good boy I was and said that only I could satisfy her, that her “happily married” husband was a prude shit with no libido.

Excitement flushed through me; my cock stiffened as I raised my hips. It was kind of messed up in retrospect how much I got off on that, but I was ready to penetrate and frantically hump my old teacher like a crazed rabbit. I was going to raw dog it, too, and finish up deep inside her.

Suddenly, the automatic garage door started groaning from outside. Our bodies froze in the silence of her house. We both realized it was her parents who had finally returned from Europe. It didn’t sit well with the image of them walking into the living room and seeing their neighbor’s son frantically flopping his bare ass over their adult daughter. And the realization of it being a twenty-one-year-old former student raw dogging his cock into her pussy wouldn’t end well, either.

Mr. Haley kept loaded guns somewhere in the house, too.

My old teacher let out a panicked gasp as the opening garage door stopped. She shoved me off the top of her with so much torque my baggy gym shorts fell to my ankles. I shuffled back, hopped awkwardly, and tripped over my own feet. I fell straight on my face like a goof, thumping off the carpet, and groaning. The hard thud made a hanging photo frame drop from a nearby wall — it was a picture of Miss Haley holding up her teaching degree.

That same teacher ran right past me like a rookie stoner about to be caught by the cops. She apologized and frantically ordered me to sneak out through the back sliding glass door. I was barely on my feet as she hit the stairs toward her bedroom. Her voice continued to bellow down the stairs, repeating the same order to exit through the sliding glass door.

The bang of her bedroom door followed and echoed out into silence. I was alone on the first floor and on my own as I yanked up my loose-fitting shorts. The distant sound of a car door opening and slamming shut sprang me into action.

I opened the sliding glass door and carefully slid it closed behind me. I tiptoed over the deck and made a beeline for the fence and hopped that sucker with my bare ass still hanging out. After stumbling around my own home, and jogging up to my back door, I breathed a sigh of both desperation and relief.

This had gone far enough. I was done. But little did I know I was in this until the very end.

To Be Continued.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/12imc0p/miss_haley_ep_4