Rokjesdag [age gap] [F18 M50]

All characters in my stories are 18+. English isn’t my first langue so I’m sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes and I Appreciate any feedback on my writing both in the comments or a chat. This is the setup for a new story I’ve played a few times in my head now. Let me know if you think I should keep it going with a part 2.

Growing up in the Netherlands I (Hannah 18) had grown up with the Dutch concept of “Rokjesdag” (skirt day). This is the first warm and sunny spring day in the Netherlands in which girls and woman wore short skirts. While my mom is a conservative Christian Vietnamese mom, I found myself to be old enough to make my own choices. So, I was very excited to participate in the tradition. While my mom still did not allow me to have short skirts, I was lucky enough I could stash one at my friend Wendy’s (18) house. So when I woke up early in the morning and saw it was going to be sunny and over 17 degrees outside, I punt on a pair of pantyhose underneath my jeans and left home extra early so I could change at Wendy’s before first period.

I wanted to give myself enough time to change so I texted Wendy, ate breakfast and rushed out the door before my mom even left for her work. It was during the 10-minute bike ride to Wendy’s I realized that while I did put on pantyhose, I forgot to wear panties. Thinking I could probably just loan a pair of Wendy I foolishly did not turn around and went on with the plan. Arriving at Wendy’s far quicker than I normally would just seeing Wendy’s dad and brother leave for the train station.

When I entered the house Wendy was still eating her bread with cheese the Dutch people like to eat as breakfast and lunch. She was clearly also participating in Rokjesdag. She wore a checkered black and red short loose skirt with a tight black blouse that looked really nice with her long blond hair and blue eyes. And I have to be honest also really brought out her boobs, which always made me kind of insecure. Shes my best friend, but while she is getting very nice boobs and Shes already up to a c cup I barely have any. With her mouth full she looks up as I enter the door and manages to get a sentence out between bites. ”Morning Hannah, I’m just finishing breakfast. Your skirt is in my dresser in my room go ahead and change”. Panting from my rushing on the cycle trip I respond: “Aww thanks Wendy! Can I also borrow some panties I forgot to put them on with my pantyhose this morning.” Wendy told me sure, but she wasn’t sure if I would fit hers. While Wendy is kind of curvy, I’m about as curvy as a plank of wood.

After taking off my jeans in Wendy’s room and putting on my cute pink short skirt I notice it kind of feels good to wear pantyhose without underpans in a skirt. Which is a good thing as Wendy’s panties do not stay on my hips. While I’m trying how it feels to touch my pantyhose without panties Wendy suddenly appears behind me and laughing tells me: “feels good right, you dirty gal!” Come on we have to go to be on time for Mr. Huntsman.

So without panties and in my cute skirt I get on my bike and realize an issue, I have to be careful while cycling to not flash everyone that sees my cycling. I’m sure most of the head turning in the 30 minutes it takes us to cycle from out town to the city and school was for Wendy but I’m pretty sure some guys were also checking out my legs and skirt. Which felt pretty great.

Luckily Rokjesdag was on a Thrusday this year. Which meant I only had classes until the 5th period so at 13.20 I still had the whole afternoon off and no more classes. Wendy still had a double period of science so I had about 2 hours to kill in the city or I could cycle home alone. Luckily our school is pretty close to the city center. So I packed my backpack and books into my locker grabbed my bag and cycled toward de Waag (one of the squares in the city) to park my bike and do some shopping on the Langestaat and Laat area. It was in a quiet alleyway at the Mient side of the street where I first saw him. I don’t know his name but he was fit, gray, strong and painting the outside of a café. He made eye contact with me before I could make myself to look away. When I did I noticed I started staring at the sixpack I could see beneath his tight white shirt. He must have been more than twice my age. I had to walk past him but my legs felt like they were noodles. He stood up as I came close. I tripped on the cobblestone streets as I could not lift my noodle legs far enough to take a step. I felt embarred but not hurt because he caught me. I felt his arm at my chest maybe even before I tripped. He looked in my eyes with his big blue eyes and said “Hey little girl, you have to be careful. Why don’t you come in let’s make sure you’re not hurt.” while putting his hand on my butt and gesturing me inside the café. Looking inside it looked empty and dark one of those cafe’s you wonder how they stay open. But on my inside I knew I wanted to know what this gray fox would do if I went inside the café and why he would ask a small skinny young girl like me inside. I wanted to say no thank you, but I wanted what could happen next more….



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