My Bosses Fiancé – We Got Caught [23M, 29F, 32M]

Men are strange. In my conversations with “straight men” -particularly ones that are in relationships with women, but somehow find their way to me – I make it a point to ask them. ‘How would you feel about your partner having someone on the side? Most admit to having a problem with it. But can justify our encounters.

James hired me to work in the gym he was managing. I was fresh out of highschool and had fled to the city from my small town after being accused of… some gay shit – it’s a long story that I won’t detail right now… Anyway I had been working for the gym for about two years at this point and had recently started hooking up with my manager James. – I posted that story on this sub also

He’s 6’3, solid muscle, almost competition shape. He wears these glasses that almost make him a bit nerdy…which I find kinda cute. In every respect James is the boss. He’s the guy that you turn to when you need a leader. It’s innate. 

Except he has a secret. A secret that I guess started with me. He has a submissive side in bed. And he loves big dick.    It was a Saturday and I had just pulled up to James’ house. We had fucked here before. When he revealed that he had actually had a crush on me for some time. 

I’m still enamored by how prestine James’ yard is. The grass, edged to a razor, was solid green with no brown patches. 

I ring the doorbell and he answers right away. I always loved that. It was like he was waiting by the door, eager as a puppy to see me.

The inside of his place is straight out of some bachelor pad, GQ article. Everything has it’s place and yet remains very masculine. I noted that James’ office was very much the same way…nothing about his life on the surface was ever out of place.   

James was different today. He seemed extra happy.  He poured us some drinks ( I don’t drink), and before I could protest, or sip and try and let the alcohol burn off in my mouth, he threw his drink back and swallowed the whole thing. 

He sat there pursing his lips together for a moment before springing back to his feet and getting another drink. 

“Are we nervous?” I asked. 

“Nervous? No…no, not at all.” He said. “We’re celebrating.” 

“We are?” 

“Yes! …I just hit a company EBITA record and my district is number two in earnings company wide.” 

“That’s great!” I said.

He sat back down and grew, dark. “Yeah, that’s great.” 

He became silent.  We were sitting side by side on the couch, he stared into the bottom of his glass.

“I’m engaged.” He said simply.

I swallowed hard. Something in me knew…Something told me that things between us were changing. I had convinced myself that I didn’t have feelings for James, but the sinking feeling, and the lump that was swelling in my throat told me what my brain wouldn’t. 

I reached for my drink and swallowed it in a gulp. 

“Congratulations man, that’s great” I said. 

“Yeah, I guess that is.” His tone deflated.

“What’s wrong, don’t you wanna marry her?” 

He shakes his head slowly. He looks over at me for a long time…not as if to get a response from me. It’s almost like I’m not there. Like I’m a painting. 

“It’s complicated now.” He says.

When he speaks next he’s not James’ my boss, he’s not even James my perfect little bitch. He’s smaller than that, and yet larger…I know it sounds weird. 

“I’ve always done things, one way…the right way…I just…” 

I know what this is about.

“What is it that you want?” I say, not really asking the question. He looks over at me and there’s a weight on him that I hadn’t noticed before. There is a desperate look in his eyes. As if he wants me to make the decision for him. 

Then quite suddenly he pushes me off him and jumps to his feet, as if he has somewhere he has to be. But he just stands there. 

“I. Don’t. Know…What. I. Want.” His tone, measured.  

“I’m not what you want dude.” I supply “I can’t make you happy…I mean we have fun together, sure. But then what? I can’t do the things for you that she- I mean… You have a beautiful house, you’re a star at work. You have a fiancé who loves you…you have a life that so many dream about, and you made that happen- ”

“DID I?!” He burst. I had never seen James like this. He was panting hard, beet red, and out of control. “Did I make it happen?” he began to pace rapidly around the room, I thought he may have a panic attack. 

The whole time he was rambling about fanfair, and the locker rooms, and the protein shakes, and the long college hours and the two-a-day practices and the girls and being teased by the boys for his size so spending extra hours in the gym to put on mass and the macros and all the people telling him what a great job he’s doing and what a great person he is. 

He lunged at me so fast it freaked me out. His eyes were wide and scary. He was on top of me holding me around my collar. His voice was a seething whisper as he confessed…not really to me, I was just there…more to himself. 

“I. Hate. Football.” He said “I have always. Hated. Football.”  

It took a while for James to calm down. I had nothing to contribute to his meltdown, all I could do was listen. 

“You know why I played football?” He asked. I shook my head nervously. ” Because people who I was too afraid to let down…told me I should.” 

He suddenly burst out laughing “I guess I’ve been submissive all my life.”

I didn’t find any of this funny.

He looked around the room “I don’t know the man who lives in this house.”  He whispered. He finally took his seat. “And I don’t know what I want.”

That day for the first time I let James fuck me. Right there on the couch where we sat. It was an experience for sure. I felt his…power. What his women must feel. Having someone so physically elite take charge of your body is a masterclass in letting go…For me anyway…I am kind of a control freak in bed. 

When we were done I asked him “Is that what you want?” 

He just shook his head. ” I don’t know.” 

I took him by the hand and we went upstairs to his bedroom. For the first time…I mean there were no toys, there were no restraints or devices for enhancements…just our bodies…we made love. As equals. 

Not fucking in the shower, or the supply closet, or suspended by straps. Just us. 

He wasn’t my sub. He was my…friend. When he cried, I cried and held him. When I thrust as deep as he could take it and he moaned and kissed me, I embraced him even harder. 

For those moments time stood still. I didn’t notice the hours. The hunger from not having eaten…the way the day suddenly became night…Nor the blonde woman framed in the doorway.

I had seen her in pictures, she was always smiling.

“What the FUCK!” She screamed. 

She was not smiling.

James was riding my dick, facing me, our fingers interlocked. I was on my back so I had seen her and he had not. But her shrill scream jolted his body and he became airborne. The look on his face is something that will stay with me forever. 

Her name is Samantha. She looked at me, then back at James. I pulled the covers over me sheepishly.

“You!…You…” Then she screamed some words regarding his sexuality that I won’t repeat here.”How could you do this to me!” She shouted as her body morphed into a tornado of shimmering blonde hair. She hurled debris in James’ general direction. 

“Baby wait…Baby please!” He said trying to weather the storm. 

He finally was able to grab hold of her, and hold her close. She thrashed and kicked and screamed, until she just sobbed. 

“How could you do this to us?” 

“I’m sorry.”

Her anger returned and she started thrashing a bit. 

I don’t know what came over me then but I had a feeling I could help. Remind you, I’m completely naked and still chubbed from hours of on the edge love making. 

I got up out of the bed, and walked over to them, and said. “Samantha. No one should have to find out this way, and I’m sorry.” She had grown silent. My dick compared to James was massive. I wasn’t sure how much experience she had. But she looked up at me wide eyed and furious…but there was something else there too.


She kept glancing down at my cock, back and forth. 

I remember James talking about how vanilla their sex life was….he would say ‘doggy is the spiciest thing that we do’. He always said she was a good girl. Innocent almost. 

I would laugh and think to myself nobody’s that innocent

I placed my hand on her back, something I wouldn’t have done if James wasn’t holding her. James has a freaked out look on his face. I feel as though anything could happen at this point. She could self-destruct and blow us all up. Not before tearing off my penis. 

I look her very intently in the face. And took her hand in mine. My voice had dropped to a silky purr. “May I?” 

She didn’t say anything. But ever so slowly her hand moved closer to my cock. I started to grow with anticipation. I shot a quick look at James to see if he would protest. But he sat still.

Her hand reached my cock. Her soft touch was maddening…I forgot hands could be that smooth. She began stroking it back and forth. She swallowed hard, her eyes glazed over. 

*Please don’t rip off my dick* 

I took her face in my hands and leaned in “James is a good man, and you’re a good woman…I never meant to come between you guys, but maybe I don’t have to be between?”

I raised her face to mine. Her eyes went closed, and she pushed her lips out and leaned closer…closer. 

I never broke eye contact with James the whole time I kissed her. I gave him a slight eyebrow raise and he just nodded his approval in disbelief. 

I lifted her up  and carried her to the bed but sat her down in front of a full body mirror. She was wearing this long sundress. I unzipped the back. and let the dress fall to the floor. I helped her out of her matching bra and panties. 

She really had a great look. I mean I considermyself more gay than bi…but damn looking at her had me so turned on. Her breasts were full I would say C cups (but I’m no expert) Her nipples were a peachy color, her whole body was soft yet firm and her ass was well portioned for her petite frame. Stretch marks in all the right places. 

I stood behind her, watching her watch us in this full body mirror.  Ran my fingers through her impossibly abundant hair. I let out a breath while my lips caressed the virtebre on the back of her neck.

“Look at you.” I whispered.

I kissed her neck. “Look at you.”

I kissed her temple “Look at you.”

She was beginning to reach her threshold of tease. With a shrill she turned and jumped on me, wrapping her legs around my waist. I kissed her deeply and sat her down on the bed. I looked over to see if my good boy was watching. 

He was. 

I kissed all over her body and made my way between her thighs. I teased her lightly around her sensitive area. She was getting so wet. 

I looked over at James…”James come eat your fiance’s pussy.” I instructed. I know how experienced James is with his mouth.

He did as he was told. Diving in face first. I moved to her face, holding out my cock. 

There was no hesitation as she grabbed it and eagerly began to throat as much as she could. 

She had skills…

For a solid half hour we all just worked on eachother. 

I asked her “How’s he doing?” She surfaced from my cock long enough to moan and say ‘more.’ 

I reached over and grabbed a fist full of James’ hair. I pushed him deeper into her. She screamed with pleasure and totally forgot about sucking my dick. 

The last time I did this James just looked at me like ‘Give me a break’. I could tell he was exhausted. 

I moved James up from down there and gave him a kiss. I could taste her in his mouth. 

“Fuck yeah!” She moaned as she watched us make out. 

“Go hold her.” I told James silently. He went to her and positioned himself underneath her body. My cock was throbbing as I let it rest on her clit. I rubbed it back and forth.

“Yes! Yes! Fuck me with that giant dick!” I looked at James for protest. He did not.

I went slow, inch by inch, filling her walls to capacity. I used a slow and steady motion back and forth to work her up. 

James didn’t know she was a squirter. I have to say it freaked me out a little but turned me on a lot. 

She came multiple times that night. 

While I fucked her. James fucked my face to completion. I was happy because I didn’t want him to be completely emasculated in her eyes.  

I finally pulled out and squirted somewhere…it was a blur at this point …but it was one of the best yet painful (If you know what I mean) nuts I have ever had. My cock was raw. I didn’t want to be touched. 

But we all lay together afterward. She was so satisfied. I was spent, but recharging.

James… was …pissed. 

I could feel his heat. 

“You didn’t learn that from me.” He said at last. ” You said I was your first…I didn’t teach you that.” 

What was this guy’s problem? We just got away with murder, what was he thinking?

James hops out of bed and begins to pace. 

He stops “It’s Tim isn’t it?”

Who the fuck is Tim

Samantha’s silence is damning. I don’t know who Tim is …but I know it’s Tim. She looked at him with a tremendous weight of shame, and nodded yes. 

I look of shock and hurt and betrayal take his good natured face. Here comes hurricane James. 

Now this dude decides he wants to yell and scream and throw shit around the room. 


Samantha clasps her hands over her mouth.

I jump out of bed and grab James before he can do anything more stupid. 

“James stop it!” I yell “I’m holding him to the ground.”

“He’s my best friend! …How could you do this to me!” 

I call his name and try to calm him down but he isn’t listening. All I can hope is that he wears out soon. Tears are streaming down Samantha’s face.

“James.” I say once he can hear me.

“How could she do it?” He sobbs.

“Maybe …she hates football too.” I say 

Thanks for reading! 

Deepest Gratitude 

-J Brooks
