Simba Cannot Forget – Chapter 3 – Simba still remembers [MF18+] [Male Reluctant Sex] [Femdom] [Hate-fucking] [Orgasmic Memory Wipe] [Casual Sex With Love Interest]

Originally posted [here](

[Chapter 2](

I felt very anxious about returning to school, more so than yesterday, feeling like a gazelle wandering into a lion’s den.

It was only made worse by the thick ominous clouds covering the sky. It was so dark and it was clear that it was going to rain later today.

After having realized in the morning that I still remembered Hayase and what she had done, I had wracked my brain for how to keep her from realizing. The best way I could think of was to make her believe that I had forgotten by acting as if I didn’t know her, acting as I had before.

*You know that is never going to work, her perception is sharp like an eagle…*

But what else could I do? I desperately didn’t want to lose those memories and I didn’t want her to hate me and suspect me of telling other people about her.

I cautiously walked through the corridors towards my first lecture. A howl of wind whistled outside. Apparently the wind was picking up. Was a storm boiling up outside?

I heard a rippling laughter, smooth as silk, around the corner.

*Hayase is there!*

I stopped briefly and thought about what to do.

I tried to recall how I had behaved in the past. What did I normally do?

Normally I would just walk past her, catching a glance of her as I passed her. That should work.

I collected my courage and walked around the corner.

As I walked down the corridor towards my lecture room and passed Hayase, I became extremely conscious of my body. Every footstep on the marble floor felt weird and I felt more and more tense as I got closer to Hayase.

From the corner of my eyes I could see that she was wearing some very sexy clothing today: a white crop top that revealed her flat midriff and a short white and blue plaid skirt that showed a significant part of her sexily sculpted thighs. Those muscular thighs were to die for.

My heart started pounding just from the sight of her. God, how did she make me feel this way just by existing? It wasn’t fair!

I walked past her, feeling like I was going to trip on my feet and fall, pretending that I didn’t know her.

*Yes, I think she didn’t notice!*

I peeked over my shoulders to see if she was looking at me.

She was. Our eyes met as she looked directly at me. I felt like a jolt passed through me when our eyes met. Her dark eyes were so gorgeous and erotic. They just sucked you right in. I could also see suspicion in them. I quickly looked away and kept walking, which I certainly would have normally done, even though my legs felt like jelly.

*Please, please, don’t let her realize!*

I thought to myself as I continued down the corridor.

I shut my eyes and kept walking, trying to hear if she came after me.

But I heard nothing. Did I convince her? Maybe, but that was just the first encounter of the day. She would surely check on me more than that.

I entered the lecture room and found a seat. I was so nervous and anxious about the rest of the day. How would I possibly be able to keep this up when I became such a mess as soon as she even just looked at me?

The professor started the lecture and droned on about something, but I didn’t hear a word that he said during the entire lecture.


As soon as the lecture was over, I packed my stuff as fast as I could and hurried out into the corridor. My plan was to run to the next lecture room and hide in there until the lecture started, pretending that I was a diligent student who was reading up before the lecture. In reality I hoped to be able to avoid running into Hayase in the corridor…

I ran through the corridors and had almost made it to the next lecture room when I saw her.

She was walking the corridor alone, fortunately away from me. She was looking closely at everyone she met on the way, as if searching for someone.

*Me. She is searching for me!*

I walked the rest of the way to the lecture room, even though my heart was pounding and all I wanted to do was to run.

I kept my eyes on her, looking for any indications that she was turning. However, staring at her like that also made my heart race faster again. The way she moved her hips when she walked and the rounded curves of her ass drew in my eyes and I found that my eyes dropped from her back and down towards her skirt as her smooth movements hypnotized me.

I was only meters from the lecture room when I noticed that she was turning and when I looked up I saw the side of her face.

*She is looking behind her! My staring at her must have triggered her instinct!*

I dashed the last few steps and could just see her eyes looking in my general direction as I dived into the lecture room, almost crashing into a student who was about to leave.

*Did she see me? Oh god what if she did? I sure looked suspicious dashing into the room!*

I anxiously sat on the seat furthest from the door and unpacked the books for the lecture. Other than a few students who were about to leave, I was the only one in the room.

It didn’t take long for her to peek into the lecture room.

Clearly I had been suspicious and I could tell from the corner of my eye that she immediately saw me. At first I thought she would enter the lecture room to talk to me, but she just looked at me for a few seconds, then she left, seeming satisfied.

*Did I convince her? Surely it couldn’t be that easy? But why didn’t she come in and talk to me? There is nobody else here, the other students have already left!*

I kept expecting her to come in after all, but she never came. Finally the other students and the lecturer arrived and the lecture started, with no signs of Hayase.


Once again the lecture was impossible to pay attention to. All I could think about was what I was going to do next. What if she was waiting outside for me? No, she wouldn’t skip her lecture just to wait in the hallway. But it was likely that she would hurry over here and check on me once her lecture was over. That meant that I would need to run. But where to? After this lecture it was lunch break and although I would normally go to the cafeteria to meet my friends, I couldn’t do that now, Hayase would surely look for me there.

I would just have to leave the building and eat somewhere else. Yes. If I hurried up I could leave before she could find me!

When the lecture ended, I once again packed my things and rushed out. I half expected her to be standing in the corridor with her mischievous grin, ready to disrupt my hurried escape, but when I looked out the door, she was nowhere to be found.

*Yes, now a mad dash to the exit!*

I ran through the corridors. I had to pass three more hallways before making it to the exit. I passed the first. No Hayase. Then the second. Still no Hayase. Was I going to make it? Could it be?

As I was about to pass the third hallway, someone reached out from a door to a janitor’s closet and yanked me in. Because of my forward momentum I spun through the door and crashed into the wall at the end of the janitor’s closet, toppling a mop with its bucket, which clanked as they rolled across the floor, and then fell on top of a large trash bag filled with old insulation. Then the door slammed shut.

It was dark, only dim light through a small window lit up the room. A flash of lightning outside lit up the room through the small window and for a fraction of a second t it was clear that the one who had dragged me in was a girl with tight fitting clothing and a short skirt.

“Did you really think you could get away from me, king of the lions?” I heard Hayase say before she turned on the light, revealing herself in her full glory. She had a huge satisfied smile on her face and her dark eyes bore into me, sending my heart racing.

I was about to get up, but she walked up to me and put one foot on my chest to pin me down.

Incidentally, this position raised her skirt up and from my position I could see her panties. She was wearing white panties under her skirt.

*Innocent white does not suit this wild lion of a woman.* A subconscious thought told me.

She noticed that I had seen her panties, but it didn’t phase her, she just smiled wider.

“I was going to ask if you remembered what happened in the last few days, but that doesn’t seem necessary anymore… Your behavior makes it obvious that you do.”

“But the question is,” she said as her smile dropped and her eyebrows furrowed in contemplation, “why won’t you forget?”

She took her foot off of my chest and folded her arms as she continued thinking. After a few seconds she apple again:

“I had thought that what I did yesterday would have popped your cherry, but perhaps it wasn’t enough…”

A wicked smile formed on her face and her dark eyes turned back to me again. “Perhaps we need to have actual sex for you to properly lose your virginity and start forgetting.”

My heart started pounding harder as the implications of her words sunk in. She intends to fuck me.

“Yes,” Hayase said as she looked at me again with a crooked mischievous smile. “I think that is the problem.”

She leant down so that her face was at the same height as mine, then said:

“Meet me at the Chemistry wing in the room furthest down the corridor after your last lecture today. Nobody ever goes there after school so it is a safe place for a rendezvous.” She said as she beamed a smile at me, “You are going to get lucky today it looks like!”


It had started raining by the time I finished my last lecture and the storm had arrived properly. The rain was beating against the windows, mirroring my dark mood.

I had contemplated not going to the chemistry wing, but to instead run back home. However, I face the same dilemma as the day before: I didn’t want her to hate me. Besides, what was at stake now was not just her opinion of me, but I might actually get to have sex with Hayase!

But it was all so sudden and I knew it would be the same cold and mechanical interaction as before, which really made me feel hollow and sad. She didn’t care about me.

I walked to the chemistry wing, feeling dread, but also feeling that it was what I wanted to do. I hated having to hide from her and having her be mad at me. I just wanted this to be over.

However, if it was truly to be over then I wanted to make the most of it. I was about to have sex with the hottest girl I had ever met and I’d be damned if I just let it pass without getting to enjoy myself. If she was going to just take what she wanted, then so was I. She wasn’t going to give it to me what I wanted, so I would have to take what little I could for myself.

I turned the final corner and there she was next to the door to the empty lecture room.

She was gorgeous as usual, beaming a happy mischievous smile at me as she saw me come. As usual her happy smile made me feel all warm inside and my heart skipped a beat.

“Good boy, I was worried you wouldn’t show up. Looks like you might have a lion’s heart after all. Let’s go inside.”

We went inside and the lecture room was dark and I could hear the rain beat against the windows. Another flash lit up the room. Rows of white robust wooden tables lined the room and in one corner a table with a bunch of glassware was visible. Hayase must have turned on the lights, because suddenly it got bright and I could hear the buzz of the old tube lights.

I felt Hayase grab me by my shoulders and guide me towards a chair.

“Why don’t you sit down right here?” She said in an amused voice.

I sat down and watched her. Gosh, she was so beautiful.

As I was watching her, she got a mischievous smile and brought her hands up her skirt and hooked her thumbs into the sides of her panties. I immediately felt my cock twitch as the sight.

She then pulled them down and stepped out of them and I felt my cock fast getting hard as I realized that the only thing between me and Hayase’s naked pussy was that flimsy short skirt.

“You know, I think I will quite enjoy this from what I have seen before, you have a really nice cock. I have been thinking about it and looking forward to this since I caught you earlier.”

While holding her panties in her left hand, she brought her right hand back under her skirt and caressed her now naked pussy with two fingers, running them between her folds.

She let out a moan of pleasure and I could feel my now hard cock twitch painfully against my pants from watching her erotic display.

“I am all wet already.”

She brought her hand up to show me. It was glistening with her juices.

“Taking your virginity will be a pleasure.”

Then she walked up to me with another of her mischievous smiles.

When she arrived in front of me she leaned forward and put her right hand on my chin. I could feel the wetness from her fingers on my skin. Then she brought up the panties up to my mouth and said:

“Why don’t you keep these in your mouth while we do it? They are soaked with my wetness and I am sure a virgin like you would love to suck them dry. It should also help muffle you. A virgin cannot be expected to not let out moans on his first time. Don’t worry, you won’t need to have them for long, I wouldn’t expect a virgin to last more than a few minutes.”

With that she shoved the panties into my mouth. I could indeed taste her pussy. It was deliciously sweet with an unfamiliar taste.

*The taste of pussy and of sex.*

I thought to myself.

My heart started pounding hard. I would be tasting her pussy the entire time that we fucked. My cock throbbed hard from the thought.

Then she sat down on my lap, facing me, and started to undo my pants. Her thighs on mine were warm and soft and my heart felt like it was going to beat its way out of my chest. She was so close, I could even smell her now. She smelled of lavender and just something else. Whatever that something else was, it aroused me like crazy.

*Pheromones maybe?*

My overactive brain contemplated.

She then used her hands to take out my cock from my underwear. She spat on her left hand then stroked my cock a few times to get it wet, all the while looking at me with a seductive look while pouting her lips. She liked her left eye flirtatiously.

She lifted her hips and scotched closer to me and put her left hand on my shoulders to support herself, her touch sending jolts through my body.

I could feel the wetness of her pussy against my dick as she rubbed my dick against her pussy, trying to align it with her opening. Then she said, with a mischievous smile directed at me:

“Here we go, king of lions.”

She finally sat down on my cock and it slowly slid into her tight, warm and wet pussy. I could never have believed I would actually have sex with Hayase, but now it was happening.

It was a tight fit and I could feel every fold, rib and surface of her pussy as it embraced my cock.

“As I thought,” Hayase said, “Your cock really is a perfect fit for my pussy. Mmm. That feels good. Try not to come too fast.”

She started to expertly move her hips back and forth, sliding my cock in and out of her pussy. I couldn’t believe how tight her pussy was. It was nothing like masturbating. I felt like I might cum in less than a minute. I looked up at her face. She was not looking at me, rather she was looking at the wall behind me. Again, I felt like I didn’t exist to her. Even while we were having sex. If going through the mechanical motions of it can be called that.

“This better work, you know it has really been bothering me that you keep remembering. This was supposed to just be my secret fun, something only I know about, with no consequences. This is the opposite of that…”

Being reminded how this had nothing to actually do with me or her, just a mechanical act that had to be done so that I, a nobody, would just vanish from her life, made my heart sink and I was reminded of what I had thought before.

If I was going to do this, then I was damn well going to enjoy it and get as much out of it as I could.

I felt anger and frustration rising in me, which killed the on coming climax.

I took her panties out of my mouth and put them on a nearby taböe. She looked displeased, but didn’t say anything.

However, when put my arms around her and brought her with me as I got up, she asked:

“What are you doing?”

At first I just didn’t answer. While holding her up and onto me, I turned towards the nearby table and set her down on it, still with my cock in her pussy. I was impressed that I had managed it. She sat upright, supporting herself with her hands and arms.

Then, I grabbed her by the hips and I said:

“You know what? If I am anyway just going to forget this, I might as well make this enjoyable. I am going to make the most of this and if you want me to go through this, you are just going to have to accept that.”

She looked shocked at me taking initiative like this, she clearly had not expected it. But I couldn’t detect any reluctance, she seemed to have accepted it. Hell, it even looked a bit like she was relieved.


She said and seemed to be searching for more words to say, but as she was about to say something, I thrusted deeply inside her, making her moan instead.

I thrusted in and out of her, trying to take it slow so as to make it last, and then used one hand to pull the straps of her crop top over her shoulder, then pulled it down to her waist, revealing her small, but beautiful breast. They were so perky and I wondered if they were as firm as they looked.

“What are you doing?”

She was about to say, looking at me shocked again, but before she could finish I took a handful of her left breast. It was very firm indeed. I rolled her nipple between my thumb and index finger. Again she let out an involuntary moan.

“Be careful, my nipples are sensitive!”

She said it as if I was hurting her, but I could tell on her face that she had quite liked it and that it was arousing her to have me play with them. I keep gently rolling her nipple between my fingers, ignoring her as I kept slow fucking her tight pussy for a while.

However, I felt my pace speeding up involuntarily, my body wanting more stimulation and knew that I might not last long and thought about what else I wanted to do before this was over.

I stopped fucking for a moment and used the hand that had been playing with her breast to push her, she first resisted, but then went along with it and laid down on the table. I then climbed up on the table with her and picked up her legs and placed them with the back of her thighs against my chest and over my shoulders, with my arms on either side of her legs. As I leaned forward she was pinned down under me.

The uncertainty in her eyes and her lying on her back made her look so vulnerable and it really made my heart race to see the dominant Hayase be so submissive underneath me. Some part of me really quite enjoyed making her feel that way after how she had treated me.

I used my hand to put my cock back into her pussy and then I leaned down and took one of her nipples into my mouth and sucked it, as I continued to thrust my cock into her pussy. She moaned again.

I felt her hands caressing the hair on the back of my head as I continued to suck and flick my tongue over her sensitive nipples and kept fucking her. She moaned deeply with every thrust.

Oh the irony that she said that I might be moaning…

After a few minutes, I decided that I would do the last thing I wanted to do with her before this was over.

I moved further forward and moved her legs to my side, spreading her wide, but also allowing me to lean forward and putting my face close to hers.

Her hair was spread out on the table beneath her and once again her eyes were uncertain and searching for my intentions.

“What do you want now?” She said.

“I want to kiss you while we have sex.”

She leaned her face to the side and although her face was already red from arousal, I could somehow tell that she was blushing and a bit embarrassed about it.

“Why do you have to get so intimate? We were just supposed to have sex.” She said in a voice that was uncharacteristically quiet and hesitant.

“I have wanted to do that since long before I first met you in the showers and if I am anyway to forget about all of this I want to experience as much of you as I can before that. Besides, it is just a kiss, what does it compare to us having sex.”

Somehow my words seem to have embarrassed her even more, it really was as if a kiss was that much more intimate to her. But then she said:

“Fine. I guess it is just a kiss after all.”

I slowly leaned down and as I got close she closed her eyes, making her look even more vulnerable. Now that we were still, I could feel through her pussy, tightly wrapped around my cock as it was, that her heart was beating hard.

As our lips touched, the kiss was soft at first, just softly caressing of our lips against each other, but when I started to slowly thrust into her again, she lets out a moan and I feel her arms hugging me and slowly making their way up my back and locking around my neck and she starts kissing more deeply and intensely. More greedily. My heart started to beat faster and so did hers.

I brought one of my hands up again to play with her breast and nipple, making her moan again, interrupting the kiss. I lean back a bit to look at her beautiful face. She had opened her eyes again and when our eyes met, her gaze looked somehow different, searching, as if seeing something new and trying to understand it.

I couldn’t take it anymore, seeing her so open and vulnerable and staring into her eyes made my heart race and I felt the pressure rapidly building.

I started to thrust harder and deeper. I wanted to get as much of her before this was over. My increased pace seemed to also push her further towards the edge and she used her arms around my neck to pull me down again to kiss me again, deep and greedily.

I could hear her breath picking up pace and her heart pounded faster and faster in tandem with mine. Finally, she let out a dangerously loud moan and I felt her pussy tighten. It was hopeless, the intensity sent me over the edge immediately and I felt rope after rope of cum shoot into her. I had never experienced an orgasm that intense.

We must have laid there on the table together for several minutes, me on top of her, just panting to collect our breaths.

But it was over. After this there could be no doubt that her curse, or blessing as she thought of it, would get me.

“Geez, that was intense. King of the lions indeed hu? I wouldn’t have expected that from a virgin.”

It would seem Hayase was back to her usual condescending self.

“Well now I can finally go back to my usual carefree life and not have to worry about you. You won’t remember me tomorrow.”

Her voice sounded cold, yet I could tell it wasn’t completely earnest. There was an edge of regret to it. Especially the last part, which sounded almost resentful.

Why did she have to be that way? I had seen something different in her eyes at the peak. I knew that what she said was true, but it hurt.

I realize that it was because although I had loved her before, it was love from afar. Now I had been as close to her as a man could be. At least physically.

I didn’t want to think about forgetting her and this day. It hurt too much. I just wanted to remember it and look back at it for as long as it lasted and she was just trying to tear it down, to make it all sound like it was nothing.

In a final display of resentment against her, I grabbed her panties on the table and used them to whip off the cum and her juices from my cock and there was a lot of it.

I felt like I was being rude and just mean, but I wasn’t going to remember it anyway, so what did it matter? I wasn’t going to remember any of this? Who cares if she hates me, she was going to take everything that mattered from me anyway.

She noticed what I was doing said angrily:

“What the fuck are you doing? What is wrong with you!? Those were really expensive, they are not some rags for you to use and dispose of!”

In response, I threw her now sticky and wet panties on her naked chest, hearing them make a wet smattering sound as they landed, then said:

“You mean unlike me? That seems to be all I am to you. Well now that you are all done with me and I guess I will just head home and get to bed. The sooner I forget about you the better.”

I then turned around and exited the room. She never gave a response.


I obviously regretted what I had done. Even though I knew I wouldn’t even remember it, she would and now I had ruined my chances of at least having her not hate me. I had lost everything…

Even though the sex had actually been great, it had been tainted by the casualness of it. Although I had felt some intimacy with her for a moment towards the end, she had destroyed it by pushing me away.

I felt so angry. At her, at myself and at fate in general for making me fall in love with the one woman in the world who would make me forget about any sexual experiences with her. It all felt so pointless.

The rest of the day dragged on so slowly, I couldn’t wait for it to be over, for the pain and anguish to be over. For my memories to be erased.

I went to bed early, although I still couldn’t sleep until late at night, keeping myself awake with involuntary reminiscences of her and me together. In spite of all of the pain and anguish it caused me, the momentary intimacy we had still meant so much to me. I cradled it dearly until sleep finally found me.
