Marital Bliss, Part 2 [MF] [Denial] [True Story]

[Part 1](

I heard the stairs creak. My body trembled and I willed it to be still. *You’re sleeping* I told myself. I focused on my breath. Inhales filling me up, exhales pouring me out. Each breath cycle made the tug of desperation between my legs increase.

My labia, my clit, my pussy tingled from my two previous orgasms. As I patted myself dry after using the toilet, my swollen pussy was raw and trembling. I wore my sleep shorts with nothing underneath. The fabric was soft and cool, and it soothed my tender skin beneath.

Yes, two orgasms should have been enough. But I wanted more. I didn’t just want the mechanical pleasures of a vibrator, no matter how well it technically did the job. I wanted the whole man. My body hungered for his touch, his kiss, the feeling of his warm, ridged cock inside me rather than cool, smooth silicone.

He entered the room and turned the light on, very dim. I could hear him going through bedtime preparations. I kept my eyes closed and imagined him undressing. I heard him cross to the laundry basket to discard his boxer briefs, and thought of my own underwear lying haphazardly by my side of the bed. I had shaken them off quickly, eager to get on with the night’s pleasures and left them crumpled on the floor, still damp from a day of arousal. My husband, on the other hand, was taking it slow. There was no sign of rush from him, no urgency to join me in bed. I heard him pull on his own pajamas- a soft cotton Tshirt and a loose fitting pair of basketball shorts with nothing underneath. When he was hard, the shorts draped deliciously over his bulge. I allowed my minds eye to roam over his body. The arousal built within me.

He climbed into bed. I hazarded a peek, saw his reading light creating a blue glow in the room. Feigning like I was just waking up, I stirred, glanced at him sleepily, then rolled my back toward him. I nestled toward his body. He made a slight movement toward me until our bodies touched, but didn’t stop reading his book.

I curled my legs and focused again on my breath. Each breath in I tensed my legs, which caused my ass to rub lightly on his leg, as it stirred a pleasing feeling between my legs. As I breathed out I relaxed my legs, pulling my ass away with them. On and on this went. Breathe in, graze his leg and clench my cunt, breathe out, release. Each breath filling me with more longing, more desire, more need. How I wished I had thought to tuck my shorts up between my labia, so the seam could provide friction for my desperate clit.

I felt a slight twitch in his leg as I brushed against him yet again. He was interested, I thought hopefully. But still, he kept reading.

I lay there, grinding my legs together to move my ass ever closer to his leg. I was desperate for him. Yet still he was letting me wait. It seemed as if hours had gone by. I opened one eye and checked the clock. 13 minutes. An eternity. I realized my mouth had gone dry. Like I was wandering the desert, dehydrated and crazed and searching for my oasis. I swallowed and licked my lips.

He adjusted behind me, rolling toward the nightstand. *Finally* I thought, my body tensing in anticipation. Finally he would put aside his book and reach for me. I risked another peek and my hope crashed into despair as I again saw the glow of his reading light. He had only changed position. I felt as though another 100 years had passed, me lightly rubbing my ass on his leg, the growing fullness from each breath driving me wild. I checked the clock again… 7 more more minutes. Did he know how much I wanted him, needed him, burned for him? The desperation between my legs was unbearable as I felt a bead of fluid bubble up between my labia.

I wanted him to make the first move, to show he wanted me like I wanted him. But I couldn’t wait any longer. I was ready to ask for it, beg for it. *Please* I thought, delirious with need for him. I moved my top foot slowly backwards, sliding it over his feet and hooking onto his ankle. I slid my ass back toward him, until it was firmly pressed onto his leg. I let out a happy murmur. His leg twitched against my cheek. He let out a ragged breath. *Got him.* I thought triumphantly. I shuddered, a wave of arousal cresting in me

To be continued.


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