Seducing Sara (first time couple swap) [M29, F25, M42, F37]

*(New poster here. Weirder and wilder things coming, but I wanted to try my hand at a “first time swinging” story. If you liked it, let me know)*

Four flutes of champagne met with an audible ring that lasted until the group had leaned back into their wicker patio chairs. Ahead of them, the blue haze flushed pink and gold with the setting sun. A soft breeze was already cooling their faces after the day’s activity.

Sara and Tom’s eyes met with a warm smile as they each took a sip. Tom was the boss of her boyfriend, James, and he and his wife Melanie were visibly older than the pair. At 25, she’d place them somewhere in the 30s-40s overlap, with her possibly being a little younger. James wasn’t much more her senior at 29, and it had been daunting for both of them for his superior at work to invite them for, as they put it, a “get to know you” day. James had jokingly referred to it as “team building” at the start of their long hike through the hills, which Tom and Melanie had been quick to shut down. “We like you”, Tom had said. “You feel like friends.”

As the laughter and chatter carried on, Sara and James were feeling the friendship, too. It had been an amazing hike; sweaty and sun-beaten, with twists and turns and sightings of birds of prey. There had been a moment when Sara and Tom had been getting better acquainted, and their lovers had disappeared from view up ahead, putting Sara on guard. But Tom, all six broad feet of him, had shown nothing but gentlemanly warmth.

Back home, it was showers, and then out of the hiking shorts and t-shirts, and into the evening wear they’d been advised to bring. Tom and James looked handsome as ever in their button-down linens, their hair similar hues of soft brown, James’ slightly messy, Tom’s trim and proper. “Mel, your dress is fantastic” – somehow it felt safe for James to pass this kind of comment. It was fantastic – a brilliant orange midi, her curves blatant as the breeze plastered it to her figure. “That’s okay to say, right?” He looked suddenly nervous, and the group shared a collective giggle. “Of course”, Melanie grinned. “You two are looking gorgeous yourselves. You landed such a little hottie, James.”

Sara giggled into her champagne and straightened up in her seat for a moment to model the dusk-blue sundress she’d chosen, her figure svelte next to Melanie’s curvature, her black fluffy bob almost sensible beside that free, flowing golden hair. Sara stood at a lean 5’5, her breasts small enough that she could forego a bra when dressing up, and the beautiful creases of her shoulders and upper back went uninterrupted in the fading light. But another breeze blew Melanie’s dress against her body, making it very apparent that she had gone without underwear for the evening, those ripe breasts falling lazily outward as she eased back against the wicker. Sara looked at James, already knowing where his gaze would have gone.

“Yeah, I guess so” James grinned. “You guess so?” Melanie balked. “It was the first thing Tom said to me when we came to pick you up. We’ve both got a little crush on your girl.” The four shared an embarrassed laugh again, but through the laughter, Tom and Sara’s eyes met once more. Not even James had looked at her like that before, and she shrank a little, wondering what was in his head, if it had been a mistake to show herself off like that.

The chatter continued to the bottom of the bottle, and Tom invited James inside to select a dram from his single malt collection. As they both savoured the fumes, Tom took a moment to revisit their earlier candour.

“She really is gorgeous, man. You’ve done so well, there.” James blushed and took another little pull of whisky. “Thanks… I think.” They both chuckled a little. “Yeah, Melanie’s beautiful as well. How long have you two been together?”

“Ten years this June. You?”

“Three. You got us beat. We’re very happy still.”

“Is it all still… exciting?”

James laughed, again. “I think I know what you mean… um. Is it okay if I don’t answer that? I mean, yeah, we’re very happy, but you know…”

“Sure, I get it” Tom smirked. “Uh, but… Melanie might be asking Sara similar questions right now.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, she’s… sometimes when we meet the right people, we like to, you know, invite them in.”

James stared into his glass, stunned. He was protective of Sara to a fault. He had been a pillar of support through her experience of being harassed at work. They were just starting to move past it, and here she was being objectified and lusted after by his own seniors.

“You’re not into it?”

“No, I don’t think I am.” James mumbled. “Sorry. Is that gonna… ruin your whole evening?”

“No, no, not at all” Tom said. “I’m sorry to put you on the spot. I’m sure Sara feels the same as you. Is it okay if we draw a line under it? Just forget about it?”

“…Sure”. James allowed his glass to be topped up, suddenly eager to get back outside and put the brakes on whatever parallel discourse Melanie and Sara were having.

And on the patio, there was another uncomfortable silence waiting, Sara staring nervously into her glass, Melanie wearing a faded smile. Tom gave her a shake of the head as he came through the double doors, and James and Melanie fell immediately into a protective hand-hold.

“It’s a no, huh?” Melanie wore a slightly disappointed smile. “That’s okay, guys, we get it. We still had a lovely day with you, and we really want this evening to be nice for all of us.”

Sara relaxed her shoulders a little. “It’s okay, we both get it, I’m sure, it’s just not something we’ve ever talked about… I don’t think we could do something like that spontaneously.” She paused. “Not that you’re both anything other than lovely, I’m sure… we could do worse”.

Tom raised his glass curtly. “Cheers to that.”

The young lovers squeezed hands, feeling already more at ease again as their hosts took the pressure off. James nervously offered a follow-up. “How often do you do things like that?”

“Um… not as often as we’d like” Melanie answered, with Tom nodding slowly. “It’s about finding the time, and the right people, the chemistry…”

“It’s been about a year” said Tom, matter-of-factly. “We used to get together with another married couple about the same age as us quite regularly, but they moved away.”

Sara took another pull from her glass, and glanced her eyes over their hosts’ bodies again. Each of them bigger, taller, older; more confident and powerful. It was daunting, what they must have had in mind for the two of them. “What do you like about it? I mean, everyone’s thought about it…” she glanced at James, realising what she’d just said. “Right?” “Oh… I mean, yeah” he shot her a look of surprise. “But like, there’s that, and there’s the reality…”

“OK, so…” Melanie paused, thoughtfully, grinning a little at the nervous curiosity on display. “What I like is… new people, new bodies… I like to see this guy enjoying some beautiful other woman…” “I like seeing people enjoy her” Tom interjected. “There’s nothing like the feeling of being immersed in someone else’s lover while watching theirs revel in yours.”

Sara shifted in her chair just a little, the image flashing through her mind for a moment. She looked at Tom again. He was twice James’s size. She was so conscious of the bareness of her shoulders. Tom still had that look in his eye.

James nodded a little. “I just don’t know if I could handle the jealousy. I get very protective of Sara.” “I used to feel that way too” said Tom, “and then I found out that… okay, I’m not saying this to try and persuade you of anything, but for me, that feeling is part of the thrill.”

“Like it feels wrong, but you’re letting it happen anyway?” Sara met Tom’s eyes again, and held his gaze. “Exactly. Knowing you could stop it at any time, and you’re choosing not to.” She shifted in her seat a little more, not leaving his gaze, and so conscious that James was looking at her with his typical guarded nervousness.

Melanie gave Tom a knowing smirk. “Guys, I’ll tell you what, I’m going to make a suggestion, and if you don’t like it, we can lay this subject to rest and play Scrabble or something, deal?”

“O…kay” James said, sensing quiet agreement from Sara.

“I’d love to just kiss my husband for a while. I’d like to invite you two to see that. You don’t have to do anything, if you want to kiss each other, you go for it, but I’d love to just let you watch us make out for a little bit. Sound fun?”

“What do you think?” James squeezed his girlfriend’s hand.

“I don’t… mind” Sara said, quietly. “It couldn’t hurt to just watch.”

“OK, sure, you do your thing.”

“We’ll go inside” Melanie took her husband’s hand and walked through the patio doors to the sofa. “You can leave those open, the breeze is nice.”

As James and Sara took their seat on the adjoining sofa, the hosts were already embraced, looking into one another’s eyes with loving smiles, their lips meeting in tender, gentle kisses. Tom held his wife at the waist, his fingers brushing the small of her back while she cradled his jaw. The look of adoration between them permeated every kiss. The young lovers held hands and took in the energy of the scene before them, lips and tongues connecting with soft, sensual wetness, their bodies stirring in one another’s arms. It was a display of unrestrained affection. James tried to control his breathing, but among the sound of smacking lips and Melanie’s teasing moans, he could clearly hear the sound of Sara drawing air in long, deep breaths.

Melanie’s palm slid down Tom’s chest, finding his groin. Kissing him more urgently, more hungrily, hunching at the shoulders, she caressed it up and down, probing its mass through his trousers. She turned back to their guests and offered an obscene smile. “I can’t keep my hands off him, sorry.”

“That’s okay” Sara returned the smile, instinctively. It’s very hard not to smile back, when someone smiles at you.

“He’s so fucking hard.”

“Well… of course he is.” Neither James nor Sara was ready to admit it, but arousal had taken hold.

“You can come and feel how hard he is, if you want.”

Sara turned her head a little too swiftly to James, her eyes scanning his face, nervously seeking refusal. Refusal that she no longer felt inclined to give on her own behalf.

“Up to you babe.” James sounded as uncertain as she looked. She rose slowly from her seat, leaving his hand behind, and sat down to the right of Tom, opposite Melanie. He turned to face her, opening his knee out for her to reach in. She kept her eyes trained on Melanie’s seductive smile, until her fingers made contact with his trousers, then her whole hand, feeling it beneath her fingers and palms, and then caressing in the same manner that Melanie had. Her eyes fell to stare at the bulge, eyelids half closed, mouth half open in an instinctive, imperceptible snarl of arousal.

“He’s… very hard, yes.”

Her fingers continued to move over the fabric, feeling the outline of his cock. She felt a strong twitch, then another, gasping slightly at each.

“It’s moving…”

“He does that when he gets really excited.”

“It’s true” Tom murmured, his face hovering close to Sara’s. “It’s you. You’re doing that.”

She kept caressing the twitching, hardened mass beneath his trousers, glancing at his longing expression, at Melanie’s smile as she stroked his shoulders and chest. Knowing what would come next if she gave in any further. Feeling James’s eyes on all three of them, wondering why he hadn’t said anything. She locked eyes with him again. That look, that expression of deep want, that she now returned, gazing at his handsome, subtly time-weathered face, wanting his lips. Their faces wavered close to one another for a while, searching for certainty, each waiting for the other to move, her hand grasping and stroking at his cock all the while, until she fell forward just an inch, meeting him in a kiss that swiftly turned into several. Slow, lingering kisses, replete with miniscule moans of surprise at herself, her chest filling with exhilarated warmth as he sighed deeply into her mouth.

James breathed heavily, watching his girlfriend sink into his boss, unable to find the words or the will to stop the show. He glanced at Melanie, and found her already staring back at him, that knowing grin plastered across her lips. Without taking her eyes off him, she reached for her husband’s waistband, and unbuttoned his trousers, peeling the fabric aside and reaching in, tucking his boxers under his balls and allowing Sara to grasp his cock. And as she took hold of his warm, hard flesh, she and he both inhaled with sudden and invigorated passion. James could see from across the room that Tom was larger than him in every respect – his cock was long, and thick, and Sara pulled away from their kiss, mouth open in shock, to stare down at the thing she was irresistibly squeezing and massaging. Looking back to James didn’t seem like an option – she didn’t want to let go, to stop, or to face the shame of his shocked expression.

“You’re… so… big.” She managed the words between excited gasps. Tom was squirming, thrusting into her strokes, meeting her rhythm. “It’s all yours” Melanie purred, lifting herself up off the sofa as Sara began tugging more urgently on the hard prick in her grip, sinking back into their kiss with wet longing, their tongues smothered together, their bodies pressed tightly against one another, him slouched into the sofa, her curled up on his shoulder.

Melanie stood over James, who was now visibly hard, his trousers bulged in an unmistakable tent. “Feeling left out?” she mewled, not waiting for an answer as she mounted the sofa, planting her knees either side of him, her curves towering above his face, his expression daring her to proceed. She held him at the jaw as she had done her husband, and forced several strong kisses into his mouth, moaning with joy as he pushed hungrily back with his own lips. Her hands slid down to pry his shirt buttons open and fan her fingers out on his chest as their saliva mixed between their slithering tongues, his hands finding the small of her back and dragging his fingertips downward, squeezing her plump buttocks. There was no question that she wasn’t wearing any underwear – he dragged the fabric of her dress upwards until he could slide a hand under and grasp her bare skin, her soft, round ass wriggling in his grip. She half-moaned, half-giggled through their incessant kissing, sinking her hips down further to grind against his erection, smearing her wetness into his trousers, her pussy rubbing the length of his excited cock.

Behind them, Sara had allowed Tom to peel her dress up, and it had fallen on the arm of the sofa along with her panties. Had James been in a position to look past Melanie, he would have seen his girlfriend, fully nude, stretched out with her head nuzzled into his boss’s shoulder, letting out long, uncontrollable moans into his ear. Tom now lay naked too, his clothes underneath him where he’d shrugged them off, cradling her petite body in his thick right arm, his left hand rubbing her clit in long, controlled circles. As she squirmed against his grip, one leg leaned out to open herself up, she had grasped his cock once more, and they moaned together, admiring and pleasuring one another’s bodies, her feeling both safe and yet vulnerable in his embrace. Her pussy soaked his fingertips; sticky, pungent precum smeared all over hers. The smell of their arousal mixed with their sweat. He rested the ball of his thumb on her clit and continued the methodical rubbing, sliding a finger inside her, causing her to moan more loudly and bury her face in his neck as he worked eagerly at her warm, wet pussy.

Melanie, too, peeled her dress over her head, and Sara watched longingly as her curves revealed themselves, her ample backside squirming and wriggling in her boyfriend’s lap. As her round, heavy breasts spilled out of her dress, he lunged forward, cradling the middle of her back with both hands and sucking her nipples, her head tilted straight down to watch him smother them wetly with his mouth. She leaned in further, grinding her pussy against his trousers still, smothering him in turn, revelling in his worship of her curves. She ran her fingers through his hair and groaned with gratitude.

Melanie leaned back a little, reaching down to unzip James’s trousers and pull his erection free, a long string of precum sticking to her wrist. She pumped it aggressively, watching his back arch, his moans of approval undeniable. He was hard, twitching and throbbing in her grasp, veins glistening on the surface of his cock. She slid down to the floor, kneeling between his legs, drawing spit into the front of her mouth and letting it fall onto the head and shaft as she parted her lips and slid them down his length, all of it disappearing into her throat. He closed his eyes and moaned as she worked her head up and down his prick, drenching it in drool, swallowing his precum and staring up at the contorted look of pleasure on his face. She pulled back, drew breath, and gasped “god, James, I could suck you for hours.”

He opened his eyes at the remark and looked down to see her sink her lips back onto his shimmering, drenched cock, soaked in drool and smeared with lipstick, her face flushed red. As he moved his hips in time with her head, the slurping and smacking sounds filling the air, he looked past her to see a mirror image: Sara slouched on the sofa, her knees wide, leering unabashedly down at Tom, whose hair she was caressing and grasping at in involuntary spasms of ecstasy as he tasted her glistening pink cunt. He had two fingers inside her, twisting and fucking, his lips clamped over her clit, sucking it into his mouth and lapping at it with his tongue. She rolled her hips forward to meet his hypnotic gnawing and fingering, no longer moaning out loud but sighing heavily, cooing, staring down at him with grateful awe.

She looked up at James, and the two finally reconciled across the room with embarrassed smiles, gasping sensually at each other as their hosts worshipped them between their legs.

“Are you okay?” Sara nodded gleefully, screwing her eyes shut as a wave of pleasure overtook her momentarily. “Uhuh… are you?” He nodded in return. “They got us.” Tom and Melanie both let out muffled cackles.

“James… can I please have his cock?” Melanie let out a long, deep, approving moan through James’s shaft, urging him to approve the request.

“I think you need it.”

Melanie stood up, a long string of drool falling from her lips and down his balls. She offered James her hand. “Come and fuck me next to your pretty girlfriend.”

As they approached, Tom was already getting in position, rearing up over Sara’s recumbent figure, her pale skin glistening with beads of sweat and blushing pink. She held her legs wide, her pussy swollen, pink, coated in his spit and her juices, beads of moisture sitting on top of her pubic hair, ready. She shared a smile with Melanie, who had crawled up on the sofa on all fours next to them, proffering her backside to James. “I want to see you take my husband’s cock so badly” she whispered. Sara nodded, the smile affixed to her lips. “I want you to make my boyfrien–”

Sara’s eyes and mouth widened as her lungs filled with air. Tom’s cock descended into her, her pussy enveloping his girth, squeezing him tight as he thrusted deeper. Her brow furrowed and her eyes darted madly between the three others, all of whom were staring down at her. Her lip quivered, her mouth would not close. His first long thrust came to an end, and the tension in her body gave way to a breathy squeal.

“F… fuck.”

“James” Tom murmured, drawing his cock back out before sliding it back in in another long, measured stroke. “Your girlfriend is fucking tight.” Sara turned bright red and clamped both hands over her mouth with embarrassment. “Oh my god” her words were muffled. “Fuck fuck fuck…” in another involuntary move, she reached down and dragged her fingernails down his hips. “James he’s so fucking big, oh my god” – another breathy squeal. Tom sank deeper this time, and her eyes rolled back, she threw her hands down into the sofa cushions and groaned deeply, desperately trying to acclimate to his cock.

“You like my husband’s big cock?” – another squeal, this time tinged with glee, frantic nodding of the head.

“You want to see your boyfriend fuck me now?”

“Y…es, yes, yes.”

Melanie moaned deeply as James filled her, her back arched, knees wide, her head rested against her folded elbows on the back of the sofa. Her blonde hair fell about her shoulders and swung back and forth as he fucked hard. While Tom introduced Sara to his daunting girth one careful thrust at a time, Melanie was ready for all of James. Her thick, round buttocks rippled and shook as his hips slammed into hers, and he gripped her hips, pulling her back onto him. She reared her head up and moaned happily, over and over, wailing his name: “fuck me, James, fuck me fuck me fuck me.”

Tom had picked up speed now, Sara having finally relaxed around him, her pussy gratefully claiming his cock with each thrust. She wrapped her legs round Tom’s waist and pulled him in close, kissing him thirstily, passionately, both of them moaning into each other’s mouths as their bodies pressed tightly together, embracing one another at the shoulders. She felt his large, imposing body all around her, inside her, and let out shameless wails and squeals of pleasure, incoherent affirmations that he should fuck her deeper, harder. She sank deep into the sofa, clinging to him from below with all four limbs.

Next to them, Melanie was rubbing her clit with aggressive speed, groaning her demands to be fucked as hard as James could manage. Her voice had become deeper, animalistic, her breasts swaying as she took the pounding she’d been craving. After one long, guttural moan, her words slurring together, she growled “I’m going to cum all over your boyfriend’s cock.” As soon as she’d said it, Sara had reached out and clasped her hand tight, and she clung back, squeezing as her body began to seize, and buck. She expressed long, deep wails, lurching forward until James slid out of her, as she shuddered and writhed and moaned into the sofa cushions next to the entanglement of bodies. Tom and Sara stopped fucking entirely to witness her orgasm; her eyes unfocused, her sounds utterly impulsive.

She rolled over and cradled Sara’s head, and they laughed together, sharing a few happy kisses. “I didn’t know if you liked girls” breathed Melanie. “We could have done more.”

“You look so beautiful when you cum” whispered Sara, her face bright pink.

“I want to see yours, too.”

There were murmurs of assent from the men. Tom began his thrusts once more, but upright, to allow Melanie space to touch her. “Can you cum with him inside you?” “I… think… so…” came the answer, interrupted by gasps as Tom’s size overwhelmed her once more. Melanie began stroking Sara’s clit with her fingertips in similar, firm circles to those Tom had done earlier, kissing her softly on her lips, cheeks, neck, and seeking assurances that she was touching her in the right way. Sara arched and moaned loudly as all the attention in the room focused on her pussy. James was standing over her, stroking his cock at the sight of the older couple devoting themselves to his girlfriend’s pleasure. As each surge brought her closer, she arched dramatically off the sofa, her back making a delicious curve, her ribs straining against her skin, her navel reaching up towards the ceiling.

“Are you going to cum on me?” It was directed at James – she had always loved this from him – but both men took heed of the instruction, James rubbing his cock intently, Tom pleasuring himself methodically with the tightness of her pussy.

“I’m… close…” and shortly after she uttered the words, James shuddered to climax above her, several silky ropes of semen falling across her breasts. As she took in the sight of her beloved’s cock pumping cum onto her skin, her own orgasm took hold, and every muscle in her body tightened, her eyes screwed shut, an unabated scream pushed through clenched teeth. She arched and shivered, seizing and relaxing, her vagina clamping tight around Tom’s cock as he fucked her faster again, deeper, loud, wet slaps underscoring her screams as he fucked her orgasm into her.

She was still cumming when he pulled his cock free, her cunt open, sore, used. Her back arched up once more in a spasm of pure pleasure as he hunched, and groaned deeply, his enormous cock pumping shot after shot of warm cum over her young, pale skin, mixing with James’s and streaming down her belly, pooling in her navel.

Her lips trembling, her eyes wide as the aftershocks continued, she pulled each of them in close for a kiss – first Melanie, then Tom, and finally James. They whispered “I love you” to each other and kissed a little longer, and as the night breeze cooled their bodies they began to laugh, the four of them euphoric at what had transpired and more than a little amused at the mess they’d made. They set about cleaning up, ready to enjoy the rest of the evening together, the four of them glowing with the unusual new friendship they’d forged.


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