Solaris, the city of sex. [Con] [F-solo] [ScFi] [NoSex](yet)

*This story takes place in a city where public sex and nudity are normal, but consent still exists. The beginning is taking place in California however.*

*This first part is mainly to set up the story and does not have many spicy scenes. Let me know if you’re interested in me making more parts.*

*All characters are 18+*

*This is my first story so sorry if I have lots of grammar mistakes and either too much or too little detail. Constructive criticism is appreciated.*

*I use italics to indicate thoughts within the story. Most of the spots with thoughts do not have something like “She thought”, but I have tried to make thoughts as obvious as possible.*

Nova was lying on her bed, looking at the envelope that decided her entire future. She was 22, and did not have a high school diploma. She slowly opened up the letter, wondering if she would be able to move to Solaris, the city of her dreams. Solaris was an artificial island that was made for the nuclear reactor which currently powered most of the world. At first, the island had only been meant for the workers who operated it, but the place needed to have people who made food and provided entertainment, so it quickly expanded and started offering thousands of high-paying jobs, even just for basic manual labor. It was an only 18+ city and was a popular destination for young adults just like Nova who needed a job and a place to live, and who also needed some sexual release. She glanced at the letter, wondering what it would say.

*To Nova Nixon*

*You have been accepted for low-skilled labor jobs in Solaris. You have been issued an SPR(Semi-Permanent-Resident) card. You will have to pay taxes to Solaris, however, we will automatically file them for you. You will have free basic housing and food as long as you have a job, but we would recommend buying a house if you want more privacy. Your flight departs at 2:00 Pm CST, on Wednesday, July thirteenth, 2034. By moving to Solaris you agree to all of our laws (found on our website) and agree to live there for a year minimum. If you choose to leave before the year finishes, you will have to pay a fine of up to 2000$ USD.*

*Sincerely, Jason Solo, Mayor of Solaris*

Nova shook from the excitement, realizing that in 2 months she would be living in the place of her dreams. Good pay, free housing, and best of all, sex. In Solaris, public sex and nudity were completely normal, and since the island was not under any country’s rule, they had their own laws which allowed and even encouraged sexual behaviors.

Nova pulled out her phone and started looking at videos of Solaris, and the countless people fucking in the background of the massive city. She slipped off her yoga pants and instinctively went to pull down her panties before she remembered that she wasn’t wearing any. She reached over to her nightstand, and grabbed a bit of lube, squirting it onto her fingers and slowly rubbing slow tantalizing circles around her clit. She then slowly reached for her small purple vibrator, her shirt slipping up to show her soft pink nipples. Nova turned it onto the lowest setting, feeling it hum against her hand. She let go of the vibrator, and pulled her shirt over her head, exposing her small breasts. She threw her shirt somewhere onto her floor, and grabbed her vibrator, sliding the tip onto her nipples and feeling herself slowly get more aroused. She ran the toy over her shivering skin, feeling her wetness build and a gasp caught in the back of her throat. Just as she was pulling her covers down to touch the vibrator to her clit, her door swung open.

“Do you know where the rest of the tide pods are?”, her roommate Samantha asked.

Nova quickly pulled her bed covers over her nude body, and replied, “I think we ran out” in an annoyed voice. Samantha swung the door shut, and Nova silently thought to herself, *Only 2 more months till I get my own bedroom.*

***2 months later***

Nova had just gotten on the airplane that would take her to Solaris. As she boarded, she noticed that everything looked the exact same as a normal plane, but just slightly more luxurious. *Huh, I guess my fantasies of the flight attendants being in lingerie were false*. As she boarded, the flight attendants were handing everyone a small bag that looked like it contained a blanket, pillow, and headphones. Nova grabbed the bag and went to sit down in her spot. The entire plane looked like it was a mix between economy and first class, with plenty of legroom, an inflight TV, and a chair that could pull out into a bed. The seats were still three next to each other though. Nova opened up her bag and was surprised to find that it had a fleshlight, a vibrator, a dildo, and a butt plug, alongside the blanket, pillow, and headphones. *There’s no way in hell I’m going to get off with 2 people next to me*.

The flight attendants did the standard safety procedures, before telling everyone to connect their headphones to the TV for their introduction to Solaris, as well as the flight rules. The video had things like places to see, and how to pay using their revolutionary eye-scanning system, before switching over to sexual topics.

“Please note that consent is required for any sexual act with others in Solaris. Consent can be withdrawn at any time, and you must stop if consent is withdrawn. Rape is a crime that can be punished by up to 20 years in jail, castration, or even being deported. Now, for those of you watching this introduction video on an airplane, you may have been surprised to find the complementary sex toys provided. You may use them, and watch the available porn on the Tv in front of you. You are allowed to have sex on the plane, but we ask that you keep the sound down. If people near you are sleeping, we would prefer that you don’t have any intercourse, but you may still have oral. The consent rules of Solaris still apply while on the plane, so please be respectful. Feel free to ask a flight attendant to clean up any bodily fluids. That concludes my intro, and I hope you enjoy your stay at Solaris.”

I may end up rewriting this part later on as I don’t like it that much. I also made this on google docs, so sorry if the formatting is not that good.


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