Chloe the Roommate 3 [TF/M][20s]

“Shit shit shit” I whispered.

She stopped making noises. Crap. She probably thinks I could hear her. I lay there looking at the ceiling. My heart was pounding out of my chest and I didnt move a muscle. I heard no noise from her room for a little bit. I started to calm down when I heard a door open. I closed my eyes pretending to sleep. My heart was beating even faster now. Was she in my room? She must be seeing if I was asleep. Just try to breathe normal and Don’t. Move. A. Muscle.

Relief came when I heard her in the kitchen. I heard her tiny footsteps walk slowly past my door and then I heard a door close again. Maybe I was in the clear. I better just go to bed and not overthink anything.

I woke up around 8ish for some reason. I tried to go back to sleep but it was not happening. I thought about last night and worried about what she might say. I think the best idea is to just ignore it. I got up and peeked my head out of my room.

She seemed to be in her room doing something. Weird to see the door open now. Usually it was shut but I guess I know what’s inside now. I took my clothes and headed to the bathroom. After a little bit I got out of the shower and dried myself off. I was still too wet to put on clothes and the room was all steamy. I peeked my head out and the coast was clear. I quickly grabbed my clothes and made a break for my room. Too late.

She was out of her room standing looking at me with a basket full of laundry. I froze in my tracks and I tried to move but she’s wearing a new outfit. I get a look at her today. Her hair is down and is kinda wavy. She has a graphic sweater on and jean shorts. I’m a boob guy but I swear this girl is making me an everything guy. I couldn’t find a single thing wrong with the way she looked. My eyes ran down her legs and they were amazing. They looked like hey belonged on an ivory statue. They were smooth, soft lines, and very slender. Her shorts came up to her upper thigh and fit tightly around her waist. I continued to look up and realized she was looking at me looking at her. Our eyes met and the questioning yet embarrassed look in her eyes along with her silky hair, pale skin and exposed legs made the blood drain from my face and into my dick. I didn’t know why I wasn’t looking away, I don’t know why I wasn’t moving. All I knew is that there was a thin teal towel between her gaze and my manliness.

Now it was her turn. Her eyes left mine and traveled down my body. I’m not fit by any means. My job keeps me active and I eat alright but I’m not in any bad shape. I’m about 195 pounds standing at 5’10”. However, having not eaten anything today and just gotten out of the shower my body seemed to look better than I thought because she was slowly making her way down.

I still couldn’t move. I’ve never had a girl look at me the way she is. Her eyes changed and now they seemed to have curiosity in them. She got down to what I assume was my penis and stopped. Her eyes widened. I looked down and saw that I was fully erect. And it had somehow made its way through the part in the towel. I see her do a quick tiny bite on her lower lip.
Our eyes met and she got more red than I’ve seen before. She drops her basket and runs into her room, “sorry sorry sorry” she says closing the door behind her.

All my senses came back to me and I heard my heavy breathing kick back in along with my fast heartbeat. I darted back to my room and shut the door but I didn’t realize it didn’t close all the way. I took my towel off and knew that this boner wasn’t going to just go down so I opened some porn on my phone and started jacking off. I have no clue how long has passed but I finally get to a point where I’m about to come and as soon as I reach the point of no return I see it. A pale face with glasses peeking through my slightly open door.

I looked at my dick and started cumming against my wishes. I looked back at her and she saw me. She gasps, says sorry one more time and disappears.

I clean up and go looking for her. But she is nowhere to be found and her basket is still on the ground.

The day goes on and I don’t see her. I wanted to call but realized I never got her number. I start to worry but I have no idea what to do. I don’t know anyone around here and I doubt she does since she seems like a homebody too. I decided to just keep myself busy and get ready for the semester to start again.

Night falls and still no sign. I sorta start to miss her. I have no idea why. I’ve barely known her for a weekend. We’ve had more “off brand” sexual encounters than I’d like to admit but I just have this emptiness inside. Did I like her? Or did I just miss the horny nature of our living together. She was cute and seemed to be a decent person but I honestly didn’t know alot about her. Yet this feeling I had, I wanted to know more. I did my best to fall asleep but couldn’t. I kept thinking about her. Not about her sexy legs or fitting tank tops but just about her.

The clock turned 11 but still nothing. I had to do something. So I wrote a note.

—–I know the last few days have been weird and I am sorry if I have made you uncomfortable around me. I think its might help to talk about our situation as we might not have know what we are getting into being a girl and boy living together.——

I pinned the note to her door and that seemed to have made me less stressed as I was able to go to sleep.

The next day I gather my stuff and head out to school. The laundry basket is still on the floor and her room is wide open. I tried to shake it off and headed out. After classes and work I come back home and it’s still there. I started to worry again but tried to focus on my homework
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday all seemed to blur together. I started to get back into the routine of school until I got home after work on friday. The note was gone, so was her basket and her door was shut. I walked up to her room and was about to knock but something stopped me. I stood there and just stared at the door. I smiled knowing she is alive and that seemed to be good enough for me to be able to turn away and go into my room. I get out my homework and put a good two hours into it.

8:30pm rolls around and I get a paper slid under my door. At first it startled me then I started to worry about what it was going to say. I looked at it for what seemed like minutes but was probably 10 seconds. I picked it up.

—–Let’s talk tomorrow—-

I felt at ease. Granted it was just a note but it didn’t seem like a bad note. I worked more on my homework and fell asleep at my desk.
Along with Sunday, Friday was my second day off and I managed to not have school. I woke up and went to the shower. Her room door was open. My heart rate increased ever so slightly thinking about her note. When were we going to talk? What were we going to talk about? I try to shake it off in the shower.

While I was in there u started to think of Chloe and got hard really quickly. I figured it would be a good idea to jerk off so I’m less horny for our talk and able to think more clearly.

I got out of the shower and opened the door to see if she was out. This time I beelined straight to my room and made sure the door was shut. I get dressed in a tee and gym shorts and walk out to the main living area. I make my way over to her room and knock on the way. She jumps a little.

“Hey sorry… Umm when do you… You know wanna talk.”

“One moment”

I lingered a bit and then sat on the couch. She came in the main room and saw me on the couch. She was wearing some gray sweats and a blue top that showed off the shape of her small perky breasts. It didn’t look like she was wearing a bra but what do I know. Chloe made her way to the couch and I swear her boobs did a slight jiggle with every step. She sat on the couch and the light blue shirt seemed to reveal a vague outline of her nipples. My dick jumped, “fuck” I thought. I readjusted my sitting and faced a little towards her.

She looked at me, “What’s wrong?”

I kinda looked into space, “I uhh didn’t see you for a while”

She could sense my worry and her demeanor changed again, “I didn’t know what to do… I felt like I couldn’t show my face to you. I was embarrassed and I figured you were too”

“I was”

“I’m sorry”

“Its okay”

“I didn’t mean to stare” she kind of looked down
“Its fine”

“Is it?”

“I dont know”

Our old friend silence came back for a visit.
“I’m sorry if I made things weird. This whole living with a guy thing is new to me.” she started to rub her arms nervously.

“I’m in the same boat, but you know… With a girl.”

She looked at me and smiled a little. The mood seemed to lighten up. Then it went back down again when she hung her head.

“What’s wrong?” I ask Her face starts to get a little pink. “You okay?” She looked like she wants to say something. “I won’t judge”

Her eyes widened like she was caught, “I… I don’t know”

I hold out my pinky. She looks at my pinky and then at me and then reaches for my pinky. We shake.

She takes a deep breath then breathes out, “I liked it”


“I liked it”

“Liked what?”


“Tell me”

“I liked… You know”

“I know wha… Oooohhh, got it”

She got red and looked down. Not knowing what to say I said, “Thanks”

She sort of giggled but it was really short.
To this day I don’t know why I asked this next question even though I knew the answer, “Do you?”

She buried her face in her hands. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to cross-”


“-the line” I realized what she said. “Oh cool”
I’m not sure how this conversation could get any more awkward. Chloe somehow knew what to do to do so.

“Do you watch porn?”

My mind was blown, I honestly never thought I’d hear those words from a girl ive known for a week. But I managed to answer still, “yes”

“What kind?”

Suddenly I realized where the conversation could go and my guy instincts kicked in and the wheels in my head started turning. I could be basic and say the usual stuff. I could go in another direction and say hentai, or I could get the answers I wanted from day one. I go with option C, the truth, “Depends, sometimes petite stuff or lesbian stuff but if I’m being honest, I’ve been looking at girls with dicks,”

She seemed to perk up after that last genre. I knew she must watch that stuff too but if I’m to get any answer I gotta be cool about it. She looks at me with a hopeful expression, “You seriously watch stuff with Transsexual people?”
“Not all the time. I just sometimes have an itch for it.” I cant believe im actually being honest when I say this stuff. “I’m not into dudes but I don’t know… There’s something about a penis on a girl that’s pretty hot.”

“Do you watch that stuff often?”

“Recently yeah if I’m honest”

Her redness seemed to turn down as her cheeks were just a tad rosie. Which was a surprise after what she said next, “I do too”
I knew it! That’s so fucking hot. I masturbate to you watching that stuff and it’s so hot, “Oh nice cool”

“How often do you jerk off”

Oh we are definitely into that territory, “Once a day, maybe twice-” wait this seems too good to be true, “-Whats come over you? Sunday you seemed really embarrassed when I was looking at you in shorts and now we are talking about this?

“I’m sorry… A lot has happened recently”

“What do you mean”

She tried to get comfortable, “Well when I saw you in the towel and you know, jack off. Your dick was the first real one I saw. Then when you saw me I realized my mistake and freaked out.”

“I should of had the door closed it was my fault”

“Its fine”

“Where did you go?”

“My moms house, I told her what happened and she calmed me down. She’s cool like that.”

“Oh nice.”

“I took some time to myself and…”


She held out her pinky this time. Knowing something big was coming next I pinky swore with her almost instinctively. She cleared her throat, “it was all I could think about the next two days”

“Think about wh- Oh… really?”


With the tension that was there before gone I didn’t seem to notice that this whole conversation had my dick hard. But she apparently noticed because I saw her hand make her way to my jeans. I kinda jumped to my surprise and that seemed to have brought her mind back to the moment because she then saw what her hand was doing and pulled it back.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I…I don’t know what came over me”

Chloe curled up into a ball and kept apologizing and I tried to tell her it was fine. It was just surprising, not bad. She didn’t hear me over her sorrys and her face tucked into her knees. I put my hand on her shoulder and pulled her face away from her legs. “Hey look at me..” she looked into my eyes, “..I can forget this ever happened..” yeah right I thought to myself, “..just say the word”

She looked at me and seemed really surprised by my calmness. I saw the gear in her head turn as she thought about my words. I was surprised that she was even considering anything. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about stuff like this or more but it’s always surprising to hear or see that someone else may be thinking of something similar to you.
She picked my hand off her shoulder and straightened up. She brought her legs back down and tucked her hand between them, closing her thighs together. She turned towards me slowly and brought her legs up on the couch. She placed her hand on her other arm and if I’m not mistaken did so to accentuate her tits.



“Don’t forget this happened.”

“Okay I won’t but where do we go from here”

“I want to see”

“See what?”

“Your dick”

“You want to see my dick?” of course numbnuts that was what she just said.

“Yes well no”
I just looked at her and she took a deep breath, “I want… I want to see you… Watch you masturbate”



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