The Broken Girl (Story #1)

Emily was a simple girl. A cute dirty blonde that usually found herself going with the flow. She was always easy to persuade and never was one to really say no. Emily was a slut. She would never admit it, nor would she ever allow herself to consider it. She was a carbon copy of her mother, and that sort of bred in her a certain level of denial.

We worked at a large employer in a small town. I worked in the IT field and therefore as the site’s System Administration I was considered management. It wasn’t that I had to be completely hands off with the employees, I just couldn’t get caught up in the daily gossip mill or scandals. It was during one of our meetings that our big boss was outed for banging Emily’s mother. This created a bit of unknown conflict because the second in charge had actually hooked up with Emily’s mom a couple weeks before. We all knew because they wound up in a back room at my friend’s house. Scandal and gossip ensued.

I liked Emily. She was sweet, came off as naïve, and to hear her tell it she was practically virginal. I knew better. I let her maintain the charade, primarily because she happened to be my girlfriend’s best friend. I had confided in Kira what I had seen those weeks before between Greg and Emily’s mom. I didn’t really care if Emily was told. I just wanted myself insulated from it if it did get out.

Early one morning I get a phone call from Emily. She hysterical and crying. Kira was immediately suspicious because Emily called me and not her. Through Emily’s hysterics, I make out Josh and bleeding. Moments later the phone goes dead. I look at Kira, relay to her what was said. Kira took a deep breath and exhaled sharply.

“I know what this about,” she said.

“Her mom?” I asked. My thoughts immediately seized the first connection I could come up with.

Kira shook her head. “She’s with Josh tonight,” she said.

“Like my friend Josh?” I asked.

Kira nodded.

“Why?” I asked. “Don’t she have a boyfriend and isn’t Josh like twice her age? She’s still in High School.”

Kira reminded me that she was still in high school and that they both were 18. I conceded just as my phone rang again. It was Josh.

“Hey man,” he said in a quiet hushed tone. “Can you come get this crazy bitch?”

“Dude, it’s 3AM.”

“She’s threatening to call the police man,” he offered.

“Fuck,” I said. “Put her on.”

After a few seconds Emily’s whimpers could be heard followed by a series of sniffs.

“Hello?” she said softly.

“You good?” I asked.

“No,” she said. ”

I calmed her down with a promise that we would come pick her up. Kira and I threw on clothes and within about twenty minutes had pulled up at Josh’s trailer. Emily was seated on the wooden steps alone, draped in an oversized hoodie. She had pulled her bare legs up underneath and sat their shivering.

As she stood up to come greet us, the hoodie shifted up and it was apparent that Emily was nude.

“Get her in the car,” I directed Kira.

She nodded and moved to intercept Sarah.

I kept walking past and up the stairs and knocked loudly on the metal door. Josh cracked the door and peered out. We both watched Kira put Emily in the car.

“What the fuck happened?” I asked. “Why am I getting drug out here at this time of the night?”

“She’s fucked in the head man,” he said.

Josh and I stepped inside his trailer. It was rife of skunk weed and sex.

“From the smell of it, it was a productive night,” I said.

He shrugged as he moved over to the couch and grabbed a bundle of clothes.

“These are hers,” he offered as he reached out to give them to me. I took them.

“So, what exactly happened?”

“I don’t know man,” he started. “she wanted to do some rapeplay shit. Like hold her down and fuck her.”

“Yea,” I said. “I get it.”

“Everything was cool, but then she started fighting more,” he said. “Then she asked if I

thought her mom was hot.”

“What you say?”

“Man, I thought it was part of the thing,” Josh said. A slip of embarrassment could be seen in his face.

“Oh, fuck,” I said. “You didn’t?”

“I did”

I took a deep breath. For the most part I tried to avoid the he said she said, who is hooking up with whom in the work space type stuff. Then it flashed to me, a conversation I had with Emily a few weeks prior. She had seen messages from Josh on her mother’s phone. She had grilled me about if I knew anything was going on. I hadn’t put it all together, had no reason to. As far as I knew, Josh wasn’t even really acquainted with Emily. While we all worked in the same building for the same company, each of them worked on different sides of the building. They didn’t even share the same friends.

Josh had fucked Emily’s mom on the same couch he was fucking Emily. I’m not sure if that had fully registered with her or it was the shock of just finding out the man inside you had been inside your mother as well. Emily was triggered pretty hardcore. Josh had turned around and showed me the scratch marks all on his back. Some of it no doubt was from the CNC play, but I figured the deep cuts coursing across his lower side were the ones after his little admission.

I shook my head.

“Man, she just flipped out on me,” he said. “I didn’t rape her.”

“Anything else of hers?” I asked.

Josh shook his head.

Kira sat in the back of the car with Emily. I asked about going to the hospital and Emily was adamant that she just wanted to go to my house and get a bath. I drove her to my house.

The girls went into the bathroom and I heard the shower kick on. I laid down in the bed room and turned on the TV. I must have dozed off, because I found myself being awoken by Kira and ushered into the bathroom. When I got in there, it was fogged up by steam, but I could see Emily standing nude in front of the bathroom sink.

“She wanted you to look,” Kira said in a disapproving tone.

“What am I looking at?” I asked.

Emily stepped forward and point to a bruise on her inner thigh, about five inches below her vagina. She twisted and contorted and gave me every angle of both the bruise and her body.

“A bruise?” I asked.

Emily nodded as though she were three. I looked to Kira and shrugged.

“Let’s go put you in bed,” Kira said. She pulled at Emily who was resistant to budge, but then relented.

I sat in the fog for several moments trying to collect my thoughts and make sense of what had happened. All the pieces where there, it was just that early in the morning I was having problems putting them all together.

Kira came back into the bathroom. She pushed off her sneakers and pulled down her yoga pants.

“Geez Bo,” she said. “You’re already worked up?”

It took me a moment, but following her eyes, I felt it. I was pushing against the inside of my sweat pants. I pushed it to the side and Kira smiled. She came over and kissed me and then rubbed the bulge in my pants gently, before giving it a few light taps.

“Down boy,” she whispered.

It was dark and Kira guided me to the bed and pulled me to the edge of the bed. I could see the silhouette of Emily’s naked body on the opposite side. A light glow always filled the room. After a few moments your eyes would adjust and you could see everything.

Kira pulled my pants to my knees and I worked them the rest of the way down and then off. I crawled in beside her.

“We have a rule right?”

I nodded.

“If it’s hard, it’s my job to take care of?” she asked not expecting a response. “Like a good wife?”

I nodded again and Kira disappeared beneath the covers.

It was a game we had played. We had a drunken discussion about how great the dynamic had been in the 50’s. There was an appealing simplicity to it. Two people that understood and accepted their roles. Our game had progressed to the point where Kira would actually dress the part on Friday nights and we would play house for the weekend. One of the rules that had come out of our game was the one she was in the process of following.

“If it’s hard,” she had said that night.

“You make it soft.” I had continued.

The memory of those words brought a smile to my face. I looked over and Emily appeared to be a sleep. Her eyes were closed and she looked peaceful. She breathed in and out in a rhythmic pattern. Her young firm breast glistening. She shifted over onto her back exposing a shallow strip of pubic hair.

Kira had been using her mouth to toy with the shaft of my cock. Stoking more life and blood into it. The sight of Emily’s nubile body had completed the process and my dick was fully hard. With a soft thrust up, I gave Kira the quit fucking around signal. She responded by sliding her tongue up and I was soon overcome by the warm wet sensation of my cock penetrating her mouth. She knew how I liked it.

I closed my eyes and focused on the sensation of her mouth exploring my throbbing member. She made sure to shift her mouth from licking and sucking my shaft, balls, and tip as a way to alter sensations for each. I had trained her early on, and she was always eager to learn.

Kira’s mouth traversed my shaft once again, this time heading further down. A quick kiss to my balls and then she kept going lower.

“Oh, you’re dirty,” I whispered and I shifted my hips down and lifted my legs.

Kira nodded and licked the perimeter of my asshole before pushing her tongue into it. She used her left hand to stroke me. I moved the cover to the side and grabbed the back of her head. With a quick thrust I pushed my ass into her and forced her head deeper at the same time. She didn’t miss a beat.

It was then my attention shifted to Emily. He eyes were the size of silver-dollars. She had a cockeyed smile on her face. The cover I had discarded was now covering her bottom half. I wasn’t sure if I had tossed it atop of her or she had grabbed it and covered up. Her hand beneath it was working at a feverish pace, and her chest was flush red. My eyes lingered on the action beneath the covers and then working their way up the rest of her body, to her flat perfect stomach, her fist sized fleshy mounds, and those pink slivers that look like half moons. Then there were her eyes. They were locked on mine. A quick glance down and I took the bait. Emily pushed the cover to the side and exposed herself completely.

I eased Kira’s hand off my cock and took over stroking. Kira knew I was ready to get off and her enthusiasm doubled. I stroked hard and fast, and it seemed Emily was trying to match me stroke for stroke. I could feel the pressure in my loins building. Emily grew bold and shimmied closer. She took my hand and pressed it against her chest. I came.

Without missing a beat Kira came up and cleaned the load off my stomach and milked for whatever remained within my cock.

“Good girl,” I said.

A giddy Kira squealed and crawled up and nestled into my arm. She laid her head on my chest.

“I love that,” she said.

“Good girl?” I asked.

“Well yea,” she answered. “But no, the sound of your heartbeat.”

I pulled her against me.

Emily’s eyes were fixated on mine. She had pulled the cover over her entire body, but offered me a brief flash.

“Enjoy the show Em?” Kira asked.

“What show?” Emliy asked sleepily.

“I forgot you were there,” Kira laughed.

Kira was the first girl I really felt like I owned completely. She was quiet and unassuming, but when tasked or asked to do something she had this unbridled enthusiasm. We didn’t have a specified dynamic. I just knew we fit.

The two girls were gone by the time I rolled out of bed. I could vaguely remember them shuffling out and Kira’s gentle peck on my forehead.

“Sleep well babe,” she had whispered.

I hadn’t been up long before my phone started ringing. It was Josh. He tried to make idle small talk, but I could tell he was really wanting to discuss what had happened and more importantly what Emily had said. I briefly filled him in and told him all was good. Emily had come here and gotten a shower.

“She stayed with you?” he had asked.

“Yea,” I said. “Took a while for Kira to calm her down.”

“Bullshit,” he fired off. I could tell there was a hint of anger in his voice.

“What’s that about?” I asked.

Josh was quiet for moment. Perhaps hearing his accusatory tone had shocked some sense into him.

“Actually she showed off her cunny,” I said with a smile, “Then I fucked her raw while Kira ate my ass.”

There was another pause, this time a bit longer than the previous. It was getting to the point of being awkward when Josh burst out in a laughter.

” Damn dawg,” he said. “That’s harsh.”

Josh’s laugh trickled to a low giggle.

“So, what the deal?” I asked.

“Crazy as it sounds, I like the girl,” Josh confided. “I know it’s stupid.”

“She’s crazy and you’re stupid,” I countered. “Makes perfect sense to me.”

“Emily’s just so hot,” he said.

“Then fuck her,” I offered, “but keep me and Kira out of it.”

“I will man.” he promised.

The next few weeks Josh grew a bit distant. I had to think it was because of Emily. I would see him at work and the usual banter was gone. Emily had gone dark as well, Kira surmised the two must have patched things up and for whatever reason were keeping thing hush hush. I confessed to Kira that it may have been my doing, I explained to her that I had told Josh to keep me out of their issues. If they were together, then Josh was keeping his word.

Months passed and Kira and I found things were breaking down. Nothing I said seemed to be right, and she stayed in a bad mood. It didn’t help that I was working a lot more hours prepping for a huge upgrade at the site. I was going in late and staying early into the morning.

Late one night I heard a heard a weak knock on my door. I had the light out and was playing games on a backup PC I had.

“Come in,” I called.

The door eased open and Emily ducked in.

“You busy?” she asked.

I paused my game, “No what’s up?”

Emily let the door go and the tension bar pulled it closed. Emily stood in the glow of the front monitor. She had a white tank on that was pulled down over short booty shorts. Not typical work attire.

“Just seeing what you were up to,” she answered.

“Hanging out with Josh tonight?” I teased.

A look of revulsion overtook her face. “No,” she said defiantly. “Why would you think that?”

“I just figured ya’ll were hooking up,” I said.

“Why would you think that?”

“You guys kinda went dark after that night,” I offered.

Emily’s mouth curled up and deep wrinkles worked their way across her forehead. I recognized this as her thinking face. Was she thinking of the answer or was she thinking of how the spin it. That was the question. Finally, the ridgeline above her brow smoothed.

“Kira didn’t tell you?” she asked.

“Tell me what?”

“She told me to stay away from you,” she answered.

I was a bit taken aback by this news. I couldn’t figure out what would have prompted Kira to have this discussion. The idea had crossed my mind that maybe Kira was a bit put off about Emily seeing us fuck, but Emily wasn’t the first, and there had been instances where other girls had been actually involved.


“She’s always been kind of intimidated by me,” Emily started. “She’s the tall pretty but awkward red head, and I’m the fun blonde.”

I nodded. What she was saying was true.

“Guys just always go for the blonde it seems,” Emily finished.

“But I don’t have anything for you,” I offered tersely.

Emily’s eyes looked down and searched the floor. Her face was solemn. I hadn’t answered how she had hoped. The thing with Emily, she loved attention. She was a black hole for it, she sucked in all the good intent and compliments and just locked them away in an infinite void somewhere within.

Emily was a liar. If she had one skill it was deflecting and sucking people into her excuses. She was like spider constantly spinning lie after lie. I had caught her in some on numerous occasions. She would deny fucking guys I knew good and well she fucked. On several occasions I had seen the pictures. Emily played the played the victim role to a tee. Even now, she was trying to manipulate me. Her pouty lip, the slight shifting of her left foot back and forth. She was acting like a disappointed little girl. I wasn’t buying it.

She had been honest about one thing though; Kira was jealous and a little insecure when she was around Emily. I had stoked the jealousy a little bit. At times I could be an asshole, with Kira however, I pushed her to recognize her own beauty.

“She’s been with all these guys, yet they just keep flocking to her,” Kira has said one night when Emily was playing two guys against each other. Kira and I had sat back and watched the competition and discussed how clueless Emily’s boyfriend had to be.

“He knows,” Kira had confided. “He’s caught her several times, but he always takes her back.”

Emily was attractive and likely the best he could ever do. When he was home Emily played the good little housewife role, but when he was away all bets were off. I had to agree with Kira I didn’t understand why the guys flocked to her.

“What do you want?’ I asked Emily.

She looked up from the floor.

“I don’t want to say,” she said.


“It should be you asking,” she responded.

“I don’t ask and I don’t chase,” I countered.

She smiled.

“I want to be yours,” she finally relented.

Emily took a step towards the desk and then came around it. I turned my chair so that she was directly in front of me. She continued coming forward and stopped when she was standing between my knees. I looked up at her. It wasn’t far, she was a short girl, barely over five foot. I considered what to do. I knew I wasn’t going to fuck her. However, if she wanted to be mine, then there were ways she could prove that. I didn’t delude myself; I knew any claim I had on her would evaporate once she walked out of the office. Still, I had to do something.

“Go lock the door,” I commanded. She complied.

When she got to the door, I heard the latch engage. Emily turned to walk back.

“Stop,” I said. She did as I ordered.

I stood up and walked around the table. Emily had stopped equal distance between the door and the desk. I walked to her and pushed myself against her and then leaned in.

“You know how I like it?” I whispered.

Emily nodded.

“You like it your way,” she answered softly.

“You came here to get fucked tonight?”

She nodded again.

I could tell she was anxious. Her body swayed and she seemed to bob up and down like a cork in the water. I slid the tank up and over her shoulders. She wasn’t wearing a bra, that was pretty obvious when she had first walked in. It was the first clue as to her intent. I then pushed my body against hers from behind and settled back into me. I pushed my arms underneath hers and my hands met at the button on her shorts. With a quick flick they fell to the floor.

I moved back to the desk and observed her in the blue tinted glow from the nearby monitor. She was perfect. Her body was immaculate, those fist sized breasts, and the way her abdomen tapered down to her hips than then flared out providing the structure for a nice firm ass.

“What do I like?” I asked. I had an idea of the answer provided Kira had told her.

“Pictures and swallowing sir,” she answered and she was right.

I grabbed my phone and lifted it up. Emily flinched and started to cover, but stopped and looked her over. Her response was involuntary. A reflex.

“Sorry,” she offered.

I snapped a picture of her full front. The flash lit up the office. I made a spinning signal with my finger and she turned around so that the back was facing me. I took another picture.

“Turn around,” I ordered. She quickly complied.

The thing with Emily, I had always picked up a submissive streak with her. Thing is, the only sort of attention she knew from guys was sexual. So, there were no other layers. She was a fleshy husk that was used to get men off. Part of this idea repulsed. Part of it excited me. I knew I had to push her though. Push her to see if she would cave and run away, or if she would standfast and take whatever I could dish out.

“Do you like the idea of Josh’s dick being in your mom and then being in you?” I asked.

A stunned look crossed Emily’s face. She met my eyes to see if I were serious or if there was a hint of a joke in them. I was being serious. Emily held firm. She couldn’t form the words.

“I ask and you nod, okay?” I said.

She nodded.

“Did you like Josh’s dick inside you?”

She nodded again.

“Do you visualize his dick in your mother.”

Another nod.

I clicked my phone over to video mode and lifted it. Emily’s eyes followed the phone and then turned to me. There was a pleading look in her face. I knew I had to press harder. I knew I was on to something. I needed to unlock a door that she had always been scared of. The red light flickered on the phone and indicated it was recording.

“Say you’re slut,” I said sternly.

“I’m a sl-” she started.

“Say you’re a whore and fucking slut,” I demanded.

Emily looked at me. She held her gaze and I could see a hint of bashfulness, her skin was flush, but more importantly I could see a slip of a smile. She rocked back and forth, the anxious energy building.

“I’m a whore and a fucking slut,” she blurted out so fast I could barely make it out.

“Again,” I ordered. “Slower this time.”

“I’m a whore,” she said. This time much slower, but not so slow to not be natural. “And I’m a fucking slut.”

“Good girl,” I commended.

Emily smiled.

“Now, say you fucked a cock that’s been in your mother,” I said.

Without hesitation, “I fucked a cock that was in my mother.”

I smiled.

I clicked the video recorded off. Emily’s smiled melted away, and I could tell she was feeling exposed now. Not just on a physical level, but a mental one as well. As I looked her over, I couldn’t help but think of what Josh had told me a long while back. One of the factors that led him to choosing which girls he hooked up with.

“Broken girls are fun,” he had offered.

“I guess we’re all broken in some way,” I had added.

Emily was broken. She never knew any better because her mom had molded her much in her image. Emily approached life and sex, much like her mother. I recognized that craving both in the mother and daughter. It was uncanny the way they both carried themselves in the same situation. Nude and the center of male attention. I considered telling Emily about the night Josh had fucked her mom. We were all over at Josh’s trailer. It was most of the management staff minus the big boss, plus Kira and one of her friends. We had been at the bar earlier and had decided it was too early to call it a night.

Emily’s mom had come on very strong, she was all over everyone. A true social butterfly.

“It’s martini night!” she had screamed before taking a tumble out front of the bar before being helped into the car by Josh. It was a sad display, but it’s something that played out over and over with different places and different people.

Seeing Emily standing before me, it was then I put it together. Should I pity her, or should I help her? Could I even help her?

“Do you believe you’re a slut?” I asked.

She was quiet. As if formulating the response in her head.

“Are you a slut?” I asked again.

She nodded reluctantly.

“Good,” I responded. “It important we know what we are.”

Emily looked up. Her eyes had been stripped of any enthusiasm or excitement. My questioning had left her down, being forced into self-introspection had let loose emotions and feelings she fought to bury.

“You’re going to be my slut,” I said.

A slight smile creased her face.

“You like that?”

She nodded enthusiastically. Her blue eyes shimmered like diamonds.

I wasn’t completely sure what I meant, or what I would do with her. I had toyed with control and dominance, but I had never fully committed to it. While Kira and I had our ways, it’s wasn’t a true dynamic. The words Dom and sub had never been uttered by either of us. I knew Emily would be a step for me. A step I had to be careful taking. For all her bluster and seemingly carefree attitude when it came to sex, I knew Emily was very fragile. I knew then I had to deprive her of the one thing she was quick to trade for male attention. I had to deny her sex.

“Take it out,” I said followed by a quick glance down to my crotch.

Emily didn’t hesitate, her hands where whipping back the black leather strap of my belt and feeding it through the buckle in a matter of seconds. I had to use my hand to slow her down as she pulled my cock out and bent to put it in her mouth.

“No,” I ordered.

I grabbed her by her waist and spun her around so that she was facing away from me. I brushed my member across her ass. She moaned gently. I stopped.

“Right now, there’s nothing fake,” I said. “The moment you lie or fake, we’re done.”

I pushed against her from behind. My cock rested between her thighs and my head nibbled at her vagina. I grabbed a fistful of her dirty blonde hair and leaned forward.

“You understand me?” I whispered.

“Yes sir,” she stammered.

I rocked back and forth on the balls of my feet. Toying with her. I could her inner thighs grow warm and moist.

“No man see’s you naked,” I said. “No man penetrates you.”

She nodded.

“Why?” I asked.

“I’m yours,” she answered.

“You’re my what?”

“I’m your slut, sir,’ she offered.

“And that’s all you are,”

I moved around her and stood before her. She was actually taller than I had thought. My chin would rest comfortably on her head without any need to bend over. She stood still. Her eyes would dart from side to side and then look up to mine.

I walked Emily back a couple steps and push her against the desk. Without any further prompt she shimmied up and settled on top of it. With an open hand, I gave her a firm push to the chest and she laid back. Instinctively she spread her legs as if opening the way and giving permission for me to penetrate her. I didn’t take it.

I closed her legs and walked around to the other side of the desk. Emily was confused. I looked down at her, she was mine for the taking.

“You have value,” I said. “That pussy has value.”

Emily’s face scrunched and those blue diamonds flattened into dark slivers. She was thoroughly confused.

I let the moment pass. It wasn’t something I could explain. It was something she had to learn. I reached down and grabbed my cock and began to work my hand back and forth. I looked over Emily, and took a mental note. In this moment she was perfection to me.

I came quick and I came on her face. To some that might seem anticlimactic, but for me it was anything but. It was the right decision at this particular time. I needed to change the script, to make, no to force her to rethink what she knew about sex. Tonight, she was an object. On many nights she had been an object to many different guys. Tonight, was different. Tonight, she was mine, and tonight I did what I pleased.

Emily pushed scraped and pushed my load into her mouth. There was a blank stare, the same stare I had seen post coitus during many encounters. Emily was completely exposed and vulnerable. She felt it. So, I zipped my pants, turned off my computer monitor, and left her there to wallow in that feeling. I left without a word, but as I opened the door, I took one look back. The light from outside of the office bathed her in a golden glow and I could see was smiling and playfully licking what remained of my load from her fingers.

She was content.


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