Everything You Ever Wanted [mf] [hypnotism] [spanking] [cnc]

*Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction and in no way condones acts of sexual assault or violence. All acts of sexual intercourse and play depicted in this story are preformed by consenting adults.*

# Act One – A Shot In The Dark

When it came to Selena, we might as well have lived on different planets. She was the girl who was dating the campus star football player. The girl who went out every weekend to party and get drunk. The girl everyone knew would end up as either some superstar’s wife or forgotten about in some suburban home with a drinking problem. Her taste in men was obvious from her boyfriend. They had to be tall, muscular, and more obvious, well endowed. It made sense why she chose the man she did. Everyone also wondered when she’d get bored and move on to someone else. Then there was me. I stayed away from the limelight. Kept to myself and would rather stay home watching movies on the weekend than go out. I was the very kind of guy Selena would not be into. In fact, I was the kind of guy she’d make fun of when she tripped me one day and laughed with her friends.

So leave it to life to have a sick sense of humor when our Psychology professor paired us up for a project. He pair everyone up based on how different we were. I knew it had to be another lesson that he’d reveal after all the projects were done, but nevertheless I had to pick a subject since I knew the perfect princess I ended up stuck with wouldn’t. On a whim, I picked something that shouldn’t matter in the end. Hypnotism and it’s effects on the mind. Selena reluctantly accepted my offer and worked at my place since she’d rather get hung than let me step foot inside her place. The more she talked and the more time I spend with her, the more I detested her.

Regardless, despite what intentions I knew our professor had, we still had to have a project finished. I spent the better half of an hour researching the topic while Selena texted her boy toy on her phone. She told me she wouldn’t spend more than two hours before she’d run off and go party with her friends. So I gave her an out. I’d let her leave early, so long as she sat down and let me try to hypnotize her. I knew it wouldn’t work and I’d finally get her out of my hair. And to my surprise, she agreed.

We sat down at the couch and I took out an old pendant I found at some yard sale as soon as I picked out the topic. I held out the pendant in front of her.

“Okay. So what am I suppose to do?” Selena asked annoyingly and impatiently just as I was about to speak.

I sighed deeply. “Just look at the pendant as I sway it back and forth. And relax. Okay?”

“Whatever.” She was so dismissive of all of it that I was just ready to get this over with and move on with each other’s lives.

I began to move the pendant back and forth.

“Just keep looking. Relax. Empty your mind.” I wasn’t even trying. I was just repeating what I had read online.

Selena was still on her phone, an act that didn’t surprise me, but all it took was one glance. She looked up and saw the pendant move one whole cycle, just the one time and her eyes stayed up as her hands relaxed down into her lap, dropping her phone. Her eyes kept moving along with the pendant. I figured she was just messing with me but I kept going.

“Relax. Let your mind go. Surrender it…” my voice becoming more steady as I saw that Selena’s eyes were becoming more hazy. “Surrender it…to me.”

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I couldn’t believe what I was saying. Hypnotism only works when the person wants to be hypnotize. Does Selena want this to happen? Despite everything, I kept going without a second thought.

“When I clap my hands three times. Your mind will completely belong to me. Understand?”

“Uh huh…” Selena half assingly nodded her head while her face became a blank expression.

“When I clap my hands four times. You will be free of my control. Understand?” Still in disbelief as Selena sat there on my couch, nodding in agreement.

“Okay. In three. Two. One.” I put down the pendant and clap my hands three times. It was as if Selena was possessed by some ghost as her body lurched forward and her head tilted back. Then she composed herself and stared back at me again. Face still expressionless.


“Yes…” her voice was constant and dull. Showing no signs of emotion.

Before I could speak again, her phone went off and startled me. I looked down to see it was her boyfriend calling her, but she remained still with that same dull expression on her face. Now, with a little drool starting to spill out of her mouth.

“You going to answer that?” I ask, still skeptical of her actions.

“Do you want me to answer it?….” There was no hint of sarcasm. Her question seemed genuine like a lost child would ask for directions.

“Are you messing with me right now?” As the phone continued to ring. She only responded when it stopped.


I couldn’t believe it. The hottest girl on campus was under a trance. And not just any trance. My trance. I looked up and down her body, and while I wasn’t a fan of her personality, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t the only guy on campus who admired that body of hers. But I couldn’t take advantage of her. Not like this. It didn’t feel right. Still. I couldn’t help myself but ask.

“Do you like your boyfriend Selena?”


“Why don’t you like your boyfriend Selena?”

“He’s boring…”

“Why’s your boyfriend boring?”

“He’s too vanilla…”

My eyes widen slightly when I realize what this meant. Selena was a bit of a freak. I had to confirm my suspicions.

“And what would you like him to do to you?”

“Spank me…”

“Anything else?” I could feel my heart begin to beat a little faster.

“Slap me…”

“Keep going. Don’t stop. Tell me everything.”

We spent the next hour or so talking about her deepest fantasies. I would have never imagined the campus princess was into all of this depraved shit. It was enough for me to want to try this again. But I needed to test how powerful this trance truly was. If I could affect her mind beyond the trance.



“After I clap four times. And release you from my control. I want you to agree to me that you’ll visit again. To work on our project. Understand?”


“Say it then.”

“I will agree to visit you again. To work on our project…”

“Okay. Three. Two. One.” I clap four times and Selena shakes her head as if she was just waking up suddenly. Her eyes focus up as she stares at me and her expression changes to one of disgust.

“Ew. Why are you so close nerd? Oh my god! Did I fall asleep or something? Why is it so late?”

“Yeah I don’t know. You just ended up passing out on my couch.”

“And you didn’t wake me up! What the fuck! You’re such a moron. I’m out of here. Stupid professor. Stupid fucking project.”

I kept expecting her to say something. To prove that this was all some sort of prank to mess with me so that she could tell her friends and laugh about it. But that moment never came. Just as she was about to leave me place, while I was still processing what had just happened. I remind myself quickly what I need to do as I turn and raise my voice at her for the first time.

“Hey Selena! Remember we have to meet up again next week for our project!” My heart racing as I anticipate her answer.

“Yeah, okay whatever. I’ll see you next week.” She paused right the door. The tension so intense you could cut it with a knife as the room fell silent. She simply shook her head and left my place.


Act Two – A Special Night

The week came and went and I was shocked to see Selena standing at my door with an annoyed look on her face. It worked. I knew she had no intentions of meeting more than once. She planned on letting me do all the work while she hung out with her friends. This was proof that the hypnotism worked. There was just one more test I had to find out.

“Okay. So what dumb thing are we doing this week.” She asked while chewing her bubble gum and making sure it was extra loud to annoy me.

“We’re going to discuss some personal internets.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” She said with the most obnoxious look on her face.

The moment of truth as I clapped my hands three times and like magic, her face went dull and her eyes became foggy. The same expression she had like last week.

“But first. Let’s get rid of this.” I push my fingers against her lips and into her mouth. Searching for that annoying piece of gum. In that moment I saw Selena’s brows furrow slightly from discomfort. The first sign of emotion I’ve seen her express in this state . It was enough to make me freeze for a second, but when I saw she wasn’t fighting back or biting down, I continued my search for the gum.

To my surprise, it was hard to find the piece. I ended up opening her mouth with both hands. My fingers forcing her jaw open and spreading her lips as wide as possible. The look on her face said it all. A dumb expression. One I never would have imagine I’d see the campus princess ever have.

“Ah. There it is.” As I pick the piece out of her mouth and toss it into the bin.

“No more gum from here on out. Understand?” As I dry my soaked fingers with my pants.

“Yes…” her brows still furrowed as if she was upset. The same dumb look on her face as if she was a child being told what to do. That’s when it occurred to me.

“Show me some respect okay? Yes Sir from here on out.”

“Yes Sir…”

“That’s better. Come. Sit down.”

I don’t know what compelled me, but I ended up slapping Selena on her ass. An action that made her physically flinch forward and make a cute little whimper when I did. Still, she remained in her trance and followed me to the couch.

“Tell me Selena. Are you happy with your relationship?”

“No Sir…”

“Have you ever been happy with your relationships?”

“No Sir…”

“Because they’ve all been vanilla?”

“Yes Sir…”

“Why not tell them your kinks?”

“I have Sir…”

“Oh really? And what did they say?”

“I’m not into that babe. I don’t want to hurt you babe. Can’t we just cuddle babe?…Sir…”

We talked more about her past relationships and it became obvious to me how truly unhappy Selena was. I asked her why she dated these men. How she had an imagine and reputation to uphold so she put her personal happiness and wants aside. Gradually it made her bitter and become the girl I knew her as. It was all riveting information that I couldn’t help but write down for the project. Then it hit me. My intrusive thoughts spilling right out of my mouth.

“Do you want me to spank you Selena?”

“Yes Sir…”

Selena’s eyes moved up and looked directly at me. It felt like my heart stopped as this was more than just slight emotions or moving her body. I once again felt like she was just messing around. Using this as an opportunity to reveal her secrets. But why me? Then I looked longer. Her eyes still looked the same. Foggy. Not really there. Different than when I clapped my hands four times last week and she left in a huff. It wasn’t enough to stop me from say.

“Get on my lap.”

Selena crawled over from the corner of the couch and moved herself onto my lap. Her voluptuous ass right there, hidden behind those tight blue jeans that only emphasized her asset. It made my heart race and for the first time, I felt overwhelmed by her. I couldn’t lie. She was beautiful. Her personality was just never my cup of tea. But after hearing her life struggles and what she’s been hiding all this time. I felt flustered. Even while she was in a trance. And even though I felt like I was taking advantage of her, I still felt like I was giving her what she wanted. Even if she wasn’t one hundred percent conscious about it.

I gulped and my fingers found themselves at the rim of her jeans, pulling them down her ass as I watched her flesh being held down by the fabric. Wishing to be unleashed. Her lace thong resting on her skin, making her look sexier and sexier by the second as I pulled down the jeans to her knees. Her ass, in full display on my lap.

“Selena. Whatever happens. React as you would feel is right. Understand?”

“Yes Sir…” She turned her head at me and made eye contact once again before turning back.

My hand rested on one of her ass cheeks and I gripped it firmly. Tightly. I couldn’t help but admire her body in my own animalistic way. A behavior that made Selena moan. I turned in time to see her head tilt back slightly and her eyes closed. She was enjoying how forceful I was with her body. How possessive I was being. I grabbed at both her cheeks and began to play with them. Lifting them up to watch them jiggle back into place. Spreading them wide and seeing her ass and pussy hidden behind her thong. I gulped once again, thinking of what I could do, but I wasn’t here for that. I wanted to give her what she wanted. I smacked her ass once. Not too hard. I wanted to gauge how she’d react. It was a small flinch. A small whimper. Then I said.

“You want me to hit you harder. Say Harder. Understand?”

“Yes Sir…”

“Harder?” I smack her other cheek this time, only giving a little bit more effort as I take delight in seeing her ass jiggle.

“Harder Sir…”

Another smack. Other cheek once again. Her body flinching a little more noticeably. Her voice now having to hide a subtle moan.

“Hm. Harder Sir…”

Two more smacks this time. Giving more power to them. Selena reacts more humanly this time, more like she wasn’t in a trance as she began to moan louder.

“Harder Sir!”

She yelled. I look at her and her eyes are as foggy as ever. She nodded her head and bit her lip as we made eye contact once again. I give it my all and spank her hard and nonstop. She began to scream. Her legs kicking all over the place as I unrelentingly decimate her ass. Her skin getting pinker and pinker until it got into a red. Then a deeper red. Her skin getting more and more tender.

“You like this don’t you, you little slut!” I say unknowingly. My more aggressive side coming out as if I always wanted to put her in her place. Call her what she is.

“Yes Sir! Oh fuck!” Her voice sounding more natural as pure lust was pushing through it.

“Thank me for it then!” I don’t know why, but I grab at her hair and pull her head back. My voice was growly and deep.

“Thank you Sir! Harder Sir!” Tears running down her cheeks.

I keep spanking, but it’s not until I notice a visible bruising sign that I finally stop. Realizing that once her trance is over, it’s not just something she would notice. It’s something her boyfriend would notice. I stop before I end up making her entire ass bruised.

“Sir?” She turned back. A lost look on her face as her mascara ran down her cheeks.

“I think that’s enough for today. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

I have to guide Selena like a little girl. We waited a little longer to make sure her ass was all right before I pulled up her pants for her. Wiping her mascara and dried tears off her face with a wet rag. Have to hold her hand and pull her around the house. She really couldn’t do anything while she was under the trance. I even had to give her permission to drink water. Then I asked.

“Are you okay?” Feeling a little guilty about it all. Even though my cock is still hard as a rock.

“Yes Sir…” she said taking sips from her glass.

“You want anything?” I ask sincerely.

Selena stopped for a moment and looked at me with her dumb and lost child like face as if this was the first time anyone asked what she wanted.

“Cuddles? Sir?”

It caught me off guard, but it made sense. Whatever side of Selena I was talking to, the side that wanted all this abuse wanted to feel secured to. I walked over and sat on the couch. Opening my arms up.

“Come here then.” Inviting her in.

Selena jumped into my arms and held me close. Nuzzling her head into my chest as I played a movie. After it was over, and after she had taken a nap, I woke her up.

“You okay?”

“Yes Sir…” still in her trance even after all that time.

“Selena. Do you like me?”

“….I don’t know Sir….but you make me feel nice…”

Snuggling me one more time. It was hard for me to do it, but I eventually clapped my hands four times and brought Selena back to reality. Her personality was completely different from the girl I just spent four hours with. She belittled me. Called me names. Cursed me out in Spanish. And hoped she would never see me again after we had graduated. Wondered why her ass hurt as I gave some half ass excuse to shift blame on her somehow. And yet, she was still going to be compelled to met me here again next week. Two more weeks and the project will be over.


Act Three – Overwhelmed

The week felt like an eternity for me as I waited for us to meet once again. The entire week I couldn’t help but write down notes of Selena’s behavior. Excluding the more provocative details. Wondering if I should turn this in to the professor. Was Selena suffering from some sort of hidden trauma and using this all as an excuse to cope? I don’t know. All I knew is that this week, I felt the urge to make her fantasies a reality.

I looked through the peep hole and saw that my last suggestion had worked. I told her to wear white lingerie and white high thighs for our next meeting. To wear something cute with it all. I saw her standing there in the hallway wearing a fairly short skirt. Her leggings clear as day. Her hair in an adorable knot with a bow on it and a button up shirt. It all made my cock hard that she did what she was told even after the trance. She stood there awkwardly as she waited for me to open the door and as soon as I did and she walked through I wasted no time clapping my hands and putting her in that trance.

What caught me off guard more than anything Selena had done so far was that she turned around, smiled with her foggy eyes and hugged me. My cock only stiffened some more when I felt her breasts pressed against me and the warmth of her body on me. My hands naturally falling onto her ass cheeks. It made her wince a little as the little bruised spot was still healing.

“You ready for tonight princess?” Once again. I don’t know why I said that. I always used that term in a mocking way, but now I felt it was necessary to call her that.

“Yes Sir…” she looked up at me.

“Why don’t you get a little more comfortable. Take some of this off, put on a little show for me.” As I grab at her outfit.

“Yes Sir…” she said more seductively than dully.

Selena stepped back and began to move like a professional dancer. She swayed her hips side to side, her hands on my body, moving down until her mouth was next to my throbbing cock. Teasing me by biting the zipper. She even managed to push me onto the couch in my flustered state. Standing up to grind her ass on my crotch. I saw that gap between her skirt and high thighs. That little bit of skin as she brushed her body against mine. It was enough to drive me crazy as I placed my hands on her hips. She was even more of a different person than last week.

“Is this your first time dancing for someone?” I asked stupidly.

“No Sir…” she said with a giggle. It was as if more of her personality was breaking through to the surface. More of the personality she keeps hidden from the rest of the world. And still, her eyes remained foggy. I couldn’t help but think the real Selena was trapped behind those eyes. But it was a fleeting thought as she pulled down her skirt slowly and pulled it back up. She was good at teasing me. Until she finally dropped it. Revealing that amazing ass of hers. Then button by button as she licked her lips at me, her eyes still blank but with seductive intent, she removed her top. She was gorgeous. Adorable. So much for me. I grab her by her hips and get up, slamming her onto the couch and trading places to regain control.

“No more teasing. Tell me what you want.” My voice attaining that level of aggressive from last week.

She began to twerk her ass and I felt a lively energy like no other surge through me as I stared at what I considered a work of art.


“I want you to fuck me Sir…”

“Oh yeah?” I step forward.

“Yeah Sir…Fuck me like a whore…I want to feel all of you. Please Sir.” She became more expressive by the second. Still in a trance. I grab her by the hair and pull her head back hard. She yelped as I brought her ass to my crotch.

“Who’s in charge here?” My mind began to wander off again. Into that realm that only Selena would enjoy.

“You Sir…”

“Then you should understand, I’m the one who decides when you get fucked or not. Understand?” My voice as aggressive as it could be as I jerk her head and make her wince. Her face expressing true fear as she looked at me upside down. Her back arched hard.

“Oh! Yes Sir!”

“I’m going to have to punish you now. For thinking out of line.” My hand comes up and grips at her thigh. Clawing at it. Causing her to moan from the pain.

“Ohhhh! I’m sorry Sir…”

“Too late for apologizes.”

I end up tying Selena’s arms behind her back in a reverse prayer. It was uncomfortable for her, but she could take it. I bound her ankles to a metal bar that kept her legs forced open. I tied her neck and ankles down to my bed frame. She wasn’t going going anywhere without help. I blindfolded her and made sure she could t see a thing. Forced to focus on what happens next. Lastly. I tied off a vibrating wand to the inside of her thigh, making sure the end was pressed firmly against her clit. I stood over her. Dildos and toys in hand. Ready to destroy her world.

“I want you to ask permission to cum every time you need to. Unless I say yes. You don’t cum. Understand?”

Selena breathed intensely. I could no longer tell if she was in a trance or if she had awoken from it with the blindfold on. But her answer said all I needed to know.

“Yes Sir…I understand….”

I turned on the vibrator and Selena immediately arched her body up from the pleasure. Moaning fiercely. I took the dildo in my hand and pushed it up against her slit. Slowly I began to push it in as Selena was overcome with the sensation. Soon, the dildo was all the way in and I heard her ask.

“Permission to cum Sir!”

I paused as I relished in her whining and moaning, desperately trying to hold on the orgasm.


I began to fuck her pussy with the dildo fast and Selena moaned like an animal in heat. I think she really wanted to cum too. I think she would have cum if she wasn’t in a trance. But since I said she couldn’t without my direct permission, her body stopped her. Keeping her on that edge of pleasure. That didn’t stop her from asking over and over again.

“Oh fuck! Permission to cum Sir! AHHHHH Please Sir!!!”

Her body now squirming within her binds. Still, I wasn’t done with her. I swapped the dildo out with an inflatable one and shoved it up her pussy. Then I took out an inflatable butt plug. I pulled her panties to the side and lubed it up with my fingers. Getting it all around and pressing them into her ass two knuckles deep. It made her groan.

“Have you done anal before?” I demanded.

“Yes Sir! Once!”

“Did you enjoy it?” Shouting even louder, smacking her ass and gripping tightly.

“No Sir! AHHHH Please may I cum!”

“Why not?” Ignoring her pleas.

“He didn’t use lube Sir! He said it was an accident! But, fuck! Oh fuck! Sir please!” The vibe still relentless on her clit.

“But what slut! Tell me!”

“I didn’t believe him Sir! Please. I need to cum Sir!”

“You will. When I say so. I’m going to take care of you first.” As I lube up the inflatable plug, ignoring her crying as she was kept on the edge.

I took the plug and pressed it against her ass. Taking my time and making sure I didn’t hurt her. Her groans of pain began to sound more like moans the more I spread her ass open. All the way until the plug was sucked in by her body and couldn’t be pushed out. It was enough to make her moan something fierce as it settled in place inside her.

“Here’s the deal.” As I lean into Selena’s ear, still panting and sweating like mad. “I’m going to flog you. Your back. Your ass. I’ll even hit the bottom of your feet. Every ten strikes I pump up the dildo and plug inside your cunt and ass a little bit. Once they’re completely inflated, then and only then will I give you my permission to cum. You gotta keep count though. And thank me each time. Understand?”

“Oh fuck….pant pant…Yes S….Sir….” It was obvious she was getting more exhausted. I imagine it’s the first time her body was subjected to this kind of torture. But it was one she was enjoying, by how much she was leaking onto my sheets. I bring the flogger up and strike down on her ass.

“Ahhhhh. Fuck! One! Thank you Sir!”

I strike at her back.

“Fffffffffuck! Two! T-Thank you…Sir…” her thighs tightening as if she was about to orgasm but still unable to.

I strike at the bottom of her foot. I could tell it was the most painful as her body fought against the restraints.


It was a grueling first five minutes for Selena before she hit her first ten and I inflated the dildo and ass inside her. Each getting a little bigger and pressing against each other. Since she’d never experienced anything like this before, her moans and groans were indistinguishable. She kept asking for permission but I kept hitting her, forcing her to count. She only ever lost count two separate times. I don’t blame her. It took close to two hours before the dildo and plug were at their fullest size. Pressing against each other by that thin membrane inside her. She was a wet mess, incapable of thinking. Especially after I gave her that sweet permission, all she had to do was ask, but she found herself almost incapable.


“You got this princess.” As I lean down to met her face to face even though she can’t see me.


“You have my permission to cum princess.” As I kiss her sweaty forehead.

Her body convulsed and shook. In that moment I reach over and deflate the dildo and plug. It was enough to make Selena go crazy as she screamed in pleasure. Her body tightening around the ever deflating toys as she experienced what should have been five or seven orgasms at the same time. She laid there exhausted with no words to speak. Surprisingly still conscious. I undo everything and remove her ties. Taking off her one piece and stockings. Carry her over to the bathroom to rinse her off, and give her a bath so she can relax. She rested her head against my arm and I couldn’t help but get undressed and make her feel as relaxed as possible as we snuggled inside the tub. My cock still hard and pressed against her back. It pained me greatly to clap my hands again and send her off at the end of the night, even if she spat in my face.


Final Act – Conclusion

It was hard to imagine it had already been three weeks since me and Selena had first started this so called project. And it already felt like I had spent an eternity with Selena. I kept writing down my findings. How it affected both of us, but I still doubted I’d ever hand them over to our professor. I couldn’t imagine making Selena break up with her boyfriend unwillingly. As much as I really wanted to. I wanted to make her mine. See her on her knees in front of me wearing a dog collar and a tag that said “My Slut: If Lost Please Return.” But in my heart of hearts, I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t even bring myself to fuck Selena. I just felt like I wanted to make her happy, even if it was just a little. Even if she couldn’t fully appreciate it. The week came and went and Selena knocked on my door. She was late this time. Which surprised me, but didn’t anger me. I opened it up.

“Hey…” she said, head down and not looking at me.

“Oh hey. I was just thinking. Maybe we don’t have to meet this week. I’m cool doing all the work. You should just go hang out with your friends or your boy-“

“We broke up.” Selena said quickly interrupting me.

“You did what now?”

“It wasn’t working out. He’s…he’s not the one for me.” She finally looked up and I could see a hint of tears on her.

“I’m sorry to hear that. Are you okay?”

“I mean I could be. I could be so much more than okay…” her voice cracking.

“Do you need a glass of water?” I ask sincerely.

“I found your notes…”

My heart dropped to my stomach. Found my notes?

“Well. More so took them when you went to the bathroom in psychology class.”

“You fucking moron.” I thought to myself.

“And?” I asked nervously.

“As soon as I read them, I started to remember.”

This is the moment I thought I was going to get punched or tossed in jail.

“And while I am pissed that you did all that to me.” I see her hand ball up in a fist and expect to get punched. Something I feel I totally deserve. “Like the stupid research said. I don’t get hypnotized unless I wanted it…..and god did I want it….”

“Does that mean I’m not in trouble?” I ask nervously, this woman who I despised a month ago now making me feel as if I was back in high school asking my crush out.

“No.” She laughed a little while she cleared up her tears. “I think I’m just done pretending.”

“That’s…good to hear…” I’m not sure what to do now without clapping my hands.

“So are you going to fuck me or not?”

There was a pause that felt like an eon for both of us, but I ended up grabbed her by her wrist and pulling her into my apartment. I ended up fucking Selena for the first time while she was tied up and forced to bend over, her arms in a strappado, ring gag, and nipples clamped with weights and a butt plug inside her ass. I gave her permission to cum every time she asked. I told her we wouldn’t stop until there was a puddle of her juices between her legs. A challenge she took with open arms as she moaned and tightened her pussy on my cock.

After all that, it was a wrap. Our professor ended up doing what I called from the beginning. He said it was never about the projects, but about how we work together with people we’re not accustom to. Still, I ended up turning in some half assed project about how satellites may affect brain waves that I made in two hours. We got a C.

All that didn’t matter though. Selena became a new person. She was no longer interested in going out every weekend. She wasn’t interested in the guy with the biggest dick or most notoriety. She was more than happy to spend her weekends with me watching movies or hanging out with my friends. All while her ass was plugged, or while her body was tied with shibari while she walked around campus. Gladly becoming my little slut and ending up exactly where I wished she was. On her knees. Mouth open. A brand new collar with the tag. “My Slut. Never Lost.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11sph82/everything_you_ever_wanted_mf_hypnotism_spanking


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