Chloe the Roommate 1 [TF/M][20s]

I’m not sure what happened to my other account (Akix) but I’m not able to post on it. If you need proof that I didn’t steal this story then you can message me on my original account but I’m not able to post. I will be reposting the stories on multiple subreddits with his new account and it will end with the finale that has been completed Anyways without further ado… Chloe the Roommate

After coming back to school for my sophomore year at college I elected to stay in the dorms again. The dorms were split up by major so it was nice being around like minded people. While I made a lot of friends last year, they were more just classmates I came to realize as none of them “had the time” to chill over summer break. I decided to just focus on my Art major and hopefully get a new job as something close to that. Instead of befriending my new dormmate, I just decided to do the whole head nod thing when ever I see him. What I didnt plan on was that Him was a Her.

You see as a freshmen, the university splits up boys and girls to avoid any, as the old people say, ” do the dance without any pants.” However when it comes to sophomore year, the computer randomly puts everyone together since there tend to be alot less people living there. When I got my new dorm info and keys it showed it was in an 2 bed 1 bath apartment like dorm and my roommate was a girl to my surprise. Chloe Denver was her name. My name is Jay by the way. I wasnt really phased by this, just a tad surprised. Im not the smoothest cream cheese on a bagel but I can hold my own when it comes to talking to girls. Never have I had a girlfriend. I was with a girl in high school but I learned too late how one sided my affections were. I haven’t been on a date since or interested in any girl since.

The day came for me to meet my new living buddy. I got out of my car and managed to get all of my bags in one trip since mama didnt raise no bitch. I made my way to the third floor from the elevator (thank god) and arrived at my door. I dropped my bags and put the key in. I opened the door and figured I should have knocked after seeing how she jumped from her seat.

“Hey” I said as I entered

“Wh-wh-who are you? What are you doing here.” She said while trying to collect her belongings that fell off her lap.

“Your new roommate. Sorry should have knocked first.”

She looked befuddled, “No my roommate is a girl named Kay Hart” she grabbed her info sheet, “it says here Ka… Oh it says Jay.” She sat down.

“Yeah im Jay” I said with a tiny chuckle. “Guess we really are roommates”

“I thought your name was Kay, and you were a girl” she started to look uneasy, “I was supposed to be with a girl.”

She seemed less mad and more disappointed. I guess that is to be excpected but she should have know there was a chance. A weird silence fell over the room. I looked at her and she just kinda stared it the ground.

“Well… I’m just going to go find my room.” I dropped my main suitcases by the door and shut it behind me. They dorm was a lot bigger than the freshmen dorms and this one had its own bathroom and kitchen to the right of me. Across the living space were two doors to separate rooms. “At least we won’t be sleeping in the same room like last year’s dorm” I looked over at her and she shot a weird look my way that was saying like “yeah not the best choice of words”.

I tried to laugh it off but the room was filled with silence once again. I looked around and noticed she was looking right at me quizzically. She turned away fast when our eyes met. I slowly made my way to the rooms. As I passed her, I notice she had different drawings laid out. I couldn’t see exactly what they were of because I think she sensed me behind the couch, “Don’t look!” She quickly gathered her papers and hid them with the baggy ass hoodie she was wearing.

“Sorry sorry.” I averted my eyes. I got to the rooms farthest from the bathroom and lay my hand on the door knob.

“No wait!” She shouts.

“Ugh what now”

Chloe darts up and at me but hits her shin on the coffee table.

“Oooff” I wince.

She gets up again quickly and puts herself between me and the door. “Don’t go in there, my room is uhh…messy.”

She has a slight redness to her face. I wasn’t sure if it was blushing or about to cry redness. She did just bash her shin in. I brush it off and go into my room. The bed is all set up against the shared wall with a desk and a pretty crappy desk chair. There’s a small sliding door closet and that is what my next 9ish months look like.

I get settled and walk out of my room. To my surprise Chloe is nowhere to be seen. She cleaned up her stuff she was working on and must have gone into her room. I went to grab my other suitcase and noticed a tiny white triangle from under the couch. I picked it up and quickly realized what it was. One of her drawings must have slid across the wood floor when it dropped. She was a really good artist. At the top of the page it said Kay with a heart next to it. I assumed she was drawing what she thought Kay was gonna look like. The drawing was of a beautiful blonde girl with shoulder length hair. She was naked and her breasts were drawn very well and she had shapely hips and… My mouth kinda dropped open as instead of a vagina the drawing had a penis on it. Not one of those Futa penises, just an average size and it seemed to fit on the body. Realizing I probably shouldn’t be looking at it, I put it back where it was and tucked it under the couch again so it would seem like I never even could have seen it.

I grabbed my bag and made my way to my room when Chloe busted out of her room. She looked at me, totally red in the face and rushed to the couch looking under pillows and the coffee table and finally under the couch. She grabs the paper, looks at it, looks at me and gets even redder and runs back into her room. Suddenly her weird behavior with her room made sense, maybe she has art like that all over the room. Generally something like that might freak people out or ask questions but I’ve been on the internet and am an art major. I’ve seen worse and know people are into everything. I just tried my best to ignore it. I started to unpack and set up my room.

A few hours later there was a knock on my door. “Come in”

Chloe opened the door slowly and started to look around my room. She noticed the ink drawings on my wall. “Oh you draw too?” She asked, trying to make small talk.

“Yeah I do computer stuff too but it’s easier on paper.”


She stood by my door just looking around. I finally had time to notice her. She was pretty short, maybe about 5’2″. She had black hair with a strand of blue all pulled back into a ponytail. She wore black glasses with a rectangle frame. Her eyes were brown and skin was almost as pale as the paper her drawings were on. She had a cute face if I’m being honest. Like really cute. She wore a huge black hoodie with the sly cooper symbol on it (respect) and red sweats. I snapped back to reality and asked, “Is there something I can help you with”.

She must have been in her own world as she jerked back to reality too “Oh yeah umm… S-sorry about earlier. I was just surprised. I-I wasn’t expecting to be living with a uhh… Guy. Im sorry”

“Its okay, it was a little of a shock to me too”



Silence filled the room again.

She started to rock back and forth on the toes then her heels. I tried to break the quiet, “Are you okay?”


“Yeah okay with living with a guy?”

“Oh umm”

“Because I’m sure we can call someone about this”

“No no no it’s okay I just… I just have to get used to the idea.”

“Okay that’s cool”


Silence returned.

I quickly excused myself to the bathroom. After I came out, Chloe’s door was shut again and she was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she will be a recluse. Too bad because I wouldn’t mind seeing a cute face around the house. I finished the rest of my unpacking and called my parents to tell them I was all settled and ready to start the new school year in a few days. I hung up and laid on my bed. I recalled the events of the day: the awkward greeting, the erotic picture, the tripping, and the short conversation in my room. It wasn’t the worst start to a roommateship but definitely could have gone better. She seemed nice, just nervous and a tiny jittery but maybe she’s not totally comfortable with the idea of living with a random boy.

It was night time and I decided to turn in since there wasn’t much else to do. I already explored the campus last year. I went out of my room and the lights were off. I made sure the front door was locked and retreated back to my room. Chloe’s door was shut. I don’t know what drew me to say it but I ended up saying “night” through the door. I heard a quick shuffling.

“Oh umm…oh goodnight.”

I closed my door and locked it as well. I flipped open my laptop and got on the ol’xnxx. After like 30 minutes nothing seemed good to watch. So I just decided to sleep. As I was trying to sleep I started to think about the naked picture she drew. It sparked something in me so I grabbed my phone and opened reddit. I went on R slash tgifs. I remembered the name from when I went on the page a while ago but didn’t find it appealing. I wasn’t repulsed by it but it just wasn’t my jam. However tonight it seemed to be my bread and butter.

I did what any normal person would do and sorted by top of all time and started down the subreddit. It was just what I needed. I am not bi or anything but something about these images seemed to scratch an itch I didn’t know I had. I started to imagine myself with one of them and holy crap. They were beautiful. Something about seeing a woman play with her hard cock, knowing she is incredibly turned on is one of a kind. I wondered what it would be like to play with a girl’s dick. Would it feel different or the same. The warmness in my body started to fill up and I could feel myself about to cum. Then I started to think about if Chloe also looked at this. I started to think about watching these girls with Chloe next to me. Imagining her cute face being entranced with images and gifs of these beauties was enough to put me over the edge. I usually don’t make a lot of noise when I cum but it was getting increasingly difficult to hold back. I managed to barely and that moment easily made the list of top orgasms.

I calmed down and felt ready to go to sleep when I heard it. A faint muffled noise. It didn’t seem to be the normal night noises of fans rocking or walls creaking. I tried my hardest to focus on the sound. It was a weird noise like a tiny, tiny whimper. I got up to try and find it so I could maybe silence it. It wasn’t loud or anything just inconsistent enough to disrupt my trying to sleep. As I got from my bed the sound stopped. I tried to look around my room for it but to no avail. I crawled back into bed and heard the sound again. I pressed my ear against the wall and the sound got a little louder. That’s when it hit me. It was the sound of moaning. Then it hit me again, that it was CHLOE moaning. I quickly moved away but curiosity got the better of me and pressed my ear back against the wall. Yep she was moaning and gasping. Imagined her face and a girl’s body masturbating and immediately I was ready for round two. I pulled my gym shorts back down and started jerking my dick again. I focused really hard on her noises but it was beginning to be really hard to picture her and what she was doing. The thing I did next surprised me but I decided to imagine her face on one of the girls I was watching earlier. It was a good but bad idea as I ended up cumming even faster imagining Chloe’s cute eyes closed as she stroked her imaginary cock. Bam…orgasm again. I came down from it and felt really bad. I barely knew this girl and I was imagining her doing things like that. I rolled back over and just tried to sleep again. I noticed the sound stopped. I figured she must have came too at some point.

I fell asleep rather quickly and woke up feeling refreshed the next day. I got ready for work. Since it was a saturday my manager had me come in earlier since I usually work nights on weekdays. I popped in the shower and started to think about last night, “No no no. Not now” I turned the water colder and cleaned up real quick. I popped on my uniform and headed out the door. I walked to my car and turned around half way, having forgotten my keys. I reopened the door and just as I was about to leave Chloe’s door opened and she came out in the same red sweats but this time she was wearing a tank top. My eyes quickly took in her petite form and I saw that her breasts were a tad bigger than what I would have expected. Then a quick image of her newly seen body with her the dick I imagined she had last night made my dick jump. I quickly grabbed my keys and ran out the door with a smile, “Bye Chloe, off to work be back later”

“Oh okay bye” she waved.

I shut the door and locked it. Leaned against the wall next to it and my brand new favorite image shot into my brain a second time. I let out a long sigh, “Fuck. What did I do to myself”



  1. I love the way you are slowly building the story up 😁…not straightaway “wham bam, thank you ma’am” stuff👍

    Slow, Steady and Sensual Foreplay is Most Important, IMHO!!!

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