In Her Nature – Part 1 [M/F, Cheating, Race Play]


By almost all metrics, Anna Chen had the perfect life: the kind of long, silky black hair and curvy figure that turned heads around campus, grades that would send her straight to the ivy league, and a gorgeous boyfriend who doted on her madly.

Of course, no one was perfect. Not even Anna.

“You cannot finish your freshman year of high school without going to at least one party, Anna,” Annie said from where she sat on the floor, her Biology textbook open but pushed aside in favor of the soft teal nail polish she had in hand, carefully painting her toes. “It’s really cute that you’re so dedicated to Lian and classes and all, but you needed to get out before you become a total social pariah. It’s the last party of the semester. You have to go!”

“You know I can’t,” Anna protested, barely flicking her dark eyes across her shoulder to peer at her best friend from her seat at the desk. Anna paged further into her Applied Economics book, marking another passage with her highlighter. “I’ve got a final on monday, and Lian wants to take me out to that new restaurant tonight.”

“You go out with Lian every Friday. Do something different for once!”

It wasn’t exactly the first time they’d had the conversation. As far as Anna was concerned, she already had everything she needed, an adoring boyfriend, two best friends… What did she need to go hang out at some crazy college party for? She leaned across her chair to seek moral support from Stephanie, sitting on her bed, her book propped open in her lap.

“Can’t help you with this one, sorry,” Stephanie said without looking up, scribbling notes in the margins of her textbook. “The basketball team is going, so Charlie will be there, so of course I have to go, too.” At that, Stephanie did look up, dark eyes made bright with interest. “It’ll be fun, though! I promise. We’ll all get a little tipsy. We never get to go out anymore.”

“Yes!” Annie cheered from the floor.

And just like that, Anna guessed she was going to her first party of the college year.


Of course Logan Woodson would be at the party.

It wasn’t bad enough that she canceled her date with Lian, but now she was basically hanging out with the the guy he hated more than anything in the world. At least, she was hanging out with him by association–she was honestly trying to do her best to avoid him.

It was easy enough to do. Everyone was so surprised to see Anna at a party that everyone had come up to talk to her–and she wasn’t naive enough to not notice the way the guys were staring at her, and the way her red dress cinched and ruched around the side to hike up across her thigh whenever she walked. It was the dress she’d been planning to wear that night with Lian, and it was a little more risque than she’d usually wear. Lian was sweet, he’d have just said something like of course they’re staring, my girlfriend is gorgeous, but it still made her feel like she was being cruel to him, somehow.

At least she was keeping her distance from Logan.

At least, until the tall, Adonis-shaped imbecile ran straight into her holding a solo cup of rum and coke. Anna had been laughing with Stephanie when the six-foot-five basketballer stumbled forward and crashed into her, nearly knocking her over, sending ice and cold soda spilling down her body, running in rivulets between her breasts and soaking her red dress through.

“Shit, my bad,” Logan said, his voice deep, full of rolling sounds like the proto-typical stoner-slash-athlete-slash-good-old-boy he was. Obviously he wasn’t really sorry. When he stepped back, he had that full, dopey grin on his face that other girls loved, his messy brown hair falling in curls across his forehead, a dark shadow of stubble framing his white teeth. Sure, he was an asshole, but there was a reason he left a wake of brokenhearted girls behind him. Between his rugged good looks, the thickness of his chest, and the way his biceps bulged against the tightness of his shirt sleeves… Well, Anna wasn’t blind. “Oh, shit, is that Anna Chen? I didn’t think you ever climbed out from under your loser boyfriend’s shadow.”

By that point, everyone was looking at them. There were quiet titters of laughter from the girls that were jealous of the way most boys looked at Anna, and more than a few laughs from the guys on the basketball team that ate up whatever their asshole captain said.

“You should ditch your boyfriend and come upstairs with me,” Logan said, his grin quirking at the side as mischief brightened his eyes. “I’ll get you out of that wet dress. I can just tell you’ve never been fucked right, you’re too uptight, and you’d look so good taking my cock up your–”

“Come on, Logan, don’t be an asshole,” Stephanie said, looking out into the crowd in search of her boyfriend, Charlie, who was nowhere to be found.

“You’re as funny as ever, Logan,” Anna said, trying to keep her tone polite while still letting sarcasm cut through. Being cruel wasn’t her style–even to a creep like Logan. “Come on, Stephanie, it’s not worth it.”

One of the reasons Anna loved her friends so much was just how willing they were to push for her. All of them knew she was the quintessential good girl. She didn’t like to fight, even when she was seething mad. Sometimes she needed that, but it was the last thing she wanted right then, and so she dragged Stephanie away.

“Running away with her tail between her legs, just like her boyfriend,” Logan called after her and his group of uneducated lackeys all cackled.

Anna spent the better part of the rest of the party being wherever Logan wasn’t–and drinking maybe a little more than she’d meant to. The whole interaction had left her flustered: angry that she hadn’t said more, angry that Logan was there and had to be such a terrible person all the time. Angry that his words had stuck with her.

She was on her third rum and coke an hour later, and she’d been pouring them strong enough the room was tipsy, and she still couldn’t get his words out of her mind. You’d look so good with my cock in your– he’d started, and Anna’s cheeks went hot just at the memory of the way he’d said it, the way his eyes were fixed on her cleavage, on the way her dress lifted to show her pale thigh. The way he wanted her so openly, so directly, without caring who heard it.

I love you so much, dear, she’d been texting back to Lian, who’d told her how much he missed her, and that he hoped she was having a fun time and would let him know that she got home safe. You just mean the world to me.

It was hard to text, with how much she’d been drinking. She’d deleted and rewritten the simple sentence half a dozen times, the keys dizzy under her fingers. Finally, the door to the upstairs bathroom opened and Anna stepped forward to go in, looking away from her phone.

“So you wanted to take me up on my offer after all,” Logan said, grinning as he’d moved to step into the bathroom at the same time as her, the two of them bumping arms. He stood over a head taller than her, looking down at her, soft blue eyes shining under the messy waves of his dark hair. Anna, shocked and past tipsy stood dumbfounded for a moment, staring up at him, lost for a moment in how gorgeous his damn, stupid smile was. Logan pressed his advantage, stepping forward until she backed up into the doorframe. He leaned down enough to drop his voice to a whisper, his breath soft against her cheek. “Want to know what a real cock feels like in your tight little pussy?”

“Stop,” she said, but liquor made her voice weak, her breath soft. It had to be the liquor that had her shaking at the way his breath tickled against the crook of her neck. A thought of Lian flashed like an image on her mind: her boyfriend with his easy smile, his dark hair, sitting at his desk in a crisp blue polo, telling her how beautiful she looked just before she’d left…

“You don’t want me to stop,” he whispered, his breath closer now, hot on her ear.

Anna pulled back a fraction, dark hair falling in waves across her beautiful face, mouth opening around words she couldn’t find–stop, get away from me, she might have said. She might have just turned and walked away. But the world was soft and blurry on its edged and he was so gorgeous. She lingered just long enough for Logan to push forward, his fingers moving back through her hair, his thick, strong hand coming to the back of her neck as he pushed her back into the doorframe and kissed her, hard.

His lips were soft, and warm, and at first Anna fought against the feeling, pulling away, but his body was pressed against hers, hard muscle against her soft curves and suddenly she softened to his touch. To the way his other hand moved to her hip, his fingers strong and confident as they curled to grab her by the hips, to pull them against him, to feel how hard he was through the thick fabric of his jeans…

Fuck, her mind reeled. He was huge. She could feel the thick length of his hard cock pressed against her thigh as his mouth softened on hers and when his tongue brushed against her soft, plush pink lips, she opened her mouth for him, her body responding before her mind could. Anna moaned softly between their mouths as his tongue dipped in to find hers, to twist and play around it.

The thought of Lian snapped her back to reality. Anna pushed against the hard plane of Logan’s chest, trying to push him back but only managing to jar him back slightly, just enough to break their kiss.

“Stop it, Logan, I have a boyfriend,” she said, peeking past him, down the hall where she could see people coming up the stairs, dangerously close to seeing them.

“I don’t fucking care, Anna,” he said, his voice a low rumble as he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into the bathroom, shutting the door behind them. “You want me, I know you want me. I see the way you look at me.”

With the ease of his immense strength, he spun her around the cramped bathroom and pushed her back against the sink. In a single, fluid movement he’d pulled his v-neck shirt off and tossed it aside, revealing the hard steel of his muscle underneath: the wide expanse of his chest, his chiseled abs, the thick expanse of his biceps… Lian was strong, but his muscle was all lean, built for agile response. Logan was a monster, a giant, a god.

“Just let go,” he said, pushing the hair back from her face, threading his thick fingers through her silky black hair and fuck, Anna could feel the ache of need coiled tight in her lower belly, could feel how wet she was getting just from the touch of his hand.

And it was all so fucking wrong. Lian was home, worried about her getting home safe. Lian had wanted to take her out on a date to a fancy new restaurant. Lian had been texting her all night about how much he loved her, how beautiful she looked, how he was the luckiest man on campus–the luckiest man in the world. And she was so lucky to have him…

But Logan was standing in front of her, and he was all muscle, all easy confidence and a smile that could end a war. Anna’s dark eyes skimmed down the chiseled plane of his muscled torso, settling on the bulge of his cock pressed into the dark denim of his jeans. It had to be three times as big as Lian’s, and all she wanted was to know what it would feel like in her hand, in her mouth, in her pussy already so hot with need.

The moment hung heavy between them, the two of them looking at one another. Logan knew he had her–he had to know it. He leaned forward towards her, his fingers brushed against her cheek.

“I can’t–” Anna started.

“You can,” Logan said, and he kissed her again. His kiss was soft and it was gentle and it was all consuming. His body pressed into hers, all hard muscle and heat, one of his large hands drifting down the curve of her neck, trailing across her collarbone before finding the soft swell of her breast. He grabbed rough enough to make her suck in a breath, soft enough to make her moan into their kiss.

In the back of her mind, thoughts of Lian raced: his sweet face, his gentle kindness, how he treated her like a goddess every day… And none of it mattered. Lian was the best she could have asked for, and god she loved him, but her body craved something else with such a need she fell to it. Every moment, rational thought pushed further down.

Logan grabbed her by the wrist with his strong hand and guided her hand down, down, under the waistband of his jeans until her fingers brushed the thick shaft of his cock and she felt herself moan just to touch it.

Everything happened so fast after that. Every doubt, every thought, obliterated.

“Fuck,” Anna whined as their kiss broke and suddenly her hands were fumbling for his button, dragging down the zipper. Logan dipped his head into the curve of her neck, his plush, hot lips tracing a trail down and licking his way back up, filling her body with need as she pushed his jeans down.

His cock stood between them and god, it had to be a foot long and thick enough that Anna couldn’t hope to get her hand around it… She felt a pang of guilt that he had to be at least three times the size of Lian, but all she wanted was to feel him inside of her, all she wanted was to get fucked by his big, white cock.

Anna took him in her hand and Logan moaned for her, his voice deep and rolling in her ear as she started to stroke the thick, hard shaft of his cock, her hand pumping faster and faster, feeling the way he pulsed in her hand, the way his hips moved for her. She’d done that.

And he looked at her with such brazen want, his soft eyes bright with need.

“Good girl,” he growled the word in her ear and she felt her knees go weak, her hand slick now with his precum dribbling from the bulbous head of his cock as she stroked him faster still, having to use both hands just to be able to work the length of him. “You’re such a fucking slut, Anna Chen. Fucking me in a bathroom at a party. You don’t care who knows.”

“That’s not true,” she said, but her voice was soft and weak and threaded through with want. She wanted him to touch her. She needed to feel him.

“Turn around and take my cock like the good little slut you are,” he growled low in her ear and before she could do anything, he had his strong hands on her hips, fingers digging in enough that it hurt as he turned her around and pushed her down on the counter, hard, so Anna could see herself in the mirror: dark hair spilling out of its bun and falling in waves around her pretty face. Logan had yanked down her dress enough that her tits spilled out of the front, pretty, supple mounds shaking, her dark nipples hard. The demigod of a man stood behind her, all rippling muscle and easy confidence as he shoved her dress up around her hips. “Fuck, your pussy is so wet for white cock, isn’t it?”

Anna whimpered, unable to speak, unable to admit to everything she wanted. And it didn’t matter. Crack! He slapped her ass hard enough to leave a red print, hard enough she knew people in the hall must have heard it, must know what was going on in the bathroom, and she thought of Lian and how terrible she was being, but how badly she needed it as she backed her hips up towards him…

“Whore,” he said, but he was grinning as he took his cock in hand and teased the sensitive, wet slit of her pussy with the head of his cock and before she could say anything, before she could have a second thought, he thrust his cock into her.

Anna moaned. Anna moaned like she never had for Lian, like she never had before–the sound came from somewhere deep inside of her, forced out, low and guttural and made of want. It was a heady mix of pain and pleasure, how thick his cock was, the way it stretched her open and he filled her more completely than she’d ever been before.

“Fuck,” she cried out as he buried his cock deep inside of her tight, wet pussy and suddenly she couldn’t think of anything but him. Suddenly her hips were moving on their own, grinding herself back onto his thick, white cock.

“That’s my slut,” he said, reaching forward to tangle his fingers in her hair. He pulled back hard, hard enough she felt it burn in her scalp, hard enough she was forced to look at herself in the mirror–look at the way her cheeks colored, the way her mouth was open wide around her moans, the way her eyes were bright with want. She looked like such a slut for him, bent over the bathroom sink at some random person’s party, her tits out and shaking each time he thrust into her.

Logan’s other hand came down hard on her ass again, spanking her again and again until he was grabbing her by the hips, dragging her back onto his cock as he fucked her. He fucked her so hard the vanity creaked beneath them, so hard she thought they might break it and she didn’t care.

“Give me that fucking cunt,” he growled as he grabbed his hand moved from her hip to her leg, grabbing it and lifting it easily to give himself better access. His cock slid even deeper into her until there was no part of her that wasn’t filled with him. He fucked her faster, then, and the little bathroom filled with the lewd sound of their slapping hips, of the way Anna moaned so hard she knew she was screaming and she didn’t care who heard it. “You’re such a whore for my cock, Anna. I’ve wanted to do this for so fucking long.”

“Fuck me,” Anna whimpered for him, moaning like a whore as he twisted her hair hard and buried himself in her. She came for him like that, hard, gripping onto the bathroom sink hard enough she broke a nail. Her eyes screwed up and her hips bucked, her entire body convulsing as her pussy squeezed down on his thick cock, milking him.

Her own orgasm pushed Logan over the edge as he buried his cock deep inside of her and she could feel it pulsing as he emptied his load in her, filling her tight, wet pussy with his hot cum until it was spilling out around the thickness of his shaft, dripping on the floor between them.

And just like that, Logan pulled out of her and she whimpered at the lack of him, aching for the feel of his cock in her, her knees gone weak. Anna would’ve fallen if it weren’t for the sink she fell forward against, panting, gulping for breath.

“Good girl,” he said again and spanked her ass one more time, hard, his cum dribbling out of her pussy and running down her thighs. “Call me.”

And as if nothing had happened, he hitched his jeans up and left the bathroom. Outside, she could hear other men hollering at the sight of him, and they must have known what he’d just been doing, and she prayed they didn’t know who he’d been doing it with…

Anna staggered to her feet, her body still trembling from the aftershock of her orgasm, her mind racing. She just managed to close and click the lock on the door before she collapsed onto her knees and started to sob, silently, into her hands.

Through tears, she was only just able to fish out her phone and fumble over the keys to text Lian: I love you.
