This one time I had a Tentacle dream.

Never had tentacle fantasies before this…thought I would share what changed me.

She strode along the shoreline, toes padding silently across the cool morning sand. She wore her favourite red bikini, which was a striking contrast against her sun kissed skin. The beach was silent, later it would be flooded with people sunning, kids laughing, but for now it was only her as she trecked with snorkel in hand to where the sand met jagged, man-stacked boulders. For at the end of the beach, was where the sea creatures roamed.

She began to wade into the water. She always enjoyed its crystal calm surface this early in the day and the gentle lapping sounds that followed her body, cutting through the stillness. A shiver cascaded along her spine as the cool ocean reached her navel. Goosebumps rising along her flesh. She paused for a moment, looking down at her shimmering skin and smirked seeing the ripples along her cleavage and noting her now hard nipples attempting to protrude through the thin fabric. After taking a deep breath, she put her goggles on and snorkel in, and sunk her shoulders and face beneath the surface.

Gently she pulled herself along the rocks in a breast stroke, staying just far enough away to not get cut on the points of the deep gray rocks. Beneath, she found a whole other world. Large brown crabs with orange underbellies scurried from under her shadow, while tiny hermits danced within the sea grass. Slate blue starfish clung to the rocks, amid muscles and snail trails. She noted what appeared to be long, thick, dark green seaweed that spread across the ocean floor. She hadn’t seen this before.

Bringing her head above the surface for a moment and taking in her environment, she realized she strayed much farther from the beach than normal. Suddenly, she felt something cool and wet wrap around her right ankle from the deep. She gasped, and began kicking in a panic. She felt another graze along her flailing left foot, then snake its way around her left ankle. With both legs now entangled she screamed for help, while trying to stay afloat with her arms splashing frantically. No one was around, her heart pounded in her ears. She used all her strength to try and pull her legs up so she could fight with her hands to pry the tentacles off, but it was too strong.
She felt the tentacles wind farther up her calves, then thighs. The suction making small pulsating hickey’s all over the legs and inner thighs. She pushed against them but still, the tentacles steadily and firmly pushed her legs open. She could feel her folds spreading to the cool water below. She now still tried to wiggle her hips to get free. But her arms were beginning to slow as she fought to catch her breath. When suddenly, another tentacle appeared. She squeeled when it gathered in the small of her back, as if a hand were guiding her. Slowly, it slithered back and forth, down between her ass cheeks. Her hips wiggled as a a sucker began pulsating on her anus. She moaned and bent over, barely fighting anymore besides the odd body twitch. The tentacle continued sucking her ass in a smooth continuous rhythm. Another tentacle appears just above her navel. This one feels different. It’s thicker, and it’s movements are more stiff. It slithers down and snakes around her swollen vulva lips, around and around, sending goodbumps up her spine. She now let’s out an audible, consensual moan. The tentacle around her vulva pulsate twice in excitement. The tentacle tip now slips between her lips, sliding up and down easily as her thick, ovulating juices filled the surrounding waters.

The creature takes in her now wafting pheromones of heat and pulsates while filling thicker. It won’t be able to hold back much longer. The creatures tentacle tip traced circles around her vaginal opening, she leaned back and cried for more. The creature lost some pre ejactulate in his over excitement as he began to explore her body. He entered slowly, and cautiously. Being notefull to find the maximum parameter to fill, without causing womb damage. Only a little fuller, as this was a small and tight canal.
He stayed there a moment while her body adjusted to her new puppet master. Two more tentacles creeped their way up her torso and flicked the red bikini top away and began massaging and stimulating the breast flesh. This increased the blood flow to her mammary glands, stimulating the start of her milking process. After several minutes, when the blood flow to the breast is optimized, the tentacle places a large sucker around each erect nipple. Stimulating in alternating pulsing motions to simulate feeding his young.

At this point her body has become flaccid, completely committed to his breeding. Her breathing is labored as a sucker has been working on her Gspot as well. She is almost ready to finalize the breed. He begins to stimulate him self with her vagina. His thickly swollen member penetrates her faster and more aggressively. He’s having trouble to maintain optimal size at this point. The suckers pull harder on her nipples as the first few spurts of milk arrive. She is fertile and ready female to bear his offspring. She reaches a climax and her screams echo across the rocks. He releases into her, her vaginal canals massage every pulse of ejactulate deep into her womb. The creature remains inside her for several minutes. Ensuring he’s fertilized the egg before the next creature arrives. He slows and gentles the pulling of his nipple suckers. He does continue on them softly though, as she still needs to be prepared daily to endure the nipple and breast stimulation.

After some time, the tentacles around her legs soften well, leaving only his presence to keep her from drowning due to the shock in her afterglow. He now removes the breast tentacles back down into the deep Finally, he allows his flaciding shaft to slowly work out of her vagjnal canal. A stream of seamen trickles from her vulva. He tenderly pushed her bikini bottom back in place to help contain his seed. Then gives her back her top so she can join the midday crowd with some dignity. He slithers along with her on her blissful paddle back. When they reach the point of the beach where the public goes, he bid her farewell and sunk back into the ocean.


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