Game Device Part 3 : the library [F30’s and F20’s various m&f characters similar ages][remote toy play][orgasm control][teasing]

Welcome to the library! I intended that to sound dramatic but I need to work on my delivery.

The library is one of the three locations being used in this game along with the mall and the museum.

I’m pretty worked up. My controllers have been playing some games with the vibrators and probes that are strapped against my mound under my skirt. They’ve gotten me close to orgasm a few times now. Really teetering on the brink, digging my nails into the palms of my hands, can’t stand still, ready to beg close. But I’ve managed to hold out and now I’m at the library.

It’s just a short walk from the mall. It’s a hot day so I don’t get to cool down. I’m looking a little bedraggled and sweaty from my near climaxes but I don’t stand out: there’s a lot of sweaty people out here today.

It’s different in the library itself. The air con is arctic and my nipples immediately go rigid inside my bra. Painfully hard rather than the warm engorged sensation of arousal I was enjoying a few minutes ago.

The library is a modern glass fronted building on two floors with a study area on the upper floor, reference shelving is there too. The ground floor has tall fiction stacks and library service desks.

The library presents challenges of its own for both players and controllers.

First nothing in the rules says I have to go to the library. Some games have specific tasks for players. Complete a specific route in a certain time for example. Those can be fun if a little more complicated to organise but today’s game is free form. So long as I’m in one of the three locations for the full game period or until I quit/come I’m good.

Speaking of good I’m getting rythmic pulses through the soft vibrating claw around my aching clit.

My controller has changed, the new controller informs me he’s spelling out words in Morse code using the vibrator.…dash…I don’t know Morse code but o obediently relay the sensations to spectators on the site who get a kick out of decoding it.

‘P.l.e.a.s.e f.u.c.k.m.e.n.o.w…”

Clever but not very original. My controller is concentrating on his games with the code rather than trying to get me off which gives me a little breather although my clit is still taking it. The pulses aren’t focused or aimed at driving me to orgasm. It more a random feeling. It’s still direct stimulation to my engorged clit though so …well…it has an effect.

The Library…what was I saying? Yes..the Library. Hard to keep my train of thought… It’s quieter than the mall with less scope for movement so there’s much less to do. I can walk around the shelves at a sedate pace or I can sit in the study area.

Sitting means added pressure to my vibrator stuffed genitals and less movement to distract me from the sensation.

I do it anyway. I’ve been on my feet for hours now and I’m not that fit. Although since I started playing the game I’ve actually got in better shape.

My controller seems inexperienced so I’m hoping he doesn’t realise how vulnerable the chair makes me.

I tell him I’m sitting. I pick a book from the shelf. It’s a coffee table book about sketching. The library offers free charging points so I take the opportunity to plug my phone in. While it charges I flick through the book to look natural as I sit there with the hard plastic seat putting pressure on my labia and perineum, the probe inside me is pushed upward and in turn lifts the clitoral prongs slightly. My clit gets added pressure and the soft plastic spatulate vaginal probe is now pressing my vaginal wall.

Thankfully the controller is still just spelling out words using Morse. The spectators are having fun making suggestions which gives me some respite. Sort of. I’m still squirming about on the chair despite my best efforts to stay still.

If I clench my muscles tight and do nothing except think about sitting still I can but as soon as I lose concentration I’m wriggling around.

I would very much like to masturbate now but I’m not giving in, especially not to some newbie controller who doesn’t know what he’s doing.

I look at the book to take my mind off the moist heat engulfing my sex despite the icy air con. I stare at a page of pencil sketches of limbs and torsos. Somehow the smooth graphite lines look incredibly erotic. My sex drive is in high gear after near continual stimulation for hours.

I turn the page. A sketch of a naked man in a kind of ballet pose, his cock is limp and heavy. I want to take it in my hand and make him hard.

I close the book abruptly and stand up relieving some of the pressure.

I’m going to let you in on a pro trick here. I know my device battery is low. I’ve got spares in pockets sewn inside the waistband of my skirt. To change the battery I need to pull my skirt down a little so I need privacy. A bathroom is ideal.

The rules say I can take as long as I need to safely change batteries. So here’s the trick: I move as far as I can from the bathroom so when my battery dies I’ll have a nice long vibrator free walk to calm down before I’m back ‘on’.

Sneaky right?

I grab my phone and report that I’m changing batteries. I talk a long slow blissfully vibration free walk to the bathroom.

I still have the device inside me and jostling against my clit it’s just not actively working me over anymore.

In the bathroom I splash cold water on my face then in the privacy of the stall I take a moment to check the positioning of the device. The thin straps hold it in place but there’s always a some movement during the day.

My clit is feeling a little sore so I reposition the soft rubber prongs of the vibe slightly and wipe some of the lube that’s spilled into my underwear up over my battered clit.

Touching myself like this is a gamble because I know it would feel really good to just Jill myself off right now but I stay strong and don’t let my hands wander too much.

Let’s talk accessories. A bag would be useful to carry lube, spare batteries phone and a drinks bottle. I used to carry a small purse when I played but once I got stopped for a bag search and had to explain why I was walking around with a purse full of lube and batteries.

( On my way to a bachelorette party….)

So now I carry the spare device batteries inside my skirt, my phone in a side pocket and I rely on charging points and I keep the lube…well you know where I keep the lube. Just apply plenty before you start.

It’s nice just sitting in the stall feeling the air con on my sweaty skin. When I’m still and the device is powered down I can almost forget it’s there.

While the game is on I’m not supposed to remove the device. The battery pouch is on the strap so I can change the battery without taking the device out.

Reluctantly I snap the new battery in place, stow the dead one and switch back on.

My controller knows I’m in the stall so he asks me to strip again.

I’ve been in the stall too long already so I decline and in revenge he turns the power up.

Ahhh…yes…that’s ..that’s a lot to take…

I walk awkwardly across the library taking refuge in the shelving stacks. This is the only place on the library floor that offers anything like privacy.

But there’s someone else here. A woman in a pink long sleeve tee, clearly no bra and khaki cargo shorts with big sneakers. She’s a few years younger than me, short black hair, glasses and an expression of utter torment that I recognise. She’s holding onto the bookshelf like she can’t stand up alone.

She’s startled to see me. Her cute rounded cheeks blush red.

I smile. She’s obviously a player but I can’t tag her out because I don’t know her name.

“Game!” She whispers the question in a shaky voice. Her legs are pressed tight together. I nod. She lets out a whimper and presses the heel of one hand between her legs. Her free hand pushes up under her shirt lifting it to expose a smooth expanse of skin and she twists her head moaning into her shoulder to muffle the sound.

A dark stain blossoms around the pale khaki of her shorts as she climaxes wetly. I’m glad that even when I orgasm I don’t come that dramatically.

I relay that I’m watching her come. It’s not that I think she won’t report it but it makes me look good.

She takes a few trembling moments to regain her composure then she posts on the site that she’s just come.

“You sickos made me squirt in a library.” She posts happily. Her game name is Luce. She’s new to the game hence the poor wardrobe choice.

We chat and I cover her as she goes to the bathroom to try and clean up.

As a game veteran I feel responsible for her so I wait outside the stall. I hear her squeaky gasping little moans and I know she’s getting off again. That’s pretty common the long slow build up using the device means that after that first machine orgasm you almost always need more. This time she’s using her hand and giving full satisfaction.

I ask first before posting all this to the site. She’s fine with it it’s helps her game profile.

I snag her a free newspaper from the library that she can carry discretely in front of her until the dark patch on her shorts dries to something less obvious.

I think I’ve made a friend for life. We exchange contact details and she wishes me luck. Of course we know each other know so one more person who can potentially tag me out in future games

So Luce and I chat. I’m friends with a few gamers I’ve met like this. No one in my real life knows I play the game, I doubt they know it exists, so it’s nice to have someone to talk to about it from a players perspective.

As I chat to Luce I post comments highlighting the sexier aspects of our conversation, the way her hard nipples pucker the thin fabric of her shirt, the fact she came twice more after her device orgasm, the soft bare skin of her muscular legs.

I’m being strategic. My controller is going easy on me, keeping my device on low because he wants to keep me talking with Luce who is, let’s be honest, a lot hotter than me.

Spectators post questions to us both and we do an involuntary Q&A. I don’t share much of my real life in the game but I don’t lie either. Some other gamers play a character like Aspen or Bunny do with their Amazon and slavegirl routine but, as I’ve said before, I’m selfish, I play the game for me so I can’t be bothered to make stuff up.

The funny thing is people assume I’m a bored housewife with a husband and kids at home. I think it excites them that I’m this kind of domestic milf type character. It’s untrue but if they like believing that then I won’t argue.

Luce is the girl next door type. She has a kind of wholesome bouncy energy to her which is sexy close up and is conveyed well by her enthusiastic on line persona.

There’s actually nothing in the rules about players teaming up but I can see advantages and disadvantages. You could support and distract each other but you might also turn each other on.

I don’t know any couples who play together but there probably are some.

The spectators are inevitably clamouring for Luce and I to perform various acts together. Luce is out of the game after coming but there’s no rule that says we can’t still fool around, there are other reasons why we don’t though.

First I’m going to come pretty quickly if she starts playing with me in my current state.

Second Luce doesn’t appear interested in me like that although she’s happy to flirt for the audience.

And third, let me repeat this, we’re in a public library!

Luce enjoyed the game and is happy to help me out so we continue our chat for a while giving me a break then she heads off, newspaper held low.

Wear dark colours next time Luce.

Luce isn’t the only player to lose. A few more have gone out. Fatigue sets in. After such a long period of stimulation the usual rules on what you can and can’t take no longer apply.

It’s happened to me in games in the past. After a few hours of stimulation I’m over sensitised and suddenly I’m coming from something that would usually barely raise a shiver.

I’m experienced now though and I’ve learned to anticipate this. It also helps that I…uhhh… practice a lot if you know what I mean. You’ve got to know your body well in this game.

My controller changes again, the guy ends his shift abruptly and one of the woman takes over. This time she’s more aggressive hitting me with seemingly random but drawn our bursts of vibration alternating between the probe and the clit stim.

It’s pretty hard to take, my top is sticking to me with sweat even in the air conditioned chill and I feel warm liquid between my legs. It always feels much worse than it is. I don’t squirt or get that wet usually but it feels really slick and it makes me self conscious.

I keep up an online commentary of my woes as I walk around the stacks pretending to search for books.

This new controllers method is making me miserable with need. They aren’t stimulating me to make me orgasm but they’re deliberately bringing me to the brink. They’re making me want to come just to stop the teasing.

It’s a clever technique and I’m in genuine distress. It’s not like I’m fighting not to come which is what I’m used to but instead I’m struggling not to find a private spot and reach down and get myself off.

I want to come so much right now just to stop the teasing.

I’m telling my controller what she’s doing to me. She replies by saying she’ll put me out of my misery if I tell her exactly how to make me come. What combination from the device will do the trick.

I’m tempted to give in and tell her what it will take. A couple of people post telling me to stay strong.

Somehow this is much worse than when I was trying to hold off an orgasm. I can’t stay in the library I stand out too much with my constant walking up and down and jiggling on the spot. I’m going to get myself tagged out or the library staff are going to think there’s something wrong with this sweaty jittery woman typing madly on her phone.

We’re hours into the game. Not many players left. Those of us who are left are tired and overstimulated. The controllers switch regularly but we don’t.

I rarely make it to full time on a game even if I win.

Players will be getting desperate and looking to tag out the competition.

Time to move location again.
