Cute Date Idea [mf] [female chastity] [wholesome] [public play] [sensory play]

*Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction and in no way condones acts of sexual assault or violence. All acts of sexual intercourse and play depicted in this story are preformed by consenting adults.*


The day had finally arrived. The day Natalie agreed to all those weeks ago when she accepted her Dominant’s challenge. She lifted her dressed and looked down at the chastity belt nervously. Locked behind the steel and buried inside her pussy was the lush vibrator, already causing the pleasure inside her to rise as she felt its constant presence rubbing against her inner walls. Unable to push it out, further cementing its purpose there. And worst of all as her mind ran in lustful circles, it wasn’t even turned on yet. Her Dominant noticed her awkward demeanor and approached her, nuzzling her chin within his hand and tilting her head up to make her look at him directly in the eyes.

“Are you okay?” His voice was as serious as ever as his eyes made her heart melt.

“Yes Sir…” she managed to mutter out, making her pussy clamp down on the vibe inside her ever so much.

“You know you can back down any time right? I won’t be angry. We can always try again when you’re ready.” His comforting voice was enough to let her know she was in safe hands. That she was ready.

“No Sir…I want to do this.” Mustering up all her confidence for her Dominant but still feeling as if she’d fall into sub space any moment while his hand caressing her chin.

“Then tell me again. What are the rules.” Finally dropping his hand and allowing Natalie to speak. He began to circle her like a lion circling its prey. It made her feel so small, even though she was now almost the same height as him with her heels on. Still. She had to focus.

“We are to arrive at the club. But, once we’re there. You’re going to go in first. I’m to wait in the car.”

Natalie’s Dominant nodded his head in approval as he continued to circle her. Making her feel more dizzy than he should be. “That’s good. For how long?”

“Twenty minutes Sir…Then I am allowed to enter the club.

“Twenty minutes Natalie. I will park where you can see me entering and best believe I’ll start that timer as soon as I walk through those doors.” Interrupting her. “Continue.”

“I have to find you once I’m inside. And when I do….” Natalie paused. Hesitating for a second.

“Don’t stop now.” He stopped just behind her. His aura ever looming over her. Making her heart race.

“I’ll be allowed to cum…Sir…” Natalie finally spat out.

“That’s right, and what are the caveats?” He continued to circle her only to stop right in front of her as close as possible to force her to look up to him.

“I have to finish any conversation anyone starts with me. All the while…you’ll be in control of…” Natalie became flustered as she grabbed at the bottom of her dress. Her face getting ever so red from embarrassment. It was clear to her Dominant that she was unable to finish the sentence.

“I’ll be in control of that lush vibrator inside your cunt.” Holding the phone up to her face.

“Yes Sir…” her eyes began to fall a little into sub space as she got more turned on by this idea.

“You manage to find me before you cum. What’s your reward?”

“I no longer need your permission to cum or touch myself in the future Sir…” Her heart racing at the prospect.

“And if you cum before you find me?” A question that made Natalie shiver with fear. Cumming without his permission.

“I am to wear the belt a day for every five minutes we’re at the club….” Natalie hesitated. Her lips quivering as she struggled to say more.

“And?” It was aggressive but somehow still motivational. As if he was giving Natalie a friendly push on the back with just a single word.

“And a week for every orgasm I have without your permission…Sir…” Natalie managed, looking up to her Dominant with puppy dog eyes.

“You cum before you find me. That’s a week. Plus however long we’ve been there. You ready for that? You ready to be a mouth and anal only whore for me?” He grabbed Natalie’s cheeks possessively, making her lips pout. Her pussy immediately tensed up around the vibe inside her and she became more wet. There was something about the way he said “for me.” Natalie was ready to be whatever he needed her to be in that moment.

She nodded her head as best she could with his grip around her face. “Yes Sir…”

He smiled before slapping her playful across the face. “Okay then. Let’s get going.”

The drive to club was a long for Natalie as she sat in her Dominant’s car. Every bump on the road making her squirm just a little as she felt the vibe rock inside her. Even though it wasn’t on yet, it was enough to make her horny to touch herself. She knew how pathetic she’d look to her Dominant if she reached down and tried to touch herself, so she fought back against her urges. She ended up grabbing the bottom of her dress and twisting it nervously. Completely unaware of her aroused actions while her Dominant caught glimpses and smiled. As they approached the club, Natalie wondered if she was truly up to the task.

Natalie’s Dominant parked just where he said he would, where she could see the entrance and exited the vehicle to get in line. Making sure Natalie would lock the car before she left. She sat in that car as she watched her Dominant get in line, making his way forward and striking up conversations with the other people waiting to get in. Her heart raced faster and faster as he got closer to the front. Her eyes fixated on what he was wearing. A button up t shirt, its patterns and how it shined in the light. His gold watch and necklace that were hard to miss. She figured it would be a lot easier to find him so long as she kept a look out for those distinct markers. Then it finally happened. She saw her Dominant go through the doors and disappear. The timer had begun.

Natalie sat there nervously as she stared at the timer, turning her head whenever other club goers would walk by. She knew they couldn’t see her through the glass, but she still felt all the more nervous. Minute by minute the clock ticked down. Until it finally went off and Natalie stepped out of the car. Instantly grabbing the attention of everyone nearby with her sleek dress, adorning heels and luxurious collar. Her hair flowing and bouncing elegantly as she walked. She might have extruded confidence, but deep down she was already panicking inside as soon as she got in line.

Natalie didn’t even make it a whole two minutes before some guys were talking to her. Asking why she was by herself and inviting her to hang out with them. She nervously insisted she was meeting up with a friend inside but thanked them for the offer anyway. Thinking the entire time what her Dominant had ordered. To finish every conversation. No cheating either. Natalie couldn’t simply tell anyone that she had no time to talk. She was not only under the grasp of whoever would strike up a conversation with her, she was under the grasp of her Dominant. A thought that only further perpetuated the arousal building inside her.

A little halfway through the line and a girl in front of Natalie began to talk to her. Complimenting her beauty, attire and collar. Having no clue it was to show that Natalie was owned and not just some decoration. She was beginning to forget she was even wearing a chastity belt underneath her dress with how well the conversation was going. But not all that is good lasts forever. Mid way through her conversation with the lovely girl, Natalie felt it vibrate inside her. It was small. Short. But it was enough to get her to stop talking dead in her tracks. A small vibration that sent a shockwave across her body.

“Are you okay?” Asked the girl. Wondering why Natalie had stopped mid sentence and froze like a deer in the headlights.

“Oh! I’m so sorry. I think I forgot something about…my apartment. It’s not important. Haha.” Natalie laughed nervously.

It was a good enough of a lie. The girl didn’t even seem to notice and eventually returned to her group of friends. It was enough of a break for Natalie to start freaking out silently and to herself. She didn’t think her Dominant would start so soon. She hadn’t even made it inside yet. Her panicked thoughts interrupted when she felt two more vibrations. Short but intense. A small pause between the two of them. It caused Natalie to jumped up and squeak and grab at the bottom of her dress once again. Loud enough for people to hear and turn their heads.

Natalie could feel herself getting red in the face from embarrassment as everyone stared. Unable to come up with a good enough excuse to explain her behavior. The girl she was just talking to, giving her an odd glance that said everything Natalie needed to know. She inched her way forward in line. Hoping that the vibe wouldn’t turn on before she stepped inside. But she had too high hopes. It turned on again. Only this time, the intensity was low and constant. Unending as she felt her pussy getting teased. The plastic pleasuring her, grinding ever so slightly against her walls. It was sending her into an aroused state and her eyes were falling into sub space again. Her only saving grace was when one of the security guards spoke to her.

“Are you Natalie?” One of them asked.

“Oh….yes…” Trying to focus more on the conversation than the pleasure inside her and failing oh so hard.

“ID please.”

Natalie handed over her ID from her purse and tried to maintain her composure. It was as if her brain was firing off on all cylinders. He could hear a group of guys behind her talking about how sexy her ass looks in her dress. A group of girls gossiping saying she looks like a slut. All while the security guard inspected her ID in a couple of seconds and spoke.

“Please step to the side ma’am.”

Natalie wondered what was going on, but then it occurred to her as the security guard guided her through a side door into the club. She completely avoided the metal detectors that would have no doubt gone off had she walked through. Her suspicions confirmed when the guard spoke again.

“You boyfriend bought the VIP section upstairs. Here’s your band. Enjoy your night.”

“Thank you…” Natalie managed to say, fighting back her body’s urge to crack her voice from pleasure.

Natalie entered the club and the music was instantly blasting through her ears. It was a ample distraction from the pleasure stirring up inside her pussy. But her night was just beginning. Her Dominant had already been in the club for twenty minutes plus another fifteen it took for her to get inside. That was already a whole week of the chastity belt if she didn’t manage to find him on time. The hunt began. A hunt that didn’t last long as the first place she was going to check was the VIP section. Before a guy snuck up from behind and grabbed her by the hip.

“Hey baby! You want to get a drink?” Already a little drunk himself.

Natalie wanted to say no. She knew what was on the line as the vibrator continued to mock her. But she couldn’t. Not against her Dom’s orders.

“Sure.” She said as positively as possible while she was guided by this drunk man to the bar.

Natalie felt like she was in hell as the drunkard went on a rant about drinks. She wouldn’t be paying much attention in the first place, but the insistent buzzing inside her pussy was distracting enough to make her zone out completely. She simply tried to focus on resisting the pleasurable urges building inside her body. Then a sudden jolt of vibration woke her back up and made her whole body jerk.

Natalie kept looking for an opening, but she wasn’t too good at conversation. She had always been by her Dominant’s side letting him talk for her. Another challenging part of this whole night. It wasn’t until the drunkard pointed out her VIP band that he asked if he could tag along. She finally mentioned that she had to meet her boyfriend there. It was enough for the man to become irate and call her a cock tease before leaving. Finally giving her the chance to move on.

Natalie finally made it to the VIP section in a huff. She took this chance to sit down and rest, but she wouldn’t get much of it before the vibe went wild. She covered her mouth to stifle a moan as she lurched forward, while the vibe gyrated inside her. Dancing around all her sensitive spots. She could feel how hot and horny she was becoming fast. She looked around and saw the other VIP sections across the club. Filled with people. It didn’t take her long to figure out that her Dominant had made his way into one of those groups and was watching her. But where? She tried to focus but she couldn’t spot any of the markers she memorized. Was he even over there? Or was he still downstairs and just randomly playing with the settings? The vibrations stopped altogether and Natalie was finally able to breath. Taking a bottled water to get herself hydrated after how intense that was.

Natalie couldn’t believe how much this vibrator was affecting her. This was the first time her Dominant introduced edging and denial to her. Before that she was free to cum as much as she wanted with her Dominant’s permission. And he always said yes. Hell, she even cam last night before this challenge started and yet here she was. Horny as all can be. Trying desperately to hold back the rising orgasm. There was no more messing around. No more wasting time. Natalie braced herself as she went back downstairs to find her Dominant.

It was a difficult journey for her. She tried all the bars, trying to stay on the move as much as possible. But it never took long before a guy was trying to hit on her and slowed her down. Conversations that went right through Natalie’s ears as she put all her will into fighting back the pleasure. A couple of times she felt her knees buckle as the vibe jolted to life and kicked at her insides. People were starting to think she wasn’t feeling well and got her water. In one moment, the vibe managed to grind right against her g spot and she ended up on the floor on her knees. Having to scream to mask the moan. Luckily the music was loud enough to hide all of that as well.

“Are you okay?” Asked the man she was with that time as he reached out his hand.

“A shot! Please. I need a shot!” A desperate attempt to appear normal to this man. It was enough. She got her shot and figured it would be enough to take the edge off.

However, pretty soon, Natalie found herself taking two more. She was always a lightweight so the effects of the alcohol began coursing through her body quickly. Instead of taking the edge off, her pleasure began to amplify. It was becoming harder and harder to fight back that ever encroaching orgasm. She thought she saw her Dominant in the crowd and was about to end this challenge. That is, until the very same girl who she talked to in line grabbed her by the arm. She was fairly drunk too but it didn’t stop her from being nice.

“Oh hey! You should dance with us!”

“Oh…I really shouldn’t…I need to…” Natalie struggled to find the words as her head got fuzzy. The vibe sending waves of ecstasy throughout her body making her sweat and nipples hard.

“Come on, it’ll be fun!” Insisting as she pulled Natalie away from where she was going and towards the center of the dance floor.

Natalie was introduced to the rest of the girl’s friends as they danced to the music. The girl so intoxicated she started grinding on Natalie’s crotch. Against her belt. At first Natalie was worried she’d feel the steel and freak out, but that never came. Instead she kept grinding on Natalie drinking another glass of alcohol her friend brought her. Natalie felt the euphoria taking over her mind. Her eyes falling into that sub space as she allowed the girl to grind on her. Soon she couldn’t stop herself from grinding against another girl.

Guys either trying to get in on the action or just watching began to rise. The vibrator inside Natalie pushing her insides to the absolute limit as waves and waves of pleasure crashed over her body. What little left that was inside Natalie that was fighting the urge was losing. And it lost hard. Natalie found herself humping the leg of the girl, knowing she couldn’t feel a thing with the chastity belt. The girl completely oblivious to what was touching her body as she and the crowd cheered. In that instant, Natalie felt the orgasm jump over the edge and she cam right there on the dance floor, embracing this stranger as her body began to twitch. Everyone too hammered to make heads or tails of the situation, just wanting to have a good time.

It wasn’t until after the orgasm had settled and the vibrator’s intensity was reduced that Natalie realized what she had done. She had lost. It was now more important than anything to find her Dominant and end this challenge, before she could cum again. She moved faster throughout the club, her eyes darting all over the place. Unable to find him. No one was talking to her anymore, it was so late in the night that they were more concerned about their own agendas. Then Natalie felt it rising again as the vibrator was moving up and down in intensity randomly. Another orgasm. Her now sensitive pussy incapable of fighting it back. She braced herself against a wall and did her best to stop herself from moaning as she clamped down on the vibe. Cumming once again.

The night dragged on and Natalie had no luck. Eventually, the club was coming to a close and many patrons began to leave and left more open spaces. Natalie sat down on a barstool exhausted. Defeated. She came close to beating this challenge and she lost. Then she felt a familiar presence.

“How many times did you cum?” The voice was no doubt her Dominant as she looked up and saw him leaning against the bar.

Natalie looked at him up and down and saw just how hard this challenge was from the start. He wasn’t wearing any of the markers she memorized. Realizing the twenty minutes he was inside, he changed clothes. She felt tears in her eyes and her face become red as she lunged forward to hug her Dominant.

“Four Sir…” she cried as she felt safe once again in his arms.

“Four! That’s a whole month. And how long have we been here?…………Wow! Four whole hours. That’s……almost fifty days!”

Natalie’s Dominant looked down and saw just how much she missed him in just this one night.

“You ready to go home?” He asked sincerely.

“Yes Sir….”

He leans in to whisper in her ear. Teasing her. “You ready to be my mouth and anal only whore?”

Natalie looks up, eyes still teary but with a cute smile on her face. “Mhm!” As she nods her head.

“Let’s go then.” As he wraps her arm around Natalie and guides her out of the club.

“You know I was always watching you right?” As they exited the building.

“No Sir…but thank you.” Nuzzling up closer knowing he was going to take good care of her when they got back home.


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