Parents sleepover

With Alex’s parents now in contact with me and Alex and Kylie being willing to meet up with them we had to work out the details. Eventually they agreed to come over for lunch after they left church on a Sunday. I got a text message from them the morning they were supposed to come over, they told me the church had a group prayer for them and prayed for a positive reunion with their daughters today. I rolled my eyes and didn’t respond. At around 1pm there was a knock on the door, I went and answered it. As they said they were there for lunch so I invited them in and we walked to kitchen where Alex and Kylie had been drinking a bit, they were nervous about this lunch with their parents for the first time in a while. Their parents rounded the corner into the kitchen and immediately stopped in their tracks, “what are you girls wearing?!” Their mom blurted out. “House attire” Alex responded with confidence. “House attire is naked??” “Yes”.

Pam looking at her husband concerned and confused told him that she was unsure about this. He tried to calm her but you could tell she was still on edge as Alex fired up the stove and began to cook some chicken for the salads we were having for lunch. Alex’s dad Rodger tried having some light conversations with everyone, being very careful to avoid the fact that the reason everything blew up the last time they talked was when Kylie told them she was bisexual. Lunch went as relatively smooth as it could, Rodger was trying his best to not look at his naked daughters sitting there eating like nothing was wrong. Being naked at become normal for the girls after moving in with me, and they had grown to enjoy the freedom of it. The conversations continued and went relatively nicely until their parents left for the evening. I turned to Alex and Kylie and asked them how they thought it went and how they felt about it all. They told me that it was awkward but was a decent experience overall and could have been worse. They’d be open to having lunch with them again next week.

A few lunches went by and the relationship between the girls and their parents was getting stronger again, and that’s a good thing. Alex came to me and told me that since her parents know about our lifestyle choices and seem to be accepting of them, that she felt they should when visiting also strip down to just socks. I told her it was an interesting idea, but we can’t force our lifestyle on others. She asked if she could greet them the next time and try to get them to do it. Absolutely I told Alex, Pam and rodger knocked at the door thaglt Sunday after church and Alex invited them in. I sat close enough I could hear incase something went crazy I could attempt to step in and stop it. Then I heard Alex tell her parents her idea, enraged by the idea thinking it came from me Pam started yelling. Telling me how I’ve polluted her daughters and on and on, I could hear rodger apologizing to Alex as he pushed Pam back out the door shutting it behind them. Alex came back in to tell Kylie that mom and dad clearly were not ready for the next step and left. Kylie understood but felt like this was all her fault as it was unlikely any of this would be happening if she hadn’t told her ultra religious parents about her sexual preferences.

A few weeks went by without Pam and Rodger coming over for lunch, when I got a phone call. It was Rodger, he told me he believed he had Pam calmed down enough to come over and try this again. I explained to Rodger I can’t make a decision like this that could negatively impact my subs Alex and her sister Kylie without talking to them first. He understood before telling me he’d pray that I could convince the girls to once again meet up with their parents. Kylie trying to make peace was easy to convince of their idea, Alex pushed back and had a few extra rules that they’d have to agree too. After a lengthy phone call woth Rodger we set a time up on a Saturday for lunch pending he’d convince Pam to agree. Saturday came and noon passed. I sat outback thinking maybe Alex didn’t want her parents in her life and this was why she was doing all of this, then at around 12:30 I finally heard the doorbell ring. I went and answered it, Rodger nodded at me as to say all is good and I invited them in. Things immediately became very formal as I asked each of them to remove their shoes and follow me, they did so expeditiously.

I had Pam and Rodger follow me to the sitting room where Alex and Kylie were sitting on the couch. Alex looked up from her book and asked them if they were prepared for today? Rodger nodded almost instantly, Alex looked at her mom “are you ready?” She specifically asked her mom. Pam nodded back to Alex, “no mom, I want to hear you say it” “Yes” Pam responded, hearing the shakiness in her voice I looked at her to get a nod for myself. I had Pam and Rodger reposition themselves while Alex sat down, they both stood facing the couch their daughters were sitting on just far enough apart they couldn’t touch each other. “Pam and Rodger, you both have come here today on your own will and sound mind. You both know your safe word and can stop this at anytime by using. Do you both understand?” I asked. “We do sir” they responded. I started with Pam, I walked around her inspecting her attire before stopping myself behind her and grabbing the bottom of her shirt. “Hands up” I said as I pulled Pam’s shirt up over her head and throwing it to a corner of the room. With Pam’s shirt off I took another lap around her before stopping in the front this time and unbuttoning her skirt and letting it fall to the floor. I instructed Pam to step out of the skirt before picking it up and throwing it over with her shirt.

Alex spoke up and asked me if her and Kylie could have a turn. “Absolutely baby girl” I told her as the girls got up and went over to Rodger. They started with untucking his shirt and unbuttoning it slowly from the top as they worked their way down. They then undid the belt on his pants and the button before unzipping his pants. Alex grabbed the belt and pulled his pants down, she pulled his boxers right down with with his pants and out popped her dad’s cock, hard as a rock and in his oldest daughter’s face. She giggled at him as she looked up before taking her seat back on the couch and telling him to step out of his pants just as his wife did. Kylie found her parents standing before us like this to be funny and started to giggle a bit before taking a few pictures on her phone. I got back up and took Rodger’s pants and threw them in the corner with his wife’s clothes before I turned my attention back to her. Doing a walk around on her again, now standing there wearing only her black bra and panties, with her argyle “Church socks” as she called them I undid the hooks on the back of her bra and helped Pam guide it down her arms. I took pleasure and my time as a knelt down to take off Pam’s panties, slowly and carefully to make sure I got a good look at everything Rodger got to see and use.

With Pam now wearing only socks, and Rodger in his dress shirt and socks only Alex now got up to begin the next stage. She walked over to her dad, still with his cock hard from looking at his naked wife and daughters. Alex pulled out a pair of anal plugs for them each to wear during their visit, starting with her dad she lubed it up and spread his ass cheeks to see his asshole. With little warning she shoved it in and his cock softened. Alex went around to the front of her dad, and with his cock no longer hard she pulled out a cage and began to put it on him. Kylie instructed her mother Pam to come over to the couch and bend over. Hesitantly Pam came over to the couch, seeing Kylie holding a plug for her. She bent over and Kylie without any lube or warning shoved it in her mother. Both now plugged and Rodger caged they went back to where they had been standing, where I inspected them before telling them to smile for their pictures. We took one with just them and one with their daughters before beginning to make lunch.

“I’m not sure I can get used to this” Pam said as she was standing in the kitchen watching her daughters prepare lunch. Both girls smiled and told their mom “you’ll get used to it in time” while showing their mother their plugs each with their birthstones as the jewel on the end. After lunch they started to drink a little and before long it was clear the alcohol had gone a little too far for them to safely drive back home. Hesitantly Alex asked me if she could offer her parents a room her for the night. “Only if I can tie them up” I told Alex. She saw no issues with this and offered to let them spend the night, drunkenly they accepted and my proposal to tie them both up. Walking them to bed we helped guide them both in before using handcuffs to ankor their hands and feet to the bedframe. I decided to give Pam a night she wouldn’t forget, I went and grabbed a ball gag and one of her daughters wands. I lined the wand up with her clit before tying it to her legs and I offered her one last use of her safeword before I gagged her and left her for the night. “I want a relationship with my daughters” Pam responded before I gagged her for the evening and left the room. I went back out to the living room where Alex and Kylie were still drinking, both girls looked at me and thanked me for everything I’m doing before each giving me a kiss. “You’re welcome” I told them before we began to hear the muffled moan of Pam’s likely first orgasm of the night. “Good night girls” I said before heading up to my room.



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