My Last Day With Dignity part 2 – Flashing in the grocery store [Blackmailing/Gaslighting] [Exhibitionism] [Flashing in Public]

Originally posted on []( by me

“Annie, Annie, wake up.”

Someone was shoving me urgently in bed. I rolled over trying to get away from the intrusive hand.

“Ughh, stop, let me sleep.”

Suddenly my sheet was pulled off me. Cold air latched on to my skin. I pulled my eyes open.

“Get up Annie, you are going grocery shopping with Mark today”.

It was Becky. She smiled at me with an excited and malicious grin.

“You don’t want to miss your date with Mark do you?”

Becky grabbed my arm and pulled me out of bed. I had barely slept, lying awake until probably around 2, thinking about yesterday, the shame and the excitement, and what else humiliating Becky would make me do today. I groaned as someone pulled the blinds open.

“What time is it? It is still dark outside.”

“It is 5.30, we will leave for the grocery store at 8, but we need to get you ready. We want you to be nice and fresh for Mark.”

A yawn assaulted my body, forcing my mouth open in audible gasp.

“But I am so tired, I barely slept.”

I could almost feel the malicious grin, followed by Becky’s mocking words.

“What, were you up all night masturbating thinking of Mark again, Annie? You are such a naughty girl.”

The two other girls in our room, Jessica and Freya, giggled from their beds.

The early morning jab jolted me awake.

“No, that’s not what I meant!”

All three girls laughed at my frantic reaction.

“Anyway, let’s see what clothing you have for today.”

Becky started rummaging through my bag again, tossing my wide full coverage panties to the side.

“Gosh, really, what is with the grandma panties, Annie? You really have nothing slutty whatsoever. Do you have any skirts?”

I shifted uncomfortably at the sight of Becky violating my intimate clothing once again.

“No, I usually don’t wear skirts.”

“She can borrow one of mine.”

Freya dug into her bag and pulled out a white frilly skirt out of her bag.

“Nice Freya.”

Becky was grinning mischievously as she looked at me.

“White and innocent like our little flower here. Well, she used to be innocent anyway. Put these on Annie.”

I slipped the skirt on over the light blue panties and white top I had slept in.

They were short, at least in my opinion, ending maybe a hand span over my knees. I could feel the cold morning air all the way up mid thigh. I felt so naked. This was why I rarely wore skirts. They were so exposing.

“Look at you Annie, looking all cutesy.”

Becky said with a smile. But then she frowned.

“However, they are a little long. Turn around and bend over.”

*W-what did she mean by that?*

I turned around and bent forward, looking back at Becky anxiously.

“As I thought, we cannot see your panties. You cannot flash Mark in those.”

“What?! You want me to flash Mark?”

“Of course,” Becky smiled maliciously as she walked over to me.

“No, I don’t want to do that!”

I whined, as Becky grabbed the hem of the skirt and folded it down several times, making the skirt shorter and shorter, making my heart sink deeper and deeper.

“You know as well as I do that you don’t have a choice. Besides, it is just Mark.”

Once she had finished folding the skirt she took a few steps back and looked and nodded approvingly. The skirt was now far up my thighs, more of my thigh was showing than was covered.

“But I don’t want to flash Mark, it is embarrassing!”

Becky made a circular motion with her fingers, ignoring my plea.

“Turn around Annie and bend over again.”

I did as she told, feeling horribly humiliated.


I heard Becky say and I could hear Jessica and Freya gasp and giggle.

I turned around and looked at Becky, opening my mouth to plead again, but she cut me off.

“Look, Annie, you are a slut on the inside, as you proved the night before and also yesterday, I know that you liked flashing Mark, and there is nothing wrong with that, that is just who you are.”

Becky stepped forward to me again and put her fingers in my hair, untangling it and setting it straight. For some reason her touch and words were soothing.

“We just need to unleash you, help you let go and become your true self. To do that you need to break out of your comfort zone. Since you are so unwilling to do so yourself, I am helping you, if by somewhat forceful measures. But it is for your own good.”

*And for your malicious pleasure.*

I thought to myself.

“Once you let go, Annie, you will be able to have the man you are pining for. You made good progress yesterday. Today we will continue reeling him in and work on your reluctance to do what is necessary to win him over.”

She let go of my hair and stood back to look at me again and smiled sweetly.

“You look so pretty Annie, you are such a hidden gem! It is a waste to not show you off more! Isn’t that right, girls?”

“Absolutely, Annie you look so cute! I am so jealous of your thin waist!”

“Yes, Annie you have great legs, I know Mark will love you in that skirt!”

Jessica and Freya exclaimed in turn.

My self-confidence rose a little with their kind words, although I suspected that they said it just to encourage me to go on, so they could keep having fun watching me make a fool of myself. As someone who doesn’t often get complimented, when I do get compliments they really go to my hea.

Becky leaned down and grabbed her towel and toiletries.

“Ok, let’s go to the showers, we only have from 6 to 7, then it is the boy’s turn.”


The showers were in a separate third building, in between the eastern and western barracks.

When you enter the building you first step into the changing room, then at the other end of the changing room there is another doorway that leads to the showers.

The four of us were the first to arrive at the showers and we started getting undressed and wrapped ourselves in our towels to step into the showers.

Just as I was about to go into the showers, Becky called out.

“Wait Annie, remove your towel. I need to see something.”

I felt a jolt of shock and anxiety through my body and tensed up. Becky wanted to see me naked?

“W-w-what do you want to see?”

Becky looked at me disapprovingly when I didn’t immediately remove my towel.

“I need to check whether you are keeping your bush nicely trimmed.”

I felt embarrassment rise.

“W-why do you need to see that?”

Becky’s eyebrows furrowed even more disapprovingly. She stalked up to me and grabbed the hem of my towel, knotted above my modest breasts.

“Because one of these days Mark will see you naked and I need to make sure that you are not growing a massive jungle down there. Most guys prefer girls who keep it at least nice and trim down there. I will remove your towel now.”

I didn’t want her to see me naked. I already knew that she would disapprove. I felt so vulnerable and exposed.

But I knew she would just persist. I let go of my towel and allowed her to remove it. My heart was racing in embarrassment.

Becky pulled the towel down, undoing the knot, and the towel fell free into her hands, the cold air caressing the skin of my naked body.

Becky sighed as she looked at my completely unkempt crotch. I felt my heart sink.

“God, am I glad I checked.”

She looked up and into my eyes. I wanted to look away from her disapproving eyes, but I couldn’t.

“You have completely let yourself go, Annie.”

She turned around and picked something from her toiletries and then turned back to me. It was a razor and shaving gel.

“Have you ever shaved yourself before? Please don’t tell me I have to do it for you.”

“No! I-I know how to do it! I used to do it a few years ago, but since I never got on with any boy I stopped…”

I felt shame constricting my throat. Not only was I exposed to this horrible girl, but now I had also exposed how unpopular I was with boys. Becky looked at me with pity in her eyes.

“Please Annie, you don’t need to tell me the details, just get shaved. Clean shaven. The razor is new and unused. Keep them, you will just have to buy me new ones today.”

I put the shaving gel and the razor together with my other toiletries and took them and the towel and headed for the shower, feeling more ashamed than I had in a long time. Well really only since yesterday…


I had not been able to get the sexual frustration out of my system from yesterday and having to touch my pussy and feel the clean shaven skin after shaving reignited my frustration.

I hadn’t shaved in years and the novel feeling of water passing unhindered over my sensitive pussy felt so erotic and I could feel myself getting wet on the inside as well.

“Hold on Annie, What are you doing putting those granny panties on? You cannot be wearing them under that skirt.”

Becky said, looking disapproving again as I was putting on a fresh pair of panties.

“But I don’t have any other with me.”

Becky sighed.

“Just put the skirt on for now. I will bring you one of mine. I cannot believe I am going to have to waste one of them on you.”

“But…” I tried to argue, but was immediately cut off by Becky, who was sick of my whining.

“Just do it Annie. I promise I will bring them before we go to the grocery store.”

I nervously obeyed. It felt so strange to not wear any panties. I was unaccustomed to the nakedness that came with a skirt, not having panties as well made me feel like I was completely naked waist down, the skirt just being draperies to be pulled aside at any time.

We went back to the barracks, me feeling very nervous and naked, especially given how rolled up the skirt was. I could feel the cool morning air caressing my clean shaven vulva as I walked, turning me on further and making my heart beat fast with nervousness.

“Annie, why don’t you start making breakfast.”


“Yes, yes, I will bring them. Don’t worry.”

I went to the kitchen and started to take out all the things we needed. Some of the other girls in our class were already there and they quickly noticed my short skirt, some looking at me disapprovingly, others complimenting me with meaningful and knowing smiles. I felt so embarrassed.

They thought I was doing this to seduce a boy, but really I didn’t have a choice. Thankfully they didn’t know I was naked under the skirt!

Later Becky came back down. I had expected her to give me the panties as soon as no one was around, but she never did.

Finally there was a moment when nobody was around and I asked her quietly, but she just brushed it off nonchalantly.

“Ah, yes, I forgot. I will bring them next time I go up.”

My heart sank when she spoke. She was so dismissive about it.

The rest of the morning continued like that, Becky making excuses and I got more and more nervous. What if I had to go to the store in just the short skirt and nothing underneath? My heart pounded with anxiety.

7.00: “Oh I will get them after I have eaten.”

7.30: “I just need to do something first.”

7.45: “I will get them right when I am done here with the dishes.”

7.50: “Stop nagging me Annie, I will get them soon, we still have 10 minutes.”

At 7.55 the teacher entered our barracks.

“Annie and Becky, please come, we will leave soon.”

Becky looked at me nonchalantly and grabbed my arm and started walking towards the door.

“You heard the teacher Annie, we need to go.”

I grabbed Becky’s hand anxiously and looked at her pleadingly.

“But Becky, I am still.. You know… I don’t have…”

Becky turned around sighing, and looked at me with a malicious knowing smile.

“Did you not get the message yet? God you are so slow. You are not going to be wearing any today Annie.”

My heart skipped a beat. It was as I had feared.


She cut me off.

“If I had told you earlier you would have bitched and moaned all morning and I might have had to…”

She looked around to see if anyone was around, but no one was. Then she looked back at me sternly and disapprovingly, making me feel very nervous and anxious.

“I might have had to threaten you again with the video.”

She then sighed and continued.

“Look Annie, instead of making me threaten you every five minutes because you are nervous and don’t want to do what I tell you to do, just shut up and obey me okay? You are making me feel bad everytime I have to threaten you. You will anyway do what I tell you in the end, so just stop making me feel bad all the time. Now let’s go.”

With that, she grabbed my wrist again and pulled me with her.

Mark and Trevor were waiting by the car, the teacher presumably already in the car.

As we got closer, they noticed us and their eyes immediately fixed themselves on my very naked legs. My heart started racing from the attention and I felt lightheaded, almost stumbling if it weren’t for Becky still holding my wrist. I couldn’t believe I was showing off so much to them. Mark must think I am such a slut. I felt my face flush from embarrassment.

Mark thankfully looked up at my face after a second or two, seemingly having to force his eyes from my thighs. His sky blue eyes met mine, making my chest flutter with butterflies, and smiled widely and happily at me, passing a quick glance at Becky, who was smiling mischievously.

“Good morning girls!”

“Good morning Mark!”

Replied Becky. I was tongue tied, unable to say anything. I just stood there looking at Mark with my heart thumping away like a runaway train.

“I call shotgun!”

Yelled Becky as she ran for the front passenger seat, forcing Trevor out of his thigh-induced trance.

“Damn it, I wanted to sit in front!”

“Too late!” Becky called back before addressing Mark, smiling widely and mischievously.

“Please take care of our Annie, would you Mark?”

Mark looked from Becky back to me. Smiling friendly and considerately at me, but with a contemplating look in his eyes, again making my heart flutter.

“Of course. Do you want to sit by the door?”

“Y-yes please.” I said nervously.

We got into the van, Trevor sitting at the left passenger seat, Mark in the middle and me on the right.

I tried my best to keep my skirt from riding up when I got in, but it was useless. I tried to tug it down, but all it did was draw Mark’s attention to my naked thighs and the skirt, which was barely covering my pussy, making me feel even more nervous.

I looked up nervously to see what Mark was thinking. Did he think I was being slutty?

He looked back into my eyes, no hint of judgment in them, if anything he looked intensely interested in me and smiled hugely. The approving look in his eyes sent butterflies in my stomach again. Did he like how I looked?

“That is a nice skirt, I like it.”

“T-Thanks.” Was all I could stammer out, feeling exceedingly nervous and naked around him.

The teacher in the driver seat put the keys in the ignition and turned on the engine.

“Okay we will be leaving now. We will be at the grocery store in about 15 minutes. Do you have your lists ready?”


Mark and Becky exclaimed in unison.

The ride to the nearest town was a bit bumpy, the road being rather old and filled with potholes. Each time the car bumped, I was afraid that my skirt would flutter up and reveal my pussy to Mark, yet I didn’t dare to clutch at the skirt, not wanting him to know how self-conscious I was. It was so nerve-wracking.

I felt like I was on the bus all over again, except more exposed. I didn’t know what to say, I was so nervous.

I suddenly remember what Becky had said earlier.

*I do feel bad for you, I saw how nervous and anxious you were when you sat next to Mark on the bus. It was such a great opportunity for you to talk to him and flirt a bit. You are not a completely unattractive girl.*

Could I do that? I had already thoroughly embarrassed myself in front of him. Could I really embarrass myself any worse with my words? I looked up at Mark and spoke.

“S-so how was your day yesterday?”

Mark looked back at me and smiled, his blue eyes shimmering.

“It was good, I really enjoyed hanging out with you and looking at the sunset yesterday. Did you enjoy it as well?”

My heart skipped a beat. Was he referring to him touching my breasts and almost kissing me?

I had just said some polite phrase I first thought of, I didn’t think he would bring that up, although indirectly.

I felt embarrassment rise, but also something else. His eyes were so warm and friendly, seemingly questioning me for more. I felt warm and cold all over my body at the same time. I could almost feel his warm firm hands on my chest again.

“Y-yes I did!” I said without thinking. “I hope we get to do it again soon!”

*Wait what did I mean by that?* I felt so confused by my own words, did I mean it literally or did I mean having his hands on my body again? it realized it was definitely the latter, but couldn’t admit to that directly.

“I am sure we will get plenty of opportunities to do something like that again, we are staying for a few more days after all.”

Oh my god, what did he mean by that? Now his words were confusing me! If I agreed, did that mean I was inviting him to touch me more? Or did he mean it in a more general way?

I then felt his hand brush my thigh. It only lasted for maybe half a second. Starting mid-thigh, not far from the end of my flimsy skirt. He put his hand with his palm pressed against my thigh and his fingers on the inside of my thigh as he ran his hand the length of my thigh to my knee.

The touch was brief but instantly set my body on fire again, arousal roaring up. I could feel blood rushing to the folds between my legs and wetness was produced copiously inside me and I felt my pussy throb with desire. Realizing how close he was to actually touching me there made my heart beat even faster.

Nothing else happened during the trip, we just chatted friendly about nothing, I don’t even remember what, my head was spinning too from arousal for me to feel or think anything else, even my anxiousness seemed to be blown away by his brief but effective touch.

All I remember is that Mark was smiling at me the entire time with a glint in his eyes and I was warm all over and could feel a broad smile on my face that never went away.

It was only once we had parked and we had to get out of the car that I noticed it: my inner thigh was sticky wet with juices from my pussy.

It was both mortifying and arousing at the same time to feel the stickiness rub against my thigh and I could feel a string forming between my thighs briefly, before breaking, when I stepped out of the car.

I met up with Becky on our side of the car, Trevor and Mark having exited on the left side along with the teacher.

Becky stared at me with her mouth slightly ajar, a smile slowly forming on her lips in realization.

“What happened back there?”

I looked at her in confusion, trying to fight my way through my haze of arousal.


“You are blushing all over, your face and chest is all red. Did he do something I didn’t see or is all of this from just talking to him? You must have it really bad for him! Worse than I thought!”

Becky said, now smiling mockingly. I leaned towards her and whispered, feeling embarrassed, but also wanting to share.

“H-he… He touched my thigh…”

Becky looked incredulous.

“All of this over a touch on your thigh? Annie…”

She then leaned forward and whispered into my ear.

“You really are a slut aren’t you? Anyway, good job, we are making swift progress to getting you laid.”

The last few words sent my heart racing again. Was that where this was heading? Anxiety knotted my stomach.

“N-no, I-I am not sure if I am ready for that yet…”

Becky just snorted.

“What, are you a virgin or something?”

I didn’t need to answer that. My doe eyes and lack of answer spoke for itself.

“Oh geez, Annie…” Becky said as she brought her hand to her forehead.

“You sure make things complicated… Look, it is fine. Don’t worry about that, ok? You don’t have to do it yet and I will make sure it will go smoothly for you.”

“Hey girls are you coming?”

I heard the teacher yell from the other side of the car.

“Yes we are coming!”

Becky yelled back as she took my wrist and dragged me along.

The car ride had taken maybe 40 minutes, the research station being fairly far from the nearest village so the grocery store was fairly empty when we entered.

It was fairly small, but large enough that you could be out of sight of most people if you went through the alleys of shelves.

Becky still had her hand around my wrist and we were following Trevor and Mark, Becky presumably looking for an opportunity.

It didn’t take long for it to present itself.

We were standing at the corner of the store when Mark said:

“Let’s split up, Trevor, it will be faster that way. Why don’t you go and get the dairy products?”

“Good idea!” Trevor said before he left.

“Now is your chance!” Becky whispered to me.

I felt exasperated at her prompt. Did she want me to flash Mark now? The thought sent anxiety rushing through my body.

“What do you mean?”

Becky smiled at me mischievously.

“Turn your back to Mark and just bend over and pretend like you are looking for something in the shelves. Oh and don’t forget to spread your legs , make sure he gets a good view!”

My heart pounded hard against my chest. I looked at Becky with pleading eyes, hoping that she would have mercy on me.

“Please Becky, I don’t think I…”

I could tell that Becky was very displeased with me and gave me a stern look before interrupting me.

“What did we just talk about earlier, Annie? Just do what I say. If I hear you complain again, I will make you do something even worse. And don’t make me threaten you again.

My heart sank in my chest, there really was no way out of it. But this wasn’t like me, I would never do anything like this, not even if I was actually wearing panties! Mark would see my naked shaven pussy!

With reluctance and nervousness I turned my body away from Mark and bent over, my head level with my waist and spread my legs apart. My heart beat hard in my chest and I felt like I wasn’t in my own body anymore, like I was observing someone else through their eyes.

I looked at the shelf and pretended to be searching for something.

I felt a breeze on my exposed butt cheeks and pussy and I became aware once again of my wetness down there. Oh my god, he would not just see my pussy, he would also see how wet I was right now!

I felt heat all through my body. This was so embarrassing!

“Hey Mark,” I heard Becky say from in front of me, “have you seen the potato chips anywhere.”

“Yeah, I saw…”

He interrupted himself and I heard him breath in sharply. Oh my god, he had seen! He was looking at my pussy. I dared to look back over my shoulder and I saw his stunned face, eyes fixed staring intently and with exorbitant interest at my pussy and butts.

My heart pounded and I felt arousal soar through my body. Having him see my most intimate parts and seeing his eyes fill with such lust, turned me on endlessly. I immediately realized how dangerous this feeling was, but for some reason I wanted more of it.

“I… Uh…”

Was all he could manage before he composed himself and looked up at Becky, pretending he hadn’t seen anything.

“I think I saw them at the entrance.”

“Ah yes, I think I saw them there too! Thanks!”

Becky turned around and left. I knew that we didn’t have potato chips on our list, so I wondered where she was going. I stood up straight again and watched her leave. What did she want me to do now?

I turned around and looked at Mark. His face was flushed red and he was clearly avoiding looking at me.

The rush from flashing was slowly fading and I realized that I had not had enough of it. Something had awakened in me and although I realized that I shouldn’t do it, I was too turned on to think clearly.

I knew that one of the things on our list was frozen peas and at the far end of the alley, past Mark, was the freezer where they might be.

I walked past Mark, feeling very nervous as I passed him, but he didn’t look up at me, he was just staring at a can of beans, although it was obvious that he wasn’t actually reading it.

Knowing I could make Mark feel this way was such a thrill and I wanted to do more, but I was nervous of being too obvious about it. What if he thought I was a slut and didn’t like me?

I searched for frozen peas through the glass of the freezer.

*There they are at the bottom shelf!*

I opened the door and went down on my haunches. A thought crossed my mind.

*But if he thinks I am doing it unintentionally, he cannot accuse me of being a slut, I didn’t mean to after all!*

I went down on my knees and started to bend over and reach into the freezer. I felt a droplet emerge between my pussy lips and slowly make its way down my lips before it started elongating itself towards the floor.

*Oh my good I am so fucking wet and horny! This is stupid, what am I doing? He must know I am doing it on purpose, why else would I be so wet!*

I was about to get up again, when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Don’t chicken out now, Annie.”

It was Becky, whispering into my ear. She was back again.

“I can see how turned on you are, this is really making you wet huh? That’s good! Now keep doing what you were about to do, I am glad to see you taking some initiative.”

I could almost hear the malicious grin on Becky’s face, but I didn’t care. Knowing that I couldn’t refuse her even if I wanted to was all I needed to override my fears and do what I anyway wanted to do.

I went back down on my knees again and started reaching forward into the bottom shelf. I spread my legs and felt the string of grool from my pussy attach itself to my leg as I spread them and wiggled my butt.

“Ugh, It is so far in there and it is stuck!”

I said in a loud voice hoping to get Mark’s attention. Knowing that I was doing something really bad and naughty was so arousing and exhilarating. I was thankful for the coolness of the freeze, since my body felt like it was boiling with heat.

“He is looking at you again, Annie. His eyes cannot believe what they are seeing. You are really making an impression.”

I heard Becky whisper to me. The gratification of knowing he was enjoying seeing me turned me on even more and I felt myself getting even wetter.

“Oh. He is adjusting something in the crotch of his pants. Annie, I think you are making him hard.”

I chanced a glimpse over my shoulder and indeed he was staring at my pussy while his hand was pushing at something hard in his pants.

I felt like I would orgasm right there. My pussy felt so hot and needy and I wanted him to take me. I didn’t care that I was a virgin, I wanted him so badly.

Suddenly he stood up, looking very self-conscious. He held his grocery basket in front of his crotch and walked down the rows of shelves, taking one last look at me before he vanished behind the next shelf.
