The Journey of Kaylee (a Horny Apocalypse story) [group][bondage] [mistress] [cnc] [oral] [slave play] [degradation] [humiliation]

*Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction and in no way condones acts of sexual assault or violence. All acts of sexual intercourse and play depicted in this story are preformed by consenting adults.*


**Act One – The Apocalypse**

By all accounts, anyone who knew the life of Kaylee would consider her a miracle. When society started falling apart and men went crazy with lust, turning those they fucked into sex craved creatures themselves, Kaylee was lucky enough that the army rolled up to her campus and took as many as they could to their secured camp. Though she never saw her parents again, she found safety and refuge. The work was easy for her in her time there. Her natural good looks, well developed body and soothing voice gained her favor among the men there. She barely had to lift a finger to get by while every other girl who was there had to work hard.

When that camp inevitability fell from power hungry generals and the infected breaking through the gates, who was it but Kaylee that found herself in the safety of a kind soldier that lead a small group towards an isolated camping grounds he once knew. Unintentionally and without effort, Kaylee became close to this group’s new leader, and when they arrived to the safety of the cabin grounds, she once again had little to do as everyone else scavenged for food and worked hard to maintain the camp.

It had been months since society fell apart, and Kaylee avoided the ill begotten fate of so many other women. But even her luck would run out the day her soon to be husband took a group of men to scout out a town down the ways for potential resources. Leaving her all by herself with the fellow occupants. At first, all seemed fine. Kaylee continued about her day and helped where she could, but the comfort of doing so little had built a bad habit and she never helped beyond the little, even when asked to do more. She simply smiled and giggled out of subconscious reflex, the comfort of doing little engraved in her brain. She thought that her man would come back soon in the coming days and make her feel safe again. Little did she know how wrong she was.

Days turned into a week, and that week turned into a month. The entire time Kaylee grew nervous and sorrowful, thinking of her man and what might have happened to him. Then the day happened when the entire group gave up on the idea that their leader was ever coming back and a new one had to step forward to take care of them all. Unfortunately for Kaylee, that new leader came in the form of the only other girl who was by her side her entire journey. A woman by the name of Alexa.

Though Alexa was attractive by many means, she lacked the natural confidence and charisma Kaylee had her entire life. She fought for her spot in the army when they rolled on to campus. She had to work hard to maintain respect with the men and other workers. She blames Kaylee for her boyfriend becoming an infected as when the camp fell, he was exposed trying to keep Kaylee safe. Even as the months went by, all Alexa could do was think of how easy Kaylee’s life had been. Even before the apocalypse. Charming her teachers. Never having any troubles finding a man to date. Even if Kaylee never did any of those things with malice, Alexa hated her all the same, and now she was in charge.

As Alexa stood in the main cabin where their leader once stood to make announcements, surrounded by armed and loyal men and women, she made her stance very clear, “The rules of the group are simple now. You pull your weight around here and we won’t have any problems. You don’t meet what’s required for the group’s survival. We’ll make you useful. Now get back to it!”

Kaylee had no idea what this meant, but she tried her best with her new situation. Alas, years of minimum effort finally caught up to her. She couldn’t scavenge like the others, she couldn’t lift large hay bales to feed their livestock and she couldn’t cook either. It took less than five days before Kaylee was grabbed by Alexa’s loyal men in front of the entire camp and dragged into the main cabin to have a little meeting.

**Act Two – A New, More Fitting Purpose**

“What’s this all about Alexa?” Kaylee asked nervously as one of Alexa’s men held her down on the chair with one hand on her shoulder.

“You know what I said the first day I became the leader? Pull your weight and we won’t have a problem. You haven’t been pulling your weight Kaylee.”

“Please Alexa. I just need more time. I’ll find something I’m good at.”

“Five days was plenty of time. You just needed to dig deep inside yourself, but you’re incapable of doing that. You’ve always been a spoiled little princess. Now let’s go have a little chat with everyone.”

Kaylee could feel the fear building up inside her as the men picked her up from the chair and began to drag her towards the door.

“Please Alexa! Give me more chance. I promise I’ll find something I’m good at. I thought we were friends?”

It was a question that struck a nerve with Alexa. One that made her eye twitch ever so slightly as she held back the anger she had towards Kaylee all these years.

“We were never friends Kaylee. You were too oblivious to the world around you to see that. Everything handed to you on a silver platter. Never knowing how to work hard. I told you that if you can’t pull your weight we’ll make you useful. You’re about to find out what that means. Take her outside.”

Kaylee was dragged out to the front of the cabin as Alexa followed suit. The bell rung on the front porch to alert everyone in the camp of an announcement. Kaylee’s nervousness and fear grew as the crowd got larger and larger. Whispers among them wondering what was going on, and even some snickering as they speculated what Kaylee had done. Then Alexa spoke.

“The months on all of us have been hard. We’ve all lost so much. Mothers, daughters, loved ones. Our leader gone with our best men for three months now. But you all made it today. Cause you’re all survivors. You’re strong. We’re strong. That is why in this new world order there is no room for weakness. Men! How many of you are tired of digging ditches, reinforcing the camp site, making sure we don’t fall to the infected or looters and thieves.”

The crowd got loud as the men nodded their heads and shouted in agreement.

“And yet you all do nevertheless for our survival! Women! How many of you are tired of taking care of the livestock. Our children. Cooking. While also matching the men with their work?”

The crowd got even louder as more joined in Alexa’s speech. Agreeing with every word that came out of her mouth. They were all frustrated. An energy that built up Kaylee’s concern as she stood there with a man’s hand on her shoulder making sure she didn’t walk away.

“And yet you all do nevertheless for our survival! You all pull in your weight around here! How many think Kaylee pulls her own weight?”

The crowd got more intense as boos built up and people shouted how Kaylee does nothing while everyone else works. How she was always the leader’s little pet when he was in charge.

“Today! Kaylee pulls her own weight around here! Today! I reward all of you hard workers. Kaylee will now be the camp whore!”

In that moment, Kaylee felt her stomach drop. She couldn’t believe what Alexa had just said. What it might entail. The crowd’s energy died down as the people began to talk among themselves quietly. This didn’t deter Alexa from continuing her speech.

“As the camp whore. She will serve a new purpose. A useful one. Men! When the day is done and duties are complete. Kaylee will be waiting for you. You can have your way with her and she will pleasure you. Women! Same goes for you! If you’re ever frustrated, feel free to come to our whore. Smack her a little. Enjoy yourselves with her in any way you see fit. Do not harm her beyond repair. We need to preserve our new livestock. Do it now boys.”

And with that, the men around Kaylee grabbed at her clothes and tore them off. Kaylee had been in complete shock as Alexa delivered her speech and informed everyone of her new purpose. It wasn’t until she felt the clothes jerking her body and heard the sound of them tearing off that she began to scream and fight back. The men around her easily holding her down and covering her mouth as she they stripped her down into nothing but the thong she wore under her pants and the sneakers she had on her feet. Another addition was a brand new collar wrapped around her neck and locked into place. The men kept her down as she continued to struggle against them. As her tits and body were exposed to everyone in the camp.

“Even dresses like a whore.” Alexa said quietly towards Kaylee before continuing to address the crowd. “Let this be a lesson to everyone else. You start lagging behind. A fate similar to hers may fall upon you. And as I can see you’re all still processing. Let’s give it a day to think about it. Throw her in the barn boys.”

Kaylee thrashed and kicked as much as she could with her feeble body as Alexa’s men picked her up and carried her over to the barn where they kept most of their horses and cows, tossing her into an isolated room surrounded by hay.

“Welcome to your new home.” The men taunted as they closed and locked the only door into the room before Kaylee could even get a chance to escape.

Kaylee sat there in her new prison, unable to process what had just happened to her. Everything was normal and easy until her to be husband left and never returned. She sulked in that room while the morning turned to evening. She heard conversations of the men guarding the room outside. Talking about how they felt her ass as they carried her to the barn. Mocking her tragic circumstance and about if Alexa’s new rule will work. How one assured him to give it time. She didn’t see a single soul until night when a girl a little younger than her was allowed into the room to bring her water and food. She didn’t speak a word as Kaylee begged her to help her escape. Leaving her to sorrow in the room.

**Act Three – A Lesson Learned**

It was a wonder that Kaylee got any sleep at all as she laid on the prickly and potent hay. Having to hear the horses on the other side of the door neighing and making all kinds of noises. The girl returned for breakfast and lunch. The latter of which Kaylee stopped trying to talk to her and accepted her meal. It wasn’t until late at night, when the door opened and Kaylee expected the girl that she saw another person. A man. He looked familiar. One of the men who worked on fortifying the perimeter of the camp. He looked nervous as he stood there, watching Kaylee try to cover herself up. Preserve what little dignity she had left.

“You sure are pretty.” The man finally let out.

“Thank you…” Kaylee said awkwardly as she avoided eye contact with the man she hardly knew.

“I’ve had a long day.”

“I’m sure you’ve had.”

“I figured with what Alexa said….that you could…you know…help me out…” the man spoke as awkwardly as he looked, but that didn’t stop him from unzipping his pants and whipping out his cock. The odor strong from a long day of work.

Kaylee was absolutely appalled that this man would even dare. She still considered herself a person even after all that had transpired. Still, the man continued to speak that made Kaylee sick to her stomach and more angry than she had ever been in her life.

“I noticed you the first day I arrived. Always by his side. Wishing I could just touch you. Now I got that chance. Pleasure m-“

“I will not suck your dick!” Kaylee shouted, finally having enough.

“Alexa said-“ somehow perplexed that Kaylee would fight back.

“I don’t care what Alexa said! I’m not some common whore! I will not suck your dick! Now please leave!”

Her words seems to cut deep into the man’s soul. As if he was a civilian before the apocalypse began and Kaylee rejected his advances. It was enough to snap something inside of him and he became angry. He lunged at Kaylee, grabbing her hair and tried to force his cock into her mouth.

“Suck my cock! You stupid bitch!”

“No! Ahh! No!” As she fought back, ultimately ending up with Kaylee nicking the man’s cock with her teeth.

“Ahhh! Fuck!”

With all that commotion, it was enough to get Alexa’s men to barge in.

“What’s going on in here!?” The man demanded.

“This whore just bit my cock! What’s the point of all this if she’s not gonna do her job!”

“Calm down sir. Wait outside. Alexa will handle this.”

“This is bullshit!” The man shouted before finally leaving the room.

“Thank y-“ Kaylee tried to say, thinking the man had saved her from being taken advantage of.

“Shut the fuck up. Alexa will not be happy, slut.”

It didn’t take long for Alexa to arrive. Tired herself from working with the other men. Now having to deal with Kaylee.

“What seems to be the problem here?” Alexa asked seriously as she stared down at Kaylee with her arms on her hips like a disapproving parent.

“You can’t be serious? Alexa please! This has gone far enough. I can work! Give me a chance!” Kaylee shouted and begged with all her might, thinking that there must be some sort of humanity inside Alexa. Oh how wrong she truly was. How her groveling finally awoken the monster inside Alexa.

It was plain as day just how much Alexa was containing her anger. “I gave you a chance. And you threw it away. That man out there worked hard all day. Put in more work than anyone else and came to this cabin on his own accord. The amount of energy he gave for the betterment of this camp is something you’re incapable of understanding. And then there’s you. A spoiled little girl who never learned how to work hard, never had to lift a finger. I could easily just cast you out. See how long you last out there without us. But I won’t. I said I’d make you more useful for the camp. This is the best outcome for a cunt like you, I promise you that. Now. He’ll walk back in here, and you’re going to pleasure him to the best of your ability, and you’re going to like it. Understand?”

Alexa’s voice was constantly on the verge of breaking into a shout. When she finished talking, the silence and tension was so strong it made every one of her guards nervous, until Kaylee finally broke that silence.

“I will not…I won’t become some whore…” mustering up as much courage as she could, thinking it would save her.

“Very well. Hold her down.”

Alexa snapped her fingers and her men descended upon Kaylee. Kaylee shouted and screamed for help, thrashing and kicking as much as she could but her small frame and weak body were no match as the men grabbed at her ankles and wrists. One female guard served as a stool with her knee out as Kaylee was bent over it, while the two other men held her in place.

“Shut this cunt up!” Shouted the man holding down her wrists.

Kaylee felt the hands of the man gripping her ankles let go, felt his fingers move up to her hips, grabbing the only piece of fabric hiding her modesty and heard him laugh maniacally as he pulled them down her legs, ignoring her pleas for mercy as she felt her pussy completely exposed now. The man tossed the panties to the woman who promptly shoved them into Kaylee’s mouth, covering her lips with her hand with great force. Kaylee cried as she was humiliated and degraded by these people. A feeling that only got worse as the night dragged on.

“Take a look at this juicy body.” The woman snarked as she grabbed at Kaylee’s ass. All she could do was whine under her gagged mouth as the woman took a handful of her flesh and squeezed tightly. Spreading her ass open and vigorously shaking it. She grabbed at Kaylee’s thick thighs as well, embarrassing her in front of all the goons and Alexa. Playing with Kaylee’s body while she could do and say nothing.

“An ass like that already deserves a spanking. This little cunt is in for a world of pain.” Taunted one of the men.

“Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves boys, let’s give the princess a chance. You gonna be a good girl for the man outside. Use that pretty mouth of yours for something useful?” The woman said as she grabbed at Kaylee’s face and forced her to look at her in the eyes.

Kaylee simply screamed for mercy. A muffled cry that went unheard as the men and woman laughed at her.

“Looks like that’s a no. Give her what she deserves!” Egged on one of the men.

Kaylee’s muffled screams echoed inside the room, mixing with the sound of her ass cheeks getting smack by the woman. Kaylee could tell immediately that this wasn’t just some sort of obligation of punishment, this woman was enjoying inflicting pain on her. Every time her hand came crashing down on Kaylee’s enticing flesh, it was met with extreme intent and without mercy. She could feel her ass and thighs jiggling as the woman made sure each cheek was treated equally and it didn’t take long before they were both red, getting more and more sensitive with every hit.

“Give her a little pleasure!” Shouted one of the men.

Just when Kaylee thought she couldn’t be any more humiliated, she felt the hand of the woman slide down between her thighs and begin rubbing her slit. The first time a woman had ever touched her there. Kaylee naturally resisted and tried to squirm away as the woman played with her pussy. The worst of it all, Kaylee couldn’t stop herself from feeling good. It had been so long since her soon to be husband disappeared and she had pleasured herself. Her body was aching for it. Yearning for it. She tried her best, but she couldn’t fight back the moans that mixed with her whining.

“Little whore enjoys it! Hahaha.” The men laughed at her humiliating state.

The woman switched between bringing her hand down on Kaylee’s cheeks to slipping it between her thighs. Kaylee’s mind went crazy as it switched between pain and pleasure. Her moaning escalating with the woman’s action as she shoved her fingers inside Kaylee’s pussy, making all kinds of lustful sounds, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. Kaylee felt her body and mind get hotter and hotter and pretty soon she depleted all of her energy to fight back.

“Look how wet she got! Haha. Now are you going to be a good girl?” The woman asked, taunting Kaylee as she cried, breathing hard trying to compose herself. But all she could do was continue to whine and make one last pathetic attempt of trying to escape her now captors.

“Looks like she’s still defiant. What do you think we should do Alexa?” Asked one of the men who barely had to use much energy to keep down the now exhausted Kaylee.

“I’ve got an idea.”

Kaylee could hear Alexa walk away and out of the room, only to return shortly. She couldn’t see what she was doing, she could only hear what she said.

“Tie her wrists behind her back. Get her ankles too. Get her up against the wall.”

Alexa had thrown rope towards her men and before long, everything Alexa had order came to pass. Kaylee was now completely immobile as she was braced against the wall. Her collar chained to a post above her head, slightly choking her. Rope even used to keep her panties in her mouth by wrapping it tightly around her head. That’s when she heard Alexa step behind her and a crack in the air that made her heart skip a beat from fear.

“You going to be a good girl you stupid slut?” Alexa threatened.

Kaylee turned back, eyes wide open with fear. She begged for mercy behind her gag, struggling to try and get loose, avoid what was coming to her. But she couldn’t stop Alexa from swinging that whip and striking at her already tender ass. Causing her to scream and cry in agony as her captors laughed at her.

“I’ll ask again. And I won’t stop until I hear the right answer. Are you going to be a good girl and pleasure that man?” Alexa warned as she prepares to strike again.

Once again, Kaylee tried to plea to her humanity. To anyone’s humanity to let her go. A mistake she paid dearly for as Alexa cracked the whip once again on Kaylee’s ass, striking her hard as the first hit began to welt. Alexa asked again, and still, Kaylee was defiant as she could be. She never imagined her life would take such a drastic turn so fast. She thought of how all of it was so simple before society came crashing down. Another strike. Another welt. Alexa making sure she hit not just Kaylee’s ass, but her thighs and back as well. More screaming and crying until finally.

“Are you going to be a good girl?” Alexa said with a steady voice.

“YESSSSS.” Kaylee screamed through her gag. Her panties now slightly pushed out from the rope around her head and over her mouth. Crying and stuttering with every second.

“Good. Bring him in.” Alexa said with a sadistic smile.

**Act Four – New World Order**

Kaylee sat in the floor on her knees, no longer able to care about the hay digging into her knees as all she felt was the lingering sting of her new injuries. Tears drying as an expression of complete and pure defeat rested on her face. While her panties and rope not longer bound her head, her wrists and ankles were still subdued. Alexa sat behind her, her hands resting on Kaylee shoulders, massaging them, bringing a false sense of comfort. The man entered the room once again. Looking more confident than when he first entered.

“There there. This will easy. In no time, you’ll come to enjoy this.” Alexa devilishly whispered into Kaylee’s ear. “Go on then. Take it out. Show our little whore here what you got.”

The man whipped out his cock once again and Kaylee had to fight herself from showing a look of disgust like before. Kaylee felt Alexa’s hands run up her body, feeling her belly, her tits, neck until they moved up and into her mouth. Her fingers “helpfully” guiding Kaylee to open her mouth nice and wide. The man couldn’t believe he not only had Kaylee in front of her, the woman he’d been eyeing for weeks, but the leader of the group. Insisting he shove his cock into the new camp whore.

“Go on now. Don’t be shy. You’ve earned it.” As she widened Kaylee’s mouth even more, ignore how uncomfortable she was from having her jaw open this much.

The man eagerly shoved his sweaty and smelly cock down Kaylee’s mouth and began to move back and forth. Moaning with pleasure immediately.

“Come on now slut. Use your tongue. I know this isn’t your first blow job.” Alexa taunted. Kaylee could tell instantly that Alexa was getting off to her humiliation. Her voice said it all.

Still, Kaylee complied and stuck her tongue out, massaging the man’s shaft as best she could.

“Let me help her get her in the mood. No teeth now Kaylee. If I find out you nick this man’s cock again…I’ll pull them out.” The last part she aggressively and deviously whispered into Kaylee’s ear, sending shivers down her spine and making her truly fear Alexa.

Alexa took her hands out of Kaylee’s mouth and slid them back down her body. One hand stopping at her chest, groping and fondling her breasts, the other hand continued down and began to rub at Kaylee’s pussy. In that moment, Kaylee never would have thought how soft Alexa’s hands felt as they moved up and down her folds, teasing her clit ever so much by squeezing her fingers together. Yet there she was as the sensation invaded her mind and made her ever more aroused. She could no longer cry or whine as the man thrusted in and out of her mouth, thinking back to her college days and used her experience to pleasure him the best she could. Wrapping her lips around his cock, massaging it with her tongue and getting as deep as possible. All the while Alexa began to finger her wet pussy and massaged her g spot, pinching and pulling Kaylee’s nipples with her other hand and kissing and biting her neck. A sight too much for the man to take as he pulled out and cam all over Kaylee’s face. It had been so long since he relieved himself that it was more cum than Kaylee had ever been use to, as it spilled onto her cheeks and lips and down her chin.

“Let’s not waste any of this precious material. After all, wouldn’t be very useful if you weren’t a proper cumdumpster.” Alexa said as she began to scoop up all of the cum off Kaylee’s face and direct it into her mouth for her to swallow.

Cumdumpster, Kaylee thought. A degrading term she never thought would be associated with her, and yet like all that transpired, there she was. Accepting Alexa’s fingers into her mouth, sucking and licking them clean, making sure she didn’t waste a single drop. The man thanked Alexa and the two walked out of the barn together, leaving Kaylee bound inside, forgetting about her as if she was just some common tool to use.

Kaylee’s life would never return to any sense of normal after that. The next day, the girl would show up to give her food and water. This time in a bowl. She wasn’t allowed to free Kaylee of her bounds, instead she was to watch over her as she ate and drank out of the bowls like a dog. What the girl was suppose to do was shove her fingers inside Kaylee’s pussy and tease her. The first time the girl ever spoke as Kaylee jumped from the surprise.

“Alexa wants you wet and ready for whenever someone needs you.”

Kaylee felt humiliated as this girl who she thought she could feel safe around played with her body like Alexa did before her. Making all kinds of lustful sounds within seconds. Moaning as she ate her food to survive. Afterwards the girl would clean her up and leave. It wasn’t long before a different man entered the room. He wasted no time whipping his cock out, grabbing Kaylee by her hair and forcing it into her mouth. Bigger than the first man, she gagged and struggled not to puke as his cock went beyond the back of her mouth and down her throat. Cumming down her esophagus. Men would continue to come in and out of the barn. As the day continued, Kaylee could feel her stomach getting heavier with cum. It made her feel sick, but she endured it in fears of punishment from Alexa and her goons. The girl would return between each man, teasing Kaylee and keeping her wet. It seemed it was her new job at the camp, and it was one she didn’t seem to mind. She found pleasure in making Kaylee moan and whine from edging all day.

Kaylee’s fear of further humiliation and punishment came to pass when Alexa dragged her out of the barn and towards the center of the camp. There, a pillory awaited her. Bent over with her head and hands trapped within the wood, Kaylee was to be today’s entertainment and stress reliever. A reward for all the members for working so hard for so long. Kaylee was in a sense of denial about it all, but it inevitably happened. Men would walk up to her and play with her pussy. Fuck her mouth and eventually press their cocks into her pussy and fuck her for the first time since her to be husband left. Constant edging for days made Kaylee moan loudly as she felt cock after cock move inside her. Her mouth filled up as well. Cum shot inside her and on her body. The girl would show up periodically to wash her clean or force her to swallow as much cum as she could. Her anal virginity finally taken by one of Alexa’s goons. She groaned in pain as she felt her insides expand and contract. Gathering a cheering crowd. The women were just as merciless. Spiteful from seeing Kaylee not work for so long, they pulled on her hair and tits, spanked her ass, and wrote on her body. The girls even made a competition of who could make her cum the fastest of the most. Every hour, the pain and pleasure building up all day, overwhelming and altering Kaylee’s mind.

Weeks would go by, and Kaylee’s mind was on the verge of finally breaking. She was accepting her new role as the camp whore, that her man would never return to save her. That’s when she finally got some company. Another girl who didn’t pull her weight. Thrown into the barn room with Kaylee with her arms and legs bound like hers when she first started. Alexa simply stood over the two collared girls and instructed Kaylee.

“Welcome the new girl whore. Show her what a good time this will all be.”

Kaylee instinctively jumped on the girl and began to play with her body. Sliding her hand underneath her panties and playing with her pussy, opening up her blouse to suck and bite on her nipples. The girl stood no chance as the lust filled Kaylee began to affect her mind like the camp did to her. Time would go on and Alexa grew in power and popularity. No one questioned her judgment anymore. They welcomed this new social order. She was a fair leader. Never throwing a girl into the barn just because they didn’t have enough holes to fuck. Even offering her own holes in desperate times. But those times didn’t last long. Alexa would leave the camp with her best men but unlike their last leader she would return. With a drove of naked women in chains from another camp they raided. As for Kaylee. She became Alexa’s prized slave. Her nose, nipples and clit pierced. A permanent metal collar. Always by her side. There to pleasure and entertain her any way she wished. Either by letting Alexa watch her get gang banged, by fucking Kaylee herself, or inflicting all kinds of pain with the toys she found while scavenging. And Kaylee by all accounts never felt happier. Never felt safer. In this new world order.



  1. An excellent feel-good story, with a fine happy ending. Bravo!!!

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