The Release (Pt. 1)

The Release

She slammed the car door. It had been a horrible day at the office. First the network went down for four hours. FOUR HOURS! IT blamed maintenance. Maintenance blamed management. Management blamed IT. It was a nightmare. Finally, after half the day wasted, her boss called her to let her know a big client had cancelled on a HUGE project that was two weeks from being complete. Her project. The one that would guarantee her to an advanced position on the board of directors. “So much for that dream,” she thought as she trudged into the townhouse she shared with her boyfriend.

As she closed the front door, she hung her bag & keys on the hook just inside. All she wanted was a nice hot bath & maybe a glass of wine. Walking through the living room, she noticed her boyfriend napping on the couch, the television muted. He must have gotten off work early. She decided to let him sleep & have that bath. Pausing in the kitchen to pour herself a large glass of Chardonnay, she made her way to the upstairs bathroom.

After turning on the water to let it warm up, she walked into the master bedroom. Pulling off her pantsuit, she glanced at herself in the full length mirror next to the chest of drawers. She frowned, noticing for the hundredth time the slight pudge around her middle. The effect of sitting behind a desk everyday, no doubt. She hated it. She had never been skinny, but neither had she been fat. At 32 years old, she supposed she still looked okay, but that little bit of belly still bothered her. Shaking her head, she continued to disrobe, removing her knee high black stockings, her bra, & finally her panties. Surely the water was hot enough by now.

Stepping into the steamy bathroom, she picked up the glass of wine & set it on the side of the tub, a nice-sized whirlpool bath with 16 jets, perfectly angled to give the bather a full body water massage. Climbing in, she sank into the warm water all the way to her chin, only the tops of her C-cup sized breasts above the waterline. Closing her eyes, she sighed as the wine & warm water began to take effect on her body. She could some of the tension of the day melting away. Opening her eyes to reach for her glass, she realized it wasn’t there. Sitting up to look over the edge of the tub to see if it had fallen, she noticed the wineglass sitting on the countertop. Empty.

Standing, goosebumps crawled across her naked skin, partially from the coolness of the room compared to the water, partially from the eerie feeling she had. Someone had moved her wineglass. Had emptied her wineglass. With her in the room, completely unaware. Was her boyfriend still downstairs, napping? Or had he awakened & come up to mess with her? She was about to find out. She was a strong woman. She had practiced mixed martial arts for years before working at her current job. She might be a little rusty, but she could still kick some ass if she had to!

Not bothering to towel herself off, she walked slowly toward the bathroom door, dripping water on the tile floor. As she reached the thick carpeted bedroom, someone grabbed her arm. She screamed & struck out with the other before it was grabbed & pinned to her side. His mouth was on hers, and as she realized who had her, she moaned in relief and…was that satisfaction? Her boyfriend HAD come up to mess with her, but not in the way she thought.

Still pinning her arms to her sides, he kissed her as thoroughly as she had ever been kissed. His tongue swirling around hers, pulling away, only to devour her once more. Her breasts were heaving, her nipples hard, as he moved his mouth down her neck. He lightly bit her, kissed where he had bitten, sucked the tender flesh above her collarbone & leaving his mark. As he kissed her breasts he released her arms, moving his hands to knead the soft flesh surrounding her nipples. She reached to stroke his hair when he stopped her. “No.” It was all he said, but she put her hand back down to her side obediently.

They had played this game a couple of times before. Never scaring her half to death beforehand though. She knew when he got that look in his eyes, HE was the boss. HE was in control. And she loved it. As she stood there, naked, with his mouth & hands on her, she wondered what kind of treats were in store for her tonight.


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