The Whore (Story #2)

Emily played wistfully with my cock. Her head was perched between my legs and the rest of her body sprouted out in a prone position on my bed. She was bored. Flicking my dick back and forth across her mouth and then routinely making a low growling noise and using my hard member to distort the noise at it came out. During one such vocal outburst, she accidentally let slip a slight belch, and I cast my eyes from show I was watching down to her.

I was seated against the back headboard of my bed. The particular exercise that was going on was something I had devised in the weeks since I had left Emily lying completely exposed across my office desk. I had let her stew in the thoughts of the experiences from that encounter, and I wanted to see if she would be true to the orders, I had given her.

“No one sees you naked,” I had said. “And no one penetrates you”

When I said the words, I didn’t really think about the link between penetration and them seeing her nude. She had reminded me that in most cases a guy would have to see her nude in order to penetrate her. I tried to explain that sex was possible without a guy seeing her nude. She protested, then had a eureka moment.

“In the dark!” she said proudly, almost like she had just discovered the cure for cancer.

It was cute in a way. In the way that here was this gorgeous girl, fully nude, save for a hot pink thong laying in my bed and treating my cock like a blow pop that she was forced to lick, and not bite in order to get to the juicy center. As much as I was charmed by her girlish wit, I was also worried. For the first time I was left questioning my approach. I felt like exposing her, opening her up, would bring about some understanding. The knowledge and experience gained would help her take control of her sexuality and treat it as something of value versus something to be given away arbitrarily. I couldn’t do anything about her past, but I could help her with her future. Self-control could do that.

Tonight’s task was just as rough for me as it was for her. The idea was to have her see, touch, and lick, but she would get no other gratification from it. She linked nudity with sex. Hell, she linked everything with sex. I wanted to open her up to the idea of service. The idea of pleasing another and gaining pleasure herself. So far, it wasn’t registering.

“I like it,” she said.

“You like what?” I said, playing dumb.

“Your pee pee,” she said softly.

I giggled.

“You like my cock,” I countered.

She blushed a bit.

“For a girl who has seen as many cocks as you have you should be able to say the word,” I offered.

What I had said stung. I needed it to. I needed her past to register and be something she took account of. I needed her to understand the motivations behind why she let all those guys between her legs. Why she let them use her, and why she expected so little in return.

The first time she had come over I had tried to discuss things with Emily. Her mind and eye had immediately focused on the bulge in my sleeping shorts. I had let her suck me off on the outside deck, while watching the lightning bugs dance and flitter about, to the tune of my neighbors yelling and hate fucking one another.

Emily had been confused about my reluctance to fuck her “properly” as she had called it. She was bit anxious and unsure, started to question herself. Which is what I had wanted. I realized I couldn’t explain the intricacies of what I wanted to do with her, I had to guide her, educate her. Except instead of textbooks, I had to rely on experience and self-introspection. I had to be a Dom.

“Cock,” she said. “I like your fat cock!”

I smiled. I got this boyish feeling inside whenever I heard a woman talk dirty. Her saying cock was akin t the first time I had heard Liz Phair say fuck in that poppy tune she did when she sold out. Little did I know, that her older discography made her seem like a choir girl.

“Alright,” I said, “Let’s wrap it up.”

Emily pouted.

“None tonight?”

“Nope, not tonight,” I confirmed. Emily blew a dejected breath onto the head of my cock. She looked at me, then as if a switch had been flipped, she did what she was expected to do. She got me off, swallowed, dressed, and then promptly left.

I was building in her a certain expectation. That she wasn’t in control of the situation. Part of me wanted to leave her walking bow legged for days, but then part of me was repulsed by her past. It wasn’t the number of guys she had been with. I could get over that no problem. It had been the aloof manner in which she approached sex. The arbitrary way she let guys pursue and conquer her. Right now, there was no value in her for me. I didn’t feel the desire to own her, to possess her, especially not in the traditional way she had been had. I was needing to find that spark, the one moment that I had found with Kira, where I knew she was mine.

I was Kira’s first. So, she was virginal. I didn’t expect that in Emily, that would have been an unfair comparison, but I did need to feel like I owned a part of her that no other guy had owned. I needed to see the parts most guys didn’t care to see. The emotions and vulnerability that she kept stowed away beneath years or hurt and pain. I needed her to trust me, and I needed her to open up to me. That was the path for me to getting the feeling I craved. The feeling of ownership.

Kira arrived about twenty minutes after Emily had left. The two weren’t talking. Emily had told me about Kira going behind my back and forbidding her from speaking to me. That violated a certain trust and didn’t honor a particular agreement. Kira and I had developed a dynamic of sorts. We had understandings and rules in place, although we never used any sort of terminology to describe. I was still green. I understood the idea of dominance, and I knew I liked to be in control, but I had no clue about there being a whole lifestyle to it. Kira was just along for the ride, and though she was unhappy where things stood between us now, she enjoyed any ride I gave.

“Your pet was here again,” Kira said as soon as she walked in.

“Stop it,” I said firmly.

“I’m just surprised is all,” she responded. “Blake came back in tonight.”

I nodded.

“You want something to drink?” she asked.

“Crown,” I responded.

She went into the kitchen and I could hear her getting ice and fixing my Crown and Coke, and then I heard her go into the fridge and I knew she was making herself a dirty martini.

Kira came back into the living room and placed our drinks on the coffee table after taking a deep pull from the martini. She smiled.

“I’m going to get a shower and then put a load of clothes on,” she said.

I cleared my throat and gave her a look. Emily’s eyes shifted and then came to life.

“Oh shit,” she said excitedly. “I forgot.”

She kicked off her shoes, and then pulled her pants and panties down and off in one quick movement. She folded them neatly and then placed them on the chair by the door. It was then her top came off and she came over and leaned close to me. I reached around and with a quick flick unsnapped her bra.

“If there was a guy in school that could do it that quick,” she started, “I might not have been virgin when we met.”

Kira offered me a sly smiled and I pulled her down and onto my lap. Kira was a beauty. To me there are hot women, then there are beauties. Emily was hot because she looked like she could be peeled off the page of a magazine. Kira was beautiful, in that while she wasn’t flawless, but her flaws made her unique.

Kira’s dark curly hair splashed about my face, and her massive breasts hung against me. I pulled her close. She was a tall girl, in heels she was nearly eye level with me. She was thick in all the right ways, large tear shaped breasts, a wide ass that expanded out and filled out a pair of yoga pants like no other, and there was her hair. The dark curls that splashed about her face were hypnotic. Shimmering locks that in the right light almost look to have a purple tint. The best thing about Kira, she was unassuming. I could tell her she was beautiful and she would blush, and I could tell it really mattered.

In the moment I held her there was intimacy. Feelings rush hard, and threw all my control out of whack. I kissed her gently, and she returned in kind. It was the moments like these that I cherished above any others. Sure, the kinky sex was great, but it was when she was in my arms, we just connected on a different level. I felt okay not having control, letting my need for it drain away and being content to just be.

There was a rule though, a rule we had stipulated when we were together.

“Someone want’s to play,” she said and then a mischievous grin crossed her face. She worked my member out of my shorts and scooted to the side of me and laid down. She pressed her lips to the head of cock and then put it in her mouth. She paused and I could see the thoughts enter her mind. She was thinking of Emily. It was like they were on exhibit in a car showroom behind transparent glass for all to see. I started to say something, but I though better. Kira continued to service me.

I knew as soon as she had stripped off her clothes, I was going to penetrate her. What started off soft and sweet, blossomed into a passion fueled fire that burned white hot. The couch couldn’t contain us, nor could the floor, the kitchen bar, we even knocked the bedroom door off its hinges when we slammed into it. I knew what I wanted to do.

In a violent motion I spun her and pushed over the dresser just to the right of the bedroom door. In the top drawer I pulled out a container of lube, instinctively she put some on her fingers and rubbed it up and down my shaft before pushing into her ass and massaging the area. We had tried anal before, but had never really had success.

“I’m taking it,” I said.

She nodded.

“I’m going to make it hurt.”

A reluctant smile crossed her face.

“It’s yours,” she offered.

I thrust in hard, and took it. Kira squealed and then there was a low cry. I was balls deep in her ass, and she went quiet after the first set of wails. She composed herself, and pushed gently back against me. I could feel the muscles of her sphincter tighten, and then ease up. It was a cycle of tightening and releasing. It felt different from her vagina, much warmer and tighter. Her pear-shaped ass hugged my pelvic region, and I couldn’t help but think of how well we fit. I smiled, before I thrust harder into her as she had started to push back. A muffled cry escaped her. She was mine, and so I had my way. I made it hurt.

Kira’s frame was built for sex. She could take my girth and all of my eight inches all night long. She would be out of commission the next day, but she was always willing to take whatever I could get. I never thought of her as a whore. She was my lady. I had been her first, and I had been her only. There was a since of ownership in that. In the way she looked at me, and how she listened. We were in lock step for the most part. Kira’s one flaw, she could be emotional, and she could act out. Say things and do things that were designed to hurt. It’s the reason why weren’t together. It was why we were an unspoken dynamic. She was mine, and despite Emily, she was okay with that. That’s why I was okay with her.

The upcoming prom was pillow talk topic. Kira and Emily were both 18 and in the home stretch of their senior years. For the record, I was 21 at the time. I was young, and really just starting to come into my own. I knew the prom thing was going to be a difficult subject. With my position at the company, and just the nature of the small town, I couldn’t go to a high school prom. Kira was disappointed, but told me she would figure something out.

Emily had mentioned prom, and when I spoke to her the next day she mentioned that her boyfriend Blake would be offshore. She was quick to remind me that he hadn’t touched, nor seen her naked, and he hadn’t penetrated.

“He’d have to see you naked for that, eh?” I had joked.

She laughed.

Kira had cleaned and put my laundry on before she had left. Emily had texted and wanted to come over. I knew she was horny. I knew she wanted some sort of release. She started by folding up the clothes Kira had put in the dryer, and I made lunch.

Emily and I ate on the deck outside my house. It was a pretty spring day. There had been a bit of a chill early on. Emily was in one of my Nirvana T-shirts and a neon green thong, that peaked out from underneath the shirt. Emily was sitting with her knees pulled up and feet in the chair. She slurped back the little bit of gumbo that was left in the bowl.

“You’re going to show me how to cook this right?” she asked.

I nodded.

“Whore training and then domestic,” I said.

There was something off with Emily. I could tell there was a bit of apprehension behind every word and every sentence. It was like she was building up to something, like there was question she wanted to ask, but she was scared to actually put the words together and speak them. I needed to give her permission.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Is it bad that like being a whore?” she asked.

I looked her over. I tend looked around at the small houses that surrounded the miniature cul-de-sac that I lived on.

“Take your shirt off,” I said.

There was a flash of horror in her eyes as she looked around too. She finally did as instructed.

“How do you feel?” I asked.

“Cold,” she laughed.

“You’re a girl any guy would be crazy not to want,” I said.

“You don’t want me,” she interjected. “You think I’m a whore because of how many guy’s I’ve slept with.”

“I don’t want you, because you don’t understand your value,” I said. “I don’t want you because I want you to be wanted.”

She sat quiet pondering what I had said. She had crossed her arms trying to hide the fist sized mounds on her chest. In the distance there was a slight rumble of a vehicle approaching. I recognized it as the neighbors Ford Ranger. Emily immediately grabbed for the shirt to cover up, but I reached my had out instead, and she handed it over.

The red ranger pulled around the curve that led into the cul-de-sac.

“Put your arms down,” I said, “Let him see.”

Emily complied. She dropped her arms down. The red ranger passed and the driver was a middle-aged man named Todd. I had very little interaction with him. With a few moments he passed and pulled up to his apartment across the way.

“What’s the difference between him seeing you naked and some random dude that picks you up in the bar?” I asked.

“At the bar I’m usually drunk,” she answered. “I’m so not drunk now.”

I cast her a smile. She looked adorable. Like a scared kitten exploring the world for the first time.

“Come here I said,”

Emily pushed her chair out and came and crawled into my lap. She leaned back against the arm rest and draped her legs over the opposite one. She nestled into my crotch, prompting me to adjust myself with my hand to keep her from sitting on my cock.

“Being a whore isn’t bad thing,” I said. “It’s the lack of control, that gives me pause.”

“Lack of control?” she asked.

“I don’t want what everyone else has had,” I said. “I need you in ways those others guys haven’t had you.”

“Like a relationship?” she said with a puzzled look.

I shook my head. There were dueling ideas at play. I wanted her to take control of her sexuality, but then I wanted her to submit that control to me. I wasn’t quite sure how to get that across.

“Take ‘em off,” I said.

Emily quickly removed the neon green thong and dropped it to the deck. I grabbed her crotch with my right hand and pushed two fingers inside of her. She was wet, her fleshy lips offered little resistance. I pushed my fingers in and out. It had been two weeks since she last had a dick in her. That was probably the longest since her first time.

“I want you to own,” I whispered into her ear. “I want you to only give to someone that has earned it.”

She nodded like she understood. I had started to play with her clit, rubbing it gently with my index finger.

“What I want is for you to deny all others and give it to me,” I said.

She nodded again, and then turned and kissed me. I braced her head with my left hand and continued to stimulate her clit with my right. The kiss was passionate. There was feeling in it. I could tell she enjoyed it, that it had been more than just a response or going through the motions. It was a start.

The passion was palatable in those few moments. I felt like we had finally connected. That I was starting to open her up. She pulled her lips from mine gently, and then offered a soft peck before burying her head into my left shoulder. I continued to work up the pace of my right hand. I could feel her shiver and her legs start to shake.

“When I say you’re a whore,” I said softly. “You’re my whore. You’re mine to do dirty things to.”

She nodded into my shoulder; her face hidden from view.

“That what makes this so special,” I said as I interrupted my momentum and grabbed her crotch to drive home my point. “It matters who you give this to.”

I stroked gently and then worked up to a feverish pace. She writhed and convulsed in my lap and let out blood curdling scream that I’m sure Todd had heard.

Emily went limp in my lap. She nuzzled against me and laid there.

“I want to be yours,” she said. “I want it to be special.”

We sat there on full display for nearly ten minutes, just listening to the birds’ chirping and the roar of cars from the nearby highway. I felt like we finally made some progress.

During the week before prom, Kira and Emily both showed up at my house. They must have conspired, and being that I’m pretty predictable, they showed up just as I was getting home from work. I showered while they cooked dinner, it was actually pretty impressive. I didn’t need to give any direction. The two hummed along like a well-oiled machine and within an hour had a cooked up a personal favorite of mine; hamburger steak with mashed potatoes and gravy.

I was suspicious, but I didn’t say anything that would alter the mood. I just let things be and figured they would reveal their intent in due time. After dinner, we settled in, I was in the middle of the couch, Emily was on my right and Kira my left. I’m not going to lie, I figured things two ways, either I was going to get lucky and both of them were going to be tasting my cock, or they were there to tell me they were moving on. I dismissed the latter, but the thought was there.

“We have news,” Kira said.

“I kind of figured,’ I replied.

Kira cast a suspicious eye at Emily.

“She hasn’t said a thing,” I said. “I was suspicious the moment I saw you two getting out of the car.”

Kira nodded and the suspicious look dissipated.

“We’re going to prom together,” Kira informed.

“We decided that since Blake can’t go since he’s working, and you can’t go, we would just go together,” Emily said.

It made sense. I was happy that they had come to this on their own. It was unexpected, but very welcomed. I can’t lie though, I had been secretly hoping threesome, but this news was better than me losing both or one of them.

The rest of the night was quiet. I think it was good to keep it completely PG-13. Although, there may or may not have been some nipple slips and what appeared to be a little girl on girl petting as we readied for bed.

They left in the morning and I slipped Kira a $100 bill.

‘Get y’all something nice,” I said.

Kira took the cash and smiled, and then ran to meet up with Emily at the car. I closed the door and went to get ready for the day.

The night of prom, I was getting dozens of texts from both Emily and Kira. There was a lot of excitement. It was a huge right of passage. Part of me had felt guilty about not going. During the day I had actually when and talked to the big boss about it. He just laughed. I didn’t get any further than expressing my thought about going. I dropped it to spare myself any more ridicule.

I had not given the girls any direction other than to enjoy the night. I can be rigid and demanding, but I also try to be fair. I know that you have to show faith and trust in a person, or else you risk resentment. I had full trust in Kira, but I had far less trust in Emily. She had done well with over the previous weeks. She had denied herself the pleasures of sex, even under duress from her boyfriend. She said she combated the urges by getting off early in the morning and late in the evening. Her boyfriend had no clue. She also slept in an old raggedy sweat suit that looked like something her mom wore back in the 1980’s. In fact, I’m pretty certain it had belonged to her mother at one point.

I had stayed at the office and was playing games on my backup computer. I heard a slight knock and then the door handle jiggled.

“Bo,” I heard a female voice say. It wasn’t either Emily or Kira.

The door opened a little bit and I heard my name again.

“Yea?” I answered.

A short blonde-haired woman ducked around the door and stood a few feet in from it. As the hydraulic arm pulled it closed, the figure was stood a few feet into the office. Awash in a bath of dull blue light from the nearby monitor. I could barely make out any other features other than the hair. She moved closer and I could tell it was Emily’s mother, Sandy.

“Mr. Bo,” she started, “You have a minute?”

“Sure,” I said, trying to play off any awkwardness I was feeling at the idea of a woman twenty years my senior calling me sir. Not to mention the fact that I was routinely using her daughter to get me off.

“It just started raining and I have some stuff I need to get to my car,” she said. “Would a big strong man like yourself be able to help me out?”

She was laying it on thick, but she was telling the truth, her blonde locks glistened a shimmering color of grey. Her curls seemed matted and frayed as well. The fact that she was standing in the exact spot I had her daughter naked weeks before didn’t escape me either.

I smiled.

“Sure,” I said.

I followed her out of the office, to her cubicle, and then out the side door and into the parking lot. She had some old paper boxes she had broken down. I’m guessing she needed me more for my badge since with it I could bypass going out the front door that required a swipe card.

Every motion and every word Sandy employed she used as a sexual weapon. Emily had told me that they had been evicted once because her mom opted to buy breast implants as opposed to paying the rent. Sandy had bought a few months by performing favors for the landlord, before finally her services couldn’t keep up with the outstanding balance of her bill. She was a whore in every sense. She bartered and traded her body for whatever she desired. I was immune to her wiles though.

Sandy couldn’t manipulate me. Yes, she could get me to carry boxes for her, but that’s just me being polite and being courteous. She was Emily’s mother also, and I did sort of see helping her as paying off some of the service her daughter had provided. When we reached the car and she gave me that seductive grin, I had to question whether she knew what I had her daughter do for me. I had to ask if she cared? Would she be jealous? In that moment, Sandy became the most desirable woman in the world for me.

I handed the boxed over to Sandy after she had popped the trunk. I had moved to put them in myself, but she pushed herself in between the car and I and insisted she do it. I didn’t argue.

She turned and bent down, as she did her ass brushed against my groin. I put my hand on her hip and she pushed her ass further into. We sat there for a few moments, her working her ass against me. I ran my hand along her side and across her breasts, before pulling her up and to me. She spun and we were face to face.

She smiled, and I smiled.

I leaned in and she did as well. I brushed my cheek passed her puckering lips and my mouth found her ear.

“You’re too easy,” I said.

Sandy stopped and like a deflated balloon she sank down on the lip of the trunk. Her eyes looked through me and off into the distance.

“You insult me,” I told her. “You’re just another whore.”

I walked off.

There was truth to what I told her. Too much truth and she didn’t deserve it. Walking back, I cursed myself because I was disappointed in how I handled the situation. It wasn’t so much that I was disappointed in her, I was disappointed in myself. I had lost control of the situation and let her progress things. I didn’t know what her angle was. I didn’t know if this was her attempt to create a wedge between her daughter and I, or if she was legit trying to get me to fuck her. All I knew, was I should have been the bigger person. Most importantly, I shouldn’t ever be so easily triggered. Yea, she’s a whore. She doesn’t need me to tell her that. Now she knew what I thought, and that gave her a sort of control.

There’s power in knowledge. There’s power in know what someone thinks of you. It changes how people approach and respond to you. Whatever the future held; I knew now I would have to keep an eye on Emily’s mom.

When I got back to the office, I knew something was amiss. The front monitor was off and the room was completely dark. I reached for the switch but my hand found flesh instead. I felt an arm around me that ushered me a few steps forward. I heard the industrial lock on the door snap violently shut. I heard a giggle. I was now standing in the approximate place both Emily and her mother had stood. A soft glow started emanating from behind my desk. I could make out two figures, and then I put it together.

“Girls,” I said, “What’s going on?”

The light was bright enough to where I could see Emily and Kira seated on my desk facing me. Emily was wearing a black lingerie number minus the panties. Sheer black lace hugged her sides and crossed over just above her exposed navel. The top was sheer and practically see through, which didn’t really matter because the cut of the lace across her breasts was cut so low that half the nipple and above was visible. Very little was left to the imagination. It screamed sex.

Kira’s outfit was a stark contrast, it was white and more elegant. A fancy floral pattern shimmered in the glow of the light. Her hair was pulled back and a long thick black braid that ran down her back. Her panties were missing too.

“What’s this?” I asked just trying to say something and regain some control of the situation.

“It’s an after-prom party,” Kira answered.

“After prom orgy,” Emily corrected.

I liked the sound of that. I also liked the motif, the white and black.

“White for good girl?” I asked. “Black for bad girl?’

“Close,” Emily answered. She hoped down from the desk and walked over to me. She handed me a small black bundle. I opened it, and turning it into the soft glow of the distant light I could see that it was a matching pair of panties, but I could also see white embroidery running across the top, the word “WHORE,” was emblazoned on the panties. I smiled and immediately realized I was fully erect. I didn’t know if was the fact that there were two nude women before me, or if it was just a simple word that excited me. It wasn’t an answer I cared to figured out in the moment.

Kira handed me her pair; the word “VIRGIN” was stitched in black across her pair.

“Whore,” I said, looking at Emily. She smiled.

“Virgin,” I said, looking to Kira. She smiled as well.

I nodded to Kira and then to Emily. My desk wasn’t a normal business desk. Working in IT, I routinely need a lot of room to bring in and set up equipment. The desk was massive and it was sturdy. It cut an L shape across more than half of my office. The side facing the wall was where my work computer and back up computer were setup. The right side was completely open and faced the door. This was where I had my way with Emily weeks before. Where I left her yearning and shaking. A lot had changed in that time. My opinion of her was one of those things.

The dynamic between Kira and Emily had surprised me. I had anticipated Emily would be much more dominant. In fact it had been Kira that took the lead. Perhaps it was her familiarity with me and knowing how I like things to proceed that gave her the courage, but she was guiding Emily onto the top of the desk. I liked to watch.

I sat down behind my desk and watch as Kira pushed Emily’s face into her crotch. She looked me in the eye and ground her face hard.

I unzipped my pants and pulled my cock out stroking it slowly and feeling it grow harder in my hand.

“First time to eat pussy?” I asked Emily.

She shook her head but her lips didn’t leave Kira’s lips. Kira laid back and kept a steady hand on the back of Emily’s head. I got out of my seat and dropped my jeans and boxer-briefs to the floor. I continued to stroke myself as I made my way to the edge of the desk overlooking the action. Kira was there with an eager mouth. There was a sense of relief when the warm wet sensation overtook it. I knew it would take long for me to cum, I was pretty worked up.

“I think Kira needs to eat some pussy,” I said.

Emily stopped and cast Kira a glance. Kira nodded and slipped around Emily who took the spot before me. Without a word Emily took up the task of servicing my cock, and Kira buried her head in Emily’s bare muff. I could feel the sensation as Kira penetrated Emily’s young mound with her tongue. The feeling traveled through Emily like an aftershock and the energy made its way all the way to my member which had taken up residence in Emily’s mouth. Several moments had passed and Emily lost focus. I pushed my cock deeper into her mouth and throat. She didn’t resist nor did she offer any assistance. Her mouth was just a void, a hole to use for my pleasure. I pushed in harder and at a faster pace. Emily shook and spasmed, then settled down. Kira must have hit the spot.

I slowed my thrusts and focused on Kira working. She would occasionally look up to me for guidance or an occasional word of encouragement. I offered her my “Bo smile” as she called it. A crooked sly smile that usually meant I was up to no good. In this case I was up to good and bad.

I reached over the desk and with both hands I grabbed both of Emily’s feet and pulled them back towards me. Emily’s asshole was fully exposed.

“Eat it,” I ordered.

Kira dove in tongue first, pushing against the insides of Emily’s asshole. Emily instinctively lurched forward and her back arched.

“Never had your ass serviced?” I asked as I pulled further back on her feet and forcing Kira’s tongue deeper into her ass.

I found that I could control the arching of Emily’s back by how far I pulled her feet and manipulated the leverage between Kira’s mouth and Emily’s ass. Different angles elicited a different response. After a few moments I had seen enough and was done playing. I had Kira kiss Emily for good measure and then had her ride me while facing away as I sat back in my office chair. I could feel myself building up to climax and so I slowed Kira down and gave her a slight tap. She stood up and motioned for Emily. I pulled Emily to me, she crawled into my lap and tried to quickly push it in. It was a little to wide for her. She tried again. My bare cock was well lubricated from my precum and Kira’s juices. Emily pushed down hard and I grabbed her on either side of her waist and offered assistance. It was like a firework that went off in her when she finally pushed down and my cock pushed deep into her insides. I couldn’t contain it any longer. Emily ground into me and lifted her hips.

“You feel so good,” she said.

Emily ground harder and faster. I kept my hands on her hips and used them to alternate the depth. Deep then shallow. I would almost come completely out of her pussy and the juxtaposition of the cool office air and the warmth of her vagina created an insane combination. I was close to cumming again, and I tried to use my hands to slow her down so I could regain my composure, but she was locked in. This fierce animalistic look had filled her eyes. She grunted and ground deeper into. My cock throbbed. I took a deep breath to tried to focus, but then Emily’s body just went limp and she collapsed against me. I could feel the muscles of her vagina tensing and then releasing. I could feel her legs quivering. I worked her hips back and forth with my hands a few times and was able to make a second deposit. Emily moaned. She was exhausted. I felt Kira on the side of me and I reached out and put my arm around her.

Emily’s head lifted. Her glossy eyes met mine. She smiled.

“Was I a good whore?” she asked.

“The best,” I said.

Emily laid her head back on my chest and I knew we were finally on the same page.
