The Babysitter [M33/F19] – Part 3

“Leo, come over and say hi to Lindsey!” We entered the hallway and there came Leo with my mother-in-law. Leo hugged his mom & his grandma and with that they were gone. They of course were in a hurry, so I didn’t get much of a goodbye. Leo was hugging my leg and shyly looked at Lindsey. “Leo this is Lindsey and she will be staying with us from time to time to help out. Will you say hello?” I explained and asked. Leo buried his face in my leg and mumbled something. Lindsey got down squatting to his level and spoke in a soft but exiting voice “Hi Leo, I’m so happy to meet you. My name is Lindsey as your dad said. I heard that you have some really cool toys – can you show them to me?”

Leo looked up eagerly, nodded and ran towards his room. Lindsey gave an exited giggle, jumped up and hurried after Leo. While she ran after Leo, I couldn’t help but notice her firm thighs and ass. I shook my head, laughed and headed after them.

I stopped and leaned on the doorframe to Leo’s room. He was sitting on the floor, showing Lindsey all of his toy-cars and explaining what color they were and how fast they were. Lindsey was laying on her stomach on the carpet, rocking her feet back and forth – she took the toy cars one at a time and asked Leo something about them. My gaze wondered to her well toned thighs and supple cheeks – her figure was stunning and I was lost in thought for a moment. I came to it when Lindsey and Leo laughed at something. I was so happy to see how easily they had bonded. “Leo, should we show Lindsey around some more? We need to show her the kitchen, your clothes, go pot…”. Leo said in an adamant voice “No. I want to play with Lindy!”. Lindsey gave a giggle, looked towards me over her shoulder “We’ll manage, we want to play and Leo will show me around. If I need help I’ll just ask, this isn’t my first time. Go have some fun daddy and relax. I’ll take care of this”. She winked at me and turned back towards Leo. Legs playing back and forth in the air. “Ah… well then. Okay?… I’m in the office just down the hall. Let me know if there is something you need. He should go potty and then”… but Lindsey waved her hand, gesturing that I should go. I shrugged and left them to play. When I was sitting in the office, I thought of Lindsey. The wink, the words, her figure. She was quite the woman.



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