My Cousin [M27] Wants to Fuck Me [F29]

Straight up. There was a time where we grew up together, me being baby sat at his house. Never looked at my cousin like that in any way, any of them. I’m one of maybe 8 girls and 30 some guy cousins. Big family. You can say I’m in the older generation. It wasn’t until last year when we started to meet up again, post covid. My cousin J, is 27? I’m 29, and yeah I should know better. He’s a handsome dude, but again never saw anything more than family. He on the other hand, thought differently.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered. My cousin replying to my story on IG regarding my post about something sexual and single, he literally said if I ever needed anything he was there for me, winky face. I thought wait, is he serious? Nah he can’t be I thought. Fast forward to a summer gathering last year, our family greets with hugs and kisses. I remember him showing up later on, and insisted on giving me a proper hug aka pressing up on my big tits, I know. Eyes speak volume sometimes, and I felt that he watched me like a hawk.

I kid you not, ever since he planted that idea that little seed in my head it’s branched out to an odd fantasy. I hate to admit, but in a way.. it’s played out in my head several times. The thought of not fucking my cousin, but having him touch me. Not too long ago, I was off and got ready. Looking cute or whatever, and posted myself a couple times on IG. I was kinda feeling myself, sometimes I turn myself on, not sure how to explain that but yeah.

Wearing a low-cut tight, brow top making my tits perk. My hair was straightened and styled in a way that made me feel sexy giving Ariana Grande vibes. He messaged me saying I looked good, and I replied with a boomerang of me pulling my top down, squeezing my tits together, barely showing my areola. Sent…Seen. A rush came over me, wondering what he’d say when he takes a screenshot! least it wasn’t that bad I said to myself. He then replies heart eyes and compliments me again. After a couple back and forth, he becomes eager, he’s horny af for me.

After getting the conversation out that we’ll never actually fuck but can do other things I felt like it was ok to send him a picture of my tits. “Next time we’re at a family function, I want you to feel up on my ass and asshole when no one is looking…” I said. “Most definitely will, maybe pop a titty in my mouth for a minute when we sneak off to buy more “beer”. Now when I see you, I’ll see right through your shirt and know what nice ass tits you’re hiding under there..fuck…” he replied. I recorded a little video and sent it to him of me pulling down my top and bra showing off my boobs, watching my big light brown soft nipple slowly start to shrink and get stiff. Sent.

The thought of having a naughty secret like that does something to me, shits not right but it does make my clit swell up. It’s so forbidden, yet tempting. Next family function should be coming up soon, makes me anxious but I know I’ll be looking good that day. My cousin messaged me feeling up on his dick, saying how he keeps imagining me bent over getting fucked with my ass spread open..can’t lie I love that shit, but I can’t tell him that. I truly hope we don’t get caught..


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