My student seduced me {ff} pt1

I’m a 36 year old college professor at a small midwest school. I’ve been teaching for around 10 years now. I teach history at the school and have 3 classes every other day. It’s not too bad.

Like any other teacher, we all have our unspoken favorites. We have students we appreciate, and other student “stereotypes” for lack of better words. Through the years you can learn to pick out who’s going to be who pretty quick. Coming up on my 11th year teaching, we are starting the new fall semester. Now, as a young teacher, it may be frowned upon to admit, but some of the students have serious charm. I may not show it, or act on it, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have my fair share of fantasies every once in awhile.

This semester in particular, I started to be able to pick out which students would be which. The lectures are medium sized, my second lecture class has 43 students. My second lecture class is quickly becoming my favorite. They’re active and engaging in the activities. I try my best to make it interactive and enticing for the students, so it’s nice to see them reacting positively to the work.

Around 4 weeks in I’ve identified which students are which. There is an exam coming up, so I have some one on one time with students to help them in my office hours. Now most of them have been the norm, nothing special, but one has increasingly caught my eye. As a young, and somewhat attractive teacher, I’ve had some advances from students before, so it isnt completely unexpected when a student does it. This student is different though. She’s first of all a she, and second she’s absolutely stunning. Her name is Olivia. She’s around 5’4, she has long, blondish brown hair, light brown eyes, and a curvy body. Her smile is gorgeous, I find myself trying not to smile when she does. She makes me nervous, I find myself stumbling on my words because I’m so focused on her.

She’s a student all teachers learn to appreciate. She participates actively in class and occasionally will come up or email a question. The past week she has been coming to my office hours to help her prepare for the upcoming exam. As with most students, you learn a little more about them from this time. You see a lot more of their personality. She’s a sorority girl with big ambitions. She doesn’t really care for school but she’s passionate about doing well and that’s all you can really hope for.

As a straight, female, young teacher, this was a feeling I had never gotten before. I’m decently experienced and haven’t particularly gotten nervous like this with a student. My hands get sweating, my words are stumbling, I lose my focus, and I even catch myself staring at her for too long. She dresses cute, classic sorority girl with the Lululemon and the leggings and T-shirt combo, plus an occasional sweats and hoodie day. It fits her well. She always smells so good too. I find myself almost drawn to it. I even start to hope she is coming in for office hours!

After the exam, I don’t expect to see her anymore in my office hours. Which oddly is disappointing because I began to look forward to it every class. But suddenly here she is walking to my desk. She looks a little more done up than usual. She has more makeup than usual and has slightly tighter clothes. It fits her body nicely and yet again, I catch myself staring at her. She smiles at me as she approaches.

“Hi professor baldwin! Thank you so much for your help! I came in because I just wanted to go over some of the questions I missed and see what I did wrong.” She said in an enthusiastic tone.

She’s always been enthusiastic but this time felt different. She sits next to me and I pull out her test. She got an 87%, pretty damn high considering the mean was 74%. I start to point out the questions she did wrong like I usually would. She scoots a little closer to me, almost touching my elbow as she leans in to look at what I’m pointing at. I start to get nervous. I ask her if she understands the question we just went over and I watch her gaze drop from my eyes to my cleavage barely visible from my button up blouse. It wasn’t a state, but it was a blatant glance. She looks back up at me and then drops her eyes again for a double take. I hide the fact that I notice. Holy shit is she into me?

I get even more nervous. I find myself getting turned on. Her beautiful face, gorgeous eyes, stunning body. Her leggings hugging her ass just right and her tight shirt shows she has big tits. Her shirt is a vcut and it’s showing the perfect cleavage of her tits. I adjust in my chair trying to push away the intruding thoughts.

We move onto the next question she missed, as I’m explaining I can see her gaze in my peripheral vision. She’s staring right at me, smirking, almost in admiration. Again, I pretend to not notice. She cuts me off as I’m explaining,

“I really like your glasses! They look good on you!”

I feel my face get warm and I feel my pussy start to throb. I blush in utter shock. Not only did she cut me off to say that but she complimented me. She is totally trying to hit on me. I press the feelings away despite the absolute desire that’s growing for her. I can’t tell if she can see the struggle on my face or not. I say thank you and continue explaining the question.

Hardly moments later, her hand drops to her side, the back of her knuckles ever so gently brush along the outside of my thigh. My pussy twitches again. Fuck. This is the first time I’ve ever not been able to resist. She’s turning me on and she’s barely doing anything. I decide to test her a little. I tell her,

“I’m going to have you rewrite one of the short answer responses you got wrong so that I can see you understand it now. I need to run to the bathroom so work on that and I’ll be right back.”

I practically run to the bathroom. It’s not until I stand up that I can feel how wet I really am. I rush into the stall and clean up a bit. To play with her, I’m gonna bait a little, see if she takes it. I unbutton my button up that she glared at earlier, exposing my hidden breasts. You can see the size of them now, it’s subtle, but If you look then you will definitely see the full shape of my tits. I pull up my slacks as well to tighten up any slack and emphasize the size and shape of my ass. With that, I return to Olivia sitting in my office.

She’s still writing, but she looks up the second she hears the door. She quickly starts to look back down but again, another double take. I have no doubt that she can see a glimpse of the skin of my breasts through my shirt as they bounce with my walk. I watch her quickly look me up and down before returning to her writing. I smirk. She’s taking the bait. I sit down next to her, my tits almost perfectly at eye level. I watch as she sneaks another look. I want her. It’s so wrong but I want her so bad.

She finishes up her answer and I take a look. At this point I’m trying to rush her out of here before I lose control. She answers it well and I commend her on her understanding and hard work. Lucky for me, she seems to be in a hurry. She thanks me again before saying she will see me in class on Monday.



  1. I truly enjoyed your story. I think you are a very talented writer, and have a very good feel for story structure. And by the way, the story is really hot! Can’t wait to read the next installment.

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