HER Cock – Tina is horny after her conversation with Jan. She decides to tease Jan with Hank at the center of the teasing (Part 2) [F/M, 28-40, BJ, straight sex]

See part 1 for the conversation between Tina and Jan.

Tina went about the rest of her day trying to keep focused, but she couldn’t get her conversation with Jan out of her head. She felt terrible for Jan. She’d felt that itch a few times when Hank had been away on business. Wanting a cock and not having Hank there had been torture. Sure, masturbating had taken the edge off, but it wasn’t the same thing. And she’d only had to deal with it for a few days until Hank came back from his trip. Jan had been dealing with it for nearly three years! She could see just how cock hungry Jan was by how turned on she’d been just asking questions about Hank’s cock.

Her cock, she corrected herself. She owned Hank’s cock. And he’d better not stick it anywhere she didn’t say, or he’d be sorry. But she knew Hank would never do that. He was as devoted a husband and father as there was. Still, the thought of it being her cock, that she controlled it, filled her with an odd sense of power.

She shook her head, trying to clear it of these crazy new thoughts. She did want to help Jan out though. Maybe she and some of the other girls could comb through their networks and find a guy that was right for Jan. Between them all there had to be at least one guy that would fit the bill.

She waited for Beth, her ten-year-old, after school. The pickup line at the elementary school was always ridiculously long. So Tina always arrived at least 45 minutes early. She flipped through social media for a while, but she still couldn’t shake her conversation with Jan. Why couldn’t she let that go? Admittedly, the conversation had made her a little horny. Hank would find that out tonight as soon as she could get him alone. But there was more to it. It was that odd sense of power she felt. Power over Hank’s cock. Power over Jan as she controlled just how much pleasure Jan got out of their conversation. Power knowing that Jan was going to get off tonight thinking about Hank pounding Tina. She caught herself grinning at the thought and wiped it off her face before Beth came out of the school.

Once back at home she again tried to set those thoughts aside. She folded the laundry, but taking care of Hank’s boxers brought the conversation right back to her mind. She moved into the kitchen and started dinner. But she found herself comparing Hank’s cock to everything she picked up. Was he longer or shorter than this banana? Was he thicker or thinner than this potato? It was frustratingly distracting. What had gotten into her?

Hank came home and it was all she could do to not drag him back to their room and rip his clothes off right then. But dinner was ready and the kids were needing some dad time too. She made it through dinner and cleaned up while Hank helped with Beth’s spelling and their son Sam’s geometry. She was once again grateful that she married a guy who understood geometry so she’d never have to help her kids with that painful subject. She swore she was dripping wet watching him be dad. That often turned her on, but today she was getting an extra dose.

“Ok,” Tina announced at 8 pm, “time for bed.”

“But it’s only 8,” Sam said, looking at the clock in the living room.

“Well, it’s been a long day for me, and I’m sure your dad could use some rest too,” Tina said. “If you want to stay up a little longer just keep it down a bit and don’t disturb us.”

Tina glanced at Hank who had an eyebrow raised in question. He must have seen something in her eyes because he immediately stood. She could swear she saw his cock grow semihard through his shorts in the time it took him to stand.

“Yep. It’s been a long day. Good night kids,” Hank said as he bent to kiss Beth on top of the head.

Tina made it to the bedroom ahead of Hank. She turned just inside the room and held the door as Hanked walked through. As soon as he was clear, she closed the door behind him and locked it. Hank stood there staring at her with a slight grin.

“What’s going on? What’s gotten into you?” He asked.

“Hopefully your cock is what’s getting into me,” she said. She felt a flush of embarrassment. She never talked like this. But she saw his crotch leap at her words and she glanced at Hank’s eyes. He definitely liked hearing that.

“I think I can manage that,” he said, his grin growing to a full smile.

Tina dropped to her knees in front of him, never taking her eyes from his. She could see the lust growing in him. She reached her hand out to remove his cock by feel, letting his eyes bore into hers. The bulge in his shorts was easy to find without having to look. He was rapidly growing to fully erect. She wanted him in her mouth before he was fully hard. She loved the feel of him growing between her lips.

She yanked his waistband down and his now free cock bobbed before her. Still looking him in the eyes, she let her lips part just enough for the tip of his cock as she leaned forward. Her lips touched the tip and she kept her lips tight to provide a little resistance and she pushed his cock into her mouth. She went slow and he was fully erect by the time the head of his cock hit the back of her throat. She gagged just a little and smiled a small wicked grin as Hank’s eyes rolled back into his head for just a moment before snapping back to hers. He saw her smiling on his cock and his cock pulsed in delight.

Tina forced the head against the back of her throat, keeping pressure on his cock for just a few seconds. She’d never been able to deepthroat him, but she tried to take as much of him as she could. He never complained, but she knew he’d love to go deeper. But this was all she could offer. So it’s what she gave. She sucked hard as she slowly drew him out of her mouth. There was a pop when the tip finally slid out. Tina smiled again and extended her tongue to the underside of the tip. She flicked her tongue back and forth and Hank trembled slightly.

“Ummm,” Hank groaned, thrusting forward. She let him slide in and hit the back of her throat again. She reached down, unbuttoned her top and bra, and let them drop to the floor. She didn’t have huge tits, but her full C cups seemed to be enough for Hank. She knew he loved seeing her tits swaying as she gave him a blow job. Another grunt of pleasure confirmed this.

She slid his cock out again and grabbed the shaft with her hand. She slowly began to stroke him while she traced the underside with her tongue. After a few strokes, she turned her mouth to his balls. She sucked first one ball into her mouth, and then the other, flicking her tongue all around them as she sucked them in.

“What the hell has gotten into you?” Hank asked. “I mean, I always enjoy your blowjobs, but this is a little extra today.”

She just smiled again, stroking him harder. She reached up with a second hand and gripped his cock tight and she stroked with both hands. She sucked at the tip and it made slight popping sounds as her strokes popped his cock in and out of her mouth. Her conversation with Jan came flooding back into her mind. She stopped stroking and dropped one hand away from his cock. She grabbed the base of his cock with the other and squeezed as tight as she could to try to close the gap between her finger and thumb. She was sure she could still place two of her fingers between the gap.

Without thinking she reached into her back pocket. She still wore her pants since she’d only taken her top off so far. She pulled her phone out of her back pocket, slid open the camera, and positioned the phone over her other hand so the gap between her fingers was clearly visible. She snapped a picture and grinned.

“What are you doing?” Hank asked with more than a little apprehension.

Tina sat stunned for a second. She’d been so caught up in the moment, sucking cock and thinking of her conversation with Jan, that she hadn’t realized what she was actually doing. She had a decision to make. She decided to tell Hank the truth. Well, some of it anyway.

“I was talking with a friend and cock size came up,” she said, stroking him so he wouldn’t go soft.

“Okay,” Hank said, a little puzzled.

“I mentioned that my hand didn’t fit all the way around your cock. My girlfriend was surprised. So, I thought I’d show her evidence.”

“Which friend,” Hank asked.

Tina thought for a second, then with a wicked grin she said, “I’m not going to tell you right now.”

“Okay. Are you going to actually send that to her?”

“Yes,” Tina said after another second of thought. “Does that bother you?”

She didn’t think it was possible, but she swore Hank’s cock grew even harder. She already knew his answer before he said it out loud. He was turned on at the thought of one of her friends seeing that picture.

“I guess not,” he said, but the lust was heavy in his voice.

Tina smiled and opened her texting app. She clicked Jan’s name and added the picture to the text. She captioned the picture, “To help you get through the night,” and hit send. Then she looked back up into Hank’s eyes and gripped his cock tight.

“Just remember,” she said. “This is my cock. You got that? Mine. It doesn’t go anywhere, or into anything, I don’t say. Got it.” Hank bent down and kissed her forehead.

“Of course,” he said genuinely. “I would never cheat on you. My cock is your cock. Period.”

She rewarded him by taking him deep into her mouth again. Then her phone blinged and she couldn’t resist the urge to look. Jan had already responded. “Dammit. That made me cum already. Send me another!” Tina laughed, a little power mad. She now controlled a small portion of Jan’s mind, that part that thought about beautiful cocks.

“What is it?” Hank asked, confused at her response.

“She wants more,” Tina said, waving her phone around to indicate she meant the person texting. Hank growled in response.

“I want to give you more,” he said.

He reached under her arms and pulled her up. But he didn’t stop once was standing. He kept the momentum going, tossing her onto the bed. He reached down and yanked her pants off. He’d yanked so quickly that her panties came off with the pants. He tossed the pants to the corner, then flipped Tina over onto her belly. She climbed up onto her hands and knees, her ass and pussy hanging just over the edge of the bed.

She felt Hank position himself behind her as he grabbed her hips. She felt his cock bump up against her asshole. She knew the head of his cock wasn’t really the size of a baseball, but it felt that way bumping up against her ass. She’d never done anal with him. She was too afraid of his size. She’d had a bad experience in college with a guy much smaller than Hank and she’d sworn off anal from then on, and she wasn’t about to start now.

“Not tonight big boy,” she said, moving her hips to reposition him.

Hank groaned in displeasure, but Tina groaned in delight as the head of his cock tapped her clit. Hank relented and slid his cock up to the opening of her pussy. He teased her a little with the tip. Just before he slid in, Tina stopped him.

“Wait,” she said, groping around on the bed until she found her phone. It had still been in her hand when Hank had tossed her onto the bed but bounced out when she landed. She picked up the phone and opened the camera, then handed it back to Hank.

“Take a picture of your cock about to pound my pussy,” she said.

“What?” Hank asked in surprise. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah. She said we already made her cum. She needed another one.” Hank chuckled.

“Ok,” he said, taking the phone. “Are you sure you don’t want a video,” he added jokingly.

The thought ran through her head for a minute before she said, “Yeah, a video would be better. Just a short clip though. Maybe a few strokes. Make them hard though, like really pound me.”

Hank said nothing for a moment. He was too stunned. Tina never talked like this, let alone wanted to take pictures or video. He wasn’t complaining about it. He was just surprised.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“Yes,” she almost shouted. “I want you to really pound me. Make my ass jiggle. You know what I mean.”

“I know what you mean,” he answered. He had meant was she sure she wanted him to record it on video, but he wasn’t going to explain anymore. He slid the camera app to video and hit the record button. Then holding the camera with his right hand so his cock was easily visible between them, he reached out with his left hand and grabbed Tina’s hip. Then he began to pound his wife like she’d never been pounded before.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1266j9h/her_cock_tina_is_horny_after_her_conversation