Lifelong Friends Become More (MF, femdom, slow burn) – Chapter 9

[Chapter 1](, [Chapter 2](, [Chapter 3](, [Chapter 4](, [Chapter 5](, [Chapter 6](, [Chapter 7](, [Chapter 8](

Kelsey looked up as if she had forgotten about it. “Oh that? Yes. In case I ever need any help with you. But not tonight. I have other plans. Come on, I want to tie you to the bed…” she said getting up…

Josh nearly stumbled and fell at the two pieces of information. First, the confirmation that the delivery girl had seen him. Not only seen him though, but gave Kelsey her phone number in case ‘she wanted help’ with him. His cock throbbed hard in the cage nearly making him double over. Would Kelsey actually do that? Invite a stranger in to help her dominate him? She was so new to it herself, there was a ton they hadn’t even talked about yet. And yet, despite the fear of the prospect, or maybe because of the fear of it, the whole concept was highly arousing that she would consider exercising that much control over him.

The second part of what she said hit him like a right hook after that uppercut. She had plans? Plans that started with tying him to the bed. How long had she had planned this? And what was she going to do once he was tied? He was nervous and excited and followed her meekly.

She led him to his room and he only got more nervous. Was it clean enough? Had he left anything embarrassing laying about?

She looked at his bed and asked, “do you have any rope? I need four lengths I think.” He squeaked a little, but immediately went to his closet and pulled out rope for her, and a pair of heavy duty scissors. He had a giant 100ft spool of soft yet strong rope that had never been used. He handed both to her and nervously said, “I…I bought it for this kind of use…you…you can cut it to the lengths you need. Or I can if you t-tell me how long you…”

She reached up with a hand and caressed his cheek. In a gentle voice she said, “this is perfectly fine, relax. I will take care of you. Can you lay on your back in the center of the bed please?” Kelsey could see just how nervous he was and it aroused her at how cute he was, but she didn’t want him to be so nervous that he couldn’t fully enjoy this. It had been a bit funny, though quite unfair, the way she had told him about Megan and that had probably served to set his nerves quite on edge and unbalance him. And now, she was going to make another of his fantasies come true. How she loved having this power over him to tie him as she wanted. She had chosen to do it in his room as kind of a psychological thing. He would sleep here after and still feel her presence and her dominance in his space.

Josh took a deep breath and relaxed a little. He trusted Kelsey completely and he got on the bed on his back. Kelsey went and examined the frame of the bed and then pulled rope out of the spool and cut it in four about equal lengths of 3 feet or so. She took a piece and gently picked up one of his wrists, looping the rope through the D ring on the cuff and tying it. She tested the knot with some pressure, and satisfied, she asked for his other wrist, where she did the same with a second length of rope. She then repeated it on his ankle cuffs.

Josh was trembling at his dreams coming true and with the anticipation of what might happen after he was made helpless. Kelsey ran a gentle hand up his body as she came back to the head of the bed, feeling it quiver under her touch. She took the end of the first rope and found a spot on his bed frame near the upper corner that she could tie it to. She gently took his arm and positioned it over his head, and towards the corner. She then pulled the rope tight, suddenly stretching his arm out, before tying it securely to the bed frame. It had caused Josh to gasp when it suddenly went tight and his arm was forcibly stretched. It didn’t hurt at all, it just let him really feel the approaching helplessness.

He definitely was trembling now as she moved to the other side of the bed, again gently positioning his arm before running the rope through the frame of the bed, and then suddenly pulling it tight and tying it. Josh whimpered this time with it. He was now helpless and completely in her care. His breathing was ragged, shallow and rapid.

“Does that feel okay Josh?” Kelsey asked, pausing to check in on him because of his reactions.

“Y-yes…it…it is better than okay Kel. Th-thank you so much…I…this is beyond what I….” he stammered and she smiled, running her hand over his bare and stretched out chest. He was beyond adorable.

She then did the same with his ankles to the bottom corners of the bed, repeating the sudden tightening because it made him gasp and react every time. And then he was secure, spread eagle, panting and nude but for the cage which was throbbing, and she could see a puddle of precum forming.

She sat on the bed next to him. She wanted to take her time so that they could both enjoy this experience. “How do you feel Josh?” she asked, resuming touching his chest. She loved this sight of him, spread out for her and so very vulnerable. She drank in the sight of him and knew she would want to tie him like this again and again.

“Amazing Kelsey…just…I feel so vulnerable and exposed. So submissive to you. I have nervousness about the complete loss of control, but it is not from mistrust. Just something I have never experienced but always wanted to. My cock…it….the cage has never been more uncomfortable. That is the strongest physical sensation right now. Just desperation to be free of the cage, even for a time,” he said, but was careful to not directly ask for it. For one, he wasn’t sure if he wanted her to feel bad for him, he was suffering the desired effects of the cage. And then secondly, if he directly asked and she said ‘no,’ it would turn him on more.

“Your cock?” Kelsey retorted and there was something new in her voice that Josh couldn’t identify.

“Oh…um….sorry, I misspoke. Your cock, Kelsey…” Josh said abashed.

“It is…maybe I should help you to not forget that? You want some relief from the cage?” she said, but didn’t wait for or need an answer as she reached behind her neck to unclasp her necklace. She brought the key to his cage and started to unlock it. It was amusing to her that he had kind of desperately begged to have the cage off, even ‘for a time,’ for that is what she had been planning all along.

He gasped as he saw what she was doing and wasn’t going to complain. He throbbed at the prospect of being free of it, but also being completely helpless to touch it. There had also seemed to be some implied threat when she mention helping him not to forget that it currently belonged to her. It was going to be embarrassing to be fully exposed for her again and most likely hard. It was already more a more intimate touch feeling her manipulating the cage. The lock came off and she placed it with the necklace and key down next to her on the bed.

She then slowly pulled the cage off of his cock and he moaned loudly as it came free, his cock immediately growing to its full length and hardness. She placed the cage on the bed next to the lock and her necklace. Josh was a panting and moaning mess as he felt his cock finally free after about 24 hours of being caged. How much worse would it be were he caged full time he had to wonder. And then had to admit that the torture would be exquisite.

Kelsey watched his manhood, so hard and needy and all because she had control of it and had locked it away. She liked releasing it while he was helpless to do anything with it. She had preplanned what she was going to do next, but it was still a big step for them. It would shock him, but she knew that he wanted it. He wouldn’t object. It would just be quite a shock when she crossed this line, but she really, really wanted to, and it would bring them to a whole new level of domination and submission. It would also change their relationship more, but she knew it was where they needed to go. It was inevitable now. He was afraid, and she understood the fear, so she felt she needed to nudge him there.

His cock looked so beautiful, as were the sounds Josh was making. He was so desperate and those sounds drove her crazy to not only hear more of them, but to make them worse. There was a string of precum leaking from it onto his lower stomach area. It would throb every few seconds.

“It is my cock Josh,” she said softly and brought a hand closer and then ran a finger very lightly up its length from his balls to the tip, slowly.

Josh gasped loudly in shock. Kelsey was touching his cock! There was a brief moment of panic and lucidity as he started to stammer, “Kel…should we….”

“I repeat Josh, it is my cock, and I should be able to touch that which belongs to me, no?” she said innocently almost like it would be absurd that she shouldn’t touch it. Her light finger reached the tip, swirled over it and the precum briefly, before tracing back down the length. He whimpers became quite high pitched.

All thought of questioning her doing this flew from his mind. Of course, if it belonged to her, and it did, then why shouldn’t she touch it? It was such a light touch, very teasing, but his cock throbbed hard for it like it hadn’t been touched in years. He couldn’t stop whimpering and moaning and was beyond any more attempts to hide them. He was helpless as she touched his (her) cock for the first time and keenly felt the way his limbs were stretched. He felt like he was in heaven.

“You may not cum Josh, and you need to tell me if you get too close, but I thought this might feel good for awhile. Unless you want me to stop?” she asked as her finger went back up the length.

Josh could barely form words, but immediately answered, “please don’t. Please keep….it is yours Kelsey, please don’t stop…..fuck….” he moaned.

Kelsey smiled knowing he would want this. She also knew how much it aroused her to do, but one line at a time. Maybe tomorrow she would see if there was another big line she could guide him to cross and to start helping more directly with her physical needs. But not tonight. Tonight she wanted him to get used to her touch and control, and to make him even more desperate for tomorrow.

“I won’t stop Josh. Not now. Enjoy it, but remember, no cumming, clear?” she asked. She was still very curious about this whole orgasm denial thing and how it changed the submissive and didn’t want to let him orgasm any time soon, wondering how deep the desperation would go.

Josh readily agreed and she started to transition from the light single finger to actually stroking him. Her mouth watered a bit wanting to wrap her lips around it, but it was too soon. If things went as she hoped though, she would be soon. They had come way too far to turn back now, so the only way was forward, and she would guide him there.

Wrapping her hand around his cock she stroked him. Josh had lost all ability to think coherently and was feeling pure bliss as Kelsey stroked him. It wasn’t very long at all before he felt orgasm quickly approaching. He tried to fight it for a time but her stroking felt so good and she was so consistent with it that he was losing the battle. He moaned and whimpered and gasped and then said, “stop…” in warning.

Kelsey stopped stroking and saw his cock throbbing, desperately seeking just a few seconds more of stimulation to finish and release its seed. Josh’s whimpering need was delicious. She left him untouched for a good 30 seconds just watching him writhe in the bonds, before she brought her hand up again, but this time cupped his balls. “Oh, they feel so heavy and full,” she teased as she lightly massaged them, pretending to give him some relief.

It was another shock when Josh felt her hand on his balls, but he didn’t object at all. He had been thinking of it ever since she had accidentally brushed them. Objecting did not occur to him, he was too far gone.

She resumed stroking him again, this time letting her finger tips to gather up some of the copious amounts of precum leaking out of him and using it as lube down the length of his cock. His whimpers of need immediately resumed. Oh yes, this was a lot of fun while also serving a purpose. She started to study his reactions as he came close to orgasm again, warned her, and she stopped. She had seen his breathing change and thought she felt something different in his shaft right before he warned her.

She went back to his balls again and each time, he seemed to gasp. They must be so sensitive. She knew though that there was still a lot for her to learn about not only femdom, but Josh’s desires in that context. She would learn all she could during the course of tomorrow.

She kept this up for a good half hour. Bringing him close to orgasm, pausing and massaging his balls, before resuming again. When his eyes were open, she could see how half-lidded and out of focus they were. He was in bliss and checked out, lost in pleasure. She was so happy that she could do this for him, and greatly enjoyed it herself. Oh yes, she wanted to do this again. And again.

But after that 30 minutes, she stopped. “There, does that feel better Josh?” she asked referring to being out of the cage.

It took him sometime to remember how to speak. “Much…thank you so much Kelsey.” She smiled and bent forward and kissed him on the cheek before saying, “Now, how are we going to get that cage back on?” at a bit of a loss on how to calm his erection. She thought maybe just leaving him tied here, but she feared that he would remain too turned on to lose it.

Josh’s eyes went wide. She was going to put him back in the cage herself before untying him. He responded with one of the things he had read online, “an ice pack…” He had never felt the need to orgasm stronger in his life.

Kelsey was surprised by the answer, but then giggled, getting up and heading out to the kitchen. She opened the freezer and found a large soft sided freezer pack, and felt a little bit of glee at the thought of placing this on his genitals, though she knew some caution was needed to not cause frostbite.

Josh laid there, throbbing and feeling better than he ever had before. He was so glad she had crossed that line and felt like there wasn’t any line he wouldn’t cross for her now. He felt like she was his perfect Domme. Kelsey came back in with the ice pack and a anticipatory smile on her face. Watching him, she gently placed it over his cock and balls. Josh gasped with it and it immediately felt like it was burning.

While she waited Kelsey said, “you did so well, and I hope that gave you a little temporary relief. I want to resume our talk tomorrow and learn everything I can about femdom and the other things you like about it, okay?” she asked as she watched him panting a little from the cold on his sensitive cock.

“Of course Kelsey, I…I look forward to it,” Josh replied honestly.

“I am going to head to bed after I get my cock safe and secure again, but today was a lot of fun and I am glad you were willing to share so much with me. I can’t wait to learn the rest,” she said and lifted up the ice pack to check. It was softening and working. She briefly placed the pack back on while she got the cage ready. Pulling the ice pack off she started to work him back into the cage. She understood how it worked now, but it presented a few challenges along the way she wasn’t expecting. She had to handle him a little more roughly than she intended and was about to apologize for it when he moaned with pleasure instead and she felt his cock trying to grow again. That was interesting and would need further exploration. She finally got it stuffed in there and secure before putting her necklace back on.

Josh felt the cage snugly hugging him again and felt so much submission towards Kelsey that he almost got emotional with it. She then started to untie his limbs but left the rope tied to his bedframe, flipping it to hang down. Would be easier to use again.

Josh sat up and Kelsey gave him a big hug. How she cared for this man and was so eager to find the depths they could go to. He thanked her for everything profusely. They bid each other good night and Kelsey went to her own room to take care of herself, hopefully for the last time.

Her goal tomorrow was not only to learn everything she could, but at the end of the day, have Josh fully submit to her and ask to be kept in the cage, with no more time limits, except at her sole discretion…
