The Campout Pt. 4.1

The Campout Pt. 4.1

When the sun rose the next morning, there was a chill in the air. The cool spring morning was damp & foggy, the birds chirping in the woods around their tent. She woke with a chill & reached for him, but he was not laying next to her. Sitting up, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, allowing the blanket to fall, exposing her bare breast. Instantly her nipples hardened from the breeze blowing through the open screens on the tent’s walls.

Pulling the blanket back up, she searched through her bag for some clean clothes. Finding a pair of old blue jeans & her favorite lavender-colored sweater, she pulled them on quickly to help warm her body. Standing, she stepped through the tent flap, & found him at the campfire, cooking breakfast. The aromas of sausage & eggs filled her nostrils as she inhaled deeply. Her tummy growled in hunger as she approached him near the fire’s edge.

The warmth of the blaze compared to the coolness of the morning air sent goosebumps up her spine. She could feel her nipples hardening again at the sudden change of temperature. He glanced up at her, handing her a plate of food, & smirked at the two protrusions poking through the fabric of the thin sweater. She obviously was not wearing a bra, no doubt to match the panties she had given up wearing after their first fuck session.

“I thought we might spend some time down at the creek today,” he said, conversationally. “The water will be cold, but we could still bathe & get cleaned up a bit.” She shivered at the idea of that cold water touching her bare skin, but there was no getting around it. After all of yesterday’s activities, they could both use a bath, cold or not.

They finished their breakfast, which was delicious. Something about eating food cooked over an open flame out in the middle of nowhere seemed to make it taste better. After cleaning up the few breakfast dishes, which they stowed away back into the tote they came from, they grabbed soap & towels from their bags. Holding hands, they walked down to the creek.

The fog was thicker over the running water; they could barely see a foot in front of themselves. Casually, he removed his T-shirt & blue jeans, waiting for her to do the same. She decided she would provide a little strip-tease for him, first peeling off her sweater slowly, exposing each breast one at a time, before pulling it over her head. Next, she unbuttoned her jeans & unzipping them, leaving the fly spread apart to reveal the patch of skin below her navel. Turning to face away from him, she began to pull her jeans down, ever so slowly, until she was bent completely over, her ass in the air, her pussy peaking out from the back. She knew he was watching & shook her ass side to side a little, teasing him. Finally she pulled the jeans from around her ankles & stood straight, turning to face him once more.


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