Fields of Daisies and Clover – A Hucow Story, Part II (Hucow, Lactation, Oral, Anal, mild mDom, MFFFF, Incest[M/D,S/S])

As promised, here is part II. Hope you enjoy.

Just to reiterate, all cows are human cows. All characters are 18+.

I am not sure when the next part will appear. It may be a week or even longer possibly. I’ve had a bunch of things come up, so we will see how it goes.

Fields of Daisies and Clover – A Hucow Story, Part II

“What?” I said. “Who?”

“My mom, and my sister.”

“What?” I repeated. I realized I had been saying “what?” a lot lately and I was starting to sound like a moron.

“You heard me. Come on, Brendan, look at you. Your cock is already growing. You’ll make a great bull. We just need more cows for your herd, and milking gear so we can harvest all this delightful milk. I’ve even got one or two more cow girl candidates beyond my mom and sister to possibly round out the herd. We’ll make a killing.”

The mental haze from my arousal and the cow milk was starting to lift and I had a moment of clarity.

“You planned this, didn’t you?” I said. “I don’t know who else you are working with, but you wanted this to happen. I bet you knew Helga even before she showed up here.”

“Actually no, I didn’t know Helga,” Nina replied. “But I admit, my mom, my sister, and one other…um…lady partner did some planning to try to bring this into reality. Didn’t you notice the little patches of clover in the lawn that are so attractive to cow girls? Or smell the cow-girl pheromones I laced throughout the yard to try to bring one in?”

Now that she mentioned it, I had noticed the clover and the odd smells, but I had dismissed both owing to my shoddy lawn maintenance. Now it made sense.

“You manipulated me…” I started, but Nina interrupted me with a hard stroke of my cock.

“Please don’t be angry. You’ll like being our bull, I promise. You can fuck me, Helga, my mom, my sister, and who knows who else – and you can use whatever hole suits your fancy at the moment. Plus you will get as much of that juicy milk as you can handle.” Nina trailed off and pushed her milk-laden mounds in my direction, but I didn’t take the bait this time.

“So who is the other ‘lady partner’ you mentioned?” I asked.

“That’s a secret for now,” Nina replied. “If it goes well with my mom and sis, we’ll talk. Remember, we only need one more girl in your herd for you to become a full-fledged bull. So if either my mom or sister decide they are in – and they probably both will – you’re gonna be hung like a … bull.”

“I don’t know about this…”

“Brendan, please, do it for me…”

I pulled away from my wife and got dressed. I needed some head space.

“I’m going for a drive,” I said and went out to the car, starting up and driving nowhere in particular.

When I thought about it objectively, I realized this whole farm thing had been a setup. Nina had wanted to be a cow girl, and she had manipulated this situation, with the help of her mom and sister, along with some other mystery person.

This was grounds for a divorce. Hell, this was grounds for a lawsuit of epic proportions. But I loved my wife. I still loved her even after I had been used. Sadly that was the story of my life, I was always getting pushed around.

I sighed. I didn’t know what it meant to be a “bull”. Maybe it still could be okay.

But the principal of the thing. This was a violation of the basic tenets of openness in a relationship.

My head spun round and round. I didn’t know what to do. So I did the only logical thing. I pulled over into a roadside park and called my mom.

Mom lived about two hours from us and usually came for a visit once a month or so. She was in her late forties and widowed. She answered on the second ring.

“Hi honey,” she said.

“Hi mom,” I replied.

“You don’t sound good,” she said immediately. Moms just have a way of knowing things. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m having a little spat with Nina.”

“What’s going on, tell me everything.”

I sighed. She was my mom, I didn’t want to tell her ‘everything’ in detail, but I needed her to know the basics.

“Do you know what a cow girl is?” I asked.

“Do you mean like a girl cowboy?”

“No, I mean a girl who has horns and produces a lot of special milk from her really big…you know…”

“Oh, right,” my mom said. “That kind of cow girl. What about them?”

“There was one in the front lawn today, and Nina brought it inside and…” I trailed off.

“I’m guessing Nina’s a cow girl now, isn’t she.”


“So you have two cow girls at home, you get a third and you can be a bull. You have a nice spread there to build your herd, so what’s the problem?” my mother said.

“Mom! Not helpful!” I exclaimed.

“Brendan, relax. It’s not the end of the world. If you gave it a try you might like it.”

“So that’s your advice, to go with it?”

“Pretty much, sweetheart. Look, your biggest problem with being a bull is that you need to take charge. That doesn’t come naturally to you. Honestly, honey, you’ve always been a milquetoast. You let Nina boss you around, you let everyone boss you around. It’s time to change that. If you’re going to be the bull, you need to take charge and give the cows their marching orders. If you can just push yourself a little, it will be fantastic. I know that talking with your mother about sex isn’t necessarily a comfortable thing – but you will literally have all the sex you can possibly handle and loads of that delightful cow girl milk. It will be fantastic if you just have a little faith in yourself. You can do it, I have faith in you.”

“That’s not the advice I was expecting from you. I thought you’d feel bad for me. I thought you’d tell me to dump Nina and come home so you could make me chocolate milk and cookies.”

“Sorry honey. I don’t think the right solution here is running away. I think it’s time to take the…cow…by the horns – literally – and bend her over…and…well, you get the picture. The next time I come for a visit I’ll make you cookies. We can eat them while drinking cow girl milk and you can tell me how great you did. But right now, it’s time for action. Go get ‘em tiger!”

I wrapped up the call with my mom and leaned back in the car. The thought of going back to the house scared me on one hand and stimulated me on the other. I wondered what it meant to be a bull. I wondered what it would be like.

I wondered if Nina’s mom or sister were going to eat out her cunt in order to become cows, or if they would want to eat out Helga.

I realized that I could make that decision, because I was the bull. When I imagined Nina getting eaten out by her mom and sister, my cock began pressing against my shorts again. I decided that my mom was right. It was at least worth a shot. I was going to go home and take charge.

It was late afternoon when I got home. Nina and Helga were preparing salads for dinner. Since we didn’t have any women’s clothes in the house that fit their new bodies, they had pulled on oversized shirts from my closet with just tiny thongs underneath. The shirts were mostly unbuttoned, and heir big, milky tits hung down in front of them. It looked like some of the milk had been pumped from their tits, and when I opened the fridge there were four full gallon milk bottles inside.

“How did you pump your breasts?” I asked.

Nina looked at me sheepishly.

“I guess you wouldn’t believe me if I said we happened to find milking equipment in the basement…” she replied.

“No, I wouldn’t,” I said, slapping her ass hard enough for her to turn and look at me strange. “And there won’t be any more games like that again, you got it? The only bull on this farm is me, and my cows will fall in line. That goes for your sister and your mother too. And once I am officially the bull, you have to tell me who this mystery partner is, that’s an order.”

Nina looked at me like she had no idea who this person was who had appeared in her house. I realized my mother was right, I could do this. And as I adjusted to the whole idea of being a bull, the less it bothered me. And in fact, Nina’s mom, Lucy, was pretty much the image of a MILF, so I was actually starting to look forward to turning her into a cow and fucking her, along with Nina’s sister, Angela.

Nina and Helga had already showered and it was getting near time for my in-laws to arrive, so I scooted upstairs to shower and change. When I was clean and dressed I paused at the top of the stairs. Our dinner guests had arrived and below I could hear my wife talking to her mother and sister. In a day that had already been shocking, their conversation was even more shocking.

Mother-in-Law: So has is cock gotten any bigger yet?

Wife: Just a tad. You need a full herd of three or more before the bull grows into his cock.

Sister-in-Law: Any anal?

Wife: He was never much into anal in the past, so I think it may take awhile for him to come around to that side.

MIL: Well, I hope he gets around to it soon, because I could use a good bull cock up my ass.

SIL: I don’t care where the cock goes, I just want to be a milk factory, nothing but milk, all the time. I want to feel it gushing from my breasts.

MIL: Me too. Where’s that husband of yours anyway? How long does it take him to shower? I hope he’s not wasting any of that seed clogging up the shower drain.

That conversation made me see red. Just more evidence that I had been played. I had to take a moment to let myself cool before I made my way downstairs.

“Well here he is, finally,” my mother-in-law Lucy said. “The bull-in-training.”

She had red hair and a fit body and was wearing jeans and a white spaghetti tank. Angela, Nina’s sister, was a little on the chubby side but not so much that she wasn’t cute. Angela had on tights and a T-shirt. They both gave me hugs.

“So what have you done to my daughter?” Lucy said, snidely. “Was this your idea?”

I rolled my eyes. I wasn’t going to play the milquetoast anymore.

“Cut the crap, it was yours, and your daughters’ ideas. Do you have a thing for bull cock?” I shot back.

“Real bull cock, yes. Weakling bull cock like yours, not so much,” she sneered.

“Then you can get the fuck out,” I said. “If you think you’re going to join my herd with an attitude like that, you got another think coming. Get out of my house.”

“Brendan!” my wife said. “You can’t mean that.”

“I do, and that applies to all of you.” I turned to Lucy. “I bet this was your idea, wasn’t it?”


“I knew it,” I said. “So do you want to be part of the herd..of MY herd…or not? Let’s cut to the chase.”

Lucy looked to me, then to her daughters, then back at me. She seemed unsure what to do about this new version of her son-in-law she had never seen before. Finally she spoke.

“Yes, Brendan, I do. So let me get between Helga’s hips and we’ll get this thing over with.”

I held up my hand. “Not so fast. In my herd, if you want to join you have to eat out my wife’s cunt, not Helga’s.”

“What? She’s my daughter you idiot!”

“A little mother-daughter action. Sounds hot.”

“I…um…shit, Brendan, this is not how we planned this going down. What the hell has gotten into you, you’ve actually grown a pair.”

“I’m the bull, I’m your bull, so you will do what I say. I want my cows to be happy, I want my cows to be full of milk and my bull seed. But they need to get in line, because I can’t run a farm without cooperation. So if you want to be part of my herd, you’ll undress and get between your daughter’s thighs. If your uncomfortable with that idea, I suggest you start by sucking on her tits for a few. That cow juice will knock down most of your inhibitions pretty quick.”

As I spoke, my cock was surging, pressing against the front of my shorts. If my mother-in-law wanted some anal, I was ready to supply it, but first she needed to get her cow on. She was still standing there, looking back and forth between me and Nina. I pulled my wife’s top off, completely exposing her big, milky tits. I could see that they had already begun refilling after having been pumped earlier. They were big, fat, veiny, and hung down nearly to her waist, while sticking out a couple off feet in front of her. The big wide aureoles were dark and pebbled, and the nipples were long with droplets of milk emerging from the tip. I picked one up and held it in front of Lucy.

Lucy didn’t move. I had a moment of panic. What if she didn’t comply? What if all my bravado ended up washing away like spilled milk? Yeah, I had put up a good act, but was it really good enough to force my cows to comply or was I about to become the first milquetoast bull in human cow history?

Lucy still didn’t move, so I reached up with my other hand, grabbed her red hair and pushed her head down towards her daughter’s cow tit. For a second she resisted, but then she allowed me to guide her lips to Nina’s bountiful, milky, cow girl mountain. She opened her lips and sucked her daughter’s nipple into her mouth.

Nina moaned as her mom drank down her saffron-tinged mammary juice, and her moan was followed a moment later by one from Lucy.

“Jesus Christ, this is incredible,” Lucy murmured around Nina’s tit. She had stopped fighting and now had both hands squeezing her daughter’s mammary as she took mouthful after mouthful from Nina’s gland. I let go of her hair and bent down to my wife’s other breast, latching onto her other nipple and sucking down her saffron milk in thick draughts. I felt the surge of slight intoxication rocket through me. Any self-doubt I had was swept away. I was the bull. I was going to bring my cows to heel.

“That’s enough,” I said, pulling Lucy back from Nina’s tit by her hair. “It’s time for you to get your cow on. Get undressed.” Lucy pouted, but complied, peeling off her and jeans to reveal her big mom-tits and toned body. She pointed her tits at me like she thought I should be impressed. I ignored her. I gently nudged Nina back onto the couch and pulled her legs apart, pushing Lucy’s face down into Nina’s meaty cow cunt. My wife’s cunt lips were wet and pussy juice ran down across her thick, puckered asshole that was gushing out cunt juice on its own. Milk sluiced from her tits down her stomach, mixing with her other emanations and giving off a heady, erotic aroma.

Lucy was beyond noncompliance. She wanted nothing more than to get between Nina’s lobes and turn herself into a cow. She buried herself between her daughter’s thighs and ripped into Nina’s cunt with reckless abandon.

I pulled off my shirt and shorts, letting my cock pop free. I was definitely growing and I guessed I was close to nine inches. A thick streamer of pre-come was dribbling from the purple tip of my meat. I was ready to plough my mother-in-law’s holes, and then to work over my sister-in-law. I was going to be a real bull before the night was out.

While I had been disciplining Lucy, Helga and Angela had paired off and now my sister-in-law was sucking hard at Helga’s veiny, milk-engorged cow tits. Angela had her top off and her chubby-girl tits were shaking as she drank every drop of saffron-tinged milk she could from Helga’s mounds.

I pulled Helga’s other mound to my lips and sucked hard at her tit, taking in mouthfuls of her juice. Then I reached down and pulled off Angela’s tights, leaving her chubby ass bare. Then I turned my attention back to my wife and her mother.

Lucy hadn’t been slacking, and the effects had been swift. She now had the perfectly sculpted ass and stomach of a cow, and her big, milk-filled tits were hanging down to the floor as she bent over and continued to suck at her daughter’s cunt. Lucy’s thick meaty labia seemed to extend so far towards her asshole that they eventually just merged with her sphincter’s flesh. Her crinkled anus was at least three inches long and both her cunt and her ass were assaying pussy juice.

Rather than grabbing Lucy’s hair this time, I pulled her back by her horns. Lucy’s face had taken on the typical bimbofied characteristics of a cow – thick red lips, long lashes, perfectly-coiffed long hair. My wife’s cunt juice ran down Lucy’s face and she smiled at me.

“So can you fuck my ass now, please?” she begged.

“I will in a few minutes, because I want all my cows to be happy cows. But first you need to meet your quota, sweetheart. Business before pleasure.” I handed her a pair of pumps and two gallon bottles. “Get busy.”

Lucy pouted but complied, attaching the pumps to her newly-minted monstrous cow tits and began pulling out copious quantities of saffron-tinged milk. At the same time, Angela, seeing that Nina’s cunt was free, disengaged from Helga’s tit and buried her face in her sister’s cow slit.

I came up behind Lucy, letting my cock run up and down the outside of her juicy asshole as she pumped. I reached around and squeezed her tits, jettisoning still more of the delightful milk. Lucy closed her eyes and moaned, leaning her face back to me and kissing me.

“Baby, I’m so glad you’re my bull,” my mother-in-law whispered. “I’ll do whatever you want, I promise. I’ll be a good cow, I’ll be your best cow.”

My cock was practically dying of anticipation as I watched Lucy meet her quota. Finally she had given me two gallons of milk. I patted her on the head as she pulled off the pumps, leaving her big brown nipples puffy and blood-engorged.

“God, will you fuck my ass now?” she whispered.

I didn’t bother answering, instead I just pushed her back down onto all fours. She looked over her shoulder at me with her big brown cow eyes and long lashes. Her look begged me to fill her with my bull juice.

I rubbed my cock around the outside of her ass. I knew that this was the moment of truth. Once I fucked Lucy, I would now have three cows in my herd, and I would become a full-blown bull. It was time. I was truly ready.

“See, isn’t it great to be a good girl?” I said, sliding my cock into her slick, meaty asshole.

Lucy moaned as I slid inch after inch inside of her until my balls bounced against her soaking cunt.

Then it happened.

A surge shot through me ten times more powerful than the intoxication from the cow’s milk. I gasped, feeling a pair of horns shoot from the front of my forehead. The muscles throughout my body grew exponentially, leaving me looking like a steroid-freak body builder. My balls expanded. But the strongest surge was straight through my cock. It grew suddenly and massively deep into Lucy’s ass.

“…god…oh god oh god oh god,” Lucy cried, coming hard around my cock that was now far deeper into her that anything she had ever experienced before. I was afraid of hurting her so I began pulling back. I looked down and was shocked that my meat was probably three or four inches in diameter, and as I pulled out, it just kept coming out of Lucy’s asshole. Inch after inch of long, thick, purple meat slipped from from my mother-in-law’s cow ass. A foot – eighteen inches – and finally almost two feet before the very end of my bull cock finally popped out Lucy’s ass.

My cock was immense. This was the cock that I needed to satisfy a cow. Holy shit.

“Please get that thing back inside me,” Lucy begged, pushing her ass back towards my cock. “You promised you’d fuck me and fill me with bull juice if I met your quota. Aren’t you going to honor that?”

“I always honor my promises to my cows, especially good cows,” I said. I patted her head between her horns then slid my purple, pulsating bull cock back into Lucy’s ass. She took it all and begged me to fuck her hard and fast. I was happy to comply, pistoning my hot, hard, new meat in and out of her hot, wet, new anus. A bull cock in a cow ass (or a cow cunt, or cow mouth) is a thing of perfect harmony.

I thought that Lucy might ask me to slow down or stop at some point, but she let me drive the entirety of my meat back into her ass without any hesitation. Her only exhortations were for me to speed up rather than back up. Once my big bull balls had bumped against her cunt and my washboard bull stomach was pressing against her ass, I finally completely realized that a cow’s body was truly meant to take a big bull’s cock.

So with that, I began pistoning my meat in and out of my mother-in-law’s asshole. She moaned as I worked, juice sliding from her ass and cunt as my huge bull meat worked her over. She was bent over on all fours and her cow tits hung all the way to the floor, jiggling and shaking as I drove my cock in and out of her. The sensation of having that much rock hard, purple, throbbing flesh sliding through my mother-in-law’s asshole was incredible. It felt like my entire body was one big nerve, and that nerve was attuned to the sensation of my flesh rubbing against Lucy’s flesh. I reached down and grabbed her horns, pulling her up so her back pressed against my chest. She leaned her head back and we kissed as I squeezed her tits and sent thick streamers of cow milk arcing through the air. Lucy moaned and I felt an orgasm waft through her, tightening her ass muscles around my cock.

I almost came but fought for control as Lucy moaned again and ran her hands up her stomach, stroking my cock that was pressed against her abdomen. It was a strange sensation. She came again, and that was all I could take. My first orgasm as a full-fledged bull erupted from the end of my cock into my mother-in-laws ass.

Lucy screamed as I poured load after load of my bull come into her cow-ass. My knees quaked in an orgasm more intense than anything I had ever felt. Shot after shot rocketed up the long length of my meat and out into Lucy’s ass.

After a dozen intense pulses, the throbs slowed a little. Lucy gave another moan and slipped forward, laying down on the floor, barely conscious, in the ebbing afterglow of her orgasm. Her asshole hung wide open, trickling thick loads of my seed mixed with her juice.

I was still watching her when I felt another pair of hands grab my monster bull cock. It was Angela. She turned and held up her two full gallon jugs of milk. So having fulfilled her quota for the day, it was her turn to officially join the herd. She gestured me towards the couch then positioned her body between my legs. My cock was still hard as a rock, though the pulses had almost stopped. A streamer of semen slipped down the side. Angela ran her tongue up the shaft and licked off the jizz, then it around the head, pulling the tip into her mouth through her thick, lucious cow lips.

My brain was telling me there was no way my sister-in-law – or any woman for that matter – could take the entirety of my meat down her throat. It was just impossibe. But then I remembered what I had seen Lucy do a moment ago. These were my cows, they could take all of my meat in all of their holes.

My sister-in-law sucked, gulped, swallowed. Inch after inch of my cock went into her throat. It was unbelievable. As she slid up the shaft, my meat got thicker near the base, and somehow she managed to open her mouth wide enough to take it all without scraping her teeth on my cock. When her chin hit my balls, I gasped. It was incredible.

She looked up at me with her big brown eyes and shook her body.

I took her horns and pumped my cock with her face. Somehow she managed to smile around my big bull cock. Her tits pressed against my balls, coating my bull sac with milk.

I had come just a few minutes before, but I felt my balls tighten as I slid my sister-in-law’s face up and down my cock. She moaned around my meat, her throat contracted, and that was all I could take. Thick loads of my bull seed shot into Angela’s body.

She gagged a couple times, but didn’t struggle. When I finally let go of her horns, she slowly slid my monster bull cock out of her mouth and smiled, streamers of my bull come running down her chin.

My cock was still pulsating and hard, I wondered how long before it would slow down. I stood up and looked down at my herd who were all kneeling on the floor, looking up at me with their big brown cow eyes. They were smiling happily, their big cow tits trickling milk. They stroked my cock, squeezed and sucked each others tits, laughed and giggled.

They were beautiful. They were my cows. I was their bull.




  1. Awesome read,can’t wait to find out who the mystery cow will be( I hope my suspicion will be right)

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