My gym crush, pt. 4 [MM] [20s] [femboy] [straight to gay]

[pt. 1]( | [pt. 3](

Alex knew he shouldn’t have messaged that guy. It probably creeped him out that someone at his school saw him and then called him out.

But there were other dynamics that Alex couldn’t make sense of. He’d definitely seen that guy at the gym before and noticed him checking Alex out. Like—every day. And he seemed genuinely excited when he realized who Alex was.

Plus, the guy was posting in a ton of gay subs. So maybe he was attracted to women and men but not femboys?

Whatever. He seemed weirdly transphobic anyway.

>It’s cool if I’m not your type. I promise I won’t be weird if we run into each other at the gym

He sighed and opened up his dating apps. After swiping through a few profiles, he stumbled on someone he actually knew. It was Ryan, a guy he went to high school with. He was hot, played on the college’s baseball team, and was combatively straight—or at least that’s what Alex had thought. Ryan had had a reputation for making perverted jokes, tossing bits of paper into girls’ cleavage, and being a bit of a slut.

More out of curiosity than horniness, Alex swiped on Ryan and they matched.

>Hey, weirdo! Didn’t expect to see you on an app like this. How you been?

Alex switched over to TikTok while he waited for a response. His FYP had turned into nothing but sexy men baking bread.

*Fuck I’m hungry*

Ryan messaged back with just a picture of his enormous, erect penis.

>That’s how I am. How ru Alex?

Alex rolled his eyes and snickered.

>Pretty well. But obviously not as good as you are

Alex lay down on his bed with his brown hair spread out. He pulled down on the top of his sweatshirt, exposing his long neck and his collarbone. It was a good picture of him, and he was glad he hadn’t taken off his makeup. He sent the selfie and went back to his sexy bakers on TikTok.

Ryan messaged back.

>Damn you got cute in college. busy? Wanna meet up

It was kind of a backhanded compliment, but not inaccurate. Alex had been awkward and looked awkward in high school. He started growing out his hair and experimenting with makeup and clothes and hairstyles, but none of it worked. His first year of college he’d made some girl friends who pointed him towards some very helpful YouTube tutorials.

It was already past midnight.

>I’d definitely love to catch up. You free tomorrow?

They both got done with class around 4:00 and agreed to meet up for dinner at 6:00. There was a new place near campus that specialized in smash burgers. “Prep for you getting smashed,” Ryan said.

Again, Alex rolled his eyes.

“K, but you better save room for my milkshake,” he quipped back. Honestly, Alex would probably really enjoy fucking Ryan, but he was genuinely more curious to see how he’d turned from aggressive heterosexual to someone joking-not-joking about sucking cock.

Before falling asleep, Alex opened up Reddit to see if his gym crush had messaged back. Nothing.

Well, at least he had plans for tomorrow and wouldn’t have to run into him.


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