My roommate and I masturbate together

Just to be clear I am a M and my roommate who just moved in a few months ago is a F. Oddly enough we both just got out of long relationships and ended up connecting quicker bc of that. About 10 days ago she came out to the living room where I was sitting on couch scrolling through Reddit with my AirPods in. I didn’t realize and she was more or less standing behind me while I watched clips of porn. She finally spoke up loud enough for me to jump in shock. I turned my phone face down and told her how embarrassed I was and that I was sorry. She downplayed and told me not to worry at all and that what I was watching was hot. Conversation took a turn and we ended up sitting in the living room and watching porn together. We were both constantly adjusting and getting uncomfortable. We decided that we’d masturbate but with the covers over us. Unfortunately when I was ready to pop I had nothing to cum into. In a panic I threw my blanket off of me and blew my load into an empty solo cup that was on the table in front of us. She watched as I sprayed a huge load into the cup and as I did she started cumming hard as fuck. So now we openly watch porn and masturbate in front of each other nearly every night. She just texted me and said “it’s Friday. I’m horny as fuck. And I want you to cum on me tonight”. 🥵🥵



  1. Don’t be like that one weirdo who put it in solo cups all over the house. It’s on a Reddit thread somewhere.

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