Taming Amara [20s] [f;monster] [corruption] [dubcon] [tentacles] [breeding] [cnc]

Amara had failed.

The moment she had sloughed off her brilliant armor and placed her weapons to the side, baring her nude body before the horrific being that had called through her dreams for so long, she had failed herself, her god, and her journey. Even now, the paladin was certain that she could feel her benefactor’s holy face turning away from her, unable to gaze upon her sin any longer.

It was not the only thing she could feel.

Despite the darkness of the cavern that it, whatever it was, had brought her to, Amara felt the tentacles as they slithered over one another, tightening around her trembling, quaking form and caressing her with a single-minded determination that made her aching body shudder. There was not an inch of her pale skin exposed to the cavern’s cool, musty breaths; she was warm, hot, trapped underneath its many writhing arms.

They glowed, pulsing chromatic waves of bright, neon green and glowing blue, granting her brief glimpses of her own body in the dim blue light. Occasionally she would glance down to see a tentacle squirming inside of her, its neon glow dimly pulsing through her skin and revealing the true depths of her carnal sins. She knew what the searching tentacles wanted, what they sought from her as she was strung up betwixt them; they had taken it from her again and again, even now, filling her orifices with thick, thrusting limbs that had dragged her to breaking pleasure again and again.

They, too, had enjoyed themselves. At least, Amara thought that was what it was when the tentacles grew thicker, taut, before seizing up and ejaculating thick, white liquid inside her. In, and oftentimes on, too, when she was already too full to accept another internal deposit. When one of the tentacles spilled its seed, it would often retreat, only to be replaced by another bulging limb, or, just as often, two. The white substance dripped from her freely, pooling beneath her as she was slathered in the vile jism.

The single tentacle that slipped and pulsed inside her ear while whispering promises and taunts never left, though, no matter how many times she felt it seize up and ooze warm liquid into her brain. The longer that one lingered, the less she minded its presence, and the more pleasant the oozing warmth felt against her racing thoughts, slowing them. Calming her.

A long-subdued part of Amara had hoped it and its luring calls were only a dream but, no. It was very real. She had known the truth when she’d walked up to the sunken ruins, when she’d heeded the whispers that had lured her to that dark, corrupted abyss. She had known that this was very, very real.

Amara had known what she agreed to.

“Mmm-hm,” a soft moan slipped from her as one of the invasive limbs thrust between her sperm-slickened thighs, burying itself inside her dripping cunt. It wriggled in as deep as her cervix would allow, as had many before it since she had submitted to the call, but unlike the others before it, it did not stop at the opening to her womb and begin thrusting until release. Instead, a cry of surprise tore from her as it pierced past her cervix, continuing to writhe deeper into her core.

The shocked sound was merely muffled by another tentacle that plundered between her lips and thrust into her belly, bulging it lewdly as its thrusting seemed to increase in intensity and speed. The glowing pulses came faster and faster, the tentacle retreating, then delving deep. Her tongue pressed against the thick limb as it slid in and out of her gaping mouth but no words escaped, only helpless whimpers.

*Be still, worm, and spread your slut legs wider —* a voice, a whisper across her tentacle-addled brain, murmured with impatience as her aching body was enveloped beneath the writhing mass of black tentacles — *aah, that’s better.*

The voice had become almost familiar over the past hours; or, was it days, now? She’d long since lost track of time.

Her legs could spread no wider, pulled apart by black tentacles that were as thick around as her thigh, but the appendage that delved into her sex and thrust into her made do. The paladin’s eyes opened, and another aching cry tried to burst from Amara’s lips as she saw the large tentacle that had buried itself inside her — it was the largest to fuck her yet by far, and it glowed and pulsed each time it thrust into her, withdrawing for a moment only to seize and rock forward.

It was seeding her, she realized. Differently from how the previous tentacles had filled her, this one directly injected into her womb. And it did not retreat, merely pulsed and pumped the strange glowing light, the fluid, into her core.

*Your whorish, wanton body is exactly what I needed, paladin —* the voice is oily as it washes over Amara’s thoughts, and she moaned, even as the twin tentacles gyrating in her asshole tightened, then burst with seed, making her body convulse and quiver with the gushing heat as it bloated her trim body *— strong enough to bear my seed to fruition, but weak enough to heed my call.*

She had, too. Even though its call had been filtered through dreams of writhing black tentacles, she had come.

Amara shuddered as an orgasm arced through her, brought on by a small, unique snake-like tendril of a tentacle that slid against between pussy lips, before suctioning onto her clit. She’d experienced so many climaxes that her body hummed with energy that never faded, and the suctioning tentacle only spiked that higher within her, making her clench and gasp as her orgasm flared higher, even more intense.

*Perfect —* the voice cooed, approvingly, and Amara gasped in euphoric pleasure as the tentacle in her brain rewarded her with another dose of warm, soothing seed that she found herself enjoying so much, even as the tentacle between her thighs shuddered, filling and swelling her belly with seed that could not escape — *you will make the perfect incubator for my young, paladin.*

Incubator? Young? The words washed over Amara with the meaninglessness that came as if the words were spoken in a different language, rather than deposited directly into her mind. The mocking, leering voice continued — *With your ethereal magic in my childrens’ blood from birth, lending them the strength of a corrupt demigod, nothing will be able to keep us to caves and shadows again.*

The tentacles cocooned around Amara constricted, tightening around her, the suctioned arms slithering across her body to caress her with inhuman, alien appendages. She whimpered and moaned as the orgasm drawn through her clit extended on and on, until her body ached from the strain of the pleasure sending electric sparks through her.

And more — the tentacles wrapped around her breasts, tightening into a vice before, again, another suctioned tentacle latched onto a nipple, pumping and pulsing as it suckled on her tit. The other breast, too, was caught and latched onto, a moan drawn from the paladin’s stretched mouth.

*You will bear them, feed them, and seed them again, worm, from now until your body breaks and is no longer fit to sustain us.*

Even more than before, Amara was caught. Conquered. She saw and felt nothing other than the pulsing tentacles as they cradled her in their serpentine embrace. The monster’s seed dripped, and her body quivered, helpless.

The voice, dripping malice into her brain –

*Let go, and simply give yourself over to what you know you crave, what you know you need.*

*Do not worry; I will put you to good use.*

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/123s93a/taming_amara_20s_fmonster_corruption_dubcon