The Assistant

It was a normal Monday during the month of March. I had ready to prepare for a busy day of dental office visits to help out a few local doctors with previous cases. With my alarm reminding to get motivated I climbed out of bed and threw on some workout clothes to get in a heavy workout. Today’s schedule was upper back and biceps. Starting in my warm up I began to run through my work day in my head. There was one office that I had been to before and as I remembered clearly there was a specific assistant that had caught my eye. I hadn’t seen her before my last visit but she had the most beautiful brown eyes and redish tint hair.

Halfway through lifting, the room was hot and I was already drenched in sweat. With arms pumping weights, I had imagined seeing this girl again being a possibility. What’s her story? I thought to myself as I continued to push through the reps. Loosing my shirt to cool down a bit I started in my last set of weights. I was looking forward to what the day was planning to bring.

After my session I walked down stairs kissing my wife as I passed walking to the shower. I love my wife, she’s my rock and support network she also is very understanding of my flirtatious manner. You see I love to make women feel special and wanted. Theres nothing more meaning full than a raw smile from someone who feels seen and appreciated. You never know what someone’s going through and a little flirting can help them perk right up.

With the hot water gliding down my naked body soothing my just worked muscles I started to loosen up. I reached for the soap and started to lather up. In walks my wife again, taking a glance as I locked eyes. She was beautiful and sexy and always manages to get my attention. The feeling of a teased erection started while spreading the soap throughout my body. Looking at her I gave a few short strokes. She responds, “You’re going to be late for work dear.” With a smile I responded,” That’s fine. Wait until I see that girl today. You’ll be jealous.” She walks away with a giggle. That’s fine, you enjoy! She’s always been a good tease when it came to me and other women and it just makes her even hotter.

As I get ready to leave I kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll see you tonight. I hope you have a good day.” With a quick side grab of her breast she responded with a lip bite. “Ouch” I replied as she smiled. “Have a good day,” she returned. Out I went.

Pulling up to the office I grabbed my box of things. Walking in, it was a large office with several rooms and offices and one big break room. I had had the tour a while back and was always impressed with the layout. I walk back in the office where the doctors were. They were fairly busy today with most of the staff running around helping patients. I gave a look around as I waited to talk to the doctor but I hadn’t seen the girl from a previous day. I thought to myself, maybe she was off today or maybe I dreamed the interaction. I began to chat with the doctor about today’s case, my back facing the door. I heard a voice as a question and walked up. It was her, Stacy, her brown eyes locked with mine as my eyebrows perked up. She looked at me with a smile. “Well, hello again,” she said pleasingly. I returned with Hi “good to see you again. The doctor looked up at us, puzzled. She then got her answer and walked out. As we finished talking, the doctor walked out as I went to find a place to set up.

Stacy walked around the corner. “Here, you can set up down here.” She walked me to a corner cabinet. As I followed her I couldn’t help but notice her nice ass in those sexy black scrubs walking down the hall. I’ve worked with alot of assistants but she was eye catching. Her tight waist and hourglass figure. Stopping at the cabinet I put my stuff down. Using small talk i mentioned, “You all are certainly busy today” she looked at me and rolled her eyes. “Yep shit show today” she explained. “Thank you so much for coming your a big help. Whatever you need ask me I’ll take care of it for you.”

As the patient came in I worked with the team in fixing a few issues with her case. There was some oven down time so I was standing out of the way. Stacy walked back over and leaned on the cabinet. “I’m so ready to be done”, she said. I peered over and noticed the top of her scrubs were draped open revealing a teal decorative bra. I leaned in to talk as I continued peering into her shirt as hoping to catch a glimpse of a possible nip slip. she slid over to me to whisper. “Truth is I could really go for a good fuck right now.” My eyes got big I looked up as she was staring me right in the eyes. “Like what you see? Don’t think I don’t notice.” I know your kind” she said. I replied with hesitation. “Um, i can assure you I’m not like other guys.” “So does that mean you don’t want to fuck me?” She shot back without hesitation. My heart started to increase and my hands started to warm. I could feel the bulge in my jeans start to restrict.

She gets called out and leaves. Gathering my composure I grabbed the final piece and helped deliver the case. My mind racing with thoughts of what had transpired. I looked around but no sign of Stacy. I wonder if she’s going to rat me out what happens next, I questioned. As I walk back to my box of things a hand reaches out from a room near by and jolts me in. The door, etched glass, quickly closes and a hand goes over my mouth as Stacy is standing in front of me pinneing me against the wall. “Shhh,” she said as she takes her other hand and locks the room. She removes her hand and politely says. “Let’s see what type of guy you are then.” I Quietly say, “We can’t do this here.” She then turns around and walks toward a counter in the room. “Oh I see I’m not worth your time then.” She bends slightly grabbing the top of her pants and pulls them down. My eyes widen as shes not wearing any panties. I’m almost shaking with nervousness but excitement at the same time. She taunted “I don’t have all day you know, I’m a very important assistant.”

Walking up to her I unbuckled my belt and my jeans dropped to my ankles. My throbbing cock restricted in my briefs. I quickly pulled them down exposing my now rock hard cock. Grabbing her waist with one hand I pulled her into me. She gasped a bit as she stepped back. “Fuck me” she said, “But don’t make a sound.” Grabbing my cock in my other hand I positioned it between her thighs. With a slight side to side I could feel her wet clit eager to be fucked. “That’s it” she said “stick it in me let me feel that hard cock.” I started to slide in just the tip. Her and I both let out a deep soft moan as I entered her. Placing her hand over her mouth to try to stay quiet I began to slide in and out of her tight wet pussy. Pumping her against the counter I flipped up her scrub top exposing her perfectly shaped breasts. I reached around with both hands gripping them as I thrusted harder. Her soft moaning quivers fill the room as we fuck in an office full of people. Harder and harder I could feel my body starting to tense. She’s gripping the counter with the other hand. Her back begins to arch up as she’s getting close to climaxing. A few more quick thrusts and a burst of energy and relief runs throughout my body as I cum inside her. She collapses on the counter breathing heavily as we finish. I pull out giving her a nice smack on the ass.

I stepped back pulled up my briefs and jeans while she pulls up her scrubs and straightens her hair. A noise by the door as a shadow walks by the frosted glass and stops. We feeeze. Another walks up. “Have you seen Stacy? “A no replied by the other. They both walk off. Stacy walks over gives me a kiss on the cheek and says, “you’re welcome.” Then walks to the door and unlocks it then walks out. Again gathering my composure I adjusted my shirt and stepped out of the room. Luckily Noone was around so stepped over to the cabinet to grab my things. Walking back to the office to tell everyone bye and the doctor walks up. Hey man what’s that on your cheek? “What I,” exclamation nervously. Oh that must have gotten something on my hands and smudged it. Wiping it off and turning for the door I saw Stacy watching me as I leave with a smirk.

“We appreciate all your help come anytime?” , “I plan on it,” I wittingly replied. ..


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