CUCKOLDED A husband discovers the reason for his wife’s flagging interest in sex

David Mah is one frustrated husband. Both he and his wife, Lilian are in their mid-30s. She is attractive and shapely and he should be a happy husband with a great sex life but the reality is nothing like it. His sex life was fine until 6 months ago when his wife seemed to think that sex should be a once-a-month event although David would dearly love to have it at least twice a week. But she was only doling it out once a month and sometimes an extra session would be grudgingly thrown in if he begged hard enough or threatened to explode. It wasn’t even good sex. There was minimum of foreplay and she only wanted him to fuck her missionary style and get it over as soon as possible. Blowjobs, breast sucking and pussy licking had dropped out of their repertoire. Even kissing was avoided. She said oral sex was dirty and disgusting although she never had a problem with it before. It was still better than jerking himself off but David is now a frustrated husband who was increasingly resentful at having to beg for sex from his wife.

What had gone wrong? Just six months ago they were having an active sex life, usually twice a week and sometimes more. It was also good sex filled with foreplay and pleasure, not the listless couplings he was having now. It wasn’t the fact that they had completed their family planning with two children as her attitude only changed about two years after the birth of their second child. At 35 she was far from menopause. He tried to rekindle the passion between them by buying her sexy lingerie, taking her to candlelit dinners and buying surprise gifts for her. He also helped more with the housework than he was already doing. But nothing worked. Instead of making love she made excuses. She was either not in the mood, too tired, too sleepy, doing overtime, having her period, having the sniffles, having a headache or just pretended to be asleep. Recently, she didn’t even bother to give any excuses for refusing sex. It was just a plain “No” or she would make him feel ashamed for asking. It was as if she didn’t need sex at all. He wondered where her sex drive had gone. He suggested that they see a therapist but was told to see one himself to cure his sex addiction.

David had tried talking to his wife but was always ridiculed as being a sex addict. He did not think that wanting sex twice a week meant he was a sex addict at all. With no luck with his wife he had to augment his meagre diet by eating outside. He tried long and hard to get a fuck buddy on dating apps such as Tinder and Bumble but to no avail. It seemed that that you have to be in the top 20% in terms of looks to get any action on dating apps; most ordinary guys see no action at all. So eating outside meant he had to pay for sex with whores which left him physically fulfilled for a while but emotionally unfulfilled. He could not go to whores often due to the cost. In fact, it was only once or at most twice a month which barely made a dent but nevertheless helped to keep him going. He also watched porn and masturbated often. In fact, he masturbated so often that he thought of joining “Masturbators’ Anonymous” if there was such an organization. Once his wife caught him watching porn and he was ridiculed as a pervert. Now every time he asked for sex he was told that his sex addiction was due to watching too much porn.

David’s wife was ever vigilant that he would ask for sex and took steps to pre-empt it. She avoided being touched or hugged in case it may lead to a request for sex. Once when David was looking at her legs appreciatively when she was wearing shorts he got a scolding not to look at her legs. During a long weekend they took their two children to Port Dickson for a two-night vacation but David’s expectation for sex was stymied when she went to sleep with the children in their room on the first night. It was incredibly frustrating. They had an argument about it when the children were out of earshot.

“What the fuck is going on? I booked two rooms so we can have some private time together but you went and slept in their room,” David began, his face and tone showing his anger and disappointment.

“Why do you have sex on your mind all the time?” she replied coldly.

“We are on vacation for goodness sake, can’t we have a little intimacy?”

“I just gave you sex two weeks ago.”

“Gave me sex? You sound like you’ve done a big favour for me. I’m getting fed up of the bones you throw me. Am I supposed to live on these bones for a month?”

“Can you hold on for few days?”

“No I can’t. I know your ‘few days’ is never a few days.”

She was about to mention his porn viewing and sex addiction but thought better of it. Seeing that her husband was visibly angry and about to explode she decided a retreat was in order. She was an expert at sensing how far she can deny him sex without any consequences but she had misjudged this one. “Okay, if you are so eager for sex wait till tonight.”

That night David had missionary starfish sex, a passionless coupling which satisfied his need to ejaculate but did little to fulfill him. He asked for a blowjob, she refused. She would not let him suck her breasts. He wanted to give her pussy a licking but she refused. She just stripped naked, put some lube in her pussy and said, “OK, put it in.” He fucked her missionary for a few minutes and asked her to turn over for doggie but she refused. “Just finish it,” she said. If David wasn’t so sex-starved he would have stopped. The moment he ejaculated she pushed him off her with a “I hope you are satisfied now.” There was a touch of contempt in her tone and expression. David felt like giving her a tongue lashing but decided that it wouldn’t be wise to cut off his only source of sex for a long time. His efforts to find a fuck buddy was miserable.

“No foreplay. Just put it in. I can’t even play with your breasts. You’re just doing the bare minimum duty sex,” he grumbled.

Instead of replying she got up and went to the children’s room to sleep. David felt resentful and alone.

“I suppose it will be another one month before I get another starfish sex,” he thought. He wondered why he bothered. The sex he got was shallow and demeaning.

David worked as a project engineer in an engineering company which specialized in electrical installation for buildings. His wife worked in the sales department of a local bank selling financial products. She frequently worked late when she would reach home between 11.00 and 12 midnight. “Late night sales meetings,” she claimed. On those days David would have to get dinner for the kids, entertain them, help them with their homework and put them to bed. He would normally buy takeaway dinner for them or take them out to eat.

David related his miserable sex life to his colleague and ranted about how stressed he was. His colleague shared that one reason why women lose the desire to have sex with their husbands is when they are having an affair outside. He said that her late night sales meeting at the bank sounded suspicious as why would it be necessary to hold sales meetings at night? Maybe on rare occasions but one to two times a week? This got David thinking if his wife was having an affair. There was one way to check. He could drive to her office on one of her late nights and see if the lights were on. But he could not leave his two kids alone in the house so he requested the help of his sister. He told her he had to go out to visit a sick friend in hospital while his wife was working late and to stay with his kids for a while. That night his sister came over after he had put the children to bed and he hurried out.

He drove to her office in the commercial part of town in half an hour in light traffic. When he reached the bank it was immediately obvious that there was nobody around. The building was dark and the steel shutters were down for the separate staircase entrance to the bank office upstairs. No light peeped through the curtains. There were very few cars parked nearby and his wife’s car was not among them. He drove home with his heart beating fast. But he told himself he shouldn’t jump to conclusion. Could the meetings be held elsewhere? He decided to question his wife stealthily.

Next morning over breakfast he asked his wife. “How was the meeting last night, dear?”

“The usual stuff.” replied his wife. “Sales targets, sales quota, sales projections. They are never satisfied.”

“I saw on the TV there was an accident between a car and a motorbike on the road outside your bank. Did you hear anything?”

Lilian appeared to consider the question as if thinking of what to say. Then she said, “Well I can’t be sure. I may have heard something but didn’t pay it any attention. We were so engrossed on the meeting.”

Unnecessarily evasive, he thought. A simple yes or no would have sufficed. “Do be careful when you go to your car late at night, dear. That part of town isn’t very safe.”

“Don’t worry, I always move my car near to the entrance at night so I won’t have to walk far.”

Then she added, “Hey, why are you so nice to me? If you’re thinking of sex tonight, forget it!”

“Never crossed my mind,” he said glumly.

So there was something going on but he needed more proof. Where did she go during the late night “meetings?” David thought of a way to find out. He dug out an old smartphone and purchased a prepaid SIM card for it. He set the GPS to on and purchased data for the phone. When his wife announced that she will be working late in the bank the next day and to take care of the children’s dinner he hid the phone in the boot of her car that night making sure it was fully charged. He could track the phone using Google’s ‘Find My Phone’ function on his web browser.

That night he followed his wife’s car on Google maps. At 7pm it left her bank’s location and stopped at a road nearby where there were several café and restaurants. At 8.15 it was on the move again and 20 mins later ended up near a building which Google Maps marked as a hotel. It remained there until 11.05 pm when it started moving again. He shut the browser when it was clear that she was on her way home.

His mind swum with agitation and disquiet. So she hasn’t lost her sex drive after all, she was just getting it outside with a lover. The thought of his wife making love with another man and giving her body to him filled him with disgust. She probably went down on her knees and sucked him although she wouldn’t give her own husband a blowjob. Did she swallow? Maybe she even let him fuck her asshole, who knows? He wanted to confront her and yell at her when she came through the door but he calmed himself down. It wouldn’t do any good to their two young children age 5 and 3 to witness their parents shouting and screaming at each other. Impulsive action now would do more harm than good. He needed time to think of the best course of action. He would do nothing for the time being. When his wife came through the door half an hour later he was nonchalantly watching TV. When she was in the shower he peeked into her handbag. There was a tiny lingerie inside. It smelt used. He felt gutted when he recognized the lingerie was one that he bought for her but she had never worn them for him.

David kept a rein on his emotion but felt that he had to let out some steam. He decided to needle her. As they lay in bed he began.

“I won’t ask you for sex now as it’s late and we have to work tomorrow but how about tomorrow night?”

“Didn’t we have sex last week?”

“No. it was the week before last week. 10 days ago, to be precise. I kept records.”

“Will you stop bugging me for sex so often?”

“Is sex once a week too often? I remember used to have it at least twice a week.”

“I’m going to sleep.”

“Don’t avoid my question. Sweeping everything under the rug won’t solve the problem.”

“Will you just let me sleep?” she said in a terse voice.

Usually, David would back off now but tonight he was in no mood to. “Not until you give me an answer. Tomorrow night yes or no?”

“Why are you always so obsessed with sex? You’ve been watching too much porn.”

“My libido hasn’t changed but yours has changed a lot.”

“I work a full day and when I come back, I have kids and housework.”

“I help with the housework and the kids too. Come to think of it I think I do more at home then you.”

“I still feel tired everyday.”

“Not too tired to watch Korean sitcoms for hours. Sex only takes half an hour.”

“It’s different.”

“I can’t see the difference. You’re neglecting my needs.”

“OK, tomorrow night if I’m not too tired. Now, stop pestering me and let me sleep.” That was as good as he was going to get.

The next night David had slightly better sex but not due to her willing cooperation. No blowjob but he managed to play with her breasts and finger her pussy, her protestations falling on deaf ears. He was beyond caring about her no-touch zones. She wouldn’t let him kiss her and tried to angle her body to prevent him sucking her tits but he managed to suck them anyway by forcibly turning her body back. He greedily sucked her nipples like it was the first time. He grabbed her hand and put it on his cock and she did a handjob on it for a full 10 seconds. That was the extent of her voluntary participation. Better than nothing! He wanted to lick her pussy but her legs were clamped tight when he tried so he gave up. He turned her over on her stomach and smacked her shapely ass cheeks. It felt good. Her figure looked wonderful from the back. Before she could turn over, he pinned her down and started to doggie her. At the same time, he reached around with his hands to squeeze her breasts. When was the last time he had fucked her doggie style? He couldn’t remember. Then he turned her around on her back and finished with missionary while holding her head tightly to kiss her lips. He forcefully probed his tongue into her mouth to show that he didn’t give a fuck about her no-kissing rule. He would normally ejaculate inside her but this time he pulled out and shot all over her tits with a grunt of satisfaction.

When it was over David lay on his back and stared at the ceiling while his wife went to the washroom to wash off the semen from her body. An improvement from zero foreplay starfish missionary, he thought but it felt a little rapey rather than making love. It would have been much better if she was willing and enthusiastic. He didn’t feel good about forcing his moves on her but he didn’t feel bad either. Inside he was still seething with anger. No blowjob as usual but he couldn’t force her to open her mouth. She may be sucking her lover’s dick and swallowing his cum enthusiastically, he thought darkly. No kissing for him but probably deep French kissing her lover. She wouldn’t wear the lingerie he bought for her but she wore it for her lover. What an insult to buy lingerie for her lover’s benefit. Did she let him fuck her asshole? At the thought of this David was overcome with emotion. Tears flowed down his cheeks. He got up and went into the guest bedroom to sleep without a word to his wife.

Lilian was mystified. She knew that something had changed. He wasn’t the meek gentle guy she could easily fob off with lousy sex once a month anymore. Strangely, she felt a little excited at her husband’s rough treatment. She could feel his anger tethering on violence. Was he angry because he had caught some wind of her affair? She felt some anxiety but dismissed it. He wouldn’t be able to keep his mouth shut if he knew, she thought. But a seed of fear had been planted. Maybe he was just mad at her for giving him infrequent lousy sex. She may have pushed it to the point where once a month starfish sex doesn’t cut it anymore. She will need to up her game now; give better quality sex and more frequently to sooth her husband. Even blowjobs.

David decided that he needed proof of his wife’s infidelity. It would come in handy in the event of a divorce. It would reduce or cancel his alimony and he may even get custody of the children. He searched online for a private investigator and finally engaged one specializing in proof of infidelity. His job was to follow his wife after work and take photos of her and her lover together. If he could photograph them entering or leaving a hotel together it would be great. He waited until her next “late night meeting” and alerted the P.I. At noon the next day the photos arrived in his email. They were worth his money. There were photos of them having dinner and in one shot her lover was feeding her with a pair of chopsticks. There were photos of them holding hands as they entered the hotel. When they came out of the hotel their arms were around each other and the final shot was a parting kiss between the two of them. David felt the rage rise within him again but he knew he had to stay calm to make the best of the situation. Divorce was certainly on the table and he had good cards in his hands.

He decided to confront her on a Saturday afternoon after he had sent the kids to their grandparents’ house to play with their cousins. When he got back she was in the bedroom painting her nails. It seemed to him that she was taking extra good care of her looks but not for him.

“Who are you painting your nails for? he asked. “I’m sure it’s not for me?”

“Can’t I look attractive for myself?” she replied combatively.

“Why bother when I get a scolding for looking at your legs when you wear shorts? I can’t even ogle my own wife.”

“What do you want?” she asked coldly.

“It’s amazing how you try to avoid sex with me. Sometimes I wonder what happened to your sex drive. It used to be much stronger.”

“People change when they grow older. Except you. You’re obsessed with sex.”

“I don’t think you’re old enough to claim your sex drive has gone away. That leaves the possibility you’re eating outside.”

He saw a flash of fear in her eyes then she recovered her composure. “Don’t you dare accuse me of cheating just because I want sex less than you.”

“From twice a week to once a month? Quite a stretch. Even that is duty sex. Hurry up and put it in,” he said the last sentence mimicking her voice.

“What got into you? Are you mad?” He had never been talked to her so aggressively before.

“Not mad, maybe sex starved.”

“You’re a sex addict. Go and see a therapist.”

“Wanting sex at least once a week is an addict? So that makes you an addict too. I know how much you are getting and it’s not once a month.”

“So you come in here to start a fight with me just because you want sex tonight? OK, wait till tonight. Now, will you stop bothering me and get out?”

“Will there be blowjob? Or the usual starfish missionary quickie sex?” There was contempt in his voice.

“OK if you want a blowjob I’ll give you a blowjob. We can also try other positions. Now stop bugging me and leave me alone!”

“You’re pretty eager to end this conversation aren’t you? Will you wear sexy lingerie for me like you do for him?”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying you are having an affair outside. All those late night meetings. There were no meetings! I went to your office one night to take a look.”

“Sometimes we have meetings in other branches,” her voice trembled as she spoke.

“Not that night when I asked you about an accident outside your office. And why would you carry a sexy lingerie in your handbag? It looked used.”

She kept quiet. She knew the game was up.

“Do you want proof? This is the proof!” He raised his voice as he threw the incriminating photos on the makeup table.

She picked up the photos and went through them. She went pale, then she said in a soft voice, “What’s going to happen now?”

“We are going to get divorced. And I’m certainly not going to keep quiet about your infidelity. Let your parents, your friends, your colleagues and society judge you.”

He knew this was more terrible than the divorce. She had a high sensitivity for what others think about her.

“Can we work out something David?” she asked pleadingly. “Think of our children.”

“You should have thought of them before you cheated on me.”

“I was about to break off with him. We can go back to normal.”

“You think it’s as simple as that? I’ve been cuckolded. I’ve been flogged off with minimal and lousy sex for the past 6 months while you had a whale of a time with your lover. I pay the bills but he gets to fuck you.”

“It’s just sex. There were no feelings involved. He’s a married man with his own family.”

“No feelings involved? Then why did you stop having sex with me? You have emotionally checked out of our relationship.”

“I didn’t stop having sex with you.”

“I don’t call the shitty crumbs you throw me every month sex. Don’t kiss me, don’t touch my breasts. Hurry up and put it in.”

“I’ll make it up to you David. I’ll satisfy you from now on.”

“Then show me tonight. But I’m not saying divorce is off the table.”

Lilian knew that she had made a grave mistake to ignore her husband’s needs for so long. Sex with her lover was exhilarating, exciting and passionate while sex with her husband had become mundane by comparison so she had lost the desire for him. There was also the thrill of doing something new and forbidden. She thought she could fob him off with minimal sex once a month but she was wrong. It had made him resentful, frustrated and suspicious until it led to him checking up on her. If one partner gets suspicious and starts checking there was no way an affair could be concealed. It began with innocent lunches with a client when he complained about how badly his wife was treating him in the bedroom but he may have led her down the garden path. She was thinking of breaking off as her conscience was catching up on her and she was increasingly afraid of being caught. Her marriage and family were more important to her than this illicit affair. There was no question of them having any future together as he was a married man who would never leave his family.

David felt angry and frustrated but he was also a rational man who could decide on the best course of action instead of letting himself be controlled by his emotions. Divorce would be hard on him. His wife will certainly get custody of the children so he would only be able to see them at regular intervals. The house would have to be sold and the proceeds divided 50-50. Buying a landed property now is out of the question at current stratospheric prices so he would have to downgrade to an apartment. He would have to pay child support and alimony to a woman he could no longer fuck. Financial responsibility but without any fucking privilege. To top it off, he has no confidence that he could get another partner. At 36, his hairline was receding noticeably and his hair thinning. If she was sincere in ending the affair and if their sex life could return to what it was previously, then it would certainly be good to keep his family together. Actually, he can’t be too sanctimonious about her infidelity as he was looking hard for a fuck buddy himself while he was sex-starved. The only reason why he didn’t have an affair was because he couldn’t find a partner. However, she had to be sincere to repent as it would be no benefit for their children to be brought up in a toxic environment. He may not be able to monitor her 100% but he will gauge her sincerity by the quality of sex he gets. Quality is more important than frequency. A woman can open her legs many times but there is nothing much she can do to fake quality if her heart was elsewhere.

That night after the children had gone to bed Lilian retired to the bedroom at 10.30pm, about half an hour earlier than usual. David followed 15 mins later. When he entered the bedroom his wife was dressed in a sexy lingerie sitting up in bed and reading her phone. Her lingerie consisted of a sheer black one-piece affair with cutouts for her breasts and an oval shaped cutout for her pussy. She looked up as he entered and said with a seductive smile, “I’ve been waiting for you, dear. I need you to fuck me!” She had never worn such sexy lingerie or used such language before and it made David excited. He was hard immediately.

“Let’s start with a blowjob first,” he said gruffly. A blowjob was what he missed most while he was stumbling around in the sexual wasteland.

“Sure, my husband,” she replied, “and you can cum in my mouth. Don’t worry I’ll get you hard again.”

She was letting him cum in her mouth. The thought thrilled him. This was something that he had fantasized but had never dared to ask. He wondered if she had done the same with her lover but he forced himself to push out all thoughts of her lover from his mind. He was here to enjoy and he didn’t the shadow of her lover tainting his enjoyment.

She led him to the bed and undressed him. When he was completely naked she sat him down on the edge of the bed and knelt in front of him to pleasure him with her mouth.

The blowjob was unlike any blowjob she had given him previously. She had certainly learned new skills. She started by giving his cock a breast massage with her ample sized breasts. Then she licked and sucked his balls, licked his shaft, caressed the tip with her tongue and finally enveloped his turgid organ into her moist warm mouth. As she bobbed her head up and down on it her tongue was busy and her fingers were massaging his balls. Good lord! She could even deepthroat. Then she continued on her hands and knees and David could see her shapely body and delicious ass spread in front of him as she sucked him. It was an enticing sight to accompany the delicious sensation she was giving him with her mouth. He soon could hold back no longer and his cock pulsated ready to shoot out. She sensed his impending climax and increased the speed of her bobbing. As his semen spurted out she took his cock in as far as it would go and looked deep into his eyes, swallowing every drop. Then she cleaned the tip of his cock with long, loving licks.

“Lie down and take a rest, darling. I’ll give you a massage,” she urged him.

David laid down on his back while his wife massaged his arms, chest and legs. Then she straddled him and presented her breasts to his face for his enjoyment. He needed no urging to squeeze and knead them as if it was the first time he had seen a woman’s breasts. It felt so good, so firm, so soft. He twiddled her engorged nipples. He was soon sucking her nipples making her moan in appreciation. Then she did something she had never done before; she used her breasts to massage his body from his chest down to his groin and legs. The feel of her soft breasts combined with the hardness of her nipples was exquisite! His cock soon began to stiffen again. She encouraged it by sucking on his nipples as she massaged his growing organ. Then she lifted his legs to rim his asshole. David gasped with pleasure. She had never, ever done this for him. She had certainly learned new tricks. His cock soon grew and hardened to its full glory. She gave his cock a titty fuck with her ample breasts while at the same time licking the head with her tongue.

“Would you like to fuck your slutty wife now, dear?” she asked.

“Yes of course.” David replied with bated breath.

She guided his cock to the entrance of her love canal and slowly eased herself down on it until it was fully inserted through the opening in her lingerie. Then she was fucking him cowgirl style, up and down, to and fro moaning in time with the rhythm. As she fucked him, David was playing with her boobs. Fearing that he would cum too soon despite having cum just a while ago, David requested for a change to doggie style. She laid down on her stomach with her head on the mattress and ass slightly arched as he fucked her from the back with his hands kneading her breasts from behind. “Ahhh…feels good…don’t stop…don’t stop…” she moaned. Then they changed to a variation of missionary with him on top of her. Her legs were wrapped around his groin, her arms around his neck and they were kissing each other deeply as he fucked her like there was no tomorrow. She squeezed her kegel muscles to grip his cock tighter. David soon felt himself losing control. He thrusted harder and shot his load deep inside her with satisfied grunts while she orgasmed simultaneously.

They lay close together, her head on his shoulder and his arm around her. “Was that good, dear?” she asked.

“Very good. That was great sex. Far better than the sex I was getting for the past 6 months. You have certainly learned some new skills.”

“I know I’m been a bitch. Can you forgive me?”

“Don’t ask me to forgive you yet. That will take a long time. I’ve been through so much pain. But if you keep this up I can push your affair to the back of my mind for the time being.”

“Does this mean we are going to stay together?” she asked hopefully.

“Are you sincere in breaking off the affair?

“Yes, I’m very sincere. I was going to do it anyway but you caught me first.”

“Why did you cheat on me?”

“There was no reason. It had nothing to do with you. Maybe it was just the excitement of something new. Our sex life had become mundane but instead of spicing it up I took the wrong path.”

“Will it happen again?”

“No! I swear it will never happen again. I now realize my husband and children are more important to me than temporary pleasure from an illicit affair.”

“You did things for him that you would never do for me before your affair. Like allowing him to cum in your mouth and ass rimming which you just showed me.”

“I know I’m been unfair and bitchy to you. Let me make it up to you, dear. You can fuck me any day you want, I won’t refuse you. If I’m having my period, I’ll suck you off. Or maybe you want to fuck my asshole if you can’t fuck my pussy?”

“Did you give your asshole to him?”

“I swear I didn’t. It’s still virgin for you. You can check. I want to give it to you to make up for what you’ve been through.”

“Look, I want to keep our family together as much as you. Yes, we can still be together but there will be no 3rd chance, do you understand?”

“I understand perfectly, dear. It will never happen again.”

“I may need to go for therapy. I just can’t get over the fact that you let another man fuck up and you did all sex acts with him while I was kicked to the side. The thought of this is still painful.”

“How about this, I allow you to have an affair so you can get even with me?”

David almost blurted out that that he had been looking for a fuck buddy himself but thought better of it. Instead, he said, “No, I don’t want to complicate our relationship further. You’ve hurt me but it doesn’t mean I have to hurt you back.” Not that a free pass would do any good for him anyway with his limited social skills.

“Thank you, my husband,” Lilian said as she flung his arms around his neck and pressed her naked body to his. “I’ll do my best to satisfy you from now on. I’ll be your slutty obedient wife. You can fuck me in any hole you want and order me to do anything you want.”

After their passionate sex session David was like a new man the next day. There was a light in his eyes and a spring in his step. It was as if a weight had been lifted from his mind and a burden from his shoulders. He was jovial and cheerful and went about his daily tasks with enthusiasm and alacrity. He played with the children, took them for outings and patiently taught them new things. His wife noted what a change he was from the moody and dispirited self that had been his demeanor for the past 6 months. She didn’t know that sex meant so much to him and she regretted that she had selfishly focused on her affair while ignoring her husband’s needs. It was hard for her to know it felt like to be sex-starved as she was never in such a position.

They had sex again 3 days later. There was sexy lingerie, French kissing, fingering, breast sucking, blowjob on her knees, pussy licking cum blowjob in 69 position, ass rimming and of course pussy fucking in different positions. The highlight was anal sex when David took her virgin asshole. He had researched online on how to do it the first time with minimal pain by dilating her asshole with his fingers and a dildo first, making sure she was excited and using plenty of lube when he entered her. Her asshole was tighter than her pussy and he didn’t take long to shoot his load inside. As for the feeling, David felt that anal sex was overrated. Most of the attraction came from the novelty of using a forbidden orifice and the dominance he felt from fucking her ass. He could take it or leave it. But Lilian found that she liked it. In future sessions she would occasionally cry out, “Honey, fuck my ass!” after she was excited from pussy fucking.

It was painful to think that his wife had been fucked by another man but he was no angel himself if you count whores. The payback from his wife’s affair was that she was more sexually adventurous, eager to please him and had learned new skills. Sex with her was better than before. On the other hand, there was also a wound in his heart which would take a long time to heal, if it healed at all. Was it worth it? David felt that given the choice he would prefer to spice up their sex life without involving a third party. Once the trust is broken in a marriage it is very hard to repair and this works both ways. There was also a change in David’s perception. Previously, if he had an opportunity to have an affair he would jump on it but now that he knew what it felt like to be on the receiving end of one, he would pass it up. Life can teach some hard and bitter lessons. He felt fortunate that his marriage survived due to his wife’s sincerity to give up her affair. It would be hard on him if he had to divorce her; probably harder on him than on her.

The children noticed that their parents were now on better terms compared to being grumpy and moody with each other and they felt happier. When David took his family on vacation the sex was great. There would be long foreplay with lots of oral sex giving and receiving before he fucked her in all her holes. She would orgasm multiple times while David discovered to his surprise that he could ejaculate twice within the same hour. A willing, attractive and skilled partner could certainly do wonders for a man. David had never been so sexually satisfied. They were having sex 2-3 times a week and she initiated often. Gradually he let go of his resentment about her infidelity. They communicated more and their relationship became closer. Lilian took care to inform her husband where she was and seldom worked late anymore. She gave her husband her phone password and told him he could check it anytime. Ironically, her affair had spiced up their sex life and strengthened their marriage.
