A Fantasy Fulfilled – Part III: Convincing Her Husband – [Fiction][18+][MF][Str8][BDSM][MDom][Fsub][Fellatio]

###[A Fantasy Fulfilled – Part I](https://www.reddit.com/user/Wolf_in_Me/comments/11t1hq5/a_fantasy_fulfilled_part_i_fiction18mf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

###[A Fantasy Fulfilled – Part II](https://www.reddit.com/user/Wolf_in_Me/comments/11xdtx1/a_fantasy_fulfilled_part_ii/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

Lana was lying in bed with a pillow under her head and a blanket covering her body when she woke up. It was early morning, and Luke was nowhere to be seen. She got up slowly and walked into the bathroom. The mirror above the sink reflected her face at her, but it seemed like someone else entirely. Her eyes were wide open, and there was no doubt that she had just experienced something extraordinary. She smiled at herself, but it did not reach her eyes. She walked into the shower and turned on the water. The hot steam filled the bathroom as she stood under the liquid stream for several minutes without moving. She wrapped herself in a towel when she got out and walked back into the bedroom. She pulled out the clothes in her overnight bag, a simple blouse, jeans, undergarments, and sneakers. She looked at herself in the mirror again as she brushed her long blonde hair. Her eyes were still wide open, but this time she could feel a sense of calmness coming over her body. It was as if something had changed inside her overnight; something had broken free of its cage and started roaming freely through her mind. She felt she was in control again instead of fighting against herself. She felt like a new person who could finally start living and stop hiding from her life. “This is how I’ll explain it to my husband,” she thought. She would tell him she had been feeling trapped for a long time. She felt like the walls were closing around her and would live the rest of her life in misery if she didn’t change things. She didn’t want that for herself or him. They both deserved to be happy and exploring this side of her would bring her happiness.

Just before leaving, Lana gathered all her belongings and looked back at the room where Luke opened her eyes to her new life. She took a deep breath and left the room, closing the door behind her. She didn’t know what would happen next but knew she was ready for it.

She arrived at her house at 5:45 AM and found her husband waiting for her. His demeanor was calm, relaxed, and collected, as usual.

“Hey honey, I’m home!” Lana greeted him cheerfully.

“Hi babe, you’re looking great! You must have had a fun night,” he replied, kissing her cheek.

“Yeah, we had a lot of fun. I hope you don’t mind me telling you about it. I have a lot to say.” Lana said.

“Yes, of course. Baby, you know I want you to be happy.” Rick responded.

They sat down together and ate breakfast. Lana told him about meeting Luke, her submissive nature, and finally realizing what she had been struggling with all her life. She described to Rick how Luke helped her see the light at the end of the tunnel. Everything came pouring out of her, and they talked for hours. When they finally stopped talking, it was midday. Both of them were exhausted. Neither knew what their future would hold, but they agreed to try to move forward with Lana becoming Luke’s submissive. At least temporarily. Their marriage was their highest priority, and they decided that if Lana’s exploration into BDSM ever began to be at odds with their relationship, she would stop. If either party decided the arrangement was not working, they would discuss it immediately. The rules were laid out clearly between them.

As far as Rick was concerned, this was a temporary solution that might lead to a permanent situation. He was okay with whatever decision Lana made because he trusted her implicitly. As much as Rick hated to admit it, he needed to let go. He had tried everything else and hoped this was the answer.

After dinner, Rick and Lana watched TV. Lana sat quietly and reflected on all of the changes happening within her. She felt excited yet nervous about starting her journey into submission. Lana had no idea where it would take her, but she was willing to follow wherever it led her. She called Luke but was unable to reach him. She left a message asking Luke to call her back. After hanging up the phone, she curled up in Rick’s lap and fell asleep watching television. She slept peacefully, dreaming of Luke fucking her brains out.

The following day, Lana woke up and went to the bathroom. She took a long shower, letting the hot water run down her body. She felt so relaxed and happy; she started singing at the top of her lungs. Rick came in with coffee for her and smiled when he saw her singing in the shower.

“Good morning, baby,” he said, handing her the coffee cup.

“Morning,” Lana said with a smile. She took a sip of her coffee and then reached out for Rick. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him close to her, kissing him passionately on the lips. Rick kissed back passionately as he ran his fingers through Lana’s wet hair. The two of them stood there kissing for several minutes before breaking apart.

“I love you,” Lana said to Rick.

“I love you too,” Rick replied with a smile. He took her coffee out of her hand and set it down on the counter next to him, then reached behind Lana’s neck and pulled her closer. The two of them kissed passionately again as they returned to the bedroom.

Rick threw Lana down onto the bed. She giggled as he climbed over her, kissing her neck and shoulders. They rolled around for several minutes, enjoying each other’s company, until Rick sat up and pulled off his shirt. Lana grinned and rolled over to sit on the edge of the bed. She unbuttoned Rick’s pants, then pulled them off along with his underwear. They stood there naked, smiling at each other. Lana wrapped her arms around his neck as they kissed passionately for several minutes before breaking apart again. Rick reached down and picked Lana up, throwing her onto the bed. He climbed on top of her, laughing as she giggled and wrapped her legs around his waist. They kissed again, and Rick slowly pushed inside of her. They both moaned at the feeling. He started moving slowly, his hands on either side of Lana’s head as he leaned down to kiss her neck.

Rick moved faster, thrusting harder into Lana as she clung to him. He kept kissing her neck while he fucked her hard. Suddenly, Lana cried out and arched her back, pushing her hips upward against him. She screamed out loud, gripping tightly to Rick’s forearms. Lana tensed, biting her lower lip and shutting her eyes. She held it briefly before releasing an intense moan that shook her body. Lana shivered uncontrollably, moaning softly as Rick continued to fuck her. Finally, after several seconds, she could feel Rick’s cock pulse as a moan escaped his lips, his cum spurting deep inside of her. Rick’s pace slowed, and he gently caressed Lana’s sides.

Lana lifted her head to look at him. “Wow, that was incredible,” she whispered.

“I think we both needed that.” Rick chuckled.

Lana laughed nervously and nodded her head. “Me too.”

The two of them lay there for several minutes catching their breath. Lana scooted closer to Rick and snuggled up against his chest. She closed her eyes, basking in the warmth radiating from him. She couldn’t believe how wonderful it felt to be in his arms.

“So, are you ready?” Rick asked, running his fingertips across her arm.

“Ready? For what?” Lana questioned sleepily.

“Are you ready to meet Luke again? Have you spoken with him?” Rick prodded.

“No…no, I haven’t. But yes, I am ready.” Lana answered with excitement.

“Well, why don’t you get dressed, and I’ll make breakfast. Then we can go shopping. Sound good?” Rick suggested.

“Sounds perfect. Thank you, sweetie.” Lana said happily.

Lana only took a few minutes to dress and leave the bedroom. She put on a pair of black leggings and a pink t-shirt. She tied her hair in a ponytail and slipped on tennis shoes. She carried a large purse slung over her shoulder as she walked downstairs. Lana met Rick in the kitchen, and they sat to eat breakfast.

“You know, I’ve never really understood the whole ‘submission’ thing,” Rick admitted as they finished eating.

“Why do you say that?” Lana asked curiously.

“Because I always figured that if you were truly submissive, you’d submit to anything your partner asks. Like, even if something makes you uncomfortable or unhappy, you should accept and deal with it.” Rick explained.

“That’s exactly right. That’s what being submissive means to me. It doesn’t mean I’m weak or stupid. I just understand myself better now than I used to,” Lana replied confidently.

“It sounds like you learned more about yourself that night,” Rick observed.

Lana shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe I did. Maybe I just realized I wasn’t living my true life before.”

“What does that mean?” Rick asked.

“For most of my adult years, I was afraid of trying new things. Afraid of taking chances and stepping outside of my comfort zone.” Lana paused momentarily, thinking about all the times she had avoided certain situations because she feared failure and rejection. “Now, I’m doing what feels natural for me. What comes naturally to me,” she added.

Rick nodded his head. “I guess you’re right.”

“Do you want me to tell you about that night?” Lana asked hesitantly.

Rick hesitated for a minute, wondering whether he wanted to hear all the details of her sexual experience with Luke. He didn’t know Luke or know what kind of man he was.

“Is it graphic?” he asked cautiously.

Lana looked at him and smiled. “Not very. Just a little bit. And besides, it’s part of our history now. We need to talk about it sometime soon.”

“Okay, sure…” Rick replied reluctantly. He sighed heavily, knowing full well what he agreed to. “Let’s finish eating first, okay?” he offered.

Lana smiled and nodded her head. After they finished breakfast, Lana left the table and walked to the sink to rinse their plates. Once done washing dishes, Lana dried her hands and turned to face Rick. She bent down and kissed him on the lips before sitting down again.

“All right, here goes nothing,” she giggled.


Later that day, Lana attempted to call Luke again and was able to reach him this time.

“Hello, Sir,” Lana spoke over her cell phone. “I called because I would like to meet with you again.”

“Hello, young lady,” Luke replied. “I didn’t expect to hear from you again. I thought our arrangement was for one time only?”

“After our session, I came to many realizations, and I hoped we could discuss you taking me on as your submissive. I’ve discussed this with my husband and have his support.” Lana explained.

“You’re asking me to take you on as my submissive?” Luke asked incredulously. “How do you envision that working?”

“I was hoping we could discuss that as well.”

“When were you hoping to discuss this?” Luke asked.

“Can I see you tonight? We could meet at the hotel, or I could come to you?”

“I will come to you, and your husband will be present. He will need to be part of this discussion. I want to be sure he understands what we negotiate. Send me your address, and I will arrive at 8 PM.” Luke instructed. There was an authority in his voice that left no opening for further discussion.

“Yes, Sir. I understand. We will see you later.” Lana replied meekly.


Luke arrived at 8 PM that evening, dressed in black slacks, a sports coat, and a white dress shirt looking sharp yet casual. Lana opened the front door wearing a short denim skirt and red halter top. Her hair hung loose and free. She wore a silver chain necklace with a small pendant hanging from it. When Luke stepped through the doorway, he noticed Rick standing beside the sofa with his arms crossed, looking rather tense. He smiled at Rick warmly as he approached Lana.

“Come on in, sir,” Lana said, motioning toward the couch. She glanced at Rick, who gave her a quick nod. Lana followed Luke into the room, closing the door behind her. She waited awkwardly by the window seat facing away from the entryway. Luke walked past her without saying a word.

“You must be Rick. It’s nice to meet you finally.” Luke said as he crossed the room with his hand extended toward Rick.

Rick grasped Luke’s hand firmly, shaking it vigorously. “Thank you for coming.”

Luke let go of Rick’s hand and gestured for Rick to sit on the sofa. Lana sat next to Rick, feeling a little uncomfortable. This was not how she expected her meeting with Luke to play out. As much as she loved Rick, she admired Luke’s dominance and felt anxious about their meeting. She knew she shouldn’t feel this way but wished Rick wasn’t there.

Luke sat down in a chair opposite the couch. His posture was erect and proud, and his gaze remained locked on Rick. Lana shifted uncomfortably on the sofa, fidgeting with her fingers. She looked at Rick, silently pleading with him to remove himself from the situation. But this is what Luke wanted.

Finally, Luke broke the silence. “You have a beautiful home. Thank you both for meeting with me,” he said. “Lana contacted me to inquire about taking her on as my submissive, training her, and seeing her regularly. She informed me that she discussed this with you and that you supported this. Is this correct?” Luke asked Rick.

“Yes, that is basically what we discussed,” Rick replied.

“I see. And how do you envision such an agreement to look?” Luke asked.

“I imagine Lana would see you a couple of times a month, probably much like the way the other night went,” Rick said flatly.

“I see. Well, because you are married to each other, any agreement that Lana and I make ultimately includes you as well. So, I wanted to meet to ensure you fully understood what I require from such an agreement.” Luke pulled out his phone, pressed a few buttons, then continued, “I just sent Lana a contract that would be our official agreement, which you can review on your own. But there are a couple of points contained within that I would like to bring to your attention now so that I can observe your response. May I continue?”

“Yes, please continue,” Rick responded.

“Very good. Before I continue, please know that I respect you and your relationship with Lana. My intention in what I am about to say is not to emasculate you. I need you to understand completely what Lana is asking for and what you approve of.” Luke said, looking directly into Rick’s eyes.
Rick nodded in response and shifted in his seat slightly.

“Okay. To take on Lana’s submissive training, she must be available to me 24/7. I understand real-life schedules and responsibilities and do not frivolously approach this. Lana will need to drop everything off when I call for her to meet if I should do so. She will receive text messages or calls from me at any time and receive instructions for a task or command, which she will be expected to comply with. I will not be irresponsible with this access, but it is required. Additionally, when Lana is with me, she belongs fully to me. From head to toe, she is my property to do with as I please, within our negotiated limits. While her safety and well-being will always be my first priority, this may involve pain, degradation, humiliation, and harsh treatment. Again, always within our negotiated limits. Are these all agreeable to you?” Luke said.

Rick sat silent for a moment. He contemplated what he had just been told. He looked at Lana, her eyes pleading with him to accept. He loved her and knew she believed this would bring her happiness. He also knew that he had to agree. If Luke takes her on as his submissive, it won’t change his love for her. It just changes the dynamic between them.

“Yes,” Rick finally said.

“I need you to be one hundred percent certain,” Luke stated, turning in his chair. “Lana, please stand up,” Luke instructed.

Lana got up quickly and walked over to where Luke sat. She stood before him, looking down at him, her expression serious. “Sir.”

“Kneel before me, please,” Luke ordered.

Lana knelt before Luke, placing both palms flat against the carpeted floor. She bowed her head slightly, keeping her eyes focused straight ahead. Lana felt Luke’s strong presence looming above her as he placed his hands on either side of her head. She heard his breathing grow heavier and sensed that he was aroused.

“Look at me,” Luke commanded.

Lana raised her head, gazing directly into Luke’s grey eyes.

“You are beautiful,” Luke stated simply.

Lana blushed lightly, feeling embarrassed and shy. She felt her cheeks burn hot as she gazed back at him. The intensity of Luke’s stare made her heart pound loudly in her ears.

“Would you like to serve me?” Luke asked calmly.

“Yes, Sir,” Lana responded immediately, almost as though she had been expecting his question.

Luke smiled broadly and released Lana’s chin, allowing her to return to kneeling before him. “Good girl,” he praised. “Now, kneel between my legs, please.”

Lana obeyed, sliding forward until she was positioned between Luke’s thighs. She rested her forehead against his thigh and breathed deeply, enjoying his masculine scent. She inhaled it, savoring it, wanting to remember it forever.

“Rub my legs,” Luke commanded as he glanced at Rick.

Lana complied, running her fingertips across the tops of Luke’s thighs. She ran her palms up his inner leg, moving higher towards his crotch. She slid her thumbs along the crease of his knee and gently rubbed upward, following the contour of his muscle tissue. With each stroke, she felt more of his arousal. She moved her hands down to his calves and began rubbing them. Then she repeated the process on the other leg. As Lana worked her over Luke’s panted legs, Luke reached down and lifted Lana’s chin with his finger.

“Look at me,” Luke instructed. Lana looked up at Luke. He leaned forward slightly and whispered in her ear, “It excites me to watch you touch yourself while I’m watching you.”

Lana swallowed hard, feeling flustered by the intimacy of the conversation. She was uncomfortable speaking sexually with Luke in front of her husband.

“Are you wet?” Luke asked softly.

“Yes, Sir,” Lana answered quietly.

Luke grinned widely as he watched Lana’s blush deepen. He saw her nipples protrude from the thin material covering her breasts. He could smell the faint aroma of sex emanating from her body.

“Turn around, please,” Luke said.

Lana turned and faced Rick. She stared into Rick’s eyes as he returned her gaze. They exchanged an awkward smile before Luke spoke again.

“Remove your clothes for me, Lana,” Luke commanded.

Lana took several deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves. She removed her halter top and tossed it onto the nearby table. Next, she undid the clasp holding together the sides of her skirt and eased it off her hips. Once naked, she turned once more to face Rick.

She was still nervous, but she also found that she was excited. Rick was staring intently at her, his lips parted slightly. He appeared to be fighting the urge to speak, perhaps afraid to break the spell she seemed to be under.

She brought her arms forward, pressing her chest outward to expose her tits to her husband. She arched her back slightly and tilted her head back, letting her hair hang freely down her back. Her nipples were stiff and pointed straight out from her soft flesh. With trembling hands, she cupped her breasts and squeezed them gently.

Luke smiled at Lana, noticing the erotic sway in her movements and the sensual arch of her spine. He knew Rick was entranced by her beauty and eagerness to please him. Luke enjoyed observing her submission. He felt a rush of power, knowing that he controlled this woman and used her to fulfill his desires.

He looked at Rick, whose eyes remained fixed on Lana’s exposed form.

“Do you approve of your wife’s appearance?” Luke asked.

“Yes,” Rick replied.

“Excellent. Now, tell Lana what you desire.”

Rick cleared his throat nervously and stammered as he attempted to find words. “Well… um…” he paused. “I think you’re gorgeous,” Rick said lamely, unsure if he should add anything else.

Luke laughed aloud. “That’s enough for now,” he chuckled. “Stand up, Lana.”

Lana did as instructed, rising from between Luke’s legs. She stepped closer to Rick, standing only inches away from him. She looked up at him with wide green eyes, smiling seductively.

Rick gulped audibly, unable to believe what he was witnessing. He couldn’t help but notice how flushed Lana’s skin was, especially her neck and cheeks. She smelled intoxicating, like sweet perfume and a hint of musky sweat. He licked his lips unconsciously and fought to reach out and caress her bare shoulder. Instead, he decided to stay quiet, waiting patiently for her to initiate contact.

After several seconds, Lana slowly reached out and touched Rick’s hand resting on his lap. She traced the outline of his fingers with her own, ensuring that her palm covered every part of his hand. She then closed his fingers around hers and held tight.

“Thank you,” she whispered, gazing into Rick’s eyes.

Rick blinked rapidly, his mouth agape as he tried to absorb the scene before him. His cock grew harder than ever before. He hadn’t felt this way in a very long time. He felt like a teenager experiencing his first crush.

“I will leave you now,” Luke said as he stood up. “Please don’t get up. I can see myself out. Take your time reviewing the contract. If there is anything you would like to add or change, send those edits along, and I will review them. Also, this is a working document that we can renegotiate at any time. Bye, for now.”

Luke left the house while Lana remained naked, standing before Rick. After a few minutes of silence, Rick finally broke the ice.

“Wow,” he muttered.

Lana giggled, feeling extremely self-conscious. “What? What did you say?”

Rick shook his head and sighed heavily. “Nothing. Nothing at all. You look absolutely gorgeous.”

“Thanks,” she murmured, blushing slightly. She glanced down at their joined hands and realized they were still connected. She released Rick’s hand and let it fall to his lap. She was suddenly aware of her nudity and the fact that her husband was staring at her.

“Um, I guess I’ll go upstairs and clean up,” Lana offered, attempting to cover her embarrassment.

“No, no,” Rick said quickly. “Stay right here. I have something for you.”

Lana cocked her eyebrow curiously as she waited for his next move. She noticed that Rick’s pants were bulging noticeably from his growing erection. She wondered if her surprise was inside his pants.

“Go ahead, take a peek,” Rick teased.

Lana shrugged and pulled open the button on the fly of his jeans. She slipped her index finger beneath the waistband and tugged downward, opening the zipper. She grasped the fabric and yanked it down, exposing his swollen member. Lana continued pulling his underwear down until his shaft sprang free. The sight of Rick’s thick penis made her wetter. She admired her husband’s cock. Its bulbous head flared outwards and glistened with pre-cum.

“What a wonderful gift!” Lana gasped. She reached for Rick’s cock and stroked it slowly, marveling at its size and firm texture.

Rick groaned, closing his eyes tightly as pleasure coursed through him. He felt weak in the knees after seeing Lana’s reaction to his cock. He opened his eyes and met her gaze. Her emerald eyes sparkled brightly as she stared at him while her fingers were wrapped around his girth and pumped him.

“Oh, your cock looks delicious,” she moaned. “So big! So hard!”
Rick exhaled sharply, feeling himself nearing release. He wanted to prolong the experience but knew he needed relief soon. He gripped her wrist and stopped her pumping motions.

“Wait, wait,” he warned, panting. “Not yet.”

“Okay,” she cooed.

Lana bent over and kissed the tip of his dick, tasting his precum. She then lowered her mouth onto his hard cock, taking nearly half of him into her mouth. Lana bobbed her head up and down on his shaft, moaning as she did. She swirled her tongue around the rim of the crown, eliciting another moan from Rick. She felt her pussy flood with excitement as she tasted his salty flavor on her tongue.

“Fuck yes!” Rick grunted when Lana sucked his entire length into her mouth. It felt incredible having his wife sucking him so skillfully. He could feel his orgasm building within him as she pleasured him orally. He grabbed hold of Lana’s blonde hair and guided her movement. He pushed his cock deeper into her mouth, causing her to gag slightly. He pulled back just far enough to prevent her from choking. He resumed pushing further, forcing his meat past her lips until his balls bumped against her chin.

As Lana worked his cock in her mouth, she kept one eye on Rick’s expression. She increased her pace, determined to give him the most intense blowjob possible. When he started thrusting his pelvis toward her, she knew it wouldn’t be long before he came.

Suddenly, Rick tensed and threw his head back. His eyes rolled back in his skull, and he screamed loudly as his cum shot powerfully into Lana’s hungry mouth. She eagerly swallowed everything he gave her without missing a drop. As she drank his essence, he bucked wildly against her mouth. Finally, Rick relaxed and fell backward, gasping for air. Lana sat back on her heels and wiped the saliva around her lips with the back of her hand.

“Holy shit!” Rick exclaimed, astonished by the intensity of the climax.
Lana smiled demurely at Rick and nodded her head, acknowledging his compliment. “You are amazing,” he added with a grin.

Lana blushed. She was happy to hear such positive feedback about her oral skills. However, she wasn’t entirely convinced that his orgasm was solely due to the act of giving head. Having Luke display her submissiveness before Rick turned them both on immensely. She thought that maybe this was something else she could explore in the future as well. But first, they had to review and agree on the contract Luke sent over. She would do anything to make that happen.


Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/127k2u2/a_fantasy_fulfilled_part_iii_convincing_her