My friend [M40] and I [M38] watched my wife [F36] masturbate

My friend/neighbour and I are very close and have known each other for more than 10 years. We have even showed each other some sexy photos of our exes and now even our wives for fun. My wife knows that i have and share pictures – we have also shared pics with a couple before moving to the new city.
Last week around midnight, I was out smoking with my friend and I looked up at our bedroom. I noticed movement near the window. The Shades were open. Normally they are closed. As I watched my wife, walked by the window in what looked like her bra. I should have went inside or texted my wife, but instead for some reason, i waited till my friend noticed my wife. once he noticed her, he wanted to leave but i told him its fine. I just wanted to see what happens.

Standing there in the dark we could see my wife in front of a mirror brushing her hair. After a second she stopped and removed her bra. We could see the side of her breast. I was completely lost in the moment. She was standing there looking out at the yard.

I then noticed she was looking in our direction. No way she could see us in the dark behind the fence. She just kept looking. Like she knew. She then reached up and started rubbed her breast and pinching her nipples. After a minute one hand slid down her belly and I could only guess she was rubbing her pussy. Her back arched and and her breast pushed out toward the window. She then stopped and went away from the window.
I got super aroused watching my friend watch her like this. We were kind of shocked but he left shortly after, He later texted me that it was super hot watching my wife and that he jerked off as soon as he reached home!
I showed this text to my wife later that night, and we had one of the wildest sex! She told me that she had no idea we were watching her, she was just super aroused and the idea masturbating in front of the open window made her feel super horny!


1 comment

  1. Do you think she’d be willing to invite him over for a live show?

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