Heaven or Hell?

She lies on the table, sightless, her arms bound above her head, her legs to the bottom of the table, gently stretching her. How long has she been here? she doesn’t know. Time has no meaning for her, only the longing for contact in whatever form it takes.

What will come next? Warm lips on her nipples or mouth, fingers trailing up her thigh towards her hot, wet pussy, the gentle caress of a flogger stroking her skin. all have happened, all will no doubt happen again.

She feels a presence near her, but still no contact comes. twice she has been brought almost to the point of orgasm and twice it has been denied to her, left lieing on the table, exposed, vulnerable, and silently screaming for relief. Maybe this time, this time the torment will end and she will be allowed to cum. All her inhibitions have left her, she no longer has control over what happens to her so why fight it or worry what may or may not happen.

There, a touch. Fleetingly brief but unmistakable, her nipple lightly brushed by finger tips. Finger tips that are now caressing her lips. She wants to scream, to beg, for those fingers to be touching her other lips but she has been told to remain silent and every time she has made a noise all contact has stopped. She fights her own urges holding her protests within her.

Again her nipple is touched, then a hot breeze crosses it as it is kissed, again fleetingly. and then the flogger, crossing her breasts, harder than before. still not enough to hurt but in her sightless state it was unexpected and shocked her, causing a sharp intake of breath, her nipples springing instantly hard under its touch. again the flogger, lower this time, across her belly, loose tendrils touching the bottom of her breasts as the stroke is repeated again, and again.

And then a touch, a finger has found her pussy, exploring her moist lips, finding her clit and slowly rubbing it. she feels the orgasm start to build. After the sexual tension she has endured it will not take long for her to cum. Her body tenses as her mind contracts, forgetting the outside world and focusing on the point between her legs.

Only to be brought back to reality by the flogger across her breasts again. But it is not a major distraction. the finger is still between her legs building in intensity. the flogger continues but she can put it from her mind now, its rhythmic thrumming only serving as punctuation to what is going on between her legs.

And then it happens, her whole body tenses as she crests, so tight it causes her muscles to shudder as she is taken by it. She does not notice that she is no longer being touched, her consciousness has shrunk to a small pinprick focused between her legs. and then she is coming down, heat spreading from her groin over her body, along her arms and legs to her fingers and toes, slowly she coasts, her body relaxing as she starts to feel the world around her make its presence known.

And then a kiss, not the fleeting variety of earlier, but a hot passionate one. She aches to hold him in her arms but accepts that he is still in charge of her destiny. The blindfold comes off and she is momentarily blinded by the light, dim as it is. blinking up and him she sees his grin and returns it with her own.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11tlf93/heaven_or_hell