Part of the Hive [Fantasy][Noncon][Insect][Oviposition]

Olivia’s clan had known about the hellwasps. They had built their village far from the forest where the vile insects made their nests, perched upon the edge of a sea-facing cliff. So it was only occasionally that one of the demons made the strange journey across the open fields between the treeline and the clifftop town: something that was easily handled by a squad of their capable warriors. Olivia wondered if their complacency in that fact had been their downfall.

She was just such a warrior that would be sent out to deal with the stray insects; monstrosities that grew nearly to the size of the hunting dogs that were locked inside when the telltale buzzing filled the air. That’s why she had jumped out of her bed that morning, grabbed her sword and rushed from her home. Her neighbours had looked to her for guidance, each one having felt the same deep trembling in the ground. Then, not long after, the humming began. It was quiet at first, just a nagging tug at the back of her ear, but it grew louder as the day went on, until it nearly drowned out all other noise. A dark cloud formed on the horizon, and she remembered the fear that had bubbled up in her throat when she saw it. She knew now what had happened: a landslide had torn through the paper-like hives of a hellwasp colony, displacing them and sending them into a rage, fuelled by the search for a new nest. Back then, she hadn’t pieced it together fully, but she knew they needed to leave.

The others evacuated while she turned to fight. She’d killed her fair share of the things before, but this was different. This wasn’t a solitary bug, lost and confused as it bumbled into their territory. It felt like only an instant before she and the other warriors were surrounded. They fought to buy time for the others and to survive. Olivia herself cut down more than a few until finally, it was too much. She’d felt a sharp pain in her back, and though she whirled, dismembering the wasp that had stung her, it was too late. White-hot poison coursed through her body, and she struggled to stand. Her body was numb. Her limbs no longer listened to her. She fell, her sword laying uselessly beside her in the grass. She could only watch as the other warriors eventually fell just like her, all paralyzed by the ruthless venom.

Now Olivia wondered what had happened to the others. She had been picked up, carried by one of the wasps as it flew. It could barely fly while holding her weight, and she wished for nothing more than to be able to squirm from its grasp, drop to the forest floor below, and run. But her body was still useless. All she could do was keep trying, hoping that each moment was the one when the poison would have run its course and she would be free.

Those hopes were soon dashed. The wasp brought her over a small ridge and into a small grove of pines. Olivia’s heart froze as she saw the others; hundreds of the foul creatures all milling about, filling the air with their terrible humming. They were moving between the trees, some of them spitting out some sort of sticky substance which they carefully carried between the trunks, beginning to create an intricate web. Others still, like the one that carried her, brought various things to the newly forming hive. Some had globules of golden honey clutched carefully in their tiny legs. Olivia sighed in relief as she saw that, so far, she was the only one who’d been brought back.

The hellwasp brought her one of the walls that had already been completed. She grunted in useless defiance as it fought with her limp body. Eventually, it was able to raise one of her arms high above her head, and she was nearly sick as it spit up some of the viscous grey liquid over her wrist, smoothing it into the bulk of the wall. Before long it let her go, and her arm hung there, cemented to the wall. The wasp moved to her other hand, and she fought again, realizing what was happening. Still, her struggles were pointless, only managing to barely move a few fingers before her other wrist was firmly stuck. Likewise, her legs were similarly bound to the hive, spread apart despite the struggle she put up only internally.

Olivia tried her best to crane her neck away as the wasp began to climb across her body. It was strangely light for its size, though its thin legs pricked at her numb skin as it moved over her stomach. She groaned as it started to gnaw at her fur skirt, its pincers slicing easily through the cord girdle that was holding it up. It fell away, leaving her bare from the chest down, though she only had a moment to despair about it. Another wasp approached, using the wall to crawl toward her head. It was holding a little ball of golden honey. Only when it brought it up to her face did Olivia panic, realizing the creature’s intentions. She closed her mouth as the sticky liquid was smeared across her cheeks, coating her lips and nose entirely. Only barely able to move her neck, she desperately tried to wipe the offending slime from her mouth, even as she slowly ran out of air. Her lungs burned with the effort until, finally, she could take no more. She opened her mouth wide, gasping for air, letting strands of the stuff fall over her tongue. It was sickly sweet and seemed warm against her lips. She tried her best to spit it out, but it was too thick and viscous. She was sure she had swallowed some of it.

The second wasp pulled away from her, and she let her head fall in defeat. Her head was spinning, though she didn’t know if it was from the honey, the venom, or even just the adrenaline fading from her. With half-fogged eyes, she looked down at the hellwasp that was still clutching onto her stomach. The fog in her eyes instantly left, and they were coated instead with the crystal-clear ice of fear as she watched it. The wasp had lifted itself a bit, allowing it to pull its large abdomen up and between its back legs. The stinger that tipped the bulbous end of this wasp was different than the one that had stung her. It was larger, nearly as thick around as her wrist, and instead of a needle-sharp point, it tapered off into a blunt bulb, the end of which pulsated and oozed a clear fluid. The wasp writhed a horrible little dance on her as more of the translucent stinger extended from its undulating abdomen.

Olivia watched to run. She wished only to tear her arms and legs from the hive with the force of a grizzly. To tear this vile, evil bug on her to pieces with only her hands. And yet, those thoughts only swirled on the surface of the whirlpool of her brain. She found it hard to focus on those ideas while other questions floated about. Why was her body so warm? Was it the honey that she’d swallowed that was causing the tingling between her legs? If she could move her neck now, why couldn’t she bring herself to look away from the massive… pulsating…

She shivered as the hellwasp adjusted, freezing stock-still as it gripped her bare hips with its spiked legs. It placed its stinger between her thighs, close enough she could feel its heat even as her skin burned. She had no doubt that it knew what it wanted now, and the terror as it brought its throbbing member against her entrance cleared her mind for just a moment. She struggled as it pushed forward, the pressure against her pussy building. It was no use though; even though she had the power to move her wrists now, they were hopelessly pinned against the hive. Olivia could only scream as her lips spread around their invader, letting it slip inside her.

The stinger felt even more massive than it had looked. She bit down on her tongue as it lanced into her, stretching her wide open as the hornet plunged deeper. It pulsed and throbbed in her, pressing against every sensitive spot that she would wish to hide from it. Inch by inch it defiled her. She grunted as she swore she could feel it in her stomach, the massive appendage spreading her pussy wider than she could have ever imagined. Finally, after what felt like eternity, it was all the way in. Or rather, it was as far as it would go; a good two-thirds of the thing was still outside. Olivia looked down, seeing the tight flat abs of a warrior-woman and also the clear outline of the stinger pressing against them from the inside. She tried to gather her bearings. Her head, already swimming in the pool of warm half-thoughts from the honey, was thoroughly scrambled now. She could barely imagine escape, or even how to start fighting back now. All she could focus on now was the feeling. The feeling of being completely filled, her cunt slowly adjusting to the size and shape of the demonic bug that was destroying it. If only she could get a second to thi-

Olivia couldn’t stop the moan from escaping her lips as the wasp began to pull away. Where had that come from? Back the stinger went, pulling back through her, pressing roughly against all the same sensitive places again, though leaving the distinct feeling of loss as it went. The thin slimy coating smeared across her pussy as it pulled away, letting it slide more easily. Then it was at her entrance again, only the tip still held inside her. She tried to catch her breath, to gather herself for a second, but her brain was fried once again as the wasp shoved itself roughly back in.

The bug didn’t hold back now. Coated with both the stinger’s slime and her juices, her pussy no longer gave it any resistance. Again and again, it plunged into her. It slammed in, each time making sure to force as much of itself into her ruined cunt as it could. Olivia could barely think now. Her brain was a scrambled mess of nonsense. No longer did she even manage the thought of escape. The wasp fucked her as she struggled, not against it or her bonds, but against the one thought that managed to escape the swirling turmoil and become real. Her body was burning, an inferno that started in her core and radiated out to the rest of her. She could no longer deny it. That blazing fire was burning out from a single place, and as much as she tried she couldn’t stop thinking about it. It was right where the head of the wasp’s stinger –no, his cock, bashed against as he bottomed out inside her. Over and over he hit that same spot, coaxing the fire between her legs into a storm. Olivia could no longer catch the moans that exploded from her throat as she coated the stinger in her free-flowing juices.

She felt herself getting closer to the edge as the wasp relentlessly fucked her. It was vicious and rough, using her body as it wanted and not caring about her at all. She was just a fuck-hole to it. Captured bounty from a war that it could use as it pleased. And yet, her body was doing the opposite. Her pussy clenched in pleasure as it filled her, massaging her invader even as it remoulded her insides to its shape. She hadn’t even realized that she’d gained control of her hips again, yet they slammed back into the wasp with each of its thrusts, matching its ruthless tempo and forcing it somehow even deeper inside her. Olivia cried out in ecstasy as it brought her closer to that forbidden edge. She could feel it coming now, and she already knew there would be no stopping it. She hadn’t been able to stop any of this: the swarm, the paralyzing sting, her capture and binding, the animal-fucking she was receiving. And now she would be just as helpless against this inevitability.

The wasp crammed its cock back inside her, but to her surprise, this time it didn’t pull back. Instead, it held itself there, at the deepest point. She looked down in confusion as it wrapped its legs around her, some clutching her thighs while the others encircled her waist. The wings of the wasp extended behind it, almost as if it was about to fly. They fluttered, but not with the motions of flight, but a simple quivering dance. Then something else caught her eye, down near where the two of them were joined, and the sight made her heart stop.

The wasp’s stinger was nearly completely translucent, which allowed her all too good of a view of what was happening. Its abdomen pulsed and shivered, and then, at the point where the stinger was attached, she saw a black lumpy ball descend into the tube-like organ. She already knew what it was, even before the stinger started to contract behind the mass, pushing it closer towards where the rest of it was holding her pussy open. She screamed, the sight of the egg finally clearing her brain. Olivia struggled, her body having regained a surprising amount of its function as she was being fucked. She pushed her hips out and wriggled, trying to dislodge the wasp, but it was tightly latched to her. Even as she fought, she couldn’t take her eyes off of the horrible black egg as it travelled toward her helpless hole. It was bigger even than the stinger itself, bulging the appendage around it as it came ever forward. Then it was at her lips.

She continued to struggle as she felt the pressure rise. She howled as the hard surface of the egg pressed harder and harder into her splayed cunt. Clenching her hardest, she tried one more time to throw the wasp from her body. Yet her lips opened even wider for it, letting it in. With a sickening pop, it slid inside her. The sudden relief of pressure, along with the rough grinding of the egg as it now travelled deeper into her pussy was too much. That ultimate edge had been pushed off, but no longer would it wait. Olivia’s eyes rolled back into her head as she squealed. She came hard, her destroyed cunt desperately massaging the wasp’s stinger, only helping it to lay its egg inside her. She felt it slip from the stinger; deposited inside her, a strangely comforting pressure against her stomach even as her orgasm continued.

Olivia could barely cry out as she felt the telltale hard pressure of yet another egg pressing against her pussy lips. She looked down, nearly fainting as she saw the translucent cock bulging with not only one more, but nearly a dozen of the black balls, all waiting their turn to be forced into her waiting womb. The second slipped in more easily than the first, forcing a second orgasm from her exhausted body. Then a third. Each in turn coaxing another climax from the warrior-turned-breeding-hole. The last thing Olivia saw before the endless orgasms sent her into blissful unconsciousness was the group of hellwasps that were coming up behind the first, each slowly extending their own stingers as they waited for their turn with the new incubator.

When she finally woke, she instinctively looked down. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw her stomach, once flat and tight, distended and bloated. There, pressed from the inside against the surface were the telltale round impressions of dozens and dozens of eggs. Yet somehow, the fear that should have come from such a sight wasn’t there. Instead, she was filled only with pride at how many they had fit inside her. She was going to help the swarm repopulate, again and again, if they needed. Absentmindedly, she opened her mouth as one of the wasps brought her a glob of honey, happily swallowing the warm liquid. There was a buzzing above her, and she looked up. A smile stretched across her face as she saw more of the insects, carrying some of the other fallen warriors between them. If only they knew what they were in for, they would stop trying to struggle.



  1. Hey all, if you enjoyed this story you might want to check out my subreddit /r/GridoonErotica. I’ll be uploading shorts much like this one there as frequently as I can, and there are links to my longer paid stories that tie into the ones written here on reddit!

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