*TRIGGER WARNING* CNC Do You Have a Light?

A notification sound goes off on your phone. You pull your phone out and check the message… “I’m at the mall you should meet me here. I’ll be waiting for you in the parking lot.”

“I’m busy right now I don’t know if I can.” You type your response. Within a few seconds you get a reply, “ok I’m going to have a smoke and hang out for a little bit if you change your mind 😈.

You’re almost trembling thinking about taking him up on his offer. You’re nervous, you’ve never done anything like this before but you’ve always wanted to. It takes you away in your head and you can’t focus on the simple chore of Grocery shopping you were just doing. You’re actually just on your way to grab the last of your list and check out, so you decide to see if your body will let yourself carry through with it. You don’t respond until your checking out. “Are you still there or did you leave already?”

You check out, get to your car and start loading up your groceries. Then you hear your phone go off… “I’m still here you coming?” You bite your lip as you think of a response… “I want to soooo bad😫.” After you load up your groceries you decide to just drive in that direction while you try to talk yourself out of it. Checking your phone again you see a new notification… “I’m in the parking structure on the second floor. You should definitely come I really want to see you!”

Almost on autopilot while you wonder what you’ve gotten yourself into, you make your way to the mall and into the parking structure. You drive a lap around and don’t see anybody. “I don’t see you anywhere,” you text, relieved that he flaked on you. You get a new message right away… “take the elevator I’ll meet you there.” Your heart starts to race as you find a parking spot. When you park your car you sit and try to gather your thoughts for a second. You’re scared, but it’s making you wet. You squeeze your thighs together as you just sit for a second. Eventually, you take a deep breath and step out of the car and make your way toward the elevator.

You’re about half way to the elevator when you hear a voice calling out from behind a reddish SUV. “Excuse me!” You look and see a man standing there. “Do you have a lighter I could use real quick?” You get a knot in your stomach unsure how to respond. “Sure!” You say almost trembling as you walk towards him. He leans on the back of the SUV and asks “how are you doing?” You respond kind of stand offish “how’s the wife doing?” As you hand him your lighter. He smiles and checks you out head to toe and lights his his cigarette. “I’ll ask her for you” he responds. He goes to hand you back your lighter but keeps his grip tight on it when you try to take it from him. “You seem like a boring girl” he says with a devilish smile on his face. “I am!” you reply. He slowly loosens his grip on your yellow lighter asking you “what color color is it?” You almost hesitate to answer… “Red” you resound trying to muster up as much confidence in your answer as you can.

At this point the look on his face changes. He no longer seems like he’s going to be a nice guy at all. You can feel the knot in your stomach more than ever now but… you also feel a twitch between your legs… You’re nervous… scared… and… excited!

“Thank you” he says seeming to take his attention away from you. Not sure how to respond you turn around to head back your car. You only make it one step before you feel feel a had reach around grabbing you by the throat. The man pulls you back to him and slams you against the SUV, covering your mouth with his other hand. “I don’t need to tell you to keep your fucking mouth shut do I?” He asks in a demanding way. Eyes wide and watery your only response is shaking your head no while your breath gets heavy and your heart races. He whispers something in your ear that sends chills throughout your body.

“You know you’re a spitting image of my little sister, I’m going to enjoy this so much.” You push him in hopes to back him off enough to get away but with no such luck. He grabs you by the chin with the hand that was on your throat and slaps you with the other hand just enough for you to feel the sting. “You’re not getting out of this you know?” He says almost too calmly. “You probably feel like my sister too” he says with that same devilish smile from earlier. He then undoes your pants while he pins your head hard up against the car.

Ripping your pants down to your ankles so rough you can’t do anything but just try to stay standing. He stands up quickly and pins you against the car again. He then grabs you by the back of the your hair, pulls you towards him, turns you around and pushes you back up against the car. All you can feel is the chill of the car against your body, head pressed firmly into the glass of the back windshield and the air, against your naked pussy. He pulls down on your hair, dragging your face down the back of the car, forcing you to bend over in front if him. You hear the rustling of him pulling his pants down and feel his dick press up against you. He pulls you up and tears your shirt off over your head and throws it to the ground. He then unsnaps the back of your bra letting your tits fall out.

Here you are… naked in a parking structure, being pinned down in a bent over position completely exposed. The car is cold against your body and your being pinned so hard it hurts a little. All you can hear is his heavy breathing under your own. Your heart is racing so hard you feel like you may pass out… but… this is so exhilarating at the same time. Your pussy is so sensitive that the air feels almost like a light massage, and his dick grinding in to you is making your clit swell and your lips moisten.

You can feel him positioning himself and even though you’re trying to fight it, you’re not putting up much of a fight. You let out a loud uncomfortable moan as he slams himself inside you. You hear him moan as he holds himself there for a second. “Looks like I found the perfect piece of meat to wrap around my cock” he says in pure pleasure as he starts thrusting violently into you. You slam against the back of the car with every thrust, so wet from the excitement and you can’t help but moan like a whore as this man ravages you.

“I wonder if this is how good my sister feels” you can hear him saying under his breath. “You’re fucking sick” you respond barely able to speak as you’re getting forcefully taken from behind. SLAP!!! the sound echoes through the parking structure and a big red hand print forms on your ass. You let out a painful moan, that really hurt but you’re so entranced it was pleasurable. “Nobody asked you you fucking slut, shut up and take it.” At this point you’re not even struggling anymore. You’re letting this man use you for his own selfish desire, the twisted desire to fuck his own sister he says you look so much like.

You feel a hand reach around and start to to roughly fondle your tits. Squeezing and pinching your nipples hard enough to make you moan more. The thrusts are getting harder and it’s forcing you more and more against the back of the car. You’re in pain and uncomfortable but not enough to stop an orgasm from coming.

You think about how fucked up your head is as it didn’t take very long to build you up to this point. With a hard thrust and a pause you can feel your assailant pump you full of his cum. Rope… after rope… after rope… after rope. You don’t think you’ve ever had so much cum inside you before and this sets you over the edge. You cum on his dick as he finishes cumming inside you. Sweaty and panting and coming down from your orgasm he slowly teases his own cock in and out of your pussy. You have no words, no feelings except for the ecstacy you feel as the friction in your pussy radiates throughout your body.

You slip in your pleasure and shakingly ask “so did you enjoy getting the chance to rape your sister you sick fuck.” You feel his grip tight on your ass squeezing almost too hard. “She’s probably better than you anyway bitch” he says as he slowly releases himself from the slippery grasp you have on him. “Anyway, thanks for the lighter. Now get the fuck out of here, I’m done with you.” He looms over you as you pull your pants up and throw your shirt on. “I said get the fuck out of here… NOW!”

You take a quick a breath and make a hasty retreat back to your car. You can see him drive off in a hurry as you gather yourself, sitting there unsure about what just happened, his cum dripping out of your pussy leaving you a wet mess. A few moments later you get a new notification on your phone…

“That was soooo fucking hot! My dick is still hard I can’t believe we just did that😈🥵”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/12cs2hu/trigger_warning_cnc_do_you_have_a_light