Camp Williams [MF][Light Fdom]

The radio-alarm clock on Corporal Davis’s bed woke him as it crackled into life. He hit the button above the red digits reading “03:00” and groaned. He hated waking up this early, but it was the only way he could make it to the gym before his shift started and he knew he would be too tired to go afterwards. Military operations on Camp Williams ran 24/7 and Davis had been stuck with an early start for the last three weeks. He preferred to work out at this time anyways, the gym was always empty and it was before the heat of the middle-eastern sun was enough to make you sweat without any need for a workout.

He entered the gym at 03:15, surprised to find he wasn’t alone this morning. His supervisor Sergeant Parker was there and already well into a workout of her own. A no-bullshit woman in her late 20s, her direct attitude and career success had garnered the usual “bitch” comments from the guys beneath her (though never to her face of course) and accusations that she was trying to prove something. The rumours of her recent divorce going around camp had only added to this impression (“Who could blame him?” they’d say) even if four months in this place had many of the guys’ relationships with their own wives and girlfriends back home on the rocks. She gave a slight upward nod to acknowledge his arrival but seemed otherwise indifferent to his presence. Davis grabbed some weights and a bench and began his workout. Sgt. Parker continued lifting across the room from him with what he had to admit was an impressive amount of weight.

Catching sight of her reflection in the mirror between sets, he couldn’t help but notice her figure. He had always been more focused on her straight-forward demeanour rather than her appearance, but here in the gym her tight blue athletic wear showed what her uniform usually covered up; a fit, thick frame with perky breasts held tight in a crop-top. Natural blonde hair fell in a loose pony-tail across her back. Of the greatest interest to Davis was her perfect round ass that could only be the result of hours spent in the gym. Her leggings hugged every curve. He felt his cock begin to stiffen and quickly refocused on his workout, glad to be sitting on the bench for the time being.

“Enjoying the workout, Davis?” she asked casually as she walked by to grab some weights.

“yeah…” he responded, wondering if she’d caught his glances in the mirror.

A while later Sgt. Parker finished and left for the showers. Checking his watch, Davis realized he’d lost track of time watching her and would have to hurry to make it to his shift. He quickly re-racked his weights and headed for a shower of his own. Stepping into the men’s locker room he could hear that one of the showers was already running.

“uh…Parker?” he called out to the room, confused.

“Water’s out again in the female locker room, I’ll be out in a sec.”

The showers were separated from the lockers, but a mirror above a nearby sink was at just the right angle to catch a sliver of the room in its reflection from where he stood. Not a great point of interest when his male compatriots were in there, but with Parker it was like the temptation from the gym mirror amplified a million times. With a twinge of guilt his eyes flicked towards the mirror almost out of their own accord, allowing him to peak inside. He watched transfixed as the water ran down her toned back, across the curves of her beautiful ass and thighs, before pooling into the drain. There was no hiding it now. After four months in this place without seeing a naked woman that wasn’t made of pixels on his phone, the sight of her naked body had his cock sprung to full attention beneath his shorts. The sound of water splashing quieted as the shower-head fizzled to a stop, reminding him where he was. He faced his locker and tried his best to look nonchalant, as if this metal box of clothes required his full attention. The towel wrapped around her body as she entered the room was just barely large enough to cover her chest and ass at the same time.

“Water’s a little cold.”

“Oh…yeah it always is at this time.”

“You look like you could use it though.” she smirked.

“Yeah it’s a hot one today.”

“Don’t play dumb with me Davis, I can see your cock’s hard from here.”

Davis didn’t have to *play* dumb at this point, he genuinely felt like an idiot. Of course his boss had noticed his cock pressing very visibly against his shorts. She indicated the bench in the middle of the lockers “Lie down.” This instruction caught him off-guard, only adding to his feeling of idiocy.

“Lie on the fucking bench Davis.” she ordered. And like the trained soldier he was, he followed her order. Lying on the bench, his shirt off, pitching a clearly defined tent towards the ceiling. She stepped forwards and sat on the edge of the bench beside him. Her eyes looked Davis up and down.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I can’t have one of my subordinates going on their shift like that.” she explained, her fingers reaching around the edge of his waistband and pulling it down with a swift tug. His cock sprang out and she raised an eyebrow “It’s a bigger than I thought, I’ll give you that.” It was true, Cpl Davis had been blessed with a large cock and he knew it.

She reached out with one hand and wrapped her fingers around the base, then she slowly began to stroke up and down. Her wet hand rubbed a bit on his cock and she spat into it for lubrication before continuing. Her fingers felt electric on his eager shaft. She continued to work him from base to tip, occasionally teasing his frenulum with her thumb. Her other hand worked its way between his legs and gently caressed his balls. He lasted about two minutes.

“Oh *fuck!*” he cried as ropes of cum shot out across his chest and coated her hand. She kept stroking and didn’t stop until he groaned from the over-sensitivity, pleasing her with his discomfort.


“It’s been a while…”

“Well if you’re not going to last you can at least get me off.” she said, wiping the cum off her hand on her towel. “Off the bench.”

After Davis got up Parker grabbed the edges of her towel and pulled it aside, giving Davis his first view of the front of her naked body. The towel fell over her two small perky breasts, her pink nipples pointed upwards and stiff from the cold water droplets that still shone on her body. Her stomach was toned and a patch of well-trimmed pubic hair rested above her pussy lips. She placed the towel on the bench, spread herself on top of it and looked at Davis expectantly. He cautiously moved his hand towards her waiting lips until she cut him off. “Not with your hands Davis.”

Understanding, he knelt down in front of her, admiring her pussy and preparing to bury his face into her. She didn’t wait, her hand grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in between her thighs. He could feel how wet she already was as he tasted her lips. His tongue found her clit and a gasp of pleasure escaped her, breaking her tough exterior. He continued licking dutifully, his hands grabbing her thighs. After a few minutes her breathing grew heavier as she ground her pussy against his face. She was soaked now, with his tongue adding to her juices.

“Is your cock hard again?” she gasped.

“Very.” he answered truthfully.


She turned over, placing herself on all fours with her back arched downward, accentuating her ass. His hands roved across it, squeezing it and feeling its firmness. He could see her pussy underneath, still wet from his tongue.

“Better than staring at in the gym?” she asked. She *had* seen him looking.

“You’ve got a great ass!” was the only thing he could think to say.

“I know, but I’m not on birth control so don’t you dare come early like last time.”

He lined the tip of his cock up against her pussy, slowly pushed the head in and realized that lasting long wasn’t going to be easy, even after the first round. She moaned as his thick cock slid inside her, stretching her out. Davis wasn’t the only one who hadn’t gotten any in four months.

He began thrusting in and out with slowly increasing speed, occasionally slapping her perfect ass. As she got more used to his girth she began to thrust her own hips backwards, making him fuck her even harder. He grabbed her hips and pushed his cock deeper inside her with each thrust. Her moans and the increasing desperation of her hips pushing back against him betrayed the orgasm building inside her.

*“Fuck, fuck, I’m going to cum!”* she moaned.

Her legs shook as her orgasm rolled through her. Her pussy tightened around his cock and nearly sent him over the edge too, but he held on as she finished. It was one thing to sleep with your boss, another to impregnate her. Sensing that he was close she spun around, took as much of his cock in her mouth as she could and stroked the remainder with her hands until his orgasm exploded down her throat. After the last pulse of cum finished, she pulled back her head and swallowed his load, catching one loose drop of cum as it rolled down her bottom lip and licking it off her finger.

Suddenly rising from the bench, Sgt. Parker quickly put on her uniform and tied back her hair, confirming in the mirror that her appearance was up to standard. Having now collected herself, nobody would guess that she had been fucked hard only minutes before. Leaving the locker room as if nothing had happened, she looked back at a stunned Davis and tossed him his towel.

“Go clean yourself up. And Davis…”


“If you’re late for your shift you’re dead.” she said, and let locker room door shut behind her.
