College Hookups #3 (M22/F20/F19)

The next day Carter told me that he had gotten Kelsie assigned to my dorm room. She didn’t arrive until the next week but we hit it off like we had never been apart. We reminisced about old times and caught each other up on our lives so far. I was really enjoying seeing her again until I saw Carter a few days later.
“So how’s things going with Kelsie?” he asked. “Is she interested in me?”
“Oh I don’t know, she seems pretty busy right now.”
He didn’t look happy at that. “Look here you little bitch. I really laid out to get you two in a dorm room together. If I don’t get some action from it, you are not going to enjoy your year here.”
He had a point. He had certainly laid his dick inside that chick in admin to get her to put us in a room together. As my TA he could also give me hell for the whole year. I didn’t have much of a choice but to play along. At this point I wasn’t sure that I could even get him for myself. I was just hoping to get through the year safely. Plus, I couldn’t get that image of Kelsie eating my pussy out of my head. I had to admit that I was curious to see if I liked it.
“Ok, I’ll work on her. She’s had her mind on school stuff but that’s lessening now. We are getting along pretty well and I think I can get her interested.” I didn’t say who exactly I would get her interested in.
“Good, make it happen,” he grumbled. “I can’t wait all year.”

That night Kelsie and I were studying. She threw her pencil down in frustration and went to the sink for a glass of water.
“What’s the problem?” I asked.
“College is harder than I expected. I’m afraid that I will fail my first class.”
I closed my book. “Hey, we are both a little tense. I find that when I’m stressed, it can help to relax. Let’s watch a show for a bit.”
She considered that and shrugged. “Sure, why not. What do you want to watch?” She walked over to the couch and grabbed the remote.
“Let’s watch a rom-com. That will take our mind off of the books.”
She flipped through the options and found a good one. It had a few sex scenes in it but what was even better for my plan was that there was a lesbian scene. It was pretty strong and after it ended Kelsie just sat there quietly.

I reached out and placed my hand on Kelsie’s breast. She shivered and pulled away. “I’m not sure that we should be doing this,” she said. “I mean, I’ve never been with a girl before. Have you?”
Fuck, I thought as I pulled away, I had moved too fast. “Yeah,” I lied. “I tried it in high school at a slumber party. I’ve had several girlfriends but none as sexy as you.”
“I just don’t know about it. I mean I trust you and all but it feels wrong. I’ve never even been with a boy before. They are so rough and they scare me. Sometimes I have nightmares about one, you know, forcing me.”
I sighed. “I understand. I was never even asked out by a boy in high school. I spent prom night at the skating rink with my girlfriend.” This was another lie. I had had almost every boy at school. I usually managed to time it to one every month. The one exception was Anthony. He had lasted three months but that was because he knew some stuff that no other boys knew. Until I got to teach them that is.
I reached around behind her and put my hand on her shoulder. She jumped as a door slammed in the next dorm over. I took advantage of that to run my hand down her arm to rest on her hip. I could feel the fabric of her underwear through her sweats. I wasn’t sure but I was willing to bet that they were briefs or French cut. She didn’t seem like the kind of girl to wear anything dangerous.

“I could show you what it’s like. I would be very gentle and we could stop any time you want. Girls know what feels good and I want you to have that experience.”
“Maybe we could,” she said. “We are getting along well and I really like you. I hadn’t ever thought about it before tonight but if I am going to be with a girl, you are the perfect one. You are the sexiest girl here.”
I moved my hand up under her arm and squeezed the edge of her breast. I put my other hand on her thigh and leaned in to kiss her neck. I nipped her skin with my lips as I pulled away. She jumped and let out a cute little shriek.

“Let’s try something,” I said. “Would you feel more comfortable if I took something off?”
She nodded and glanced at my eyes.
I stood up and faced her. I took her hands and put them on the fly of my jeans. “How about you unbutton my jeans?” Might as well go all the way here. She blushed as she looked up at me. I reached out and caressed her cheek. “It’s ok, I won’t make you do it. Only if you want to.”
As I rested my hands on her shoulders, I felt her bra strap through her t-shirt. I imagined reaching down the back of her shirt and unsnapping her bra. Lifting up her shirt and filling my hands with her breasts. Centering her nipples in the palm of my hands and rubbing them in circles as she kissed me.
She trembled as she undid the first button. One hand lingered on my pants as the other hovered in the air. “No zipper, it’s buttons all the way down,” I huskily whispered.
She hesitated a moment and slowly began to unbutton the next two. She stopped there and looked away. I took her hands in mine.
“Kelsie, it’s fine. There’s no rush. Let’s try this.”

I put my hand over my partly open fly. I cupped my fingers into my thigh gap and softly put her hand over mine.
“I can feel my warmth through my pants. You can squeeze my hand and I will feel it.”
She carefully squeezed my hand once and then just as she pressed down a second time, I pulled my hand out. Even through the material of the jeans, I could feel her fingers as they compressed the flesh of my vulva and just as quickly pulled away. I put my hand on her wrist and guided her hand back into my crotch.
“I felt that, did you? And that’s just the start of it.”
She seemed to resist for a moment and then wrapped her fingers underneath me. With her other hand she took my wrist and placed my hand on her breast. Then she put my other hand over her pubic mound. She pressed it into herself and tightened her thighs over my fingers. She was definitely thicker than I was but my smaller hand fit just fine. Then she put her hand on the back of my neck and pulling me to my knees, kissed me right on the mouth. I was surprised but not enough to stop me from slipping my tongue into her mouth. She paused for a moment and then slid her tongue past mine. A little moan came from the back of her throat as she turned her head sideways and opened her lips even wider.
I reluctantly took my hands off of her body, pulled away and stood back up.
“We still have some buttons left,” I said with a twinkle in my eye.
What happens next? (To be continued…)
