That time I shacked up with an older married man: How it began (24F/49M) (MF, agegap, cheating, romantic, slow)

This has long been a fantasy of mine, and decided to pen it down. I had been living in Bangalore for over a year back in 2020 with a couple of friends from college. I was 24, very excitable, and all the freedom after moving out of my parent’s house had definitely gone to my head.

I was going through a rough break-up when the covid lockdown initially hit. My flatmates had already gone home. An unhealthy dose of depression from breakup, coupled with unwillingness to give up on my freedom yet, I avoided going back, kept my fingers crossed and hoped for the best.

In less than a week, I started to get antsy. No amount of Insta trends helped. I tried yoga. Never having done yoga and having scoffed at women wearing yoga pants, I elected to just do it my shorts. On one of those days, I noticed my neighbour smoking in his balcony. I could tell he was throwing occasional glances at me. He finished his smoke and as he was leaving, I made eye contact, gave him a smile, and checked him out.

He was significantly older than me. Early 40s I thought. In decent shape, specially for a smoker. With broad shoulders, and some stubble. A girl could do worse, I thought.

I had forgotten about it in a couple of days. Next time we met was at the roof of our apartment building. He immediately recognized me and came over to talk. He jokingly asked if I was here to for yoga since I was in my “Yoga shorts”. We had a good laugh and got to talking. He was actually 49. I made sure to flatter him since I had thought him to be much younger. He immediately took that as a sign to flirt. I did not mind, it had been so long and it was just harmless fun

His name was Asif. He was married, but his wife and his son had gone to his wife’s hometown when lockdown hit. I felt something stir inside me as soon as I heard this. I have long fantasized about being with an older, married men. Daddy issues? Maybe. It is what it is.

I found myself putting my hands on his arm, looking into his eyes and saying, “Oh, that must feel so lonely”. “Yeah, it is nice to talk to someone face-to-face”, he said, clearly hesitant and unsure of what was happening.

I found myself going to the balcony and the roof more and more. I would often find him and we would talk for long periods of time. I mentioned to him that I was mostly surviving on packaged food, food deliveries and maggi(Indian instant noodles). He was shocked. “That is no way no live”, he exclaimed

He offered to cook dinner for me that night. We decided to make an event of it. I got dressed up in red sleeveless salwaar kameez and went over to his place. He was dressed in a white kurta which showed his great posture, wide shoulders, and thick arms. He greeted me. “Salaam Gauri, you look gorgeous”, he said, and led me over to the dinner table. He had made a chicken masala.

“Oh shit, I should have said. I am a vegetarian. I am so sorry”. “Oh. I should have known.” He said. He was visibly embarrassed. “No worries. I will just have some fruit. I wasn’t that hungry anyway”, I lied

He opened a bottle of wine and we started talking and eating. I thanked him for the food and we made plans for him to teach me some cooking. I got much drunker than I anticipated with wine on my empty stomach. I suggested we move to the couch and maybe watch a movie. I fumbled getting up ad he put his arms around my waist to hold me up. I looked up at him and I could feel the tension. He held me up and guided me to the couch. I could feel his muscles and I made sure to rub my self against his body a little. A little touch on his chest with my boobs

We got to the couch and we sat next to each other

He picked up the remote and played some movie. I could feel his strong thighs rubbing against mine. I leaned against his body. He put his arm around me so I could be more comfortable. We started talking a bit more. That was when I looked up at him and confessed that my boyfriend’s name in college was same as his.

“That Asif was a fool to let you go Gauri.”, he whispered and he leaned in to give me a kiss. I reciprocated and returned it. We kissed tenderly for a while and just lay there for an hour. I hadn’t felt so good in a very long time

As the alcohol wore off, I was hesitant to move further. I thanked him for a lovely evening and stood up. I went closer to kiss him good night. He pulled me closer and gave me a deep kiss, making sure my body went right up against his. I kissed him, pulled back, smiled and left. I went to my shower immediately. I couldn’t even bother taking off my clothes and I slide my hands right in my underwear. I was already wet. I slide a couple of fingers and started fantasizing about his arms holding me up against the wall in the air and sliding his thick dick inside me. I collapsed on the floor by the end and stayed lying on my bathroom floor for over 10 minutes.
