The accountant [romance] [risky] [m/f] [oral]

(I often write bdsm erotica, this is my attempt at writing without it. What do you think?)

She was so nervous, her heart pounded so loud she was sure everyone could hear it.
This was the fifth time she was in his office, an open landscape with about eight to ten desks where he and his coworkers slaved away with their different tasks.
He was an accountant, and the first time she met him, he had been assigned to her case to help her with some documents for her new start-up business.
At a first glance there was nothing that special about him. He was not particularly tall, he wore glasses, had dark, brown hair and a short beard. He wasn’t muscular or even that fit, you could call it a “dad-bod” if you wished, only that he didn’t have any children (yes, the second time she met him she had created an excuse to ask him). But there was something, something in his eyes, that had made her weak just minutes after sitting down with him. His smile was warm and when he laughed, she felt spellbound.
She herself was considered a beautiful woman. She had long, wavy, red hair, all natural, and her green eyes made people ask if she wore contact lenses. She was rather slim, but with curves, and she wore clothes to accentuate that. And yet, here she was, feeling as if she had forgotten everything about flirting and acting coy like she normally did when men hit on her.
Because this man hadn’t.
He had been professional, smiling and laughing with her, but never once made any kind of pass or even commented on her looks like most men did.

She had found ways to ask him if he was married, seeing anyone, even doing her best to get him to hint if he was maybe playing for the other team so to speak – but nothing she did had made him step outside the professional zone.
Time after time she had created excuses to book new meetings with him, each time falling deeper and deeper for him, but him never once even hinting any type of interest in her. She was so intrigued, and so infatuated, that she could not help paying the company fee simply to get to meet him for another hour.
But this time was different. This time, she was going to ask him to dinner. At her place. She would cook. She never cooked; because she lived alone, she rarely ate anything at home. But she would now, she wanted to impress him.
“Ah, miss Everley, nice to meet you again!”
She heard his voice before she had even managed to compose herself, he had seen her before she spotted him. Flustered, her eyes darted towards the sound, and as usual she could not help smiling when she saw him. He wasn’t at his desk, he was walking from the area where she assumed they had their copying machines, based on the sounds coming from the room.
“Oh, err, hello Kevin… I’m sorry, I mean, mr Marcus…” she stuttered, cursing herself in her head for acting like an infatuated school girl.
“Kevin is fine, you know that”, he chuckled, smiling warmly.
She did know that, but wasn’t sure he was ok with it in front of all his colleagues. She noticed they were all looking up now, at her, and even though she was used to the attention, it made her blush now.
“How can I help you today?” he continued, now standing in front of her, shaking her hand. In her heels she was just as tall as he, but the way he looked at her made her feel as if she was looking up at him, swooning, wishing he would touch her face with those hands instead. Or even… well, anything below her face…
“Err… yes… I… is there…somewhere we can go to talk… more privately?” she said quietly, not wanting the eaves-dropping colleagues to hear.
“Of course, please come with me.”
She followed him to the meeting room they had been sitting in for two of the earlier visits here she had made. It contained a table with four chairs, and nothing much else.

He sat down in one of the two chairs against the back wall, turned the other chair so that they would be facing each other, and beckoned for her to sit in front of him. She did, crossing her legs, suddenly aware of her shorter-than-office-appropriate skirt. But right when she did, something new happened. She had been looking into those brown, warm eyes of his, with his thick eyelashes and slightly bushy eyebrows, and so she caught him darting his eyes downwards. He had looked at her legs. For the shortest second, she had caught him looking at her in something other than a completely professional way.
“Now, let me know what I can do for you”, he said, still smiling and not giving away if there had been any type of indecent thought going through his mind.
She tried her best to compose herself again, trying to breathe normally and speak without trembling.
“Well… I… I know this is… not professional…”
Damn that stupid stutter! All right, here goes nothing.
“I… was wondering if you would like to come to my place for dinner.”

She held her breath, her frantic mind trying to keep herself steady and look as if she wasn’t bothered in the least either way he replied.
He looked at her intently, still smiling, seemingly trying to read her.
For way too long, the room was silent.
“Miss Everley, are you asking me on a date?” he finally said, his smile broadened. “Is that why you have booked so many meetings with me?”
She felt so silly, a blush rising on her cheeks. Oh, how stupid of her, of course he wasn’t interested, he…
Suddenly she felt his hand on hers, resting on the table. It was warm and dry, and she felt her insides turn with excitement. Really?
“Of course, miss Everley. I would love that. Tonight?”
His fingers ran over the back of her hand and she felt even weaker. Oh how she wanted those fingers someplace else…
“Yes”, she breathed. His hand now stroke her bare arm. His whole demeanour had changed, the professionalism was gone in an instant, and now he looked at her with lust together with the warmth.
“I was hoping you would ask”, he continued, smiling as he leaned forward. He was now only inches away from her face and had lowered his voice:
“But I wasn’t sure how to read your signals, seeing that you are an astoundingly beautiful woman who is surely used to men wrongly interpreting your kindness as interest.”

She hadn’t even thought of that aspect. His honesty, thoughtfulness and openness made her somehow even more infatuated with him.
“I have wanted you since ten minutes into our first meeting”, she confessed, throwing all thoughts of decency and coyness out the window. “Please… kiss me.”
With a small chuckle, he leaned forward the rest of the way and she felt his lips on hers. Her tongue reached for his, and she finally got to touch his arms and chest as they kissed, deeply and passionately. She moaned quietly, her whole body temperature rose as she felt his hands stroking her arms, back and sides.
“Is… the door locked?” she whispered, suddenly realising that they were still in his workspace and this was without any doubt highly inappropriate.
“I never lock the door”, he replied between kisses. “But I did this time.”
She giggled a little. So he had hoped for something!
As the heat rose between them, they both stood up from their seats, breathing faster. Still kissing her mouth, cheek and neck in a way that made her whimper, she felt his hand reach for her butt. He caressed it slowly, and his other hand moved upwards from her hip. She moved closer to him, squeezing her body against his while running her fingers into his hair. Was this really going to happen?
The answer came when the hand caressing her behind, slowly reached underneath her already too short skirt and she felt his fingers run carefully and exploringly over her bare skin. She could not help gasping, every fibre in her body yearning for him now. Her black lace panties that she usually loved to wear, suddenly felt so much in the way. She wanted him to touch everything, feel his body more than against her own. She wanted him inside.
“You are so sexy”, he whispered in her ear. “Are you sure you don’t want to wait until tonight?”
“Oh I want it tonight”, she groaned, moving so that her back was against the table. “And now. Oh god, I want it now, so badly.”
He grunted a little at her words, smiling that wonderful, disarming smile again, before carefully pulling her panties down and lifting her onto the table. Being so exposed didn’t make her the least bit uncomfortable, and immediately she spread her legs so that the cloth of his trousers nearly touched her most private parts.
“As you wish, miss Everley.”
Him still calling her that, for some reason made her nearly mad with lust. She began to unbutton his trousers, just as he began to do the same to her blouse. She wasn’t wearing a bra today, and the sight of her bare breasts made him make a sound of pure desire. His fingers gently stroke the sides of her chest, carefully moving closer to her sensitive nipples. As he reached them, his thumbs were barely touching them and yet she felt as if she was exploding from the inside.

As he removed his trousers, he reached down and she now felt his tongue on her breasts, licking and caressing her nipples until she was moaning so loud she was afraid someone would hear.
“Please”, she mumbled, breathtaken with the sensation of his mouth exploring her soft breasts, her now stiff nipples sending wave after wave of pleasure each time his tongue passed over them. She wasn’t sure what she was begging for, just that she needed him, all of him.
As he was still leaning down, his full focus on her breasts, she reached inside his boxer shorts and finally got to feel the stiffness and warmth of his rock hard member. He let out a breath as he felt her hands, and she felt his cock pulsate as if he, too, could not wait.
Too weak, too hot, too absolutely, incredibly horny to sit up, she leaned backwards to rest her back onto the table, lifting her legs in the air and spreading them, giving him a perfect, full view of her nakedness. She was so wet, her inner thighs glistened with her own juices.
“Oh you are the most perfect woman I have ever seen”, he mumbled, and without hesitation kneeling down, reaching his arms around her thighs, pulling her towards the edge of the table to get her in perfect position to lower his face onto her soft womanhood and begin gently licking it. He was now caressing the sides of her other lips with the tip of his tongue, slowly reaching for the most sensitive spot, and as he reached it, she had to bite down hard on her own knuckles so as not to scream with pleasure.
He licked her, his tongue reaching every inch of her, her wetness seemed to make him want more and more until she was so close to orgasm that she was trembling, moving side to side and breathing as if she was running.
But she wanted more. He wanted more. Not being able to contain himself any longer, he rose again, leaned over the table and entered her. Deep, hard thrusts, them both groaning in pleasure, forgetting about discretion, just getting lost in each other’s bodies.
She was so aroused, constantly so close to orgasm but forcing it back, not wanting this so incredibly sexy moment to ever end.

As he paused for a moment, presumably to stop himself from climaxing as well, she rose from the table, stood on weak legs to kiss him once more, and then turned to reach over the table. The sight of her bare butt pointing up towards him, her still in heels, spreading her legs, seemed to make him lose all senses and with a groan he grabbed her hips and drove his cock deeply inside her from behind. She moaned and met his thrusts, the inside of her tightly embracing his hardness, and each move he made created ripples of lust through her whole body, until it was impossible to hold back any longer.
With a whimper she grabbed the other edge of the table so hard that her knuckles whitened, pushing herself back and up to meet his hips as he moved behind her, her whole body forcing, pulling, begging her to give in, succumb to the explosion.
And so, slowing down, with deep, firm thrusts as his fingers stroke the back of her thighs and behind, she cried out, a cry that turned into a long, trembling moan as she came, the orgasm shaking her body, rendering her nearly incapacitated. Her ears buzzed, her body shook, and behind her she heard his groans as he also came closer, and finally he too climaxed deep inside her and slumped forward over her, burying his face in her soft breasts.

Exhausted, they laid there, naked on the table, just panting. Then slowly they rose, gathering themself, still touching each other and giggling while trying to get dressed and erasing the traces of wild passion that had happened only moments ago.
“I guess I’ll see you tonight, miss Everley”, he said, gently kissing her and letting his fingers run over her still naked nipples. Immediately she felt her lower regions twirl with anticipation.
“Oh, you will, mr Marcus”, she replied, touching his chest with a lustful little moan. “Tonight and any night after that.”

And then they got ready to leave into an office, pretending this had been yet another eventless meeting between an accountant and his client.



  1. Everyone should have a fling like this! Very well written. I got my heart rate up for sure. Great description and pace. Keep up the good work!

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