EST: The Outlaw Chapter 7 Ranger Jacob Part 1 of 10 (MF FF Violence)

“Where to, Professor” I asked Mai while she was looking at a map. This route was pretty well laid out with the signs that point the way to El Paso, Texas. It is not like we are entering another country or anything. “Professor, Umm, Mai? The border is cuming up fast” with all the usual signs saying “Welcum to Texas” that we just blew by. “This interstate is going through Amarillo” still trying to register with the Professor when it hit me. “I am going to stop in Stratford so we can stretch our legs” raising an eyebrow in her direction.

“Detour!” Saying this with such determination. “We have to stop by Stratford” I announced to Maria. “Back in the day” I began, though a little strange for me. It is almost like I do have some heritage with this group of ladies? “Anyway, back when this journal entry was penned” pointing to my backpack. “This Stratford was the only likely place to have been, though, back then there is little doubt that this was little more than a homestead.” Looking up from the map of the Republic of Texas, yes, for a few years Texas was its own country.

“Wait? What? How do you know so much about this particular town? And do not tell me you Googled it.” Sighing under my breath, “Cause I did the same thing and found that this little homestead did not cum around till two full years after. Stratford, where a man bought one hundred sections of land from the railroad. I do believe his name to be Mr. Norton.” Sitting proud of my recent knowledge of this place.

“Very good, so next time I will bring Google with me and leave you at school” giving my student a satisfying answer. “Before a town can be built a few things need to happen and with this town I do believe that both things have played out. First a train depot, just like what the Chicago, Rock Island and Gulf railway has in its history. Second and probably the most important thing is a homestead. Being out here amongst the rolling fields and gentle hills I would say that this would have been the perfect place for one.” Snapping my attention back to Maria. “In order for you to be cum an archeologist worth anything, you will need to do your homework. Buckle down not only for the destination butt every place in between.”

Feeling like the failure. My grandiose idea of being the first student to accompany a legendary archeologist on a quest to find her golden city was quickly falling apart, even though this is my childhood dream. The more Professor Blake chastise me, the less of an assistant I became.
Swallowing hard with tears threatening to burst down the corners of my eyes. “I.. I… am sorry” stuffing my whole life’s dreams into a little box and digging a hole in my mind to bury them. That is until I felt, taking a double take at what I felt, her hand. Professor Blake’s hand! Is resting on my knee giving a reassuring squeeze! Well a little bit further up my thigh and not exactly resting on my knee butt, have you ever been so horny that your cunt is getting wet from a lecture? Umm, that is me I guess. Sitting here being berated, dismembered one piece at a time starting with my only… “How cum, excuse me butt how cum you can lecture me, tearing me down till I feel like a naughty girl being punished for something that I did so wrong and yet!” Stopping right there, how far should I take this? Granted Mai Blake already knows about my… other side. The point where if her hand moves or does anything the wetness that I feel will soak my, “Oh shit!” Cursing under my breath. I have no panties on! It is just me and my short miniskirt with nothing else to, tOoo…
Stepping on the brake while my emotions are overwhelming my body. A tighter grasp, one that makes me want to open up my legs. “You, your hand” I stuttered. “Your hand!” As the CJ7 ground to a halt. “Your, your… (Nodding my head “yes”) yOoour hand!” Crying this out, shouting and whispering all in the same breath.
Hearing this from, from Professor Blake! “Cum, cum all over your pretty little skirt! I want to see what a slut that you are! A wet indecent fucking cum bag!” Her shouts berating me to the point of taking uneven gasps of air. My hands tightened around the steering wheel, my eyes blinking way too fast for the regretful tears that should be overwhelming my eyes.

Wondering why we are sitting on the side of the road, not just twenty feet from the stop sign on the highway to Stratford. “Is everything alright” pulling my eyes from my map. Having my eyes follow my arm to where it was at. Halfway on her thigh, no where near her… “Mmm, I would say that a good…”

A good, what orgasm, an incredible climax, how about me letting go into uncontrollable orgasmic screams of passion! That hand! Watching it throb against my skin. With each heart pounding beat of my heart! “Please, Oh please” I whimpered out loud. My voice becuming a mix of apology and sexual gratification. “Please!” Struggling for this last in, this last break before, before…
Feeling my stomach start. That roll you get every time a major O is about to hit you. One that has already been started. One that her hand! Yes, right there! I gripped it, held on to it! With all my emotional support willing it to be!
