Permanent Orgasm Denial Machine: Chapter 2 (femdom)

I instinctively flinch as I hear the distant clicks of the womans heels as she walks over to my bed. “How did you enjoy your first month in this machine?” She asks. Of course, I am unable to answer, as the dildo gag in my mouth does not allow me to speak.

“You see?” The woman says. “It really isn’t so bad, is it? I think you’re now sufficiently broken for me to start our training.” She steps closer, her heels ringing intimidatingly on the cement floor. She runs her hands down the outside of my latex encased chest until she reaches the tube with my cock inside. I struggle lightly against my bonds as she teases me like this.

“This must be so brutal for you, to have your cock stuffed into a machine that edges you but never lets you cum. That young piece of meat must be in pain by now. Does it hurt?”

She unzips the bottom of the latex bondage suit and slips her hand inside, cupping my testicles. “Wouldn’t you like to cum…just one last time…before it’s too late?” I whimper like a scared dog as she plays with my balls. “What a lovely sound!” She says, happily. “The more you whimper, the more I want to hurt you. You’re nothing anymore. You never were. I hold all the power. If I feel like it, I can keep you here for all eternity, never granting the one thing you most desperately want.”

I tried to beg, but my groans were unintelligible. I began to sob. There was not a single ounce of compassion in her voice for the sniffling and crying of the poor creature in front of her. I was treated simply as a lump of meat.

“You’re my creature now and I’ll do with you however I please. You have no face here, no personality, no name, you’re not even a number. You’re a useless and nameless sex toy. We’re going to have alot of fun together, you and I!”

Chapter 1: [](


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