But that was then and this is now.

We had talked on the internet for a few weeks. Everything he had said had intrigued me and we had got on well.

We had been introduced by a mutual friend who told us that I was just what he was looking for and as the chats went on and got more flirty it seems she was right.

But that was then and this is now.

I am in a strange town following the only instructions I have. To go to the indoor ski slope and find the milkshake bar. Once there I was to text him. In reality it was easy to find so out came my phone wondering what will come next.

“Remove your shoes and socks if you are wearing them, put them in the bin beside the milkshake bar and then order a milkshake. I’ll be watching”

I look at my phone dumbfounded. Why didn’t he just come and say hello? Why throw away my shoes. I know why but that doesn’t stop the questions. Why? As a sign of my submission. Why? Because I told him that it wouldn’t be a problem. Why? Because that’s what he wants. It all seemed so safe in chat.

But that was then and this is now.

I removed my shoes, wondering what those around me thought seeing a young girls bare feet meeting the cool tile of the floor. Putting my shoes in the bin was a wrench, I loved these shoes, I had worn them because I loved them, and because I hoped he would love them and maybe have a change of heart. But I had come all this way I wasn’t going to back out now.

I dropped my shoes and went to order a chocolate milkshake. As it was passed over to me my phone chirped again.

“Well done. Upstairs is a cinema. Book a ticket to see Mission Impossible and then take a seat in the front row. You will need to finish that milkshake now”

I was confused still no mention of meeting me, what was going on? Why was I getting all these tasks? And why was it starting to turn me on, being controlled by an invisible hand?

I downed the milkshake as quickly as I could and found the escalator upstairs. They are not comfortable things to ride barefoot. The queue for the ticket counter was mercifully short and in no time I was entering the screen. There were four rows of seats in front of the screen and then a steeply tiered set of seats. If it didn’t fill up much more I would be the only person at the front. There were a handful of people further back. Was one of them him?

The film started and it bored me. Let’s face it, it’s not a film for girls. After a while I lost all interest in the film and started looking for something to pass the time. That’s when my bladder reminded me of its presence. You know how it is when you are bored and your body lets you know that it needs a pee? Suddenly it is the only thing you can think about.

I started to get up to use the loo and my phone chirped again.”Where do you think you are going?”

“To the toilet” I replied

“I didn’t give you permission to do that”

I sat, deflated. I had also told him that I liked the idea of even my toilet breaks being controlled. It seemed like a fun thing to say, home, safe, and not needing the loo,

But that was then and this is now.

I texted back asking permission, I even added Sir to the end. There was no reply.

I sat, or more appropriately squirmed in my seat for the next hour. Every so often the film would make me jump, not a good thing with a full bladder I can assure you.

My phone chirped. “You may use the gents loo directly outside this screen. While there you will wait 5 minutes and remove all your underwear. You will leave that behind when you return to the screen”

I did as he asked, what else could I do? I also might have mentioned that I liked the idea of someone telling me what and what not to wear back when I was wrapped up in fluffy PJ’s and dressing gown, warm, snug.

But that was then and this is now.

I visited the loo, and returned five minutes later. as I headed to the seat I had been in my phone chirped “back row, do not take a seat kneel on the floor facing away from the screen and put your hands behind your back”

I looked to the back row, there was nobody else on it, in fact the nearest person was halfway down the cinema. None of them was looking at me but one of them was him. I tried to work out who as I climbed the stairs.

I got to the top and slid into the back row, moving to the middle of the row before sinking to my knees and putting my hands behind my back. I waited, I waited. I waited some more. I might have mentioned that waiting was not something I was good at as his words urged my fingers to bring me over the edge.

But that was then and this is now.

Then movement to my left. legs approaching stepping over me I daren’t lift my head, I haven’t been told I can move and I haven’t asked. The legs stop and then the seat I am knelt before is lowered into place. He steps over me and sits, his legs either side of my head. I am disappointed, I know he loves blow jobs but he could have built up to it. Then he reaches over me and cuffs my hands in place before pulling me up into the seat next to him.

I might have mentioned that I liked to be surprised but that was then and this is now, and so far I am loving every minute of it.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11rsmep/but_that_was_then_and_this_is_now