I Let Them Take Me Because You Got So Drunk [FM][Cheating][F32][Rough]

So…I promise this one will get really weird. This one is personal, it’s one of these things that I think about whenever I go through my divorce in my head again. You have been warned :P

Oh hey, good morning Honey, I wasn’t sure if you were gonna make it. Was there anything you didn’t drink last night?

No, shut up, we WILL talk about this now, you don’t get to weasel your way out of that. Why? You have the audacity to ask me fucking why? Because you embarrassed me, you idiot, you embarrassed me SO MUCH!

How? I don’t even know where to start. Like, when you got so drunk that you tried to kiss Mary instead of me? Because that happened, I don’t know if you remember. 

Oh, don’t get me STARTED on Rupert, you know what? I had to beg him not to knock you out, and he totally would have done it. Let me correct that: You would have DESERVED it. I should have just stood back and watch him fuck you up. And you wanna know why I didn’t, why I protected you? Because you already fucked yourself up enough, and we all just let you lie there in the grass when you passed out.

Nobody wanted to deal with you, and I was busy saying sorry. You know how many times I said sorry last night? It’s, like, a lot. 

Aw, baby, come here, don’t look at me like that. I am mad, yes, but you’re still my husband. 

No, it’s fine, really, I made it up for you already, you won’t even have to say sorry. I mean it, I dealt with it. Here, let me show you.

You feel that in my hair? That sticky mess, everything messed up? That’s, I don’t know, I think that was Rupert, actually, and the other side was Marc? I think so, but I honestly forgot.

And here, feel up my breasts. Come on, I can never get you away from them, and now you don’t wanna touch me? Do it, you moron, feel what I had to feel to make up for your bullshit.

That’s right, knead them. Can you feel how raw I am up there? That’s Martin’s cum that you are massaging deeper into my skin right now, by the way. And just so you know: Nina watched, and she cheered him on.

It wasn’t as hard as you think to convince them, the wives, I mean. The guys needed some real convincing, from all of us. But once I told them that I needed to make this up to them somehow, they all started falling in line. Like, you wouldn’t believe it, they basically pulled and shoved their husbands to join in.

Go on, kiss me on my stomach. DO IT! 

Good, can you smell that? It’s both Johns, not just one of them. Go on, lick my navel. I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. Deeper, get your tongue in there. That’s where I told them to aim, that’s where it all pooled up.

You know what? I really liked that, when they messed me up so much that cum was running down my sides, and then John, I mean Lisa’s John, he put his dick in me, right after he came on my stomach.

He was the first one, you know? The others all jerked off on me, even though all the wives were telling them to get in there, work my body. Their own wives were cheering them on, and they still tried to show me some respect.

But John? He dared, and he fucked me so good. He took it slow, I mean, he was struggling to get hard, but Lisa kept licking my nipples, and I guess that motivated him. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be Lisa, if she gets fucked like that all the time…God, she must be fucking raw every day, every step she takes.

He asked her if he could cum in me, can you believe that? Asked his own wife, and what did she do? She didn’t even look at him, she just kissed me. And you know what? She tasted so good. I will totally never look at her again and not think about kissing her. That look in her eyes, oh god. I can still see it, feel it.

But John was only the first, and I don’t even know who went next. Because I fucking closed my eyes, and Lisa took my head into her lap, and caressed my cheek. I’m sure she got some cum on her as well, because half the guys wanted to finish on my face. You wanna feel it? I got so messed up, I’m glad I didn’t put on any makeup. I thought it was only a garden party between neighbors. If I had known I would date seven guys last night, I would have prettied up a little at least.

But only half of them thought that your wife needed a good cum blast in her face, the others didn’t let me off that easy. 

I’m pretty sure that I have Robert’s cum in me right now, I think I got his voice right. Still wasn’t looking, I just wanted to feel it all happen. He pumped me full of it, and the others had to literally drag him off me, or he would have continued just like John.

But that wouldn’t have been fair, would it? They all needed a little something of me, and they got it ALL. You hear me? They all got a go at my pussy, and not one of them chickened out. They didn’t care that the others had been there before, they didn’t even hesitate. They just fucked me, and I had cum running down on me like nothing I have ever felt before, and it was like lube for whoever wanted to go next. 

I got sore at one point, and Lisa told them that the fun was over. But I knew they needed more, that I hadn’t properly made it up to them yet. Robert hadn’t even had a chance to cum a second time. So I let him take my ass, there was more than enough lube on me to make it happen. 

You heard that right, I let him fuck my ass, like you always wanted to, and I always said no. And you know what? I FUCKING ENJOYED getting FUCKED IN THE ASS, and EVERYONE WATCHED IT!

You heard that right, everyone on the garden party that was supposed to be just a nice little get together WATCHED YOUR WIFE GET FUCKED IN HER ASS. And none of the wives complained. No, Lisa still held my head in her lap, and Mary held my hips up for me. You know, Mary whom you tried to kiss? Yeah, you probably don’t even remember. But she kissed me in the end, and everyone laughed. And that was the end of it, her kissing me, that’s when I knew we were all square.

So, as I said, I took care of it, we are fine. We can still go out and say hi to the neighbors, and we might even get invited to the next garden party. 

And I can promise you, you will come with me, and you will not touch a single drop of alcohol. Because if you do, I’ll tell Rupert he can knock you out after all, and then we’ll all make you watch this time. And I won’t go this easy on you, I won’t go half the fucking way like I did last night. Because the wives will join this time, and they will fucking squat down and piss on me, just to wash all the cum from my body. 

And you know what? If you think that seven strong guys fucking your wife is bad — wait until you watch them all build a circle around me and shower me. And all I’ll do to them is give them all a high five. Maybe a little kiss, if they aren’t too grossed out.

Okay, that’s it, that’s all I wanted you to know. Now you can get up, let me sleep, and I want breakfast when I wake up again. And you can heat the water up, I might need a shower at some point today.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/127lpgz/i_let_them_take_me_because_you_got_so_drunk