The Ranch pt. 2 (Jack) [MF] [Consensual Passion]

When Mr. Bell hired me on, he had given one rule; stay away from his daughter. Sure, he had said with a smile, but he was as serious as a heart attack. I couldn’t believe only a few minutes after meeting Jessica, I slept with her. The attraction I felt for her seemed almost unnatural. Primal. I couldn’t explain it.

Since our romp in the barn, I had gone out of my way to ensure I didn’t run into her again. Just the thought of seeing her red lips and toned, curvy body again sent me into a fit of lust that could be described as nothing other than animalistic.

The hard part about avoiding her was that I lived and worked on the property. Most of Mr. Bell’s other workers lived in town and had houses and families of their own. I didn’t have anything like that. I was a wanderer. Since I was eighteen, the Marine Corps told me where to go, when to be there, how to dress, and what to eat. To be fair, I only served six years, but the transition still hadn’t been easy. I was part of a special forces unit, and when our covert campaign came to a sudden end in Afghanistan, my entire squad was handed their discharge papers. Men like me weren’t supposed to walk away from the military. We were supposed to die on the battlefield.

I took my dinner into the bunkhouse. It was a roomy wood cabin with a small kitchen and bathroom but no actual bedrooms. The five beds were separated by dividers that stretched all the way to the ceiling, but three of the five were empty. Corey Dillon stayed in the bunkhouse as well. He used to be in the Army and then got hired on by Mr. Bell a few years before me. He had plenty enough money to move out on his own, but he claimed to like the bunkhouse. To each their own, I guess.

There was a knock on the door, and Dillion got off the couch to answer it. Sitting on my bed, I looked up from my plate. This was the first visitor we had gotten since I had started a few days ago, so I wasn’t sure if this was normal or not. Honestly, I was really worried I had somehow messed up the fence posts I had been fixing earlier that day.

“Is Jack in? My dad wants to see him?” came a sweet voice from the patio. I didn’t have to see her face to know it was Jessica.

“Oh, yes, ma’am, he’s right in here. Jack!” Corey called, turning into the bunkhouse. “The old man wants to see ya. Guess you done fucked up now,” he said with a playful grin. I set my plate down and walked to the door.

Jessica was wearing tight blue jeans and a button-down shirt. The top two buttons were left unclasped, and I could see the bridge of her cleavage, though I tried my best not to stare. As good as she looked in her shorts a few days earlier, she filled out the blue jeans perfectly. “Hey,” I said, trying not to choke on my words.

“Hey, back,” she said with a flirty smile. Her cheeks turned a slight shade of pink, and I hoped Corey didn’t notice. “Come on. My Dad wants to talk to you.” She didn’t wait for me to respond before turning and heading away from the bunkhouse. Corey made no effort to hide his longing after her back was turned. He nudged me in the ribs with his elbow, and I shook my head, catching up with Jessica.

“Am I in trouble?” I asked, reaching her side. I could smell her scent on the wind like a bloodhound, sweet flowers, and vanilla.

“I don’t know. Did you do something to get in trouble for?” she asked. As she looked at me, a smile broke across her face. “I’m just kidding. You’ve been avoiding me like the plague, so I had to figure out some reason to see you.” Tiny dimples formed on the crest of her cheeks when she smiled.

My heart began to race. “Oh, well, I just thought it is best that we kept that a one-time thing. Your dad would kick my ass at best if he found out.”

“I seriously doubt that,” she said, playfully grabbing my arm. Her soft hands felt like silk against my bicep. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid of him. He’s all bark and no bite.”

“He was a Master Sergeant in the Marines. I’m sure he has bite enough.”

“How’d you know that? Were you in the military too?”

“Something like that,” I replied, debating on if I should head back to the bunkhouse or not. Though I knew what the smart move was, my feet disagreed, and I kept following beside her.

“Oh, how mysterious,” she said, nudging me with her shoulder. “My dad likes you, by the way. I overheard him telling Mama that he’s going to make a hand out of you yet.”

“Good. I’d like to stick around for a while.”

“I’d like that too,” said Jessica, her white smile nearly catching me in a trance. I had been so busy listening to the sweet sound of her voice that I hadn’t noticed we were at the barn. She gripped the iron handle for the door, “Are you gonna help me or what?”

All the blood rushed from my brain to a different organ, and I stammered as I found my words. “Look, I don’t think….”

Jessica laughed as she pulled the door open. “Easy cowboy, that’s not what I had in mind. You ever ridden a horse before?” I shook my head. “Really? The way you handled Lavender, I thought you had.”

“Animals and people are the same. They just want to be treated with dignity and respect.”

“Was that dignity and respect you showed me the other day?” she asked, buckling the saddle onto the back of Lavender. I felt my face turn red like a cherry. Jessica smiled as she climbed onto the back of her horse. “Come on. I’ll teach you.” She held a hand out for me to grab.

“Jessica, this isn’t a good idea.”

“Oh, stop being a pussy and get up here,” she said. Hearing such a dirty word come from that beautiful mouth stirred something inside of me. I took her hand and climbed onto the back of Lavender. Jessica’s back was pressed against my chest, my crotch nestled firmly against her ass. As the horse started to move, I gripped her hips for stability. “See, it’s not so bad,” she said.

We rode through the fields until we reached the top of a hill, the sun sinking low behind the pond. The sky was a wonderful mixture of pink and gold. Jessica pulled on Lavender’s reins, and we came to a stop. “Pretty, isn’t it?” she asked as we put our feet back on the ground.

The sunset was beautiful, but Jessica’s presence overpowered it. She sat in the dry grass and stared off over the horizon. I took a seat next to her and stretched out. “So you plan on being a ranch hand forever?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” I said with a shrug of my shoulders. “I don’t really do well with plans.”

“Me neither,” she said with a smile. “Most of my friends are going off to college in the fall, but I really don’t want to give all this up for another boring classroom.”

“I can see that. It seems like you have everything you could want right here,” I said, trying with all my willpower to keep my eyes on hers and not let them roam across her outstretched body.

“I think I do,” she said. She leaned in and kissed me, rolling her body on top of mine so that she was straddling me. Her fingers tips caressed my chest as our lips became one. I pulled away. “We really should stop,” I said.

“Are you sure that’s what you want?” Jessica asked, her hips subtly grinding against me. My willpower fell away in an instant. I wrapped my arms around her as our clothes came off in a flurry. She pushed against my chest, pining me onto my back. I could easily lift her off of me, but at that moment, I didn’t feel as though I had an ounce of strength left. She raised up slightly and guided me inside of her. Jessica’s eyes closed, and she moaned as our bodies became one.

She bucked her hips as I held onto her firm ass for dear life. It wasn’t long before she collapsed onto my chest, both of us heaving, trying to catch our breath.

The ride back was quiet as if shyness had taken hold of us. We unsaddled Lavender in the barn, but as we went to leave, Mr. Bell was standing by the front door. “What the hell is this?” he asked, looking furious.

“Daddy, what are you doing here?” Asked Jessica.

“I think you better explain yourself first, young lady. What was the one thing I told you when I hired you, Jack?” Mr. Bell asked.

I started to answer, but Jessica cut me off. “I was just teaching him how to ride. What good is a ranch hand who can’t ride a horse?” asked Jessica. Her confidence was convincing, and Mr. Bell spit tobacco juice onto the dusty ground as he thought it over.

“Fine. Jack, tomorrow, Corey will start teaching you to ride. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir,” I answered.

“Alright, well, it’s getting late. You should probably be turning in. You too, Jessica.” said Mr. Bell.

Jessica walked towards the barn doors. I kept my eyes on the floor, not wanting to be caught watching the sway of her hips. “Good night, cowboy,” said Jessica. I could feel my face redden again, but I knew it was nowhere as burnt as Mr. Bell’s.
