The Bucket-List – 02 – The Window

== Idea: u/eroticstorylover ==

When Sarah entered the room, the man from the afternoon was talking to a customer, showing her some dildoes.

He saw Sarah, nodded and pointed to a door behind the counter, signed “No entry”.

She walked over to the door, took the handle and threw him a questioning look. He nodded, continuing his talk with the customer.

Sarah opened the door and walked in. After a short corridor, there was another door. Sarah knocked.

“Come in!”, a female voice could be heard from the other side.

Sarah entered and a nearly nude woman was standing in the room, dressing. She turned to her and Sarah saw two double-Ds to be remembered. The woman was only wearing thigh highs and just had a matching bra in her hand. Sarah hat to muster all her concentration to move her eyes from the boobs to the eyes in front of her, she blushed slightly.

“Hey! You must be Bucked-List-Girl. Johannes told me about you and asked me to help you prepare. And, by the way, I know these are a sight, so don’t be embarrassed.”, she offered with an inviting smile, massaging her boobs. “I’m Ginger”, she continued, pointing to her red hair.

“The name’s Sarah, nice to meet you, Ginger. And sorry for staring.”, Sarah replied.

“Don’t be – as I understand, we share a kink: being watched. So, feel free – it makes me even horny.”, Ginger said lightheartedly.

“You can take Locker #7 and choose any of the mirrors here – the other girls won’t be arriving for at least another hour.”, Ginger explained.

“Loose your clothes and I’ll find you some fitting ones of ours”, she said, gesturing along her own body, as if what she was wearing could be counted as “clothes”.

“So, this is the clothes of Johannes’ choosing, that weren’t debatable”, Sarah thought. She felt they looked extremely slutty, but asked herself, what she had expected. She shrugged her reservations off.

She put her bag into the locker and undressed reluctantly. “You never did this before, have you?”, Ginger asked.

“No. I’m a bit agitated…”, Sarah admitted. Ginger rummaged through her desk and walked over to her, handing a little bottle. “Try this”, she said – “it will help”.

Sarah sniffed at it – it was sweet, but strong alcohol. She nodded, then took a good sip.

“Thanks!”, she said, “I guess, I needed this.”

“Let me have a look.”, Ginger said, looking her up and down. “Armpit hair’s not great, nonetheless we can work with that. But your bush needs to be trimmed, unless you’re planning to weave braids down there.”

“Trim my bush…?”, Sarah stammered. “Sure, come on, I’ll help you.”, Ginger answered, flicking out an electric shaver. “No time for the real thing, this will have to do. Sit on the desk, put your feet up and hold them with your arms. Then spread wide.”, she ordered, taking a chair to sit between her legs.

Reluctantly, Sarah did as told, feeling very exposed on the cold desk.

She heard the shaver hum and felt Ginger carefully working above and around her pussy.

“Done. Didn’t hurt a bit, did it?”, Ginger said happily. Sarah didn’t dare to look. After a few seconds, she took heart and glanced down. A lot of hair was gone. The remaining part was less than an inch long and it presented a perfectly contoured triangle, pointing down to her slit. She took a moment, then she decided, it looked kind of sexy.

“Thank you”, she said.

“Don’t mention it.”, Ginger replied.

She handed her the “clothes”. Similar thigh highs, high heels and a matching bra, additionally a collar to wear around the neck. The dominating color was classic black.

The thigh highs had a beautiful pattern, alternating from near transparent to matte black. It looked like kind of a tribal along her legs. The heels were not for hiking, but comfortable enough to walk around a bit. The collar had the name of the shop on it. The “bra”, though, was something else. She put it on and noticed, that it cupped only the lower fourth of her boobs. Pushing them up nicely, but leaving the nipples completely exposed. She shuddered in anticipation, thinking about men and women to see her like this.

“Ah todays guest”, the familiar voice of Johannes boomed through the room. He had just entered and walked over to her. He inspected her up and down. “Not exactly our standard, but I have to admit, you look very nice.”, he offered.

“Thank you, Ginger, for the help!”, he said. Her making a “Don’t mention it”-gesture.

“Are you ready? It’s nearly 7pm.”, Jonathan determined.

She looked down on herself. “I’m not wearing anything around my pussy and ass, my tits are hanging out. But otherwise…”, she thought, “I’m fine”, she said aloud. She didn’t dare to check, but even Johannes standing there and judging her body had made her pussy wet, she was sure of that…

She waved Ginger goodbye and Johannes led her to the door on the other side of the room. There was another corridor behind, several doors on one side. He opened the door with a ‘5’ on it. “This one’s right in the middle.”, he said.

“Some last recommendations:”

“If you feel anxious, remember: the glass is tough – it’s even bullet-proof. So, nobody can get to you.”

“Be sexy, show your body off, and you’ll be rewarded by the attention you’re seeking.”

“Don’t think. Follow your instinct.”

“Fade out the street and the by-passers not interested in you. Focus on the ones really watching you.”

“The lights will dim to a reddish tone; the curtain will open itself in a few minutes. Be ready then.”

“After one hour, Ginger will join you. Follow her lead by all means. After two hours, the curtain will close.”

“Have a good one”, he concluded and left, closing the door behind him.

Now she was alone. Her toes tingling, having a very light feeling in her stomach. She tried some poses for the start, but felt silly. She tried again, felt silly again. Then the curtain opened.

The street was not really crowded, but there were some people walking by. A young man on the other side caught her attention. He was looking straight at her, mouth open. He checked her out from head to toe. Standing there, in the window, like some mannequin.

She noticed that she still had an awkward pose from her last try to find a good one and concentrated on the raunchy music that had started playing a second ago. Slowly she started to move her hips to the deep beats. The man’s eyes practically popped. He focused on her hips, mesmerized by its movement and she saw him grab his balls, massaging them for a second; until he got aware, where he was, quickly removing his hand. She tilted her head, smiling at him teasingly.

Then she put her own hand on her stomach, fingers pointing downwards and moved it slowly towards the shaved triangle. Middle finger separating the rest of her shortened pubic hair while crossing over it. Then she touched her clit, her body shivering and moved further down to her pussy, putting the middle finger into it. She was so wet. She felt like she must be dripping on the floor.

The man on the street hadn’t moved an inch. She was sure, he hadn’t even blinked.

She took her dripping wet finger out of her pussy and slowly moved it towards her mouth. Putting it in, devouring it, licking it thoroughly clean, as if this was the best taste, she ever had been offered. A hotness rose in her groin. “Damn”, she thought, “this IS the best I’ve ever tasted.”

On the street, the man was practically drooling, checking his jeans, she could see a very visible bulge. He noticed and his face faded red. She smiled at him encouragingly.

Other men had stopped and watched her with obvious interest. She could see the whole spectrum: love, desire, lust and even open randiness. Then it happened. A woman strode across the street towards the young man she’d been flirting with and slapped him right across the face. She was screaming at him, but Sarah couldn’t hear anything from the outside. He hung his head and scurried after her, when she left the place. Before he was lost in the crowd, he looked back. Longing. Hurting. Loving?

Sarah looked down and smiled shyly. She’d been prepared for all the over aspects from desire to animalistic lust – but she knew, she’d broken a heart right now. This made her sad.

She turned her back towards the window to hide her thoughts and moved her ass on automatic to the music. She bent down, touched her feet and moved her hands slowly up along her legs, raising bit after bit to an upright position. When she turned her head towards the window, the crowd of men had doubled. And she could see some women, watching her closely as well.

Ginger slipped past the door and got into the box behind the window, Sarah was standing in. She walked up to her and took her head with both hands, turning it back to face forward, away from the windows and directly to Ginger.

Slowly, she pulled Sarah’s head towards herself and engaged in a deep kiss. Gingers tongue found her way into Sarah’s mouth. “Oh my god”, Sarah thought, “what is she doing? I’m no lesbian or something!”. Then she felt Ginger’s hand on her dripping wet pussy, noticing Ginger’s lips forming a little smile while continuing to kiss her. Sarah’s tongue started playing with Ginger’s.

The pointing and middle finger started rubbing her clit, while Gingers other hand grabbed her butt cheek and pushed her towards Ginger’s embrace. Sarah’s legs nearly gave way. Luckily, Ginger held her firmly in her arms. After a few minutes, Sarah’s legs started trembling. “Stop it, I’m coming”, Sarah whispered.

“That’s what I’m aiming for”, Ginger whispered back and doubled her efforts. Sarah’s body cramped and she came. Violently. A few minutes later, when her climax ebbed off, Ginger put two fingers in her pussy, making her moan again. Ginger took them out and licked them clean.

The street was full of people now, and most of them were watching the window of Sarah and Ginger.

Ginger sat down on the chair, putting up both legs over the arm rests, exposing her throbbing pussy. She was also dripping wet. She made Sarah kneel in doggy style in front of her. This made her ass point towards the Window. She could feel the cold glass pressing on her cheeks and knew, people outside would be able to see her darkest and sweetest secret, right above the cum stained pussy, smearing at the window.

Sarah started licking Ginger, using the glass of the window to expose her butthole and her slit even further. She made a beautiful mess with her fluids on the glass.

Ginger whispered, “you’re doing soooo good.”

Sarah didn’t know if Ginger meant her licking or her performance in general, but she lost the thought, when Ginger came. Oozing her honey directly onto her tongue to devour it.

A few minutes later, the curtain closed.

Sasha was exhausted, but happy beyond any description. Ginger kissed her again, “thank you my dear, this has been a revelation! You should do this as a job. You’d be rich in no time.”, she said.

They opened the door and left the box.
