Viewpoint II, Finale. A viewpoint on pet names in Erotica.

If following my viewpoint on the topic of pet names in Erotica, communication response from sub mod is available on my profile. It is not advertisement to visit my profile, but if you have interest to read further. Maybe this topic resonates with some fellow writers. I am unable to attach to this post.

I’m truly in disbelief. The bias, and still to say my story is something it is not. My writings have nothing to do with the topic of incestuous acts. I’ve expressed this exhaustively. I have every right to be on an Erotica sub using pet names. They are very much a part of Erotica, all sorts of names. They alone do not translate into the act. The description of the act would be in the story for it to be as such. Pet names can be used amongst unrelated adults in non-incestuous behavior. Pet names are audible love sounds, another language for adults. To say one is passable and another not, that is mere preference.

There are stories streaming now which are R rated and talk on the subject of. GoT is a top-rated, R rated production on HBO, 8 seasons and known world-wide. It details incestuous acts throughout the production. The production finale is them in an embrace. I’m not even writing on the subject of, my writing has nothing to do with this act. To tell me my words are not a part of Erotica is wrong and I hope it to change.

Adrien Brody and Penélope Cruz, “A Matador’s Mistress”. It is a true story of a bullfighter who called his mistress “mama”. It is a beautiful story, R rated and on Amazon. It is similar to mine in taboo name desire.

The sub mod remarked “mama” is passable, but “Son” is not. Who do you think is on the receiving end of the pet name? What is the symbolism? Why are “Daddy” stories so visible.

The sub mod remarked “Son” is not used in Erotica porn, “Fucking a man who is not your son and calling him “Son” is not Erotica porn. It doesn’t make any sense.” I believe this to be a tasteless way to express and it does not describe my writing, and is untrue. This pet name is not uncommon. My stories are true. The poems, too. He presented it to me. He desired the pet names. He is in his thirties. I’ve heard similar stories since.

My writings were getting removed. I was told to leave by sub mod. To find something that better suits my needs. I’m only trying to write a love story that I’ve honestly never had to defend. It is okay, I follow rules. It’s kind of my thing.

I have not published to this sub since verdict. I have since received notice I am banned due to being uncivil.

I am sad, but it will pass.

Makes me know myself more, what truly matters and what is true, my story.

I had no desire to be political. I am passionate about this piece in my life. I’m not disagreeing the rule on incestuous behavior being banned, if described. I’m addressing the bias and ignorance towards what is acceptable in the use of simple pet names amongst two adults, unrelated lovers. Names desired commonly, the symbolism. I come to reddit with excitement to share. I do not expect my writings to be for everyone, but I believe for someone and many. And I have a place in the Erotica world. My writings have a right to be a part of any Erotica sub, using pet names to tell a love story. My story. If an Erotica sub tells me to go, where do I go? I believe I’m on the correct platform for my writings, truly.

I truly appreciate if you have read thus far. Your thoughtfulness is meaningful. I know your time is precious.

I hope you have as much passion and love for your stories. They are all valuable. They serve something to someone, a moment of pleasure. An escape. Keep writing.

