Crush… [MF]

**We** found ourselves standing in front of a painting I insisted Simone look at. She had gotten invited to a gallery opening and I was her plus one. I loved being her plus one because my only responsibility was to stay by her side, and as she liked to say, *”look pretty”*.

The painting was the partial face of a woman with short red hair and alabaster skin; her lips were
painted red, and her mouth was forced open by a red ball gag — a black leather strap crossed
her cheek and disappeared under her hair. A long strand of drool fell from her lower lip and was
lost in the luminescence of her skin at the bottom of the painting.

Simone nudged into me, *“I really like it. I can feel her desire.”*

*“It’s simply mesmerizing. I can almost hear her pleasure and desire for more”, was my response as I continued to stare.*

People would join us as we contemplated the painting but would rarely spend much time as it wasn’t to their taste or they were simply in a hurry as they made their way through the gallery. Our trance was broken when we heard a soft voice off to the side.

*“This is my favourite”*

A casually dressed woman of average height with shoulder length red hair had joined us; her skin was alabaster which made her green eyes even more dramatic, and as she looked at us, bright red lips parted in a lovely smile.

*“It is beautiful”*, I agreed.

*“I just love the artist. I have quite the crush on him “, she replied and then a moment later added, “He’s hiding around here somewhere — he just hates these things”.*

We went back to looking at the painting when Simone looked at the woman and with a smile of acknowledgement said, “You are the woman in the painting”.

*“Yes, that’s me. As I said, I have a crush on the artist. Even after he told me what he wanted to paint, I said yes”*

*“Well, he captured your beauty and what I can only describe as your raw desire”,* Simone replied.

She looked at Simone for a moment as if reflecting on what she said and then stepped in slightly. *“I would say it is more raw pleasure. Along with the ball gag, I was wearing leather cuffs that held me between a doorway and my legs were held wide by a leg spreader. I was spread wide as he sat behind his canvas.”*

She was quiet for a moment as she looked at the painting and then began to whisper almost as if we weren’t there.

*“He stared at me from behind the canvas for a long while and then asked me if I was ready;*
*getting up from his chair he came to me and softly began caressing my pussy. He didn’t go*
*back to his canvas until I came for the first time.”*

She paused briefly and her eyes sparked.

*“It took him six hours to finish the painting and I don’t know how many times he made be cum;*
*sometimes he fingered me gently, sometimes so hard I would be on my toes, and sometimes*
*he would get down on his knees and fuck me with his tongue. Each time, after he made me*
*cum, he would go back to the canvas to paint.”*

*“Muffled moans of pleasure, and of pain, would fill the room followed only by the sound of his*
*brush strokes. My pussy was beyond sensitive, and my body was exhausted, and I wanted it to*
*be over — although I also wanted more. He would stare intensely each time I came and even*
*smiled once as juices flowed down my legs.”*

*“The last time he got up from the canvas he came over and kissed me on the cheek and began to*
*release me from my restrains and caught me up as I collapsed into him. He held me for a long*
*time before I asked if I could see the painting.”*

When she finished, she pensively looked at the both of us for a moment. “I should go find that crush of mine. Enjoy the rest of your evening”.

She winked and turned away. Simone and I watched her walk away and we then turned back to the painting.
